2016-03-18 thartmann 8023191: OSR nmethods should be flushed to free space in CodeCache
2016-03-17 neliasso 8152090: Code missing from JDK-8150054 causing many test failures
2016-03-17 never 8151874: [JVMCI] canInlineMethod should check is_not_compilable for correct CompLevel
2016-03-17 aph Merge
2016-02-25 aph 8150652: Remove unused code in AArch64 back end
2016-03-17 thartmann 8151882: -XX:+Verbose prints messages even if no other flag is set
2016-03-16 neliasso 8150054: Make compilercontrol test ignore xcomp
2016-04-03 chegar 8153181: Move sun.misc.VMSupport to an internal package
2016-04-07 lana Added tag jdk-9+113 for changeset 9bc1d0332a48
2016-04-09 chegar 8153737: Unsupported Module
2016-04-08 jlahoda 8153243: make docs should generate JShell API docs
2016-04-07 lana Merge
2016-04-07 erikj 8153660: jwdp.so/dll missing from JRE image
2016-04-06 erikj 8152691: Compare script broken after Module system
2016-04-05 prr Merge
2016-03-29 serb 7179078: Remove @beaninfo processing from the makefiles
2016-03-28 prr Merge
2016-03-23 azvegint 8143227: Platform-Specific Desktop Features
2016-04-07 lana Added tag jdk-9+113 for changeset a86a1a1cae13
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+113 for changeset 6072af7a98be
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+113
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-04-01 rfield 8152925: JShell: enable corralling of any type declaration, including enum
2016-03-29 ksrini 8152771: NPE accessing comments on module declarations
2016-03-31 jjg 8152897: refactor ToolBox to allow reduced documented dependencies
2016-03-31 darcy 6818181: Update naming convention annotation processing samples for modules
2016-03-31 vromero 8150733: NPE when compiling module-info.java with a class declaration in a non-module mode
2016-03-31 mchung 8153211: Convert build tool to use the new -XaddExports syntax in bootcycle build
2016-03-31 lana Added tag jdk-9+112 for changeset bf40906bf49d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
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