2013-07-22 malenkov 8019975: closed/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4966171/bug4966171.java throws java.io.NotSerializableException: javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI$AcceptAllFileFilter
2013-07-31 bae 8020983: OutOfMemoryError caused by non garbage collected JPEGImageWriter Instances
2013-07-30 jgodinez 8021835: Fix for 8016343 will not compile on Windows.
2013-07-27 lana Merge
2013-07-26 lana Merge
2013-07-26 jgodinez 8016343: [macosx] Print job goes to default printer regardless of chosen printer
2013-07-26 jgodinez 8020208: NullPointerException at sun.print.Win32PrintService.getMediaPrintables
2013-07-26 serb 7190349: [macosx] Text (Label) is incorrectly drawn with a rotated g2d
2013-07-25 bae 8019201: Regression: java.awt.image.ConvolveOp throws java.awt.image.ImagingOpException
2013-07-24 jchen 8005126: [parfait] #418 - #428 XRBackendNative.c Integer overflow
2013-07-24 jchen 8011709: [parfait] False positive: memory leak in jdk/src/share/native/sun/font/layout/CanonShaping.cpp
2013-07-24 vadim 8008782: NPE in TrueTypeGlyphMapper
2013-07-22 prr 7196866: CTW fails on all Solaris platforms
2013-08-01 cl Added tag jdk8-b101 for changeset b4b491c041c9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-08-02 amurillo Added tag hs25-b44 for changeset 7bf800505a10
2013-08-02 amurillo Merge
2013-08-02 tamao Merge
2013-08-01 brutisso 8022051: G1: Remove some unused G1 flags
2013-08-01 brutisso 8021879: G1: G1HeapRegionSize flag value not updated correctly
2013-08-01 brutisso 8021967: Deprecate -XX:DefaultMaxRAMFraction
2013-07-26 tamao Merge
2013-07-25 jmasa 6412968: CMS Long initial mark pauses
2013-07-25 jmasa Merge
2013-07-23 jmasa 6990419: CMS Remaining work for 6572569: consistently skewed work distribution in (long) re-mark pauses
2013-07-24 tschatzl 8020123: Test gc/g1/TestPrintRegionRememberedSetInfo.java fails with "test result: Error. No action after @build"
2013-07-31 dholmes Merge
2013-07-27 clucasius Merge
2013-07-26 dholmes 8021314: minimal1.make needs to force off components not supported by the minimal VM
2013-07-31 fparain Merge
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