2011-08-15 xuelei 7063647: To use synchronized map in key manager
2011-08-15 weijun 7079144: concise_jarsigner.sh test often fails on solaris
2011-08-15 weijun 7078816: /test/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/SecretKeysBasic.sh failure
2011-08-12 smarks 7076526: add test MemoryMXBean/CollectionUsageThreshold to the problem list
2011-08-12 darcy 4900206: Include worst-case rounding tests for Math library functions
2011-08-12 weijun 7078355: sun/net/www/protocol/file/DirPermissionDenied.sh leaves garbage on some linux systems
2011-08-12 weijun 7055363: jdk_security3 test target cleanup
2011-08-12 weijun 7076415: sun/security/krb5/runNameEquals.sh failed on sles 10
2011-08-11 jjg 7077672: jdk8_tl nightly fail in step-2 build on 8/10/11
2011-08-11 coffeys 7047325: Internal API to improve management of direct buffers
2011-08-10 jjg 7072353: JNDI libraries do not build with javac -Xlint:all -Werror
2011-08-10 lancea 7077451: SerialLob, SerialClob have the wrong checks for setStream methods
2011-08-10 chegar 7076523: TEST_BUG: test/java/net/NetworkInterface/NetParamsTest.java can fail with NPE
2011-08-29 lana Merge
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