2014-02-07 dcubed 8033714: hotspot 'install_jvm' bld target broken with ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=0
2014-02-07 sspitsyn 8025841: JVMTI: "vtable stub" dynamic code notification is misplaced
2014-02-06 coleenp Merge
2014-02-06 coleenp 8029775: Solaris code cleanup
2014-02-06 fparain Merge
2014-02-06 fparain 8030808: dtrace/hotspot/Monitors/Monitors001 fails in product builds on solaris-sparc
2014-02-06 coleenp 8028735: runtime/RedefineObject/TestRedefineObject.java interrupted (timed out?) on solaris_sparcv9-fastdebug-c2-runtime and solaris_x64-debugOpen-c2-runtime
2014-02-06 henryjen 8033289: clang: clean up unused function warning
2014-02-07 amurillo Merge
2014-02-05 ccheung 8032010: Attempt to resolve abstract method in concrete class fails with AbstractMethodError
2014-02-05 sspitsyn 8032223: nsk/regression/b4663146 gets assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || JvmtiEnv::is_thread_fully_suspended(get_thread(), false, &debug_bits))
2014-02-03 sla 8033126: Can't call default methods from JNI
2014-02-03 sla 8032462: Change the linux SDT implementation to use USDT2 instead of USDT1
2014-02-02 hseigel Merge
2014-01-30 rdurbin 8027113: decouple the '-XXaltjvm=<path>' option from the gamma launcher
2014-01-30 jbachorik 6656031: SA: jmap -permstat number of classes is off by 1
2014-02-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 69d4b2a482eb
2014-03-06 lana Merge
2014-03-05 erikj 8019729: JDK build HIGHEST compiler optimisation setting isn't valid for Sun C++ compiler
2014-03-04 erikj 8036145: Solaris standard grep does not understand -qE
2014-03-03 mduigou 8036079: --with-boot-jdk-jvmargs configure options are ignored
2014-02-28 erikj 8035904: Solaris fastdebug builds are failing
2014-02-27 ihse 8035730: Configure fails in cygwin if current dir is in /home/user
2014-02-27 ihse 8035825: Warn instead of fail when calling the configure wrapper directly
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