2019-02-05 erikj 8160926: FLAGS_COMPILER_CHECK_ARGUMENTS doesn't handle cross-compilation
2019-02-05 erikj 8218177: Bump jib format_version to support new devkit archive layout
2019-02-05 coleenp 8139551: Scalability problem with redefinition - multiple code cache walks
2019-01-31 aoqi 8217597: [TESTBUG] old version docker does not support --cpus
2018-12-18 roland 8215483: Off heap memory accesses should be vectorized
2019-02-05 ihse 8218186: Clean up CLDR generation in build
2019-02-05 ysuenaga 8217845: SA should refer const values for JVMFlag from HotSpot
2019-02-05 iklam 8218029: [TESTBUG] Use -Djava.class.path= to specify empty -cp in CDS tests
2019-02-04 jgeorge 8215568: Refactor SA clhsdb tests to use ClhsdbLauncher
2019-02-05 vlivanov 8218406: C1: Redundant nmethod dependency for private method is added
2019-02-05 vlivanov 8075052: Autobox elimination hinders loop unrolling
2019-02-05 vlivanov 8188133: C2: Static field accesses in clinit can trigger deoptimizations
2019-02-04 rehn 8218145: block_if_requested is not proper inlined due to size
2019-02-04 lancea 8217393: Clarify Attributes.equals()
2019-02-04 naoto 8218386: Correct the SE version in j.l.Character
2019-02-04 mbaesken 8218276: AIX build fails in tieredThresholdPolicy.cpp
2019-02-03 alanb 8216046: test/jdk/java/beans/PropertyEditor/Test6397609.java failing
2019-02-01 fyang 8218185: aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::putfield_or_static
2019-02-02 vlivanov 8218163: C2: Continuous deoptimization w/ Reason_speculate_class_check and Action_none
2019-02-02 vlivanov 8217919: C2: Enable -XX:+AggressiveUnboxing by default
2019-02-02 vlivanov 8217918: C2: -XX:+AggressiveUnboxing is broken
2019-02-01 kbarrett 8218202: gc/stress/TestStressG1Humongous.java to ProblemList-graal.txt
2019-02-01 jwilhelm Merge
2019-02-01 iignatyev 8218178: vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/mixed/stress/regression/b6969574/INDIFY_Test.java fails with -Xcomp
2019-02-01 amenkov 8218025: disable pop_frame and force_early_return caps for Graal
2019-02-01 naoto 8216546: Support new Japanese era in java.lang.Character for Java SE 11
2019-02-01 iignatyev 8218162: problem list j/u/s/t/o/o/t/java/util/stream/StreamLinkTest.java on solaris w/ Xcomp
2019-02-01 iignatyev 8218168: clean up hotspot ProblemList
2019-02-01 pmuthuswamy 8218134: Modify the jQuery.md file to reflect the exact jQuery license content
2019-01-31 naoto 8217892: Clarify the support for the new Japanese era in java.time.chrono.JapaneseEra
2019-01-31 nishjain 8214935: Upgrade IANA LSR data
2019-01-31 iignatyev 8178798: Two compiler/aot/verification/vmflags tests fail by timeout with UseAVX=3
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