2018-10-24 jdv Merge
2018-10-23 jdv Merge
2018-10-16 jdv Merge
2018-10-19 serb 8212213: All tests for splashscreen stopped worked in jdk12b13
2018-10-19 itakiguchi 8211393: Memory leak issue on awt_InputMethod.c
2018-10-19 psadhukhan 8211987: Menu bar gets input focus even if Alt-released event is consumed
2018-10-19 psadhukhan 8212098: Cleanup of ProblemList.txt for fixed swing tests
2018-10-16 serb 8133713: [macosx] Accessible JTables always reported as empty
2018-10-16 serb 8210739: Calling JSpinner's setFont with null throws NullPointerException
2018-10-16 prr 8212071: Need to set the FreeType LCD Filter to reduce fringing.
2018-10-16 jdv Merge
2018-10-15 sveerabhadra 8061359: [macosx] Checkbox toggles on Space press but does not spoken by Voice Over
2018-10-14 psadhukhan 8212040: Compilation error due to wrong usage of NSPrintJobDispositionValue in mac10.12
2018-10-11 psadhukhan 6828982: UIDefaults.getUI swallows original exception
2018-10-10 psadhukhan 8211886: Bad/broken link in synthFileFormat.html
2018-10-10 tvaleev 8211693: Convert C-style array declarations in client demos and jdk.accessibility
2018-10-01 mbaesken 8211317: avoid memory leak in Java_sun_awt_UNIXToolkit_load_1stock_1icon
2018-10-09 kaddepalli 8014503: AWT Choice implementation should be made consistent across platforms.
2018-10-05 kaddepalli 8182041: File Chooser Shortcut Panel folders under on JDK 9 8062648: FileSystemView.getDefaultDirectory() should check read access on Unix systems
2018-10-04 tvaleev 8211300: Convert C-style array declarations in JDK client code
2018-10-04 prr 8208595: [parfait] Better X11 font support
2018-10-04 psadhukhan 8211055: Provide print to a file (PDF) feature even when printer was not connected
2018-10-04 psadhukhan 8203281: [Windows] JComboBox change in ui when editor.setBorder() is called
2018-10-04 psadhukhan Merge
2018-10-04 vagarwal 8210910: Create test for FileChooserDemo
2018-10-03 prr 8211031: Remove un-needed qualified export to java.desktop from java.base on macos
2018-09-29 psadhukhan 6821316: comment in source code of SynthStyleFactory.java has a self-reference
2018-09-29 psadhukhan 6994403: Grammatical error in documentation of javax.swing.GroupLayout.ParallelGroup
2018-09-28 clanger 8211218: remove double semicolon in src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/sun/font/CFont.java
2018-09-28 psadhukhan 8210306: Missing closing bracket in GridBagLayout gridwidth, gridheight description
2018-09-27 prr Merge
2018-09-27 kaddepalli 8208638: Instead of circle rendered in appl window, but ellipse is produced JEditor Pane
2018-10-24 thartmann 8150552: Remove -XX:+AggressiveOpts
2018-10-24 mli 8210407: Refactor java.util.Calendar:i18n shell tests to plain java tests
2018-10-24 stuefe 8212896: AIX build breaks after 8212611
2018-10-23 dholmes 8199567: [Nestmates] Cleanup instanceKlass.cpp
2018-10-23 darcy 8212718: Refactor some annotation processor tests to better use collections
2018-10-23 dnsimon 8212817: [JVMCI] ResolvedJavaMethod.isInVirtualMethodTable throws InternalError
2018-10-23 jcbeyler 8212771: Remove remaining spaces before/after () for vmTestbase
2018-10-23 dtitov 8211736: jdb doesn't print prompt when breakpoint is hit and suspend policy is STOP_EVENT_THREAD
2018-10-23 rehn 8212707: GlobalCounter padding is too optimistic
2018-10-23 redestad 8212726: Replace some use of drop- and foldArguments with filtering argument combinator in StringConcatFactory
2018-10-23 shade 8212754: Build failure: undefined JvmtiSampledObjectAllocEventCollector::object_alloc_is_safe_to_sample
2018-10-17 roland 8212611: Small collection of simple changes from shenandoah
2018-10-23 amlu 8210353: Move java/util/Arrays/TimSortStackSize2.java back to tier1
2018-10-23 weijun 8212216: JGSS: Fix leak in exception cases in getJavaOID()
2018-10-23 jcbeyler 8212535: Remove spaces before/after () for vmTestbase/[a-j]*
2018-10-23 mchung 8207146: Rename jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe::xxxObject to xxxReference
2018-10-22 amenkov 8212665: com/sun/jdi/DeferredStepTest.java: jj1 (line 57) - unexpected. lastLine=52, minLine=52, maxLine=55
2018-10-22 ccheung 8210990: [TESTBUG] Some CDS tests don't respect JVM variant being tested
2018-10-22 jjg 8211876: Broken links in java.base files (ClassLoader.html#name)
2018-10-22 coleenp 8212774: Remove dead code touching Klass::_lower_dimension
2018-10-22 jcbeyler 8212148: Remove remaining NSK_CPP_STUBs
2018-10-22 rfield 8210959: JShell fails and exits when statement throws an exception whose message contains a '%'.
2018-10-22 rfield 8210923: JShell: support for switch expressions
2018-10-22 eosterlund 8212663: Remove conservative at_safepoint assert when JFR writes type sets during class unloading
2018-10-22 chegar 8212695: Add explicit timeout to several HTTP Client tests
2018-10-22 tschatzl 8211853: Avoid additional duplicate work when a reference in the task queue has already been evacuated
2018-10-22 vtewari 8212114: Reconsider the affect on closed streams resulting from 8189366
2018-10-22 coffeys 8212752: Typo in SSL log message related to inactive/disabled signature scheme
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