2016-10-06 lana Merge
2016-10-06 jlahoda 8153362: Add javac -Xlint warning to list exposed types which are not accessible
2016-10-06 mchung 8167014: jdeps: Missing message: warn.skipped.entry
2016-10-06 mchung 8166846: jdeps fails to generate module info if there is any class in unnamed package
2016-10-05 mcimadamore 8167070: Performance regression in compound scopes
2016-10-05 mchung 8166860: Add magic number to jmod file
2016-10-05 smarks 8161338: (jdeprscan) remove JEP 293 non-conforming -cp option
2016-10-04 jjg 8166472: javac/javadoc expands @files incorrectly
2016-10-06 lana Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 72fcbd6294cb
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-10-07 iris 8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06 lana Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 4cec206d8052
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-10-07 joehw 8139584: XMLStreamWriterImpl does not write 'standalone' property
2016-10-07 iris 8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06 lana Merge
2016-10-04 martin 8167002: JAXP schema validator: Use HashSet instead of ArrayList for tracking XML IDs
2016-10-06 lana Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset e1cb4c42ee86
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-10-07 sundar 8167018: Nashorn and jjs should support --module-path and --add-modules options
2016-10-07 hannesw 8167289: Backport ES6 updates from Graal.js
2016-10-07 iris 8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06 lana Merge
2016-10-06 attila 8167117: insert missing final keywords
2016-10-05 sundar 8167157: ant build fails with [javadoc] javadoc: error - Illegal package name: "implNote:a:Implementation Note:"
2016-10-06 lana Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 1c5f97d2d3fb
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-10-07 iris 8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
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