2013-03-27 darcy 7041251: Use j.u.Objects utility methods in langtools
2013-04-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset 575b651b1b3c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-16 lana Merge
2013-04-09 alanb 8010393: Update JAX-WS RI to 2.2.9-b12941
2013-04-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset 38a3aebc07ce
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset cacf7ffa3281
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-16 katleman Merge
2013-04-15 katleman Merge
2013-04-12 katleman 8012048: JDK8 b85 source with GPL header errors
2013-04-16 lana Merge
2013-04-09 jlaskey Merge
2013-04-05 hannesw 8009230: Nashorn rejects extended RegExp syntax accepted by all major JS engines
2013-04-04 attila 8011555: Invalid class name in with block with JavaImporter causes MH type mismatch
2013-04-04 sundar 8011552: Arrays with missing elements are not properly sorted
2013-04-04 attila Merge
2013-04-04 attila 8011544: Allow subclassing Java classes from script without creating instances
2013-04-04 sundar 8011543: "".split(undefined,{valueOf:function(){throw 2}}) does not throw exception
2013-04-04 jlaskey Merge
2013-04-04 jlaskey 8011540: PropertyMap histories should not begin with empty map
2013-04-04 sundar 8011421: When using Object.defineProperty on arrays, PropertyDescriptor's property accessors are invoked multiple times
2013-04-04 sundar 8011394: RegExp.prototype.test() does not call valueOf on lastIndex property as per the spec.
2013-04-03 sundar 8011382: Data prototype methods and constructor do not call user defined toISOString, valueOf methods per spec.
2013-04-03 hannesw 8007774: Enable code cache again
2013-04-03 sundar 8011365: Array.prototype.join and Array.prototype.toString do not throw TypeError on null, undefined
2013-04-03 attila 8011362: Overloaded method resolution foiled by nulls
2013-04-03 sundar 8011357: Array.prototype.slice and Array.prototype.splice should not call user defined valueOf of start, end arguments more than once
2013-04-02 sundar 8011274: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get.hasOwnProperty("prototype") should be false
2013-04-02 sundar 8011237: Object.isExtensible(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get) should be false
2013-04-02 jlaskey Merge
2013-04-02 jlaskey 8011233: Create a Nashorn shell for JavaFX
2013-04-05 lana Merge
2013-04-02 lana Merge
2013-04-02 sundar 8011209: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get.length is not 0
2013-04-02 hannesw 8011219: Regression with recent PropertyMap history changes
2013-03-31 jlaskey 8011095: PropertyHashMap.rehash() does not grow enough
2013-03-29 sundar 8011063: With older ant, we get the error "The <property> type doesn't support nested text data ("${run.te...jvmargs}")."
2013-03-29 lagergren 8010995: The bug ID 8010710 accidentally got two digits transposed in the checkin and unit test name
2013-03-28 sundar 8010924: Dealing with undefined property gets you a fatal stack
2013-04-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset 769940c9fbc4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset ad477d409ae8
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-16 katleman Merge
2013-04-15 katleman Merge
2013-04-12 katleman 8012048: JDK8 b85 source with GPL header errors
2013-04-16 lana Merge
2013-04-09 lana Merge
2013-04-09 chegar 8005696: Add CompletableFuture
2013-04-09 alanb 8010393: Update JAX-WS RI to 2.2.9-b12941
2013-04-09 darcy 6298888: Add toGenericString to j.l.Class and getTypeName to j.l.reflect.Type
2013-04-08 martin 8010849: (str) Optimize StringBuilder.append(null)
2013-04-08 lancea 8006036: (process) cleanup code in java/lang/Runtime/exec/WinCommand.java
2013-04-06 darcy 8011590: More tests for core reflection modeling of default methods
2013-04-06 dxu 8011602: jobjc build failure on Mac
2013-04-05 lana Merge
2013-04-05 khazra 5001942: Missings SOCKS support for direct connections
2013-04-05 mchung 8011380: FX dependency on PlatformLogger broken by 8010309
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