8190410: Help.gmk is not updated after consolidation
Tue, 14 Nov 2017 12:10:28 +0100
changeset 47740 fbf7a51ce32f
parent 47739 7a1d4058d6db
child 47741 d5cf1e1d07ec
8190410: Help.gmk is not updated after consolidation Reviewed-by: erikj
--- a/make/Help.gmk	Tue Nov 14 03:58:40 2017 -0600
+++ b/make/Help.gmk	Tue Nov 14 12:10:28 2017 +0100
@@ -36,15 +36,18 @@
 	$(info =====================)
 	$(info )
 	$(info Common make targets)
-	$(info $(_) make [default]         # Compile all modules in langtools, hotspot, jdk, jaxws,)
-	$(info $(_)                        # jaxp and corba, and create a runnable "exploded" image)
-	$(info $(_) make all               # Compile everything, all repos, docs and images)
-	$(info $(_) make images            # Create complete jdk and jre images (alias for product-images))
-	$(info $(_) make <name>-image      # Build just the image (jdk, jre, test, docs etc))
+	$(info $(_) make [default]         # Compile all modules and create a runnable "exploded")
+	$(info $(_)                        # image (alias for jdk or exploded-image))
+	$(info $(_) make all               # Create all images: product, test, docs)
+	$(info $(_)                        # (alias for all-images))
+	$(info $(_) make images            # Create complete jdk and jre images)
+	$(info $(_)                        # (alias for product-images))
+	$(info $(_) make <name>-image      # Build just the image for any of: )
+	$(info $(_)                        # jdk, jre, test, docs, symbols, profiles)
 	$(info $(_) make <phase>           # Build the specified phase and everything it depends on)
 	$(info $(_)                        # (gensrc, java, copy, libs, launchers, gendata, rmic))
-	$(info $(_) make *-only            # Applies to most targets and disables compling the)
-	$(info $(_)                        # dependencies for the target. This is faster but may)
+	$(info $(_) make *-only            # Applies to most targets and disables building the)
+	$(info $(_)                        # dependencies for that target. This is faster but may)
 	$(info $(_)                        # result in incorrect build results!)
 	$(info $(_) make docs              # Create all docs)
 	$(info $(_) make docs-jdk-api      # Create just JDK javadocs)
@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@
 	$(info $(_) make hotspot           # Build all of hotspot)
 	$(info $(_) make hotspot-<variant> # Build just the specified jvm variant)
 	$(info $(_) make hotspot-gensrc    # Only build the gensrc part of hotspot)
-	$(info $(_) make hotspot-<variant>-<phase> # Build the specified phase for the specified module)
+	$(info $(_) make hotspot-<variant>-<phase> # Build the specified phase for the variant)
 	$(info )
 	$(info Targets for specific modules)
 	$(info $(_) make <module>          # Build <module> and everything it depends on)