2015-04-23 lana Merge
2015-04-20 sundar 8078174: Add few FX and parser API samples for nashorn
2015-04-20 hannesw 8071928: Instance properties with getters returning wrong values
2015-04-20 hannesw 8073846: Javascript for-in loop returned extra keys
2015-04-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b61 for changeset 3fd41cdba15e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b61 for changeset c4d54ad0280d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-23 lana Merge
2015-04-23 omajid 8074761: Empty optional parameters of LDAP query are not interpreted as empty
2015-04-23 darcy 8078467: Update core libraries to use diamond with anonymous classes
2015-04-23 asmotrak 8048138: Tests for JAAS callbacks
2015-04-22 weijun 8075575: com/sun/security/auth/login/ConfigFile/InconsistentError.java failed in certain env.
2015-04-22 vinnie 8078348: sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java fails with BindException
2015-04-21 aefimov 8073357: schema1.xsd has wrong content. Sequence of the enum values has been changed
2015-04-21 joehw 8078139: jdk.xml.dom should be loaded by the ext class loader
2015-04-21 avstepan 8077332: tidy warnings from javax/xml
2015-04-21 michaelm 8078276: add copyright header to IPv6NameserverPlatformParsingTest
2015-04-21 michaelm 6991580: IPv6 Nameservers in resolv.conf throws NumberFormatException
2015-04-21 chegar 8075139: Restore java.protocol.handler.pkgs to work as a fallback for migration
2015-04-20 dsamersoff 8074146: jdb has succeded to read an unreadable file
2015-04-20 darcy 8077952: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiSslBootstrapTest.sh should be quarantined
2015-04-17 bchristi 8048264: StringBuffer's codePoint methods throw unspecified IndexOutOfBoundsException
2015-04-17 juh 7194452: Remove "Reverse" PKIX CertPathBuilder implementation
2015-04-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b61 for changeset d729bb3d4ba9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-23 lana Merge
2015-04-23 adinn 8078263: AARCH64: Volatile fields should be accessed with ldar and stlr
2015-04-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b61 for changeset 09af07f9398c
2015-04-23 lana Merge
2015-04-21 joehw 8078139: jdk.xml.dom should be loaded by the ext class loader
2015-04-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b61 for changeset a074643872c1
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b61 for changeset ac3f5a39d4ff
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b61
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-17 lana Merge
2015-04-17 alundblad 8043984: Confusing (incorrect) error message on repeatable annotations
2015-04-17 alundblad 8073534: Confusing / incorrect error message regarding annotations on non-declarations
2015-04-16 dlsmith 8075520: Varargs access check mishandles capture variables
2015-04-14 bpatel 8072945: Javadoc should generate valid and compliant HTML5 output
2015-04-17 katleman Added tag jdk9-b60 for changeset f7bd3ddc9292
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-17 lana Merge
2015-04-17 aefimov 8078057: Reapply fixes for 8073361, 8073374, 8073696
2015-04-07 mkos 8048992: Enhance thread contexts in JAXWS
2015-04-17 katleman Added tag jdk9-b60 for changeset 6d5d546e953b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-17 lana Merge
2015-04-16 joehw 8042244: Re-examine the supportedness of non-SE org.w3c.dom.** API
2015-04-16 joehw 8051559: Convert JAXP function tests: org.w3c.dom to jtreg (testng) tests
2015-04-02 joehw 8048983: Enhance thread contexts in JAXP
2015-03-05 aefimov 8040228: TransformerConfigurationException occurs with security manager, FSP and XSLT Ext
2015-04-17 katleman Added tag jdk9-b60 for changeset aa1bae42dcac
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-17 lana Merge
2015-04-16 hannesw 8077955: Undeclared globals in eval code should not be handled as fast scope
2015-04-17 katleman Added tag jdk9-b60 for changeset f678f348c947
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-17 lana Merge
2015-04-02 msheppar 8048997: Enhance thread contexts in CORBA
2015-04-13 msheppar 8068721: RMI-IIOP communication fails when ConcurrentHashMap is passed to remote method
2015-04-17 katleman Added tag jdk9-b60 for changeset f51f8989ad5d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-17 lana Merge
2015-04-17 aefimov 8071968: javax/xml/ws/8046817/GenerateEnumSchema.java failed on Windows platform
2015-04-17 erikj 8077824: Introduce DefineNativeToolchain to handle toolchain configurations
2015-04-17 okutsu 7044727: (tz) TimeZone.getDefault() call returns incorrect value in Windows terminal session
2015-04-16 darcy 8077991: Missing javadoc in exceptions types in javax.transaction
2015-04-16 darcy 8077915: Fix doclint issues in javax.smartcardio
2015-04-16 darcy 8077923: Add missing doclint in javax.management
2015-04-16 naoto 8076287: Performance degradation observed with TimeZone Benchmark
2015-04-16 ihse 8077847: Better handling of Windows executable manifest version
2015-04-15 henryjen Merge
2015-04-03 valeriep 8042332: Enhance thread contexts in security libraries
2015-04-03 serb 8027771: Enhance thread contexts
2014-08-01 jbachorik 8042327: Enhance thread contexts in serviceability
2015-04-02 chegar 8042322: Enhance thread contexts in networking and nio
2015-04-02 chegar 8047149: Enhance thread contexts in core libraries
2015-03-16 igerasim 8075040: Need a test to cover FREAK (BugDB 20647631)
2015-02-20 igerasim 8068720: Better certificate options checking
2015-02-18 valeriep 8073163: Remove the redundant call of System.nanoTime() from RSACore
2015-02-14 valeriep 8071726: Better RSA optimizations
2015-01-28 sherman 8064601: Improve jar file handling
2015-01-19 azvegint 8069198: Upgrade image library
2015-01-18 serb 8068320: Limit applet requests
2015-01-15 prr 8067699: Better glyph storage
2015-01-07 prr 8067684: Better font substitutions
2014-12-19 juh 8066479: Better certificate chain validation
2014-12-18 prr 8067050: Better font consistency checking
2014-12-18 prr 8065291: Improved font lookups
2014-12-18 prr 8065286: Fewer subtable substitutions
2014-11-11 azvegint 8060461: Fix for JDK-8042609 uncovers additional issue
2014-06-26 chegar 8048210: More Enhancements to InnocuousThread and friends
2014-06-18 chegar 8044187: Enhancements to InnocuousThread
2015-04-15 asmotrak 8076221: Disable RC4 cipher suites
2015-04-14 juh 8076117: EndEntityChecker should not process custom extensions after PKIX validation
2015-04-14 ddehaven Merge
2015-04-06 prr Merge
2015-04-06 ssadetsky 8072769: System tray icon title freezes java
2015-04-06 ssadetsky 6921687: Mnemonic disappears after repeated attempts to open menu items using mnemonics
2015-04-06 ssadetsky 8041642: Incorrect paint of JProgressBar in Nimbus LF
2015-04-06 ssadetsky 8013566: Failure of GroupLayout in combination of addPreferredGap and addGroup'srow
2015-04-03 darcy 8076520: Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.{table, tree, undo, plaf.{metal, nimbus, synth}}
2015-04-03 ssadetsky 6894632: Removing rows from a DefaultTableModel with a RowSorter deselectes last row
2015-04-03 ssadetsky 8075314: All the InternalFrames will be maximized after maximizing only one of the InternalFrame with WindowsLookAndFeel
2015-04-03 serb 8073559: Memory leak in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_InputTextInfor.cpp
2015-04-02 serb 8074500: java.awt.Checkbox.setState() call causes ItemEvent to be filed
2015-04-02 darcy 8076286: Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.{colorchooser, event, filechooser}
2015-04-01 lbourges 8076419: Path2D copy constructors and clone method propagate size of arrays from source path
2015-03-31 ddehaven Merge
2015-03-31 darcy 8075081: Fix missing doclint warnings in java.awt
2015-03-30 anashaty 8071668: [macosx] Clipboard does not work with 3rd parties Clipboard Managers
2015-03-30 anashaty 8074481: [macosx] Menu items are appearing on top of other windows
2015-03-27 ptbrunet 8076182: Open Source Java Access Bridge - Create Patch for JEP C127 8055831
2015-03-26 avstepan 8075956: Fix some tidy warnings for java.awt
2015-03-26 avstepan 8075934: Fix some tidy warnings/errors for javax/imageio
2015-03-25 alexsch 8033000: No Horizontal Mouse Wheel Support In
2015-04-14 erikj 8077419: Launcher mapfile fails linking with SS12u4
2015-04-14 sjiang 8077408: javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/NotSerializableNotifTest.java fails due to Port already in use: 2468
2015-04-13 sherman 8077640: DateTimeFormatter does not parse/accept the era.toString() result from MinguoEra/ThaiBuddhistEra
2015-04-13 msheppar 8068721: RMI-IIOP communication fails when ConcurrentHashMap is passed to remote method
2015-04-17 katleman Added tag jdk9-b60 for changeset 71609ff1773b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-04-17 lana Merge
2015-02-09 kbarrett 8071931: Return of the phantom menace
2014-12-19 acorn 8065366: Better private method resolution
2014-10-20 jmasa 8059064: Better G1 log caching
2015-04-14 aph 8076467: AARCH64: assertion fail with -XX:+UseG1GC
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -128 +128 +1000 +3000 +10000 tip