2010-12-06 jjg 7004021: docs should not assume -source 1.5
2010-12-06 weijun 6992964: FindBugs warnings in com.sun.security.auth.module.UnixSystem.java
2010-12-06 weijun 6943352: SSL regression: RSAClientKeyExchange fails to pass securerandom arg to KeyGen
2010-12-06 weijun 6896700: Validation of signatures succeed when it should fail
2010-12-06 weijun 7004168: jarsigner -verify checks for KeyUsage codesigning ext on all certs instead of just signing cert
2010-12-06 weijun 7004035: signed jar with only META-INF/* inside is not verifiable
2010-12-06 lana Merge
(0) -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -30 -10 -7 +7 +10 +30 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip