2014-09-18 dholmes 8058569: Update java/lang/invoke/lambda tests to eliminate dependency on sun.tools.jar.Main
2014-09-17 bpb 8058679: More bad characters in BigIntegerTest
2014-09-17 bpb 8058664: Bad fonts in BigIntegerTest
2014-09-17 naoto 8058509: CLDRLocaleDataMetaInfo should be in jdk.localedata
2014-09-17 psandoz 8058204: stream tests timeout, intermittently but more likely to happen after JDK-8056248
2014-09-17 weijun 8056141: Move com.sun.security.jgss into a new module
2014-09-17 weijun 8042900: Allow com.sun.security.jgss to be in different module than org.ietf.jgss
2014-09-16 vlivanov 8058584: Ignore java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFGarbageCollectedTest until 8057020 is fixed
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