2018-12-27 kbarrett 8214201: Make PtrQueueSet completed buffer list private
2018-12-25 bulasevich 8206107: [x86_32] jck tests for ldc2_w bytecode fail
2018-12-24 sdama 8208184: IllegalArgumentException while invoking code completion on netbeans IDE
2018-12-22 weijun 8215769: Java cannot probe pkcs12 files exported by Firefox
2018-12-21 bpb 8215759: [test] java/math/BigInteger/ModPow.java can throw an ArithmeticException
2018-12-21 jjg 8215516: Move JavadocTester to a named package
2018-12-21 mgronlun 8215727: Restore JFR thread sampler loop to old / previous behavior
2018-12-21 rriggs 8066619: Fix deprecation warnings in java.util.jar
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