Wed, 05 Jul 2017 19:52:30 +0200
changeset 25701 efcacbf95953
parent 25700 85d68faca425 (current diff)
parent 25688 7e4da491f1e4 (diff)
child 25702 13a5c76976fe
--- a/.hgtags-top-repo	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/.hgtags-top-repo	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -266,3 +266,4 @@
 9052803f4d01feda28b3d65f2b64dd457d21c7b6 jdk9-b21
 8e4bdab4c362aadde2d321f968cd503a2f779e2f jdk9-b22
 88567461a2cd9b7fb431fee6440005a694df1f47 jdk9-b23
+1d4a293fbec19dc2d5790bbb2c7dd0ed8f265484 jdk9-b24
--- a/common/autoconf/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/common/autoconf/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -4311,7 +4311,7 @@
 # Do not change or remove the following line, it is needed for consistency checks:
@@ -14548,7 +14548,7 @@
   if test "x$JVM_VARIANT_ZEROSHARK" = xtrue ; then
-  if test "x$VAR_CPU" = xppc64 ; then
+  if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xaix ; then
--- a/common/autoconf/jdk-options.m4	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/common/autoconf/jdk-options.m4	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
   if test "x$JVM_VARIANT_ZEROSHARK" = xtrue ; then
-  if test "x$VAR_CPU" = xppc64 ; then
+  if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xaix ; then
--- a/corba/.hgtags	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/corba/.hgtags	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -266,3 +266,4 @@
 3615a4e7f0542ca7552ad6454b742c73ee211d8e jdk9-b21
 ddc07abf4307855c0dc904cc5c96cc764023a930 jdk9-b22
 57735d66face054440a63ce99789eac5a5ee1dfd jdk9-b23
+8a44142bb7fc8118f70f91a1b97c12dfc50563ee jdk9-b24
--- a/hotspot/.hgtags	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/.hgtags	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -426,3 +426,4 @@
 17b4a5e831b398738feedb0afe75245744510153 jdk9-b21
 518d1fcc0799494f013e00e0a94a91b6f212d54f jdk9-b22
 dd472cdacc32e3afc7c5bfa7ef16ea0e0befb7fa jdk9-b23
+dde2d03b0ea46a27650839e3a1d212c7c1f7b4c8 jdk9-b24
--- a/hotspot/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.JVMDebugger;
 import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.MachineDescription;
 import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.MachineDescriptionAMD64;
+import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.MachineDescriptionPPC64;
 import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.MachineDescriptionIA64;
 import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.MachineDescriptionIntelX86;
 import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.MachineDescriptionSPARC32Bit;
@@ -588,6 +589,8 @@
             machDesc = new MachineDescriptionIA64();
         } else if (cpu.equals("amd64")) {
             machDesc = new MachineDescriptionAMD64();
+        } else if (cpu.equals("ppc64")) {
+            machDesc = new MachineDescriptionPPC64();
         } else if (cpu.equals("sparc")) {
             if (LinuxDebuggerLocal.getAddressSize()==8) {
                     machDesc = new MachineDescriptionSPARC64Bit();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+package sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger;
+public class MachineDescriptionPPC64 extends MachineDescriptionTwosComplement implements MachineDescription {
+  public long getAddressSize() {
+    return 8;
+  }
+  public boolean isLP64() {
+    return true;
+  }
+  public boolean isBigEndian() {
+    return true;
+  }
--- a/hotspot/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
       return "x86";
     } else if (cpu.equals("sparc") || cpu.equals("sparcv9")) {
       return "sparc";
-    } else if (cpu.equals("ia64") || cpu.equals("amd64") || cpu.equals("x86_64")) {
+    } else if (cpu.equals("ia64") || cpu.equals("amd64") || cpu.equals("x86_64") || cpu.equals("ppc64")) {
       return cpu;
     } else {
       try {
--- a/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/buildtree.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/buildtree.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # Copyright 2012, 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
@@ -274,6 +274,8 @@
 	echo; \
 	[ -n "$(SPEC)" ] && \
 	    echo "include $(SPEC)"; \
+	echo "CP ?= cp"; \
+	echo "MV ?= mv"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OS_FAMILY)/makefiles/$(VARIANT).make"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/excludeSrc.make"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OS_FAMILY)/makefiles/$(COMPILER).make"; \
--- a/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/jsig.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/jsig.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # Copyright 2012, 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Rules to build signal interposition library, used by vm.make
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 LIBJSIG_MAPFILE = $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/mapfile-vers-jsig
-# On Linux we really dont want a mapfile, as this library is small 
-# and preloaded using LD_PRELOAD, making functions private will 
+# On Linux we really dont want a mapfile, as this library is small
+# and preloaded using LD_PRELOAD, making functions private will
 # cause problems with interposing. See CR: 6466665
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
 install_jsig: $(LIBJSIG)
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBJSIG) to $(DEST_JSIG)"
 	$(QUIETLY) test -f $(LIBJSIG_DEBUGINFO) && \
 	$(QUIETLY) test -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) && \
-	    cp -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) $(DEST_JSIG_DIZ)
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJSIG) $(DEST_JSIG) && echo "Done"
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) $(DEST_JSIG_DIZ)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJSIG) $(DEST_JSIG) && echo "Done"
 .PHONY: install_jsig
--- a/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/rules.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/rules.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Common rules/macros for the vm, adlc.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 DEMANGLER       = c++filt
-DEMANGLE        = $(DEMANGLER) < $@ > .$@ && mv -f .$@ $@
+DEMANGLE        = $(DEMANGLER) < $@ > .$@ && $(MV) -f .$@ $@
 # $(CC) is the c compiler (cc/gcc), $(CXX) is the c++ compiler (CC/g++).
--- a/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # Copyright 2012, 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(COMPILE.RMIC)  -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(SA_CLASSDIR) sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.RemoteDebuggerServer
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
 	$(QUIETLY) mkdir -p $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)/
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)/
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAR) cf $@ -C $(SA_CLASSDIR)/ .
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAR) uf $@ -C $(AGENT_SRC_DIR) META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(GENERATED) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.x86.X86ThreadContext
--- a/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/saproc.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/saproc.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # Copyright 2012, 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 include $(GAMMADIR)/make/defs.make
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@
 	$(QUIETLY) if [ -e $(LIBSAPROC) ] ; then             \
 	  echo "Copying $(LIBSAPROC) to $(DEST_SAPROC)";     \
 	  test -f $(LIBSAPROC_DEBUGINFO) &&                  \
 	  test -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) &&                  \
-	    cp -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) $(DEST_SAPROC_DIZ); \
-	  cp -f $(LIBSAPROC) $(DEST_SAPROC) && echo "Done";  \
+	  $(CP) -f $(LIBSAPROC) $(DEST_SAPROC) && echo "Done";  \
 .PHONY: install_saproc
--- a/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/top.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/top.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 1999, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # top.make is included in the Makefile in the build directories.
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
 GENERATED   = $(TOPDIR)/../generated
 VM          = $(GAMMADIR)/src/share/vm
 Plat_File   = $(Platform_file)
-CDG         = cd $(GENERATED); 
+CDG         = cd $(GENERATED);
-UpdatePCH = $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) $(MFLAGS) 
+UpdatePCH = $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) $(MFLAGS)
 UpdatePCH = \# precompiled header is not used
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 	@# We need a null action here, so implicit rules don't get consulted.
 $(Cached_plat): $(Plat_File)
-	$(CDG) cp $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
+	$(CDG) $(CP) $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
 # make AD files as necessary
 ad_stuff: $(Cached_plat) $(adjust-mflags)
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
 # next rules support "make foo.[ois]"
 %.o %.i %.s:
-	$(UpdatePCH) 
+	$(UpdatePCH)
 	$(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) $@
 	#$(MAKE) -f vm.make $@
 # this should force everything to be rebuilt
 	rm -f $(GENERATED)/*.class
 	$(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) clean
--- a/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/vm.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/aix/makefiles/vm.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 1999, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # Copyright 2012, 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
@@ -346,10 +346,10 @@
 install_jvm: $(LIBJVM)
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBJVM) to $(DEST_JVM)"
 	$(QUIETLY) test -f $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) && \
 	$(QUIETLY) test -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) && \
-	    cp -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ)
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"
 # Other files
--- a/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/buildtree.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/buildtree.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -278,6 +278,8 @@
 	echo; \
 	[ -n "$(SPEC)" ] && \
 	    echo "include $(SPEC)"; \
+	echo "CP ?= cp"; \
+	echo "MV ?= mv"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OS_FAMILY)/makefiles/$(VARIANT).make"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/excludeSrc.make"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OS_FAMILY)/makefiles/$(COMPILER).make"; \
--- a/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/jsig.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/jsig.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Rules to build signal interposition library, used by vm.make
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 LIBJSIG_MAPFILE = $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/mapfile-vers-jsig
-# On Bsd we really dont want a mapfile, as this library is small 
-# and preloaded using LD_PRELOAD, making functions private will 
+# On Bsd we really dont want a mapfile, as this library is small
+# and preloaded using LD_PRELOAD, making functions private will
 # cause problems with interposing. See CR: 6466665
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBJSIG) to $(DEST_JSIG)"
 ifeq ($(OS_VENDOR), Darwin)
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -d $(LIBJSIG_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJSIG_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) || \
-	    cp -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) $(DEST_JSIG_DIZ)
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJSIG) $(DEST_JSIG) && echo "Done"
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) $(DEST_JSIG_DIZ)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJSIG) $(DEST_JSIG) && echo "Done"
 .PHONY: install_jsig
--- a/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/rules.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/rules.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Common rules/macros for the vm, adlc.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 DEMANGLER       = c++filt
-DEMANGLE        = $(DEMANGLER) < $@ > .$@ && mv -f .$@ $@
+DEMANGLE        = $(DEMANGLER) < $@ > .$@ && $(MV) -f .$@ $@
 # $(CC) is the c compiler (cc/gcc), $(CXX) is the c++ compiler (CC/g++).
--- a/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # This makefile (sa.make) is included from the sa.make in the
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 # if $(AGENT_DIR) does not exist, we don't build SA
 # also, we don't build SA on Itanium, PowerPC, ARM or zero.
 	if [ -d $(AGENT_DIR) -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "ia64" \
              -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "arm" \
              -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "ppc" \
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(COMPILE.RMIC)  -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(SA_CLASSDIR) sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.RemoteDebuggerServer
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
 	$(QUIETLY) mkdir -p $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)/
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)/
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAR) cf $@ -C $(SA_CLASSDIR)/ .
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAR) uf $@ -C $(AGENT_SRC_DIR) META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(GENERATED) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.x86.X86ThreadContext
--- a/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/saproc.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/saproc.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Rules to build serviceability agent library, used by vm.make
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
     SASRCFILES = $(SASRCDIR)/StubDebuggerLocal.c
-    SALIBS = 
+    SALIBS =
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBSAPROC) to $(DEST_SAPROC)"
 ifeq ($(OS_VENDOR), Darwin)
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -d $(LIBSAPROC_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBSAPROC_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) || \
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBSAPROC) $(DEST_SAPROC) && echo "Done"
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBSAPROC) $(DEST_SAPROC) && echo "Done"
 .PHONY: install_saproc
--- a/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/top.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/top.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 1999, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # top.make is included in the Makefile in the build directories.
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
 GENERATED   = $(TOPDIR)/../generated
 VM          = $(GAMMADIR)/src/share/vm
 Plat_File   = $(Platform_file)
-CDG         = cd $(GENERATED); 
+CDG         = cd $(GENERATED);
-UpdatePCH = $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) $(MFLAGS) 
+UpdatePCH = $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) $(MFLAGS)
 UpdatePCH = \# precompiled header is not used
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 	@# We need a null action here, so implicit rules don't get consulted.
 $(Cached_plat): $(Plat_File)
-	$(CDG) cp $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
+	$(CDG) $(CP) $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
 # make AD files as necessary
 ad_stuff: $(Cached_plat) $(adjust-mflags)
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@
 # next rules support "make foo.[ois]"
 %.o %.i %.s:
-	$(UpdatePCH) 
+	$(UpdatePCH)
 	$(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) $@
 	#$(MAKE) -f vm.make $@
 # this should force everything to be rebuilt
 	rm -f $(GENERATED)/*.class
 	$(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) clean
--- a/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/vm.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/vm.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -360,14 +360,14 @@
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBJVM) to $(DEST_JVM)"
 ifeq ($(OS_VENDOR), Darwin)
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -d $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) || \
-	    cp -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ)
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"
 # Other files
--- a/hotspot/make/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -350,21 +350,25 @@
   ${}-fastdebug-c2-internalvmtests, \
-jprt.make.rule.test.targets.standard.wbapi = \
-  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-wbapitest, \
-  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-wbapitest, \
-  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-wbapitest, \
-  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-wbapitest, \
-  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-wbapitest, \
-  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-wbapitest, \
-  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c1-wbapitest, \
-  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c1-wbapitest = \
+  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP, \
+  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP, \
+  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP, \
+  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP, \
+  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP, \
+  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP, \
+  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c1-GROUP, \
+  ${}-{product|fastdebug}-c1-GROUP
 jprt.make.rule.test.targets.standard = \
   ${jprt.make.rule.test.targets.standard.client}, \
   ${jprt.make.rule.test.targets.standard.server}, \
   ${jprt.make.rule.test.targets.standard.internalvmtests}, \
-  ${jprt.make.rule.test.targets.standard.wbapi}
+  ${}, \
+  ${}, \
+  ${}, \
+  ${}, \
+  ${}
 jprt.make.rule.test.targets.embedded = \
--- a/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/buildtree.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/buildtree.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -277,6 +277,8 @@
 	echo; \
 	[ -n "$(SPEC)" ] && \
 	    echo "include $(SPEC)"; \
+	echo "CP ?= cp"; \
+	echo "MV ?= mv"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OS_FAMILY)/makefiles/$(VARIANT).make"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/excludeSrc.make"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OS_FAMILY)/makefiles/$(COMPILER).make"; \
--- a/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/defs.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/defs.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -297,27 +297,23 @@
 # Serviceability Binaries
-# No SA Support for PPC, IA64, ARM or zero
-                        $(EXPORT_LIB_DIR)/sa-jdi.jar
-                        $(EXPORT_LIB_DIR)/sa-jdi.jar
+                          $(EXPORT_LIB_DIR)/sa-jdi.jar
   ifeq ($(ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES),1)
-    ADD_SA_BINARIES/x86   += $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/libsaproc.diz
-    ADD_SA_BINARIES/sparc += $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/libsaproc.diz
-    ADD_SA_BINARIES/x86   += $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/libsaproc.debuginfo
-    ADD_SA_BINARIES/sparc += $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/libsaproc.debuginfo
+    ADD_SA_BINARIES/DEFAULT += $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/libsaproc.debuginfo
+# No SA Support for zero
 -include $(HS_ALT_MAKE)/linux/makefiles/defs.make
--- a/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/jsig.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/jsig.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Rules to build signal interposition library, used by vm.make
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 LIBJSIG_MAPFILE = $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/mapfile-vers-jsig
-# On Linux we really dont want a mapfile, as this library is small 
-# and preloaded using LD_PRELOAD, making functions private will 
+# On Linux we really dont want a mapfile, as this library is small
+# and preloaded using LD_PRELOAD, making functions private will
 # cause problems with interposing. See CR: 6466665
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
 install_jsig: $(LIBJSIG)
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBJSIG) to $(DEST_JSIG)"
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJSIG_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) || \
-	    cp -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) $(DEST_JSIG_DIZ)
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJSIG) $(DEST_JSIG) && echo "Done"
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) $(DEST_JSIG_DIZ)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJSIG) $(DEST_JSIG) && echo "Done"
 .PHONY: install_jsig
--- a/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/rules.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/rules.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Common rules/macros for the vm, adlc.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 DEMANGLER       = c++filt
-DEMANGLE        = $(DEMANGLER) < $@ > .$@ && mv -f .$@ $@
+DEMANGLE        = $(DEMANGLER) < $@ > .$@ && $(MV) -f .$@ $@
 # $(CC) is the c compiler (cc/gcc), $(CXX) is the c++ compiler (CC/g++).
--- a/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # This makefile (sa.make) is included from the sa.make in the
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 # if $(AGENT_DIR) does not exist, we don't build SA
 # also, we don't build SA on Itanium or zero.
 	if [ -d $(AGENT_DIR) -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "ia64" \
              -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "zero" ] ; then \
 	   $(MAKE) -f sa.make $(GENERATED)/sa-jdi.jar; \
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(COMPILE.RMIC)  -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(SA_CLASSDIR) sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.RemoteDebuggerServer
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
 	$(QUIETLY) mkdir -p $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)/
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)/
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAR) cf $@ -C $(SA_CLASSDIR)/ .
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAR) uf $@ -C $(AGENT_SRC_DIR) META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
 	$(QUIETLY) $(REMOTE) $(RUN.JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(GENERATED) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.x86.X86ThreadContext
--- a/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/saproc.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/saproc.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 include $(GAMMADIR)/make/defs.make
 include $(GAMMADIR)/make/altsrc.make
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 	$(QUIETLY) if [ -e $(LIBSAPROC) ] ; then                   \
 	  echo "Copying $(LIBSAPROC) to $(DEST_SAPROC)";           \
 	  test ! -f $(LIBSAPROC_DEBUGINFO) ||                      \
 	  test ! -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) ||                            \
-	    cp -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) $(DEST_SAPROC_DIZ);             \
-	  cp -f $(LIBSAPROC) $(DEST_SAPROC) && echo "Done";        \
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) $(DEST_SAPROC_DIZ);             \
+	  $(CP) -f $(LIBSAPROC) $(DEST_SAPROC) && echo "Done";        \
 .PHONY: install_saproc
--- a/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/top.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/top.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 1999, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # top.make is included in the Makefile in the build directories.
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
 GENERATED   = $(TOPDIR)/../generated
 VM          = $(GAMMADIR)/src/share/vm
 Plat_File   = $(Platform_file)
-CDG         = cd $(GENERATED); 
+CDG         = cd $(GENERATED);
-UpdatePCH = $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) $(MFLAGS) 
+UpdatePCH = $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) $(MFLAGS)
 UpdatePCH = \# precompiled header is not used
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 	@# We need a null action here, so implicit rules don't get consulted.
 $(Cached_plat): $(Plat_File)
-	$(CDG) cp $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
+	$(CDG) $(CP) $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
 # make AD files as necessary
 ad_stuff: $(Cached_plat) $(adjust-mflags)
@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@
 # next rules support "make foo.[ois]"
 %.o %.i %.s:
-	$(UpdatePCH) 
+	$(UpdatePCH)
 	$(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) $@
 	#$(MAKE) -f vm.make $@
 # this should force everything to be rebuilt
 	rm -f $(GENERATED)/*.class
 	$(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) clean
--- a/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/vm.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/vm.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -362,10 +362,10 @@
 install_jvm: $(LIBJVM)
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBJVM) to $(DEST_JVM)"
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) || \
-	    cp -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ)
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"
 # Other files
--- a/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/buildtree.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/buildtree.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -265,6 +265,8 @@
 	echo; \
 	[ -n "$(SPEC)" ] && \
 	    echo "include $(SPEC)"; \
+	echo "CP ?= cp"; \
+	echo "MV ?= mv"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OS_FAMILY)/makefiles/$(VARIANT).make"; \
 	echo "include \$$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OS_FAMILY)/makefiles/$(COMPILER).make"; \
 	) > $@
--- a/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/jsig.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/jsig.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Rules to build signal interposition library, used by vm.make
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
 install_jsig: $(LIBJSIG)
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBJSIG) to $(DEST_JSIG)"
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJSIG_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) || \
-	    cp -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) $(DEST_JSIG_DIZ)
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJSIG) $(DEST_JSIG) && echo "Done"
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBJSIG_DIZ) $(DEST_JSIG_DIZ)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJSIG) $(DEST_JSIG) && echo "Done"
 .PHONY: install_jsig
--- a/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/rules.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/rules.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Common rules/macros for the vm, adlc.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 DEMANGLER       = c++filt
-DEMANGLE        = $(DEMANGLER) < $@ > .$@ && mv -f .$@ $@
+DEMANGLE        = $(DEMANGLER) < $@ > .$@ && $(MV) -f .$@ $@
 # $(CC) is the c compiler (cc/gcc), $(CXX) is the c++ compiler (CC/g++).
--- a/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # This makefile (sa.make) is included from the sa.make in the
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 # if $(AGENT_DIR) does not exist, we don't build SA.
 	$(QUIETLY) if [ -d $(AGENT_DIR) ] ; then \
 	   $(MAKE) -f sa.make $(GENERATED)/sa-jdi.jar; \
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
 	$(QUIETLY) $(COMPILE.RMIC)  -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(SA_CLASSDIR) sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.RemoteDebuggerServer
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
 	$(QUIETLY) mkdir -p $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)/
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)/
 	$(QUIETLY) $(RUN.JAR) cf $@ -C $(SA_CLASSDIR)/ .
 	$(QUIETLY) $(RUN.JAR) uf $@ -C $(AGENT_SRC_DIR) META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
 	$(QUIETLY) $(RUN.JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(GENERATED) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.proc.ProcDebuggerLocal
--- a/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/saproc.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/saproc.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # Rules to build serviceability agent library, used by vm.make
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 	           $(SOLARIS_11_B159_OR_LATER)                          \
 	           $(SADISSRCFILES)                                     \
 	           -c -o $(SADISOBJ)
 # gobjcopy crashes on "empty" section headers with the SHF_ALLOC flag set.
 # Clear the SHF_ALLOC flag (if set) from empty section headers.
@@ -150,10 +150,10 @@
 	$(QUIETLY) if [ -f $(LIBSAPROC) ] ; then                   \
 	  echo "Copying $(LIBSAPROC) to $(DEST_SAPROC)";           \
 	  test ! -f $(LIBSAPROC_DEBUGINFO) ||                      \
 	  test ! -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) ||                            \
-	    cp -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) $(DEST_SAPROC_DIZ);             \
-	  cp -f $(LIBSAPROC) $(DEST_SAPROC) && echo "Done";        \
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBSAPROC_DIZ) $(DEST_SAPROC_DIZ);             \
+	  $(CP) -f $(LIBSAPROC) $(DEST_SAPROC) && echo "Done";        \
 .PHONY: install_saproc
--- a/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/top.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/top.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # top.make is included in the Makefile in the build directories.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 GENERATED   = ../generated
 VM          = $(GAMMADIR)/src/share/vm
 Plat_File   = $(Platform_file)
-CDG         = cd $(GENERATED); 
+CDG         = cd $(GENERATED);
 Cached_plat = $(GENERATED)/platform.current
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 	@# We need a null action here, so implicit rules don't get consulted.
 $(Cached_plat): $(Plat_File)
-	$(CDG) cp $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
+	$(CDG) $(CP) $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
 # make AD files as necessary
 ad_stuff: $(Cached_plat) $(adjust-mflags)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 jvmti_stuff: $(Cached_plat) $(adjust-mflags)
 	@$(MAKE) -f jvmti.make $(MFLAGS-adjusted)
-# generate trace files 
+# generate trace files
 trace_stuff: jvmti_stuff $(Cached_plat) $(adjust-mflags)
 	@$(MAKE) -f trace.make $(MFLAGS-adjusted)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 	#$(MAKE) -f vm.make $@
 # this should force everything to be rebuilt
 	rm -f $(GENERATED)/*.class
 	$(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) clean
--- a/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/vm.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/solaris/makefiles/vm.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -336,10 +336,10 @@
 install_jvm: $(LIBJVM)
 	@echo "Copying $(LIBJVM) to $(DEST_JVM)"
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) || \
 	$(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) || \
-	    cp -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ)
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"
+	    $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"
 # Other files
--- a/hotspot/make/windows/build.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/windows/build.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -300,6 +300,8 @@
 	@ if "$(RM)" NEQ "" echo RM=$(RM)                       >> $@
+	@ if "$(CP)" NEQ "" echo CP=$(CP)                       >> $@
+	@ if "$(MV)" NEQ "" echo MV=$(MV)                       >> $@
 	@ if "$(ZIPEXE)" NEQ "" echo ZIPEXE=$(ZIPEXE)           >> $@
 checks: checkVariant checkWorkSpace checkSA
--- a/hotspot/make/windows/makefiles/defs.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/windows/makefiles/defs.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -156,6 +156,9 @@
 MAKE_ARGS += RM="$(RM)"
+MAKE_ARGS += CP="${CP}"
+MAKE_ARGS += MV="${MV}"
 # On 32 bit windows we build server and client, on 64 bit just server.
 ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANTS),)
--- a/hotspot/make/windows/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/make/windows/makefiles/sa.make	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
 # questions.
 # This makefile is used to build Serviceability Agent code
@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@
 	$(COMPILE_RMIC) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -d $(SA_CLASSDIR) sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.RemoteDebuggerServer
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -f $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql/sa.js $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/soql
 	$(QUIETLY) rm -rf $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources
 	$(QUIETLY) mkdir $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources
-	$(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources
-	$(QUIETLY) cp -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources
+	$(QUIETLY) $(CP) -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR)
 	$(RUN_JAR) cf $@ -C $(SA_CLASSDIR) .
 	$(RUN_JAR) uf $@ -C $(AGENT_SRC_DIR) META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
 	$(RUN_JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.windbg.WindbgDebuggerLocal
-	$(RUN_JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.x86.X86ThreadContext 
-	$(RUN_JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.amd64.AMD64ThreadContext 
+	$(RUN_JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.x86.X86ThreadContext
+	$(RUN_JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.amd64.AMD64ThreadContext
 	$(RUN_JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.Disassembler
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 !elseif "$(BUILDARCH)" == "amd64"
 SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 $(GX_OPTION) -Od -D "WIN32" -D "WIN64" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D "_MBCS" -FD -c
-SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 $(GX_OPTION) -Od -D "WIN32" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D "_MBCS" -FD -RTC1 -c 
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
 SASRCFILES = $(AGENT_DIR)/src/os/win32/windbg/sawindbg.cpp \
 SA_LFLAGS = $(SA_LD_FLAGS) -nologo -subsystem:console -machine:$(MACHINE)
 SA_LFLAGS = $(SA_LFLAGS) -map -debug
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 	$(CXX) @<<
-	  -I"$(BootStrapDir)/include" -I"$(BootStrapDir)/include/win32" 
+	  -I"$(BootStrapDir)/include" -I"$(BootStrapDir)/include/win32"
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -251,6 +251,49 @@
   // buf is started with ", " or is empty
   _features_str = strdup(strlen(buf) > 2 ? buf + 2 : buf);
+  // There are three 64-bit SPARC families that do not overlap, e.g.,
+  // both is_ultra3() and is_sparc64() cannot be true at the same time.
+  // Within these families, there can be more than one chip, e.g.,
+  // is_T4() and is_T7() machines are also is_niagara().
+  if (is_ultra3()) {
+    assert(_L1_data_cache_line_size == 0, "overlap with Ultra3 family");
+    // Ref: UltraSPARC III Cu Processor
+    _L1_data_cache_line_size = 64;
+  }
+  if (is_niagara()) {
+    assert(_L1_data_cache_line_size == 0, "overlap with niagara family");
+    // All Niagara's are sun4v's, but not all sun4v's are Niagaras, e.g.,
+    // Fujitsu SPARC64 is sun4v, but we don't want it in this block.
+    //
+    // Ref: UltraSPARC T1 Supplement to the UltraSPARC Architecture 2005
+    // Appendix F.1.3.1 Cacheable Accesses
+    // -> 16-byte L1 cache line size
+    //
+    // Ref: UltraSPARC T2: A Highly-Threaded, Power-Efficient, SPARC SOC
+    // Section III: SPARC Processor Core
+    // -> 16-byte L1 cache line size
+    //
+    // Ref: Oracle's SPARC T4-1, SPARC T4-2, SPARC T4-4, and SPARC T4-1B Server Architecture
+    // Section SPARC T4 Processor Cache Architecture
+    // -> 32-byte L1 cache line size (no longer see that info on this ref)
+    //
+    // XXX - still need a T7 reference here
+    //
+    if (is_T7()) {  // T7 or newer
+      _L1_data_cache_line_size = 64;
+    } else if (is_T4()) {  // T4 or newer (until T7)
+      _L1_data_cache_line_size = 32;
+    } else {  // T1 or newer (until T4)
+      _L1_data_cache_line_size = 16;
+    }
+  }
+  if (is_sparc64()) {
+    guarantee(_L1_data_cache_line_size == 0, "overlap with SPARC64 family");
+    // Ref: Fujitsu SPARC64 VII Processor
+    // Section 4 Cache System
+    _L1_data_cache_line_size = 64;
+  }
   // UseVIS is set to the smallest of what hardware supports and what
   // the command line requires.  I.e., you cannot set UseVIS to 3 on
   // older UltraSparc which do not support it.
@@ -356,6 +399,7 @@
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose) {
+    tty->print_cr("L1 data cache line size: %u", L1_data_cache_line_size());
     if (AllocatePrefetchStyle <= 0) {
       tty->print_cr(": no prefetching");
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -394,6 +394,8 @@
   _stepping = 0;
   _cpuFeatures = 0;
   _logical_processors_per_package = 1;
+  // i486 internal cache is both I&D and has a 16-byte line size
+  _L1_data_cache_line_size = 16;
   if (!Use486InstrsOnly) {
     // Get raw processor info
@@ -412,6 +414,7 @@
       // Logical processors are only available on P4s and above,
       // and only if hyperthreading is available.
       _logical_processors_per_package = logical_processor_count();
+      _L1_data_cache_line_size = L1_line_size();
@@ -924,6 +927,7 @@
   if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose) {
     tty->print_cr("Logical CPUs per core: %u",
+    tty->print_cr("L1 data cache line size: %u", L1_data_cache_line_size());
     tty->print("UseSSE=%d", (int) UseSSE);
     if (UseAVX > 0) {
       tty->print("  UseAVX=%d", (int) UseAVX);
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
     return result;
-  static intx prefetch_data_size()  {
+  static intx L1_line_size()  {
     intx result = 0;
     if (is_intel()) {
       result = (_cpuid_info.dcp_cpuid4_ebx.bits.L1_line_size + 1);
@@ -593,6 +593,10 @@
     return result;
+  static intx prefetch_data_size()  {
+    return L1_line_size();
+  }
   // Feature identification
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/LogCompilation/src/com/sun/hotspot/tools/compiler/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/LogCompilation/src/com/sun/hotspot/tools/compiler/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -478,9 +478,17 @@
                 } else if (scopes.peek().getCalls().size() > 2 && m == scopes.peek().last(-2).getMethod()) {
                 } else {
-                    System.out.println(site.getMethod());
-                    System.out.println(m);
-                    throw new InternalError("call site and parse don't match");
+                    // C1 prints multiple method tags during inlining when it narrows method being inlinied.
+                    // Example:
+                    //   ...
+                    //   <method id="813" holder="694" name="toString" return="695" flags="1" bytes="36" iicount="1"/>
+                    //   <call method="813" instr="invokevirtual"/>
+                    //   <inline_success reason="receiver is statically known"/>
+                    //   <method id="814" holder="792" name="toString" return="695" flags="1" bytes="5" iicount="3"/>
+                    //   <parse method="814">
+                    //   ...
+                    site.setMethod(m);
+                    scopes.push(site);
         } else if (qname.equals("parse_done")) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1573,6 +1573,7 @@
           constant = new Constant(as_ValueType(field_val));
+        // Stable static fields are checked for non-default values in ciField::initialize_from().
       if (constant != NULL) {
         push(type, append(constant));
@@ -1614,6 +1615,10 @@
               constant = new Constant(as_ValueType(field_val));
+            if (FoldStableValues && field->is_stable() && field_val.is_null_or_zero()) {
+              // Stable field with default value can't be constant.
+              constant = NULL;
+            }
           } else {
             // For CallSite objects treat the target field as a compile time constant.
             if (const_oop->is_call_site()) {
@@ -3959,10 +3964,15 @@
   // Clear out bytecode stream
+  CompileLog* log = compilation()->log();
+  if (log != NULL) log->head("parse method='%d'", log->identify(callee));
   // Ready to resume parsing in callee (either in the same block we
   // were in before or in the callee's start block)
   iterate_all_blocks(callee_start_block == NULL);
+  if (log != NULL) log->done("parse");
   // If we bailed out during parsing, return immediately (this is bad news)
   if (bailed_out())
       return false;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/ci/ciEnv.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/ci/ciEnv.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1125,9 +1125,6 @@
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // ciEnv::record_failure()
 void ciEnv::record_failure(const char* reason) {
-  if (log() != NULL) {
-    log()->elem("failure reason='%s'", reason);
-  }
   if (_failure_reason == NULL) {
     // Record the first failure reason.
     _failure_reason = reason;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/classLoaderData.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/classLoaderData.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -777,11 +777,22 @@
   // unneeded entries.
   bool has_redefined_a_class = JvmtiExport::has_redefined_a_class();
   MetadataOnStackMark md_on_stack;
+  if (has_redefined_a_class) {
+    // purge_previous_versions also cleans weak method links. Because
+    // one method's MDO can reference another method from another
+    // class loader, we need to first clean weak method links for all
+    // class loaders here. Below, we can then free redefined methods
+    // for all class loaders.
+    while (data != NULL) {
+      if (data->is_alive(is_alive_closure)) {
+        data->classes_do(InstanceKlass::purge_previous_versions);
+      }
+      data = data->next();
+    }
+  }
+  data = _head;
   while (data != NULL) {
     if (data->is_alive(is_alive_closure)) {
-      if (has_redefined_a_class) {
-        data->classes_do(InstanceKlass::purge_previous_versions);
-      }
       prev = data;
       data = data->next();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1239,6 +1239,16 @@
+// Return Symbol for detailed_message or NULL
+Symbol* java_lang_Throwable::detail_message(oop throwable) {
+  PRESERVE_EXCEPTION_MARK;  // Keep original exception
+  oop detailed_message = java_lang_Throwable::message(throwable);
+  if (detailed_message != NULL) {
+    return java_lang_String::as_symbol(detailed_message, THREAD);
+  }
+  return NULL;
 void java_lang_Throwable::set_message(oop throwable, oop value) {
   throwable->obj_field_put(detailMessage_offset, value);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -520,6 +520,7 @@
   static oop message(oop throwable);
   static oop message(Handle throwable);
   static void set_message(oop throwable, oop value);
+  static Symbol* detail_message(oop throwable);
   static void print_stack_element(outputStream *st, Handle mirror, int method,
                                   int version, int bci);
   static void print_stack_element(outputStream *st, methodHandle method, int bci);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@
   _hot_count = hot_count;
   _time_queued = 0;  // tidy
   _comment = comment;
+  _failure_reason = NULL;
   if (LogCompilation) {
     _time_queued = os::elapsed_counter();
@@ -566,6 +567,11 @@
   methodHandle method(thread, this->method());
   ResourceMark rm(thread);
+  if (!_is_success) {
+    const char* reason = _failure_reason != NULL ? _failure_reason : "unknown";
+    log->elem("failure reason='%s'", reason);
+  }
   // <task_done ... stamp='1.234'>  </task>
   nmethod* nm = code();
   log->begin_elem("task_done success='%d' nmsize='%d' count='%d'",
@@ -733,6 +739,7 @@
       for (CompileTask* task = head; task != NULL; ) {
         CompileTask* next_task = task->next();
         CompileTaskWrapper ctw(task); // Frees the task
+        task->set_failure_reason("stale task");
         task = next_task;
@@ -1786,6 +1793,7 @@
       } else {
         // After compilation is disabled, remove remaining methods from queue
+        task->set_failure_reason("compilation is disabled");
@@ -1973,6 +1981,7 @@
     compilable = ci_env.compilable();
     if (ci_env.failing()) {
+      task->set_failure_reason(ci_env.failure_reason());
       const char* retry_message = ci_env.retry_message();
       if (_compilation_log != NULL) {
         _compilation_log->log_failure(thread, task, ci_env.failure_reason(), retry_message);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
   jobject      _hot_method_holder;
   int          _hot_count;    // information about its invocation counter
   const char*  _comment;      // more info about the task
+  const char*  _failure_reason;
   CompileTask() {
@@ -138,6 +139,10 @@
   void         log_task_queued();
   void         log_task_start(CompileLog* log);
   void         log_task_done(CompileLog* log);
+  void         set_failure_reason(const char* reason) {
+    _failure_reason = reason;
+  }
 // CompilerCounters
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/shared/vmGCOperations.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/shared/vmGCOperations.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -197,28 +197,29 @@
 bool VM_CollectForMetadataAllocation::initiate_concurrent_GC() {
-  if (UseConcMarkSweepGC || UseG1GC) {
-    if (UseConcMarkSweepGC && CMSClassUnloadingEnabled) {
-      MetaspaceGC::set_should_concurrent_collect(true);
-    } else if (UseG1GC) {
-      G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
-      g1h->g1_policy()->set_initiate_conc_mark_if_possible();
+  if (UseConcMarkSweepGC && CMSClassUnloadingEnabled) {
+    MetaspaceGC::set_should_concurrent_collect(true);
+    return true;
+  }
-      GCCauseSetter x(g1h, _gc_cause);
+  if (UseG1GC) {
+    G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
+    g1h->g1_policy()->set_initiate_conc_mark_if_possible();
-      // At this point we are supposed to start a concurrent cycle. We
-      // will do so if one is not already in progress.
-      bool should_start = g1h->g1_policy()->force_initial_mark_if_outside_cycle(_gc_cause);
+    GCCauseSetter x(g1h, _gc_cause);
-      if (should_start) {
-        double pause_target = g1h->g1_policy()->max_pause_time_ms();
-        g1h->do_collection_pause_at_safepoint(pause_target);
-      }
+    // At this point we are supposed to start a concurrent cycle. We
+    // will do so if one is not already in progress.
+    bool should_start = g1h->g1_policy()->force_initial_mark_if_outside_cycle(_gc_cause);
+    if (should_start) {
+      double pause_target = g1h->g1_policy()->max_pause_time_ms();
+      g1h->do_collection_pause_at_safepoint(pause_target);
     return true;
   return false;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/interpreter/interpreterRuntime.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/interpreter/interpreterRuntime.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -430,9 +430,18 @@
     // tracing
     if (TraceExceptions) {
-      ttyLocker ttyl;
       ResourceMark rm(thread);
-      tty->print_cr("Exception <%s> (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", h_exception->print_value_string(), (address)h_exception());
+      Symbol* message = java_lang_Throwable::detail_message(h_exception());
+      ttyLocker ttyl;  // Lock after getting the detail message
+      if (message != NULL) {
+        tty->print_cr("Exception <%s: %s> (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")",
+                      h_exception->print_value_string(), message->as_C_string(),
+                      (address)h_exception());
+      } else {
+        tty->print_cr("Exception <%s> (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")",
+                      h_exception->print_value_string(),
+                      (address)h_exception());
+      }
       tty->print_cr(" thrown in interpreter method <%s>", h_method->print_value_string());
       tty->print_cr(" at bci %d for thread " INTPTR_FORMAT, current_bci, thread);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/interpreter/oopMapCache.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/interpreter/oopMapCache.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -244,10 +244,8 @@
   tty->print(" @ %d = [%d] { ", bci(), n);
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (is_dead(i)) tty->print("%d+ ", i);
     if (is_oop(i)) tty->print("%d ", i);
@@ -402,13 +400,11 @@
       value |= (mask << oop_bit_number );
     // set dead bit
     if (!cell->is_live()) {
       value |= (mask << dead_bit_number);
       assert(!cell->is_reference(), "dead value marked as oop");
-  #endif
   // make sure last word is stored
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/interpreter/oopMapCache.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/interpreter/oopMapCache.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -66,19 +66,15 @@
   enum {
-    N                = 2,                // the number of words reserved
+    N                = 4,                // the number of words reserved
                                          // for inlined mask storage
     small_mask_limit = N * BitsPerWord,  // the maximum number of bits
                                          // available for small masks,
                                          // small_mask_limit can be set to 0
                                          // for testing bit_mask allocation
     bits_per_entry   = 2,
     dead_bit_number  = 1,
-    bits_per_entry   = 1,
     oop_bit_number   = 0
@@ -119,10 +115,6 @@
   void set_expression_stack_size(int sz)         { _expression_stack_size = sz; }
-  bool is_dead(int offset) const                 { return (entry_at(offset) & (1 << dead_bit_number)) != 0; }
   // Lookup
   bool match(methodHandle method, int bci) const { return _method == method() && _bci == bci; }
   bool is_empty() const;
@@ -144,6 +136,7 @@
   void print() const;
   int number_of_entries() const                  { return mask_size() / bits_per_entry; }
+  bool is_dead(int offset) const                 { return (entry_at(offset) & (1 << dead_bit_number)) != 0; }
   bool is_oop (int offset) const                 { return (entry_at(offset) & (1 << oop_bit_number )) != 0; }
   int expression_stack_size() const              { return _expression_stack_size; }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/constantPool.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/constantPool.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -520,13 +520,9 @@
 Symbol* ConstantPool::exception_message(constantPoolHandle this_cp, int which, constantTag tag, oop pending_exception) {
   // Dig out the detailed message to reuse if possible
-  Symbol* message = NULL;
-  oop detailed_message = java_lang_Throwable::message(pending_exception);
-  if (detailed_message != NULL) {
-     message = java_lang_String::as_symbol_or_null(detailed_message);
-     if (message != NULL) {
-       return message;
-     }
+  Symbol* message = java_lang_Throwable::detail_message(pending_exception);
+  if (message != NULL) {
+    return message;
   // Return specific message for the tag
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/method.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/method.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -729,8 +729,8 @@
   if ((TraceDeoptimization || LogCompilation) && (xtty != NULL)) {
     ttyLocker ttyl;
-    xtty->begin_elem("make_not_%scompilable thread='" UINTX_FORMAT "'",
-                     is_osr ? "osr_" : "", os::current_thread_id());
+    xtty->begin_elem("make_not_compilable thread='" UINTX_FORMAT "' osr='%d' level='%d'",
+                     os::current_thread_id(), is_osr, comp_level);
     if (reason != NULL) {
       xtty->print(" reason=\'%s\'", reason);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/methodData.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/methodData.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@
   CleanExtraDataMethodClosure() {}
   bool is_live(Method* m) {
-    return m->on_stack();
+    return !m->is_old() || m->on_stack();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/bytecodeInfo.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/bytecodeInfo.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
                                int caller_bci, ciCallProfile& profile,
                                WarmCallInfo* wci_result) {
   // Allows targeted inlining
-  if(callee_method->should_inline()) {
+  if (callee_method->should_inline()) {
     *wci_result = *(WarmCallInfo::always_hot());
     if (C->print_inlining() && Verbose) {
@@ -118,6 +118,12 @@
     return true;
+  if (callee_method->force_inline()) {
+      set_msg("force inline by annotation");
+      _forced_inline = true;
+      return true;
+  }
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   int inline_depth = inline_level()+1;
   if (ciReplay::should_inline(C->replay_inline_data(), callee_method, caller_bci, inline_depth)) {
@@ -244,6 +250,11 @@
+  if (callee_method->force_inline()) {
+    set_msg("force inline by annotation");
+    return false;
+  }
   // Now perform checks which are heuristic
   if (is_unboxing_method(callee_method, C)) {
@@ -251,12 +262,10 @@
     return false;
-  if (!callee_method->force_inline()) {
-    if (callee_method->has_compiled_code() &&
-        callee_method->instructions_size() > InlineSmallCode) {
-      set_msg("already compiled into a big method");
-      return true;
-    }
+  if (callee_method->has_compiled_code() &&
+      callee_method->instructions_size() > InlineSmallCode) {
+    set_msg("already compiled into a big method");
+    return true;
   // don't inline exception code unless the top method belongs to an
@@ -349,7 +358,7 @@
       // Escape Analysis stress testing when running Xcomp or CTW:
       // inline constructors even if they are not reached.
     } else if (forced_inline()) {
-      // Inlining was forced by CompilerOracle or ciReplay
+      // Inlining was forced by CompilerOracle, ciReplay or annotation
     } else if (profile.count() == 0) {
       // don't inline unreached call sites
        set_msg("call site not reached");
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/machnode.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/machnode.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -639,7 +639,6 @@
 bool MachCallNode::return_value_is_used() const {
   if (tf()->range()->cnt() == TypeFunc::Parms) {
     // void return
@@ -657,6 +656,14 @@
   return false;
+// Similar to cousin class CallNode::returns_pointer
+// Because this is used in deoptimization, we want the type info, not the data
+// flow info; the interpreter will "use" things that are dead to the optimizer.
+bool MachCallNode::returns_pointer() const {
+  const TypeTuple *r = tf()->range();
+  return (r->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms &&
+          r->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms)->isa_ptr());
 const RegMask &MachCallNode::in_RegMask(uint idx) const {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/machnode.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/machnode.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -842,6 +842,10 @@
   bool returns_long() const { return tf()->return_type() == T_LONG; }
   bool return_value_is_used() const;
+  // Similar to cousin class CallNode::returns_pointer
+  bool returns_pointer() const;
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/output.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/output.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -854,8 +854,7 @@
     // Check if a call returns an object.
-    if (mcall->return_value_is_used() &&
-        mcall->tf()->range()->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms)->isa_ptr()) {
+    if (mcall->returns_pointer()) {
       return_oop = true;
     safepoint_pc_offset += mcall->ret_addr_offset();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/parse.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/parse.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
   void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
-  bool        _forced_inline;     // Inlining was forced by CompilerOracle or ciReplay
+  bool        _forced_inline;     // Inlining was forced by CompilerOracle, ciReplay or annotation
   bool        forced_inline()     const { return _forced_inline; }
   // Count number of nodes in this subtree
   int         count() const;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/replacednodes.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/replacednodes.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -185,11 +185,11 @@
 void ReplacedNodes::dump(outputStream *st) const {
   if (!is_empty()) {
-    tty->print("replaced nodes: ");
+    st->print("replaced nodes: ");
     for (int i = 0; i < _replaced_nodes->length(); i++) {
-      tty->print("%d->%d", _replaced_nodes->at(i).initial()->_idx, _replaced_nodes->at(i).improved()->_idx);
+      st->print("%d->%d", _replaced_nodes->at(i).initial()->_idx, _replaced_nodes->at(i).improved()->_idx);
       if (i < _replaced_nodes->length()-1) {
-        tty->print(",");
+        st->print(",");
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jni.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jni.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -247,15 +247,6 @@
       "Bug in native code: jfieldID offset must address interior of object");
-// Pick a reasonable higher bound for local capacity requested
-// for EnsureLocalCapacity and PushLocalFrame.  We don't want it too
-// high because a test (or very unusual application) may try to allocate
-// that many handles and run out of swap space.  An implementation is
-// permitted to allocate more handles than the ensured capacity, so this
-// value is set high enough to prevent compatibility problems.
 // Wrapper to trace JNI functions
 #ifdef ASSERT
@@ -741,7 +732,8 @@
   //%note jni_11
-  if (capacity < 0 || capacity > MAX_REASONABLE_LOCAL_CAPACITY) {
+  if (capacity < 0 ||
+      ((MaxJNILocalCapacity > 0) && (capacity > MaxJNILocalCapacity))) {
     return JNI_ERR;
@@ -844,7 +836,8 @@
   jint ret;
-  if (capacity >= 0 && capacity <= MAX_REASONABLE_LOCAL_CAPACITY) {
+  if (capacity >= 0 &&
+      ((MaxJNILocalCapacity <= 0) || (capacity <= MaxJNILocalCapacity))) {
     ret = JNI_OK;
   } else {
     ret = JNI_ERR;
@@ -3893,6 +3886,7 @@
+    run_unit_test(ObjectMonitor::sanity_checks());
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jniCheck.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jniCheck.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -185,6 +185,9 @@
  * throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or ArrayStoreException.
