2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-11-22 cl Added tag jdk7-b119 for changeset 1db26590e632
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-11-15 robm 6763340: memory leak in com.sun.corba.se.* classes
2010-11-15 robm 6277781: Serialization of Enums over IIOP is broke.
2010-11-14 lana Merge
2010-11-04 lana Merge
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-11-29 ksrini 7003227: (pack200) intermittent failures compiling pack200
2010-11-16 lana Merge
2010-11-15 sherman 6544278: SecurityException not thrown for Indexed Jar file whose signature is corrupted
2010-11-15 sherman 6994145: (zipfs) README should be updated
2010-11-15 chegar 6993789: LinkedBlockingDeque iterator/descendingIterator loops and owns lock forever
2010-11-15 alanb 6999915: TEST_BUG: test/java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/Leaky.java failed intermittently (win)
2010-11-14 darcy 6991528: Support making Throwable.suppressedExceptions immutable
2010-11-14 lana Merge
2010-11-12 lancea 6999086: Clarify that SyncFactory.setLogger can throw an NullPointerException
2010-11-12 weijun 6960894: Better AS-REQ creation and processing
2010-11-12 lancea 6982530: javadoc update to SyncFactory & JdbcResource bundle for synchronization issues
2010-11-11 mduigou Merge
2010-11-11 mduigou 6465367: (coll) Typo in TreeMap documentation
2010-11-11 weijun 6987827: security/util/Resources.java needs improvement
2010-11-09 alanb Merge
2010-11-09 alanb 6979009: (fc) FileChannel.read() fails to throw ClosedByInterruptException
2010-11-09 chegar 6998250: Remove redundant src/solaris/classes/sun/net/www/protocol/http/NTLMAuthentication.java
2010-11-09 weijun 6952519: kdc_timeout is not being honoured when using TCP
2010-11-08 ohair 6792706: Add JAR file to bootclasspath when using AggressiveOpts
2010-11-08 mullan 6994717: expired certificate in test ValidateCertPath
2010-11-06 weijun 6997740: ktab entry related test compilation error
2010-11-05 ksrini 6985763: Pack200.Packer.pack(...) and Pack200.Unpacker.unpack(...) throw unspecified exceptions
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