7043891: CMS: assert(_whole_heap.contains(p)) failed: out of bounds access to card marking array
Summary: Fixed assertion checking code that was attempting to translate addresses past end of space for card-table slot. Also elaborated some assertion checking messages.
Reviewed-by: iveresov, jmasa, tonyp
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/parNew/parCardTableModRefBS.cpp Tue May 10 12:26:10 2011 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/parNew/parCardTableModRefBS.cpp Wed May 11 15:47:12 2011 -0700
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
// covers.
const uintptr_t last_chunk_index_to_check = addr_to_chunk_index(last_block + last_block_size - 1)
- lowest_non_clean_base_chunk_index;
- DEBUG_ONLY(const uintptr_t last_chunk_index = addr_to_chunk_index(used.end())
+ DEBUG_ONLY(const uintptr_t last_chunk_index = addr_to_chunk_index(used.last())
- lowest_non_clean_base_chunk_index;)
assert(last_chunk_index_to_check <= last_chunk_index,
err_msg("Out of bounds: last_chunk_index_to_check " INTPTR_FORMAT
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/blockOffsetTable.cpp Tue May 10 12:26:10 2011 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/blockOffsetTable.cpp Wed May 11 15:47:12 2011 -0700
@@ -541,20 +541,33 @@
// to go back by.
size_t n_cards_back = entry_to_cards_back(offset);
q -= (N_words * n_cards_back);
- assert(q >= _sp->bottom(), "Went below bottom!");
+ assert(q >= _sp->bottom(),
+ err_msg("q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed below bottom = " PTR_FORMAT,
+ q, _sp->bottom()));
+ assert(q < _sp->end(),
+ err_msg("q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed above end = " PTR_FORMAT,
+ q, _sp->end()));
index -= n_cards_back;
offset = _array->offset_array(index);
assert(offset < N_words, "offset too large");
q -= offset;
+ assert(q >= _sp->bottom(),
+ err_msg("q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed below bottom = " PTR_FORMAT,
+ q, _sp->bottom()));
+ assert(q < _sp->end(),
+ err_msg("q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed above end = " PTR_FORMAT,
+ q, _sp->end()));
HeapWord* n = q;
while (n <= addr) {
debug_only(HeapWord* last = q); // for debugging
q = n;
n += _sp->block_size(n);
- assert(n > q, err_msg("Looping at: " INTPTR_FORMAT, n));
+ assert(n > q,
+ err_msg("Looping at n = " PTR_FORMAT " with last = " PTR_FORMAT " _sp = [" PTR_FORMAT "," PTR_FORMAT ")",
+ n, last, _sp->bottom(), _sp->end()));
assert(q <= addr, err_msg("wrong order for current (" INTPTR_FORMAT ") <= arg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", q, addr));
assert(addr <= n, err_msg("wrong order for arg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ") <= next (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", addr, n));
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/cardTableModRefBS.hpp Tue May 10 12:26:10 2011 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/cardTableModRefBS.hpp Wed May 11 15:47:12 2011 -0700
@@ -150,7 +150,9 @@
// Mapping from address to card marking array entry
jbyte* byte_for(const void* p) const {
- "out of bounds access to card marking array");
+ err_msg("Attempt to access p = "PTR_FORMAT" out of bounds of "
+ " card marking array's _whole_heap = ["PTR_FORMAT","PTR_FORMAT")",
+ p, _whole_heap.start(), _whole_heap.end()));
jbyte* result = &byte_map_base[uintptr_t(p) >> card_shift];
assert(result >= _byte_map && result < _byte_map + _byte_map_size,
"out of bounds accessor for card marking array");
@@ -451,14 +453,18 @@
size_t delta = pointer_delta(p, byte_map_base, sizeof(jbyte));
HeapWord* result = (HeapWord*) (delta << card_shift);
- "out of bounds accessor from card marking array");
+ err_msg("Returning result = "PTR_FORMAT" out of bounds of "
+ " card marking array's _whole_heap = ["PTR_FORMAT","PTR_FORMAT")",
+ result, _whole_heap.start(), _whole_heap.end()));
return result;
// Mapping from address to card marking array index.
size_t index_for(void* p) {
- "out of bounds access to card marking array");
+ err_msg("Attempt to access p = "PTR_FORMAT" out of bounds of "
+ " card marking array's _whole_heap = ["PTR_FORMAT","PTR_FORMAT")",
+ p, _whole_heap.start(), _whole_heap.end()));
return byte_for(p) - _byte_map;