2008-03-01 kvn 6667618: disable LoadL->ConvL2I ==> LoadI optimization
2008-03-01 kvn 6667588: Don't generate duplicated CMP for float/double values
2008-02-29 kvn 6667581: Don't generate initialization (by 0) code for arrays with size 0
2008-02-29 kvn 6667580: Optimize CmpP for allocations
2008-02-28 kvn 6667573: Use set_req_X() in AddPNode::Ideal() for Iterative GVN
2008-02-28 kvn 6590177: jck60019 test assert(!repeated,"do not walk merges twice")
2008-02-27 jrose 6610906: inexplicable IncompatibleClassChangeError
2008-02-25 kvn 6633953: type2aelembytes{T_ADDRESS} should be 8 bytes in 64 bit VM
2008-02-23 kvn 6650373: Assert in methodOopDesc::make_adapters()
2008-02-22 kvn 6498878: client compiler crashes on windows when dealing with breakpoint instructions
2008-02-21 kvn 6621084: ciMethodBlocks::split_block_at() is broken for methods with exception handler
2008-02-21 kvn 6621094: PrintOptoAssembly is broken for oops information in DebugInfo
2008-02-21 kvn 6614330: Node::dump(n) does not print full graph for specified depth.
2008-02-13 kvn 6621098: "* HeapWordSize" for TrackedInitializationLimit is missing
2008-01-17 coleenp 6646946: Kernel installation failed on Japanese and Chinese XP SP2 (VM part)
2007-12-06 jcoomes 6635560: segv in reference processor on t1000
2007-12-05 phh 6629887: 64-bit windows should not restrict default heap size to 1400m
2007-12-05 rasbold 6614036: REGRESSION: Java server x86 VM intermittently crash with SIGSEGV (0xb)
2007-12-05 phh 6621621: HashMap front cache should be enabled only with AggressiveOpts
2007-12-05 never 6395208: Elide autoboxing for calls to HashMap.get(int) and HashMap.get(long)
2007-12-05 dcubed 6664627: Merge changes made only in hotspot 11 forward to jdk 7
2008-03-11 jmasa 6673975: Disable ZapUnusedHeapArea to reduce GC execution times of debug JVM's.
2008-03-06 jcoomes Merge
2008-03-03 jmasa 6557851: CMS: ergonomics defaults are not set with FLAG_SET_ERGO
2008-02-29 ysr 6668743: CMS: Consolidate block statistics reporting code
2008-02-26 ysr 6621728: Heap inspection should not crash in the face of C-heap exhaustion
2008-02-23 jmasa 6362677: Change parallel GC collector default number of parallel GC threads.
2008-02-21 ysr 6642634: Test nsk/regression/b6186200 crashed with SIGSEGV
(0) -100 -50 -28 +28 +50 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip