2013-12-13 iris 8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-12 iris Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 6b9397692808
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-12-13 iris 8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-12 iris Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 0127c0df76cd
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-12-23 ssides 8029231: Update copyright years for files in corba repository for 2013
2013-12-13 iris 8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-12 iris Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 40be46e0fee0
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-01-08 dxu 8028726: (prefs) Check src/solaris/native/java/util/FileSystemPreferences.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-01-08 erikj 8030781: System.setProperties(null) drops all system properties (RELEASE not set)
2014-01-08 alanb 6772009: java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/CancelledLockLoops.java test failed with 'Completed != 2'
2014-01-08 alanb 8030089: java/util/zip/ZipFile/FinalizeZipFile.java intermittently fails with fastdebug builds
2014-01-08 darcy 8031369: Fix raw types warnings in sun.misc.{Cache, SoftCache}
2014-01-07 darcy 8000962: Update JDK_MINOR_VERSION for JDK 9
2014-01-07 ascarpino 8030823: Security Providers need to have their version numbers updated for JDK9
2014-01-07 darcy 8031361: Fix raw types warning in java.lang.management
2014-01-07 darcy 8031326: Use Class<?> rather than Class in java.net method signatures
2014-01-07 rriggs 8031103: java.time.Duration has wrong Javadoc Comments in toDays() and toHours()
2014-01-07 darcy 8031302: Fix raw types lint warnings in java.security
2014-01-07 darcy 8027063: SecurityManger.getClassContext returns a raw type
2014-01-07 chegar Merge
2014-01-07 chegar 8031142: AbstractCollection and AbstractList should specify their default implementation using @implSpec
2014-01-07 chegar 8031067: java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicUpdaters.java: java.lang.Error: Unexpected reflective access
2014-01-07 psandoz 8031306: Incorrect bug id on tests
2014-01-07 psandoz 8031187: DoubleStream.count is incorrect for a stream containing > Integer.MAX_VALUE elements
2014-01-07 plevart 8030801: SocketHandler(host, port) requires permission ("java.util.logging.LoggingPermission" "control")
2014-01-06 darcy 8031210: Remove serial warning from java.lang.Enum
2013-12-11 rriggs 8029551: Add value-type notice to java.time classes
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip