2011-12-20 lana Merge
2011-12-19 sherman 6990617: Regular expression doesn't match if unicode character next to a digit.
2011-12-17 alanb 7087549: (fs) Files.newInputStream throws UOE for custom provider options
2011-12-17 smarks 7122235: stop the build if javac fails
2011-12-16 chegar 7095980: Ensure HttpURLConnection (and supporting APIs) don't expose HttpOnly cookies
2011-12-16 lana Merge
2011-12-13 naoto 4808233: "Locale" not thread-safe
2011-12-12 ohair 7119829: Adjust default jprt testing configuration
2011-12-12 chegar Merge
2011-12-12 dl 7118066: Warnings in java.util.concurrent package
2011-12-12 ngmr 7118907: InetAddress.isReachable() should return false if sendto fails with EHOSTUNREACH
2011-12-09 jjh 7117053: Fix build warnings in com/sun/tools/jdi/*
2011-12-08 smarks 7118546: fix warnings in javax.xml.crypto, javax.script
2011-12-08 omajid 7117612: Miscellaneous warnings in java.lang
2011-12-07 smarks 7117249: fix warnings in java.util.jar, .logging, .prefs, .zip
2011-12-20 lana Merge
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