Wed, 07 Dec 2011 12:54:51 -0500 tonyp 7118202: G1: eden size unnecessarily drops to a minimum
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 14:58:31 +0100 stefank 7116081: USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADER=0 triggers a single threaded build of the JVM
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 10:19:26 +0100 stefank 7112034: Parallel CMS fails to properly mark reference objects
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 12:26:40 -0500 tonyp Merge
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -30 -10 -4 +4 +10 +30 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip