2010-01-13 uta Merge
2009-12-24 uta 4874070: invoking DragSource's startDrag with an Image renders no image on drag
2009-12-28 dcherepanov 6857363: deadlock caused by sun.awt.X11.XTrayIconPeer$Tooltip.display
2009-12-22 dav 6893325: JComboBox and dragging to an item outside the bounds of the containing JFrame is not selecting that
2009-12-22 dcherepanov 6908299: Missed changes for 6664512 during the merge with 6879044
2010-02-09 lana Merge
2010-02-07 rkennke 6904882: java.awt.Font.createFont() causes AccessControlException if executed with "-Djava.security.manager"
2010-02-03 rkennke 6896335: GraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice() throws UnsatisfiedLinkError in headless mode
2010-02-02 rkennke 6888734: PIT: regression test fails when java.security.manager is enabled
2010-02-09 lana Merge
2010-02-06 sherman 6923692: java/classes_util TEST_BUG:ReadZip.java fails when
2010-02-06 wetmore 6923976: TestProviderLeak.java is using too small of an initial heap under newer Hotspot (b79+)
2010-02-05 sherman 6919132: Regex \P{Lu} selects half of a surrogate pari
2010-02-03 weijun 6922482: keytool's help on -file always shows 'output file'
2010-02-02 andrew 6921740: Eliminate warnings from sun.io converters and allow compiling with JAVAC_MAX_WARNINGS=true
2010-01-28 sherman 6920732: opensource test/java/nio/charset
2010-01-27 lana Merge
2010-01-27 ptisnovs 6920143: test/java/awt/TestArea/UsingWithMouse.java needs realSync()
2010-01-27 chegar 6905552: libnet/nio portability issues
2010-01-26 jccollet 6919185: test/closed/sun/net/ftp/FtpTests fails to compile
2010-01-26 weijun 6919610: KeyTabInputStream uses static field for per-instance value
2010-01-25 chegar 6707289: InterfaceAddress.getNetworkPrefixLength() does not conform to Javadoc
2010-01-22 vinnie Merge
2010-01-21 vinnie 6763530: Cannot decode PublicKey (Proider SunPKCS11, curve prime256v1)
2010-01-20 dcubed 6580131: 3/4 CompiledMethodLoad events don't produce the expected extra notifications to describe inlining
2010-01-20 xuelei 6862064: incorrect implementation of PKIXParameters.clone()
2010-02-12 mikejwre Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 063470ff633d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-02-12 mikejwre Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 36d525db29a0
2010-02-12 mikejwre Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 109f388bca57
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