2013-06-06 bpb 8016117: New sun.misc.FDBigInteger class as part of 7032154
2013-06-06 robm 8016063: getFinalAttributes should use FindClose
2013-06-06 bpb 7032154: Performance tuning of sun.misc.FloatingDecimal/FormattedFloatingDecimal
2013-06-06 mduigou Merge
2013-06-05 henryjen 8015522: CharSequence.codePoints can be faster
2013-06-06 dmeetry 8009579: Xpathexception does not honor initcause()
2013-06-06 emc 8016019: Remove setProtectionDomain0 and JVM_SetProtectionDomain in JDK
2013-06-06 coffeys 8000450: Restrict access to com/sun/corba/se/impl package
2013-06-06 dholmes 8015470: Remove redundant calls of toString() on String objects
2013-06-20 lana Merge
2013-06-19 pchelko 8005661: [parfait] Possible buffer overrun in jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_GraphicsEnv.c
2013-06-19 malenkov 8013442: No file filter selected in file type combo box when using JFileChooser
2013-06-17 malenkov 8013571: TreeModelEvent doesn't accept "null" for root as Javadoc specifies.
2013-06-14 lana Merge
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