Fri, 23 May 2014 15:07:22 +0200 jbachorik 8043572: demo/jvmti/mtrace/ fails with AWTError: Can't connect to X11 window server using '$DISPLAY_SITE' as the value of the DISPLAY variable
Fri, 23 May 2014 07:07:33 +0400 igerasim 8043507: javax.smartcardio.CardTerminals.list() fails on MacOSX
Thu, 22 May 2014 14:39:32 -0700 lana Merge
Thu, 22 May 2014 13:03:10 -0700 dsamersoff 8043716: JDI test com/sun/jdi/ and other 3 jdi tests failed in nightly
Thu, 22 May 2014 20:19:08 +0400 igerasim 8043772: Typos in Double/Int/
Thu, 22 May 2014 09:15:01 -0700 mfang Merge
Thu, 22 May 2014 08:13:14 -0700 mfang 8037343: Wrong dateformat for locale es_DO
Wed, 21 May 2014 14:33:33 +0100 alanb 8042887: Remove serialver -show, this tool does not need a GUI
Thu, 22 May 2014 11:05:36 +0200 ykantser 8043520: Serviceability tests using @library failing with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Thu, 22 May 2014 13:21:47 +0900 okutsu 8032650: [parfait] warning from b124 for jdk/src/share/native/java/util: jni exception pending
Wed, 21 May 2014 23:30:17 +0000 valeriep 8037745: Consider re-enabling PKCS11 mechanisms previously disabled due to Solaris bug 7050617
Thu, 22 May 2014 07:04:57 +0800 weijun 8043537: Changes for JDK-8039951 introduced circular dependency between Kerberos and
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