2017-10-23 redestad 8189266: (ann) Optimize AnnotationInvocationHandler.invoke
2017-10-23 erikj 8187974: Merge Java Mission Control 6.1 3rdpartyreame with the JDK 18.3 3rdpartyreadme
2017-10-23 erikj 8189664: Stop producing ARCHIVE_BUNDLE.zip from test makefiles unless asked to
2017-10-23 erikj 8189119: Devkit for Linux needs to include fontconfig-devel
2017-10-23 ihse 8189056: javadoc target for stable specdiff comparisons
2017-10-21 lana Merge
2017-10-21 lana Added tag jdk-10+28 for changeset 92f08900cb3c
2017-10-20 ksrini 8189706: javadoc for the JDK APIs should summarize overridden methods with no specification changes
2017-10-17 bpb 8164900: Add support for O_DIRECT
2017-10-20 jjg 8189405: More cleanup in HtmlWriter
2017-10-20 henryjen Merge
2017-09-14 jwilhelm 8187556: Backout of a fix reintroduced a dependency that had since been removed
2017-08-14 rpatil 8184937: LCMS error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
2017-08-02 smarks 8174109: Better queuing priorities
2017-07-26 prappo 8181612: More stable connection processing
2017-07-13 valeriep 8181048: Refactor existing providers to refer to the same constants for default values for key length
2017-07-12 weijun 8182879: Add warnings to keytool when using JKS and JCEKS
2017-07-06 prr 8183028: Improve CMS header processing
2017-07-06 weijun 8181432: Better processing of unresolved permissions
2017-07-05 vinnie 8181692: Update storage implementations
2017-06-28 vinnie 8181370: Better keystore handling
2017-06-19 rriggs 8181597: Process Proxy presentation
2017-06-15 naoto 8181323: Better timezone processing
2017-05-18 weijun 8178714: PKIX validator nameConstraints check failing after change 8175940
2017-03-28 smarks 8174966: Unreferenced references
2017-03-23 dfuchs 8176751: Better URL connections
2017-03-15 weijun 8175940: More certificate subject checking
2017-02-24 prr 8171261: Stability fixes for lcms
2017-02-23 prr 8170218: Improved Font Metrics
2017-02-22 valeriep 8171252: Improve exception checking
2017-02-20 serb 8169966: Larger AWT menus
2016-11-17 igerasim 8169026: Handle smartcard clean up better
2016-10-28 serb 8165543: Better window framing
2017-06-19 aefimov 8181100: Better Base Exceptions
2017-06-13 joehw 8181327: Better X processing
2017-07-26 hseigel 8180711: Better invokespecial checks
2017-05-19 dfuchs 8180024: Improve construction of objects during deserialization
2017-10-20 sundar 8189671: jlink should clearly report error when an automatic module is used
2017-10-20 erikj 8182285: Speeding up incremental build by hashing module APIs
2017-10-20 stuefe 8189619: [aix] OpenJDK local disk check not working on AIX
2017-08-31 stuefe 8186665: [aix] buffer overflow in Java_java_nio_MappedByteBuffer_isLoaded0
2017-10-20 ksrini 8157000: Do not generate javadoc for overridden method with no spec change
2017-10-19 prr Merge
2017-10-19 prr Merge
2017-10-19 mhalder 8163265: [macosx] numpad 0 instead of VK_0
2017-10-19 serb 8075255: Metal L&F has dependency on the Windows L&F
2017-10-17 prr Merge
2017-10-16 ssadetsky 8187599: Remove dependency of Building Nimbus L&F on JAXB
2017-10-16 ssadetsky 8182638: [macosx] Active modal dialog is hidden by another non-active one
2017-10-16 ssadetsky 8180821: [macosx]com/apple/laf/ScreenMenu/ScreenMenuMemoryLeakTest.java: The menu item should have been GC-ed
2017-10-13 prr 8183978: Remove ICU layout code from OpenJDK
2017-10-12 aghaisas 6714836: JRootPane.getMaximumSize() returns a width of 0
2017-10-11 alitvinov 8166772: Touch keyboard is not shown for text components on a screen touch
2017-10-10 prr 8080084: java/awt/Graphics2D/DrawString/DrawStringCrash.java fails with G1 GC
2017-10-10 shurailine 8188824: sanity/client/SwingSet/src/ProgressBarDemoTest: Failed with NullPointerException
2017-10-09 prr Merge
2017-10-09 psadhukhan 8187989: Documentation error in JComponent.paintComponent
2017-10-07 dmarkov 8155197: Focus transition issue
2017-10-05 shurailine 8188779: Synchronize test/jdk/sanity/client/lib/jemmy with code-tools/jemmy/v2
2017-10-04 aghaisas 8004029: [macosx] The long Tab titles are not clipped with dots at the end.
