2013-02-21 vladidan Merge
2013-02-21 bpittore Merge
2013-02-16 bpittore Merge
2013-02-15 jprovino Merge
2013-02-14 jprovino 8003581: UseG1GC is not properly accounted for by INCLUDE_ALTERNATE_GCS
2013-02-14 jprovino 8006878: Some non-existent GC source files are in the minimalVM exclude list.
2013-01-24 bpittore 8005722: Assert in c1_LIR.hpp incorrect wrt to number of register operands
2013-02-12 kvn Merge
2013-02-08 bpittore Merge
2013-02-05 jprovino 8003539: Minimal VM don't react to -Dcom.sun.management and -XX:+ManagementServer
2013-02-21 vlivanov Merge
2013-02-19 kvn 8004867: VM crashing with assert "share/vm/opto/node.hpp:357 - assert(i < _max) failed: oob"
2013-02-18 drchase 7102300: performance warnings cause results diff failure in Test6890943
2013-02-18 drchase 8008180: Several tests in compiler/5091921 need more time to run
2013-02-18 roland 8007959: Use expensive node logic for more math nodes
2013-02-21 brutisso Merge
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -16 +16 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip