2017-08-31 goetz 8186978: Introduce configure argument enable-cds
2017-08-31 bobv Merge
2017-08-29 bobv 8186248: Allow more flexibility in selecting Heap % of available RAM
2017-08-29 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-29 kvn 8186462: [Graal] build Graal regardless AOT build
2017-08-28 jwilhelm Merge
2017-09-01 asaha Added tag jdk-10+22 for changeset 23c02a1b49ee
2017-09-04 duke Added tag jdk-10+22 for changeset e5357aa85dad
2017-09-04 duke Merge jdk-10+22
2017-09-04 duke Merge
2017-08-25 jlahoda 8185426: Jshell crashing on autocompletion
2017-08-25 asaha Merge
2017-08-25 asaha Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset 25ac5da6502e
2017-08-24 bpatel 8182263: Search box and reset button needs to be a11y fixed.
2017-09-04 duke Merge
2017-08-25 asaha Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset 88329a180238
2017-09-04 duke Merge
2017-08-25 joehw 8186675: Javadoc of SAXSource contains implementation detail
2017-08-25 asaha Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset 5c8fbfb7f89e
2017-09-04 duke Merge
2017-09-01 sdama 8184720: Nashorn engine in strict mode throws a java.lang.ClassCastException when calling apply() and passing the arguments object
2017-09-01 sdama 8073640: Nashorn scripting: here document with only whitespace gives error
2017-09-01 sdama 8177691: Labeled break in catch and finally works wrongly, when invoked through nashorn
2017-08-30 hannesw 8184723: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.JSObjectLinker.callToApply erroneously asserts given arguments
2017-08-25 asaha Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset 66e475363705
2017-09-04 duke Merge
2017-08-25 asaha Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset f5aa0489808d
2017-09-04 duke Merge
2017-08-31 rriggs 8087189: RMI server-side multiplex protocol support should be removed
2017-08-31 wetmore 8186093: A comment in the java.security configuration file incorrectly says that strong but "limited" is the default value
2017-08-31 naoto 8180469: Wrong short form text for supplemental Japanese era
2017-08-30 jjg 8186934: Fix accessibility issues in the java.naming module
2017-08-30 jjg 8186932: Fix accessibility issues in the java.management module
2017-08-30 naoto 8179246:  /  are literally visible in javadoc
2017-08-30 redestad 8186517: sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets$Aliases and Classes can be lazily loaded
2017-08-30 sherman 8186801: Add regression test to test mapping based charsets (generated at build time)
2017-08-30 redestad 8186930: Constant fold URI constants
2017-08-29 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-28 sspitsyn Merge
2017-08-28 sspitsyn 8186776: use ReleaseStringUTFChars instead of jvmtiDeallocate to release strings
2017-08-29 smarks 8186851: fix misspellings of "dependent" and "independent" in the JDK repo
2017-08-29 goetz 8186719: [testbug] add @requires vm.cds to CDS tests in jdk test suite
2017-08-29 uvangapally 8186224: javax/management/remote/mandatory/subjectDelegation/* fail with java.security.AccessControlException
2017-08-29 xiaofeya 8186818: Enable debug option for TcpTest.java
2017-08-29 nishjain 8186713: Document default rounding mode in NumberFormat
2017-08-29 xuelei 8179654: New JDK 9 typos in SSLEngineResult
2017-08-28 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-22 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-28 rriggs 8186539: [testlibrary] TestSocketFactory should allow triggers before match/replace
2017-08-28 naoto 8171049: Era.getDisplayName doesn't work with non-IsoChronology
2017-08-25 mchung 8186145: tools/launcher/modules/validate/ValidateModulesTest.java fails when launched with -XX:+EnableJVMCI
2017-08-25 bpb 8186707: Remove libnio FileChannelImpl native close0() function
2017-08-25 bchristi 8186217: Remove erroneous @hidden JavaDoc tag from java.util.Properties.replace(Object, Object, Object)
2017-08-25 asaha Merge
2017-08-25 asaha Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset c6cefe631b18
2017-08-25 weijun 8186576: KerberosTicket does not properly handle renewable tickets at the end of their lifetime
2017-08-24 jjg 8186684: Fix broken links in java.base API docs
2017-08-24 iignatyev 8186613: remove ClassFileInstaller from jdk/test/lib/testlibrary
2017-08-24 vinnie 8173181: Empty string alias in KeyStore throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for getEntry()
2017-09-04 duke Merge
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