2017-01-10 aefimov 8159058: SAXParseException when sending soap message
2017-01-10 darcy 8172475: Remove <tt></tt> usage from Class and ClassLoader
2017-01-09 mli 8172347: Refactoring src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl.java to improve testability of rmiregistry
2017-01-12 lana Added tag jdk-9+152 for changeset 36edf207e84c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-01-12 lana Added tag jdk-9+152 for changeset 84da697836d6
2017-01-16 ihse 8162750: -D__solaris__ added twice
2017-01-16 ihse 8172714: Remove unused and unexpanded variables from spec.gmk.in
2017-01-16 sla 8172842: Invoke lldb with --batch from failure handler
2017-01-13 sherman 8172432: jar cleanup/update for module and mrm jar
2017-01-13 lana Merge
2017-01-13 amjiang 8171423: Relocate /test/lib/security/SecurityTools.java
2017-01-12 erikj 8172577: Builds for OS X after build 149 does not include Java Mission Control.app
2017-01-12 stuefe 8172712: configure should check that grep handles empty pattern correctly
2017-01-12 sla 8172709: Upgrade to jtreg 4.2 b05
2017-01-12 ihse 8172702: Remove left-over OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_JLI_CFLAGS
2017-01-12 ihse 8172562: Changing log level on Javadoc causes total rebuild
2017-01-11 ihse 8171409: Create a smoother configure experience on macosx
2017-01-10 erikj 8170862: VarDeps breaks when a file with overridden CFLAGS has the same name as the library
2017-01-10 erikj 8171932: unresolved macro in javadoc command
2017-01-10 erikj 8172241: Cleanup mistakes in jib publish support change
2017-01-12 lana Added tag jdk-9+152 for changeset 7bf4468cdbc4
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+152 for changeset ab2c8b03c328
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+152
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-01-06 rfield 8165405: jshell tool: /classpath is inconsistent
2017-01-06 jlahoda 8172158: Annotation processor not run with -source <= 8
2017-01-05 jjg 8172311: MostSpecific09.java and PotentiallyAmbiguousWarningTest.java failing across platforms
2017-01-05 lana Merge
2017-01-05 vromero 8026699: test test/tools/javac/lambda/T8024947/PotentiallyAmbiguousWarningTest.java has an extra @compile attribute that should be removed
2017-01-05 vromero 8148100: Convert lambda most specific positive tests to check runtime behavior
2017-01-05 mcimadamore 8172287: improve intellij logging to cover javac internal errors
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