2014-07-08 sundar 8049524: Global object initialization via javax.script API should be minimal
2014-07-04 sundar 8044760: Avoid PropertyMap duplicate for global instances
2014-07-04 sundar 8049086: Minor API convenience functions on "Java" object
2014-07-10 katleman Added tag jdk9-b22 for changeset aa64bc1a97d9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-10 katleman Added tag jdk9-b22 for changeset c06edfaae13b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-13 vinnie 8050118: Windows policy file missing semicolon
2014-07-12 smarks 8050105: test sun/rmi/rmic/minimizeWrapperInstances/run.sh fails
2014-07-12 igerasim 6904367: (coll) IdentityHashMap is resized before exceeding the expected maximum size
2014-07-11 darcy 8050051: Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in shell tests
2014-07-11 prappo 8049884: Reduce possible timing noise in com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java
2014-07-11 darcy 8049736: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.tracing
2014-07-11 weijun 8049936: Update the CheckBlacklistedCerts.java test to find new location of blacklisted.certs.pem
2014-07-10 valeriep 8043406: Change default policy for JCE providers to run with as few privileges as possible
2014-07-10 lana Merge
2014-06-17 prappo 8047062: Improve diagnostic output in com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java
2014-07-10 darcy 8049820: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.management
2014-07-10 rhalade 8041781: Need new regression tests for PBE keys
2014-07-10 weijun 8044085: Access ExtendedGSSContext.inquireSecContext() result through SASL
2014-07-10 juh 7065233: To interpret case-insensitive string locale independently
2014-07-10 darcy 8049794: Fix raw and unchecked warnings in jvmstat
2014-07-09 naoto 8048515: Read outside array bounds in jdk/src/solaris/native/java/lang/java_props_md.c
2014-07-09 dfuchs 8048913: java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2.java times out
2014-07-09 plevart 8049220: URL.factory data race
2014-07-09 weijun 8047765: Generate blacklist.certs in build
2014-07-09 weijun 7150092: NTLM authentication fail if user specified a different realm
2014-07-08 amurillo Merge
2014-07-03 amurillo Merge
2014-06-27 amurillo Merge
2014-06-24 coleenp 6642881: Improve performance of Class.getClassLoader()
2014-07-08 mullan 8049244: XML Signature performance issue caused by unbuffered signature data
2014-07-07 egahlin 8047368: Remove oracle.jrockit.jfr from open package.access list
2014-07-07 dfuchs 8048020: Regression on java.util.logging.FileHandler
2014-07-07 michaelm 8048212: Two tests failed with "java.net.SocketException: Bad protocol option" on Windows after 8029607
2014-07-07 dholmes 8049055: Tests added to the jdk/test/TEST.groups to be run on correct profiles
2014-07-04 yan 8046590: fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 1 of 4
2014-07-03 naoto 8038092: Re-examine Bidi reflective dependency on java.awt.font
2014-07-10 katleman Added tag jdk9-b22 for changeset b508c04b7005
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-10 lana Merge
2014-07-03 amurillo Merge
2014-07-03 roland Merge
2014-07-01 iignatyev 8047996: Quarantine compiler/whitebox tests
2014-07-01 thartmann 8007987: ciConstantPoolCache::_keys should be array of 32bit int
2014-06-30 thartmann 8048003: test/compiler/8009761/Test8009761.java failed with: java.lang.RuntimeException: static java.lang.Object Test8009761.m3(boolean,boolean) not compiled
2014-07-03 sspitsyn Merge
2014-06-30 sla 8047973: Quarantine compiler/ciReplay/*
2014-06-30 coleenp 8048169: Change 8037816 breaks HS build on PPC64 and CPP-Interpreter platforms
2014-06-27 dcubed 8047720: Xprof hangs on Solaris
2014-06-27 dcubed Merge
2014-06-27 mgronlun 8047812: Ensure ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_unloading_do only delivers klasses from CLDs with non-reclaimed class loader oops
2014-06-25 egahlin Merge
2014-06-25 egahlin 8046783: Add hidden field to methods for event based tracing
2014-06-25 ctornqvi 8048076: [TESTBUG] runtime/Unsafe/RangeCheck.java fails with -Xcomp
2014-07-02 ehelin Merge
2014-07-02 ehelin 8048895: Back out JDK-8027915
2014-06-27 jmasa Merge
2014-06-26 jmasa Merge
2014-06-25 tschatzl Merge
2014-06-25 tschatzl 8026847: [TESTBUG] gc/g1/TestSummarizeRSetStats* tests launch 32bit jvm with UseCompressedOops
2014-06-25 mgerdin 8047820: G1 Block offset table does not need to support generic Space classes
2014-06-25 mgerdin 8047819: G1 HeapRegionDCTOC does not need to inherit ContiguousSpaceDCTOC
2014-06-25 stefank 8047326: Consolidate all CompiledIC::CompiledIC implementations and move it to compiledIC.cpp
2014-06-25 stefank 8047323: Remove unused _copy_metadata_obj_cl in G1CopyingKeepAliveClosure
2014-06-24 stefank 8047373: Clean the ExceptionCache in one pass
2014-06-24 stefank 8046670: Make CMS metadata aware closures applicable for other collectors
2014-06-24 ehelin 8027915: TestParallelHeapSizeFlags fails with unexpected heap size on sparcv9
2014-06-26 jmasa Merge
2014-06-23 jmasa Merge
2014-06-23 pliden 8046231: G1: Code root location ... from nmethod ... not in strong code roots for region
2014-06-04 goetz 8044775: Improve usage of umbrella header atomic.inline.hpp.
2014-06-19 brutisso 8043607: Add a GC id as a log decoration similar to PrintGCTimeStamps
2014-06-26 twisti Merge
2014-06-26 iveresov Merge
2014-06-26 iveresov 8048298: Clang needs to lower optimization level for some files
2014-06-25 thartmann 8033332: missing types in TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_result_handler_for
2014-06-24 thartmann 8035328: closed/compiler/6595044/Main.java failed with timeout
2014-06-23 anoll Merge
2014-06-23 anoll 8046286: assert: Do not add task if compilation is turned off forever
2014-06-20 iignatyev Merge
2014-06-20 iignatyev 8041794: remove bytecodes_<arch>.{cpp,hpp} files
2014-06-20 iveresov 8047321: Hotspot debug builds with clang are broken
2014-06-20 anoll 8043158: Crash in CodeSweeperSweepNoFlushTest in CompileQueue::free_all()
2014-06-20 thartmann 8008321: compile.cpp verify_graph_edges uses bool as int
2014-06-24 amurillo 8043541: 'fastdebug' is printed twice in java -version
2014-06-24 ctornqvi 8047939: [TESTBUG] Rewrite test/runtime/8001071/Test8001071.sh
2014-06-24 poonam 8046282: SA update
2014-06-23 ctornqvi 8047878: [TESTBUG] runtime/memory/ReadFromNoaccessArea.java and runtime/memory/ReserveMemory.java time out on Solaris
2014-06-23 fparain 8043630: Method os::yield_all() should be removed
2014-06-23 dholmes 8044818: [TESTBUG] runtime/CDSCompressedKPtrs/XShareAuto.java fails with RuntimeException 'sharing' found in stderr
2014-06-18 mikael 8046471: Use OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH instead of legacy value for hotspot ARCH
2014-06-20 dcubed Merge
2014-06-20 dcubed Merge
2014-06-20 mikael 8046611: Build errors with gcc on sparc/fastdebug
2014-06-20 gtriantafill 8038074: [TESTBUG] Add test for anewarray instruction with more than 255 dimensions
2014-06-19 coleenp 6642881: Improve performance of Class.getClassLoader()
2014-06-19 coleenp 8026977: NPG: Remove ConstantPool::lock
2014-07-10 katleman Added tag jdk9-b22 for changeset 6702f17e734e
2014-07-10 lana Merge
2014-07-08 amurillo Merge
2014-07-03 amurillo Merge
2014-06-27 amurillo Merge
2014-06-21 dcubed Merge
2014-06-18 mikael 8046471: Use OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH instead of legacy value for hotspot ARCH
2014-07-08 mduigou 8048184: handle mercurial dev build version string
2014-07-03 mikael 8047154: Testset all fails because of missing jdk_beansX test groups
2014-07-10 katleman Added tag jdk9-b22 for changeset 7a6cf4bb002f
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b22 for changeset 9678e0db8ff6
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b22
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-09 lana Merge
2014-07-02 sogoel 8046770: .out files for assert, boxing, and overload tests in tools/javac dir
2014-07-02 sogoel 8044864: .out files for enum tests in tools/javac dir - part 1
2014-07-02 sogoel 8044236: create .out files for DefiniteAssignment tests in tools/javac dir
2014-07-01 lana Merge
2014-07-01 briangoetz 8032188: Remove dead code in TransTypes
2014-07-01 prr Merge
2014-06-23 ddehaven Merge
2014-06-20 mchung 8044063: Remove com.sun.java.browser.* from jdk repo
2014-07-01 mcimadamore 8048905: More tweaking with langtools intellij support
2014-06-30 jlahoda 6707032: Division by zero warning not suppressed properly in some cases
2014-06-28 ksrini 8047162: [javadoc] index files are non deterministic
2014-06-17 alundblad 8048594: The sjavac client/server protocol should be hidden behind an interface
2014-06-27 vromero 8047719: Incorrect LVT in switch statement
2014-06-26 sogoel 8048293: update tools/javadoc/6227454 to have missing <head> tag
2014-06-26 sogoel 8047316: update javadoc tests to fix tidy warning for incorrect html comment
2014-06-26 sogoel 8048168: update 2 javadoc tests to add summary attribute for table tag
2014-06-26 sogoel 8047744: update 2 javadoc tests for nested emphasis <code>
2014-06-26 sogoel 8047743: update com/sun/javadoc/testHref for unrecognized <action>
2014-06-26 sogoel 8047303: update com/sun/javadoc/DocRootSlash/DocRootSlash for unexpected </a>
2014-06-26 jjg 8007307: DPrinter: support the DocTree API
2014-06-26 jjg 8047183: JDK build fails with sjavac enabled
2014-06-26 pgovereau 8042345: getDocComment fails for doc comments on PackageElement found in package-info.java
2014-06-26 jjg 8048162: Restrict catch type from Throwable to ReflectiveOperationException
2014-06-26 jjg 8046614: Fill in missing doc comments
2014-06-26 jjg 8046613: Fill in missing doc comments
2014-06-25 rfield 8048121: javac complex method references: revamp and simplify
2014-06-24 ksrini 8047157: [javadoc] fixup tests for determinism and add classes uses
2014-06-24 darcy 7196160: Project Coin: allow @SafeVarargs on private methods
2014-06-24 mcimadamore 8046451: Add basic IntelliJ support for langtools
2014-06-24 rfield 8037404: javac NPE or VerifyError for code with constructor reference of inner class
2014-06-20 sogoel 8047300: update tools/javadoc/6227454 test for missing <DOCTYPE> tags
2014-06-20 vromero 8044546: Crash on faulty reduce/lambda
2014-06-20 rfield 8046060: Different results of floating point multiplication for lambda code block
2014-06-20 dlsmith 8047407: Add test for JDK-8037385
2014-06-20 dlsmith 8034147: javac crashes with a NullPointerException during bounds checking
2014-06-19 vromero 8042759: Lambda returning implicitly-typed lambdas considered pertinent to applicability
2014-06-19 jlahoda 8041648: do while loop that misses ending semicolon has wrong end position
2014-06-19 vromero 8038182: javac crash with FunctionDescriptorLookupError for invalid functional interface
2014-06-18 sogoel 8046071: update three javadoc tests for empty <p> tag
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset 021089de7317
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset fa40edc81dd3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-09 lana Merge
2014-07-01 lana Merge
2014-06-30 joehw 8037948: Improve documentation for org.w3c.dom package
2014-06-24 henryjen 8048021: Remove @version tag in jaxp repo
2014-06-23 joehw 5077522: Duration.compare incorrect for some values
2014-06-19 henryjen 8047723: @since tag cleanup in jaxp
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset 6dcab76ce643
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-09 lana Merge
2014-07-03 sundar 8049242: Explicit constructor overload selection should work with StaticClass as well
2014-07-03 attila 8047331: Assertion in CompiledFunction when running earley-boyer after Merge
2014-07-03 attila 8047166: 'do with({}) break ; while(0);' crashes in CodeGenerator
2014-07-03 attila 8049225: Source class exposes public mutable array
2014-07-03 attila 8049223: RewriteException class exposes public mutable arrays
2014-07-03 attila 8049222: JSType class exposes public mutable arrays
2014-07-02 sundar 8043232: Index selection of overloaded java new constructors
2014-07-01 lana Merge
2014-07-01 sundar 8047359: large string size RangeError should be thrown rather than reporting negative length
2014-06-30 hannesw 8048586: String concatenation with optimistic types is slow
2014-06-30 sundar 8048718: JSON.parse('{"0":0, "64":0}') throws ArrayindexOutOfBoundsException
2014-06-27 sundar 8046013: TypeError: Cannot apply "with" to non script object
2014-06-27 lagergren 8048505: ScriptingFunctions.readFully couldn't handle file names represented as ConsStrings
2014-06-26 attila 8047371: local variable declaration in TypeEvaluator should use ScriptObject.addOwnProperty instead of .set
2014-06-26 attila 8047357: More precise synthetic return + unreachable throw
2014-06-25 hannesw 8048079: Persistent code store is broken after optimistic types merge
2014-06-25 sundar 8048071: eval within 'with' statement does not use correct scope if with scope expression has a copy of eval
2014-06-24 attila 8048009: Type info caching accidentally defeated
2014-06-24 sundar 8047959: bindings created for declarations in eval code are not mutable
2014-06-23 hannesw 8046201: Avoid repeated flattening of nested ConsStrings
2014-06-23 sundar 8047728: (function(x){var o={x:0}; with(o){delete x} return o.x})() evaluates to 0 instead of undefined
2014-06-23 attila 8046905: apply on apply is broken
2014-06-20 attila 8046921: Deoptimization type information peristence
2014-06-19 sundar 8047369: Add regression tests for passing test cases of JDK-8024971
2014-06-19 lagergren 8047078: Fuzzing bug discovered when ArrayLiteralNodes weren't immutable
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset e4ffc9bab6f2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-09 lana Merge
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