2016-09-13 weijun 8165816: jarsigner -verify shows jar unsigned if it was signed with a weak algorithm
2016-07-27 ssadetsky 8162411: Service Menu services 2
2016-07-21 ascarpino 8155973: Tighten jar checks
2016-07-18 chegar 8160838: Better HTTP service
2016-07-15 msheppar 8157749: Improve handling of DNS error replies
2016-07-14 prr 8160098: Clean up color profiles
2016-07-12 hb 8157739: Classloader Consistency Checking
2016-07-12 aivanov 8160934: isnan() is not available on older MSVC compilers
2016-07-11 ssadetsky 8161342: Service Menu services
2016-07-05 ksrini 8160090: Better signature handling in pack200
2016-07-05 ksrini 8160094: Improve pack200 layout
2016-07-05 prr 8159495: Fix Index Offsets
2016-06-30 prr 8157653: [Parfait] Uninitialised variable in awt_Font.cpp
2016-06-29 coleenp 8159515: Improve indy validation
2016-06-28 vadim 8157764: Better handling of interpolation plugins
2016-06-28 vadim 8157759: LCMS Transform Sampling Enhancement
2016-06-28 serb 8157753: Audio replay enhancement
2016-06-28 dcubed 8159519: Reformat JDWP messages
2016-06-01 vadim 8158302: Handle contextual glyph substitutions
2016-06-03 vinnie 8146490: Direct indirect CRL checks
2016-10-18 ascarpino 8165274: SHA1 certpath constraint check fails with OCSP certificate
2016-10-18 mchung 8167558: Add new JMOD section for header files and man pages
2016-10-18 plevart 6378384: (reflect) subclass can’t access superclass’s protected fields and methods by reflection
2016-10-18 sundar 8168091: jlink should check security permission early when programmatic access is used
2016-10-17 asemenyuk 8168093: Need a way for the launcher to query the JRE location using Windows registry.
2016-10-18 mullan Merge
2016-10-18 mullan 8168078: Remove permission to read all system properties granted to the jdk.crypto.ec module
2016-10-18 redestad 8168073: Speed up URI creation during module bootstrap
2016-10-18 sundar 8071678: javax.script.ScriptContext setAttribute method should clarify behavior when GLOBAL_SCOPE is used and global scope object is null
2016-10-18 smarks 8168096: markup error in "since" element spec of @Deprecated
2016-10-17 skovalev 8167437: Fix module dependencies for tests that use internal API (java/lang)
2016-10-17 mullan Merge
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