2017-09-28 prr Merge
2017-09-28 prr Merge
2017-09-26 psadhukhan 8088132: [Swing, singleThread] ClassCastException in nested event loop when showing multiple message dialogs in SwingNode
2017-09-25 aghaisas 8154468: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Window/MultiWindowApp/ChildAlwaysOnTopTest.java
2017-09-25 aghaisas 8081311: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/ComponentOrientation/WindowTest.java does use deprecated applyResourceBundle
2017-09-25 aghaisas 6857809: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Component/PrintAllXcheckJNI/PrintAllXcheckJNI.java fails in jdk7 b64 pit build
2017-09-23 asmotrak 8178274: Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_NSEvent_nsToJavaKeyInfo() overreads jchar variable
2017-09-23 serb 6238123: Typos at Serialized Form javadoc for java.awt.Polygon
2017-09-23 serb 8175968: The javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView constructor consumes memory by adding a PropertyChangeListener that is never removed
2017-09-23 serb 8186967: Unused methods in MotifGraphicsUtils can be removed
2017-10-19 hannesw 8189617: Remove undocumented --print-mem-usage option
2017-10-19 erikj 8189679: JDK-8189094 broke testing in Mach 5 jdk-10+28
2017-10-19 erikj 8189094: Change required boot jdk to JDK 9
2017-10-19 jlahoda 8188035: JavaFileManager.listLocationsForModules does not always reflect values set through StandardJavaFileManager.setLocationForModule.
2017-10-19 jlahoda 8186873: Possible dead code \"com.sun.tools.javac.tree.TreeInfo.isAnonymousDiamond()\" which was added in 9
2017-10-19 clanger 8155590: Dubious collection management in sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveCache
2017-10-19 jjiang 8189603: ProblemList sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/SecretKeysBasic.sh on Linux platform
2017-10-18 joehw 8181150: Fix lint warnings in JAXP repo: rawtypes and unchecked
2017-09-05 stuefe 8187228: [aix] make data segment page size 64K by default
2017-10-17 mchung 8189202: (jdeps) Need jdeps output format easy for jlink --add-modules to use
2017-10-17 vromero 8187624: NPE in Type.UndetVar.debugString()
2017-10-17 erikj 8189430: make/hotspot/copy/Copy-java.base.gmk in wrong location after consolidation
2017-10-17 erikj 8189434: SetupCopyFiles does not handle files with $ in them
2017-06-26 jlahoda 8181897: JDK 9 change to symlink handling affects SourceFile attributes
2017-10-16 bchristi 8187772: JVM crash when currency set on MacOS 10.10 and earlier
2017-10-16 hannesw 8068513: Adding elements to a javascript 'object' (a map) is slow
2017-09-01 jlahoda 8186694: JShell: speed-up compilation by reusing compiler instances
2017-10-16 sundar 8189262: jdk.jlink module-info.java javadoc comment refers to the non-existent jimage tool doc
2017-10-16 erikj 8189324: install-file macro no longer handles files with $ in them
2017-10-16 sadayapalam 8184989: Incorrect class file created when passing lambda in inner class constructor and outer is subclass
2017-10-16 ihse 8189263: Introduce CUSTOM_ROOT
2017-10-14 alanb 8189264: (sl) ServiceLoader does not wrap Errors thrown by provider classes when running with a security manager
2017-10-14 dl 8188575: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-10
2017-10-14 dl 8187941: Add StampedLock stamp inspection methods
2017-10-14 dl 8188047: Add SplittableRandom.nextBytes
2017-10-14 dl 8188853: java/util/concurrent/ExecutorService/Invoke.java Assertion failure
2017-10-14 dl 8188900: ConcurrentLinkedDeque linearizability
2017-10-13 lana Merge
2017-10-13 lana Added tag jdk-10+27 for changeset b87d7b5d5ded
2017-10-13 hannesw 8027302: Identifiers containing unicode escapes are not recognized as reserved words
2017-10-13 ihse 8189229: Remove references to $(TOPDIR)/src/*/$(MODULE)
2017-10-13 alanb 8186738: (sl) ServiceLoader::stream doesn't update cache
2017-10-13 erikj 8189095: Import JMC from artifactory using Jib and main makefiles
2017-10-13 smarks 6344935: (spec) clarify specifications for Object.wait overloads
2017-10-12 bpb 8189209: java/lang/invoke/lambda/LambdaAsm.java failed with "could not create proxy classes" jdk-10+27
2017-10-12 redestad 8188869: jdk9/10 reject zip/jar files where seconds value of timestamp is out of supported range 0 - 59
2017-10-12 ihse 8189222: Remove make/corba/Makefile
2017-10-11 ctornqvi 8189115: Pass JIB_DATA_DIR to jtreg harness
2017-10-11 jjg 8187521: In some corner cases the javadoc tool can reuse id attribute
2017-10-10 bpb 8147615: (fc) FileChannelImpl has no finalizer
2017-10-10 erikj 8188050: UnsatisfiedLinkError after repo consolidation
2017-10-10 erikj 8188910: jib configure requires --src-dir for out fo tree builds, second attempt
2017-10-10 ihse 8188312: Use CDS if present when running the Boot JDK during build
2017-10-09 mcimadamore 8169345: javac crash when local from enclosing context is captured multiple times
2017-10-09 fyuan 8187700: SetAuthenticator tests should handle the proxy port
2017-10-07 jjg 8188578: move printFramesDocument from HtmlDocWriter to FrameOutputWriter
2017-10-06 lana Merge
2017-10-06 lana Added tag jdk-10+26 for changeset 1129253d3bc7
2017-10-06 jlahoda 8188225: AST could be improved in presence of var types.
2017-10-06 goetz 8188855: Fix VS10 build after "8187658: Bigger buffer for GetAdaptersAddresses"
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