  * In all other cases, a non-error return value guarantees that no exceptions have been thrown.
+ *
+ * Programmers often defend against ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, so warning
+ * for these functions would be pedantic.
 static inline void
 check_pending_exception(JavaThread* thr) {
@@ -201,6 +204,16 @@
+ * Add to the planned number of handles. I.e. plus current live & warning threshold
+ */
+static inline void
+add_planned_handle_capacity(JNIHandleBlock* handles, size_t capacity) {
+  handles->set_planned_capacity(capacity +
+                                handles->get_number_of_live_handles() +
+                                CHECK_JNI_LOCAL_REF_CAP_WARN_THRESHOLD);
 static inline void
 functionEnterCritical(JavaThread* thr)
@@ -243,7 +256,7 @@
     // Complain just the once, reset to current + warn threshold
-    handles->set_planned_capacity(live_handles + CHECK_JNI_LOCAL_REF_CAP_WARN_THRESHOLD);
+    add_planned_handle_capacity(handles, 0);
@@ -720,7 +733,7 @@
       NativeReportJNIFatalError(thr, "negative capacity");
     jint result = UNCHECKED()->PushLocalFrame(env, capacity);
     if (result == JNI_OK) {
-      thr->active_handles()->set_planned_capacity(capacity + CHECK_JNI_LOCAL_REF_CAP_WARN_THRESHOLD);
+      add_planned_handle_capacity(thr->active_handles(), capacity);
     return result;
@@ -824,7 +837,7 @@
     jint result = UNCHECKED()->EnsureLocalCapacity(env, capacity);
     if (result == JNI_OK) {
-      thr->active_handles()->set_planned_capacity(capacity + CHECK_JNI_LOCAL_REF_CAP_WARN_THRESHOLD);
+      add_planned_handle_capacity(thr->active_handles(), capacity);
     return result;
@@ -1628,7 +1641,6 @@
       check_is_obj_array(thr, array);
     jobject result = UNCHECKED()->GetObjectArrayElement(env,array,index);
-    thr->set_pending_jni_exception_check("GetObjectArrayElement");
     return result;
@@ -1643,7 +1655,6 @@
       check_is_obj_array(thr, array);
-    thr->set_pending_jni_exception_check("SetObjectArrayElement");
@@ -1733,7 +1744,6 @@
       check_primitive_array_type(thr, array, ElementTag); \
     ) \
     UNCHECKED()->Get##Result##ArrayRegion(env,array,start,len,buf); \
-    thr->set_pending_jni_exception_check("Get"#Result"ArrayRegion"); \
     functionExit(thr); \
@@ -1758,7 +1768,6 @@
       check_primitive_array_type(thr, array, ElementTag); \
     ) \
     UNCHECKED()->Set##Result##ArrayRegion(env,array,start,len,buf); \
-    thr->set_pending_jni_exception_check("Set"#Result"ArrayRegion"); \
     functionExit(thr); \
@@ -1835,7 +1844,6 @@
       checkString(thr, str);
     UNCHECKED()->GetStringRegion(env, str, start, len, buf);
-    thr->set_pending_jni_exception_check("GetStringRegion");
@@ -1850,7 +1858,6 @@
       checkString(thr, str);
     UNCHECKED()->GetStringUTFRegion(env, str, start, len, buf);
-    thr->set_pending_jni_exception_check("GetStringUTFRegion");
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiImpl.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiImpl.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "precompiled.hpp"
 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
+#include "interpreter/oopMapCache.hpp"
 #include "jvmtifiles/jvmtiEnv.hpp"
 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
 #include "oops/instanceKlass.hpp"
@@ -744,6 +745,13 @@
 void VM_GetOrSetLocal::doit() {
+  InterpreterOopMap oop_mask;
+  _jvf->method()->mask_for(_jvf->bci(), &oop_mask);
+  if (oop_mask.is_dead(_index)) {
+    // The local can be invalid and uninitialized in the scope of current bci
+    return;
+  }
   if (_set) {
     // Force deoptimization of frame if compiled because it's
     // possible the compiler emitted some locals as constant values,
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/atomic.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/atomic.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -35,6 +35,18 @@
   // can provide an alternative action if not - see supports_cx8() for
   // a means to test availability.
+  // The memory operations that are mentioned with each of the atomic
+  // function families come from src/share/vm/runtime/orderAccess.hpp,
+  // e.g., <fence> is described in that file and is implemented by the
+  // OrderAccess::fence() function. See that file for the gory details
+  // on the Memory Access Ordering Model.
+  // All of the atomic operations that imply a read-modify-write action
+  // guarantee a two-way memory barrier across that operation. Historically
+  // these semantics reflect the strength of atomic operations that are
+  // provided on SPARC/X86. We assume that strength is necessary unless
+  // we can prove that a weaker form is sufficiently safe.
   // Atomically store to a location
   inline static void store    (jbyte    store_value, jbyte*    dest);
   inline static void store    (jshort   store_value, jshort*   dest);
@@ -55,7 +67,8 @@
   // See comment above about using jlong atomics on 32-bit platforms
   inline static jlong load(volatile jlong* src);
-  // Atomically add to a location, return updated value
+  // Atomically add to a location. Returns updated value. add*() provide:
+  // <fence> add-value-to-dest <membar StoreLoad|StoreStore>
   inline static jint     add    (jint     add_value, volatile jint*     dest);
   inline static size_t   add    (size_t   add_value, volatile size_t*   dest);
   inline static intptr_t add_ptr(intptr_t add_value, volatile intptr_t* dest);
@@ -63,30 +76,35 @@
   // See comment above about using jlong atomics on 32-bit platforms
          static jlong    add    (jlong    add_value, volatile jlong*    dest);
-  // Atomically increment location
+  // Atomically increment location. inc*() provide:
+  // <fence> increment-dest <membar StoreLoad|StoreStore>
   inline static void inc    (volatile jint*     dest);
          static void inc    (volatile jshort*   dest);
   inline static void inc    (volatile size_t*   dest);
   inline static void inc_ptr(volatile intptr_t* dest);
   inline static void inc_ptr(volatile void*     dest);
-  // Atomically decrement a location
+  // Atomically decrement a location. dec*() provide:
+  // <fence> decrement-dest <membar StoreLoad|StoreStore>
   inline static void dec    (volatile jint*     dest);
          static void dec    (volatile jshort*    dest);
   inline static void dec    (volatile size_t*   dest);
   inline static void dec_ptr(volatile intptr_t* dest);
   inline static void dec_ptr(volatile void*     dest);
-  // Performs atomic exchange of *dest with exchange_value.  Returns old prior value of *dest.
+  // Performs atomic exchange of *dest with exchange_value. Returns old
+  // prior value of *dest. xchg*() provide:
+  // <fence> exchange-value-with-dest <membar StoreLoad|StoreStore>
   inline static jint         xchg(jint         exchange_value, volatile jint*         dest);
          static unsigned int xchg(unsigned int exchange_value, volatile unsigned int* dest);
   inline static intptr_t xchg_ptr(intptr_t exchange_value, volatile intptr_t* dest);
   inline static void*    xchg_ptr(void*    exchange_value, volatile void*   dest);
-  // Performs atomic compare of *dest and compare_value, and exchanges *dest with exchange_value
-  // if the comparison succeeded.  Returns prior value of *dest.  Guarantees a two-way memory
-  // barrier across the cmpxchg.  I.e., it's really a 'fence_cmpxchg_acquire'.
+  // Performs atomic compare of *dest and compare_value, and exchanges
+  // *dest with exchange_value if the comparison succeeded. Returns prior
+  // value of *dest. cmpxchg*() provide:
+  // <fence> compare-and-exchange <membar StoreLoad|StoreStore>
          static jbyte    cmpxchg    (jbyte    exchange_value, volatile jbyte*    dest, jbyte    compare_value);
   inline static jint     cmpxchg    (jint     exchange_value, volatile jint*     dest, jint     compare_value);
   // See comment above about using jlong atomics on 32-bit platforms
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1216,6 +1216,11 @@
   product(bool, UseFastJNIAccessors, true,                                  \
           "Use optimized versions of Get<Primitive>Field")                  \
+  product(intx, MaxJNILocalCapacity, 65536,                                 \
+          "Maximum allowable local JNI handle capacity to "                 \
+          "EnsureLocalCapacity() and PushLocalFrame(), "                    \
+          "where <= 0 is unlimited, default: 65536")                        \
+                                                                            \
   product(bool, EagerXrunInit, false,                                       \
           "Eagerly initialize -Xrun libraries; allows startup profiling, "  \
           "but not all -Xrun libraries may support the state of the VM "    \
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/objectMonitor.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/objectMonitor.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -2497,6 +2497,10 @@
   #undef SETKNOB
+  if (Knob_Verbose) {
+    sanity_checks();
+  }
   if (os::is_MP()) {
      BackOffMask = (1 << Knob_SpinBackOff) - 1;
      if (Knob_ReportSettings) ::printf("BackOffMask=%X\n", BackOffMask);
@@ -2517,6 +2521,66 @@
   InitDone = 1;
+void ObjectMonitor::sanity_checks() {
+  int error_cnt = 0;
+  int warning_cnt = 0;
+  bool verbose = Knob_Verbose != 0 NOT_PRODUCT(|| VerboseInternalVMTests);
+  if (verbose) {
+    tty->print_cr("INFO: sizeof(ObjectMonitor)=" SIZE_FORMAT,
+                  sizeof(ObjectMonitor));
+  }
+  uint cache_line_size = VM_Version::L1_data_cache_line_size();
+  if (verbose) {
+    tty->print_cr("INFO: L1_data_cache_line_size=%u", cache_line_size);
+  }
+  ObjectMonitor dummy;
+  u_char *addr_begin  = (u_char*)&dummy;
+  u_char *addr_header = (u_char*)&dummy._header;
+  u_char *addr_owner  = (u_char*)&dummy._owner;
+  uint offset_header = (uint)(addr_header - addr_begin);
+  if (verbose) tty->print_cr("INFO: offset(_header)=%u", offset_header);
+  uint offset_owner = (uint)(addr_owner - addr_begin);
+  if (verbose) tty->print_cr("INFO: offset(_owner)=%u", offset_owner);
+  if ((uint)(addr_header - addr_begin) != 0) {
+    tty->print_cr("ERROR: offset(_header) must be zero (0).");
+    error_cnt++;
+  }
+  if (cache_line_size != 0) {
+    // We were able to determine the L1 data cache line size so
+    // do some cache line specific sanity checks
+    if ((offset_owner - offset_header) < cache_line_size) {
+      tty->print_cr("WARNING: the _header and _owner fields are closer "
+                    "than a cache line which permits false sharing.");
+      warning_cnt++;
+    }
+    if ((sizeof(ObjectMonitor) % cache_line_size) != 0) {
+      tty->print_cr("WARNING: ObjectMonitor size is not a multiple of "
+                    "a cache line which permits false sharing.");
+      warning_cnt++;
+    }
+  }
+  ObjectSynchronizer::sanity_checks(verbose, cache_line_size, &error_cnt,
+                                    &warning_cnt);
+  if (verbose || error_cnt != 0 || warning_cnt != 0) {
+    tty->print_cr("INFO: error_cnt=%d", error_cnt);
+    tty->print_cr("INFO: warning_cnt=%d", warning_cnt);
+  }
+  guarantee(error_cnt == 0,
+            "Fatal error(s) found in ObjectMonitor::sanity_checks()");
 #ifndef PRODUCT
 void ObjectMonitor::verify() {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/objectMonitor.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/objectMonitor.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -189,6 +189,8 @@
   bool      check(TRAPS);       // true if the thread owns the monitor.
   void      check_slow(TRAPS);
   void      clear();
+  static void sanity_checks();  // public for -XX:+ExecuteInternalVMTests
+                                // in PRODUCT for -XX:SyncKnobs=Verbose=1
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   void      verify();
   void      print();
@@ -234,8 +236,6 @@
   // WARNING: this must be the very first word of ObjectMonitor
   // This means this class can't use any virtual member functions.
-  // TODO-FIXME: assert that offsetof(_header) is 0 or get rid of the
-  // implicit 0 offset in emitted code.
   volatile markOop   _header;       // displaced object header word - mark
   void*     volatile _object;       // backward object pointer - strong root
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/synchronizer.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/synchronizer.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -392,19 +392,22 @@
 // Hash Code handling
 // Performance concern:
-// OrderAccess::storestore() calls release() which STs 0 into the global volatile
-// OrderAccess::Dummy variable.  This store is unnecessary for correctness.
-// Many threads STing into a common location causes considerable cache migration
-// or "sloshing" on large SMP system.  As such, I avoid using OrderAccess::storestore()
-// until it's repaired.  In some cases OrderAccess::fence() -- which incurs local
-// latency on the executing processor -- is a better choice as it scales on SMP
-// systems.  See for a
-// discussion of coherency costs.  Note that all our current reference platforms
-// provide strong ST-ST order, so the issue is moot on IA32, x64, and SPARC.
+// OrderAccess::storestore() calls release() which at one time stored 0
+// into the global volatile OrderAccess::dummy variable. This store was
+// unnecessary for correctness. Many threads storing into a common location
+// causes considerable cache migration or "sloshing" on large SMP systems.
+// As such, I avoided using OrderAccess::storestore(). In some cases
+// OrderAccess::fence() -- which incurs local latency on the executing
+// processor -- is a better choice as it scales on SMP systems.
+// See for
+// a discussion of coherency costs. Note that all our current reference
+// platforms provide strong ST-ST order, so the issue is moot on IA32,
+// x64, and SPARC.
 // As a general policy we use "volatile" to control compiler-based reordering
-// and explicit fences (barriers) to control for architectural reordering performed
-// by the CPU(s) or platform.
+// and explicit fences (barriers) to control for architectural reordering
+// performed by the CPU(s) or platform.
 struct SharedGlobals {
     // These are highly shared mostly-read variables.
@@ -1596,7 +1599,55 @@
-// Non-product code
+// Debugging code
+void ObjectSynchronizer::sanity_checks(const bool verbose,
+                                       const uint cache_line_size,
+                                       int *error_cnt_ptr,
+                                       int *warning_cnt_ptr) {
+  u_char *addr_begin      = (u_char*)&GVars;
+  u_char *addr_stwRandom  = (u_char*)&GVars.stwRandom;
+  u_char *addr_hcSequence = (u_char*)&GVars.hcSequence;
+  if (verbose) {
+    tty->print_cr("INFO: sizeof(SharedGlobals)=" SIZE_FORMAT,
+                  sizeof(SharedGlobals));
+  }
+  uint offset_stwRandom = (uint)(addr_stwRandom - addr_begin);
+  if (verbose) tty->print_cr("INFO: offset(stwRandom)=%u", offset_stwRandom);
+  uint offset_hcSequence = (uint)(addr_hcSequence - addr_begin);
+  if (verbose) {
+    tty->print_cr("INFO: offset(_hcSequence)=%u", offset_hcSequence);
+  }
+  if (cache_line_size != 0) {
+    // We were able to determine the L1 data cache line size so
+    // do some cache line specific sanity checks
+    if (offset_stwRandom < cache_line_size) {
+      tty->print_cr("WARNING: the SharedGlobals.stwRandom field is closer "
+                    "to the struct beginning than a cache line which permits "
+                    "false sharing.");
+      (*warning_cnt_ptr)++;
+    }
+    if ((offset_hcSequence - offset_stwRandom) < cache_line_size) {
+      tty->print_cr("WARNING: the SharedGlobals.stwRandom and "
+                    "SharedGlobals.hcSequence fields are closer than a cache "
+                    "line which permits false sharing.");
+      (*warning_cnt_ptr)++;
+    }
+    if ((sizeof(SharedGlobals) - offset_hcSequence) