2013-02-22 lana Merge
2013-02-21 rfield 8008356: Test LambdaSerialization.java failing
2013-02-20 dcubed 8008352: java/lang/instrument/RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfaces.sh fails on MKS
2013-02-20 uta 8007454: (process) SetHandleInformation parameters DWORD (not BOOLEAN)
2013-02-13 ykantser 8008089: Delete OS dependent check in JdkFinder.getExecutable()
2013-02-20 lana Merge
2013-02-20 ksrini 8008262: pack200 should support MethodParameters - part 2
2013-02-19 jzavgren 8008107: [parfait] Use after free of pointer in jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/p11_convert.c
2013-02-19 mduigou 8004561: Additional functional interfaces, extension methods and name changes
2013-02-19 naoto 7092447: Clarify the default locale used in each locale sensitive operation
2013-02-19 emc 8008312: Re-enable MethodParameter tests in JDK
2013-02-19 jzavgren 8007609: WinNTFileSystem_md.c should correctly check value returned from realloc
2013-02-19 coffeys 8007315: HttpURLConnection.filterHeaderField method returns null where empty string is expected
2013-02-19 coffeys 7197187: Currency.isPastCutoverDate should be made more robust
2013-02-19 darcy 8008434: Misc javadoc warning fixes in DateTimeFormatterBuilder and TimeZone
2013-02-18 dingxmin 6429204: (se) Concurrent Selector.register and SelectionKey.interestOps can ignore interestOps
2013-02-17 yhuang 8006748: getISO3Country() returns wrong value
2013-02-17 sherman 8008348: The leftover jdk/make/tools/javazic causes build problems with hs25-b19 control
2013-02-16 rfield 8004970: Implement serialization in the lambda metafactory
2013-02-15 chegar 8008223: java/net/BindException/Test.java fails rarely
2013-02-15 sherman 8008254: j.u.Calendar.JavatimeTest failed at TL b78 pit testing
2013-02-14 bharadwaj 8007736: VerifyError for use of static method in interface
2013-02-13 mduigou 8008167: IdentityHashMap.[keySet|values|entrySet].toArray speed-up
2013-02-14 chegar 8008201: Add java/lang/Class/asSubclass/BasicUnit.java to the ProblemList
2013-03-12 lana Merge
2013-03-06 mcherkas 8007295: Reduce number of warnings in awt classes
2013-03-06 alexsch 6877495: JTextField and JTextArea does not support supplementary characters
2013-03-01 serb 7184945: [macosx] NPE in AquaComboBoxUI since jdk7u6b17, jdk8b47
2013-03-01 serb 7194902: [macosx] closed/java/awt/Button/DoubleActionEventTest/DoubleActionEventTest failed since jdk8b49
2013-03-01 malenkov 7163696: JCK Swing interactive test JScrollBarTest0013 fails with Nimbus and GTK L&Fs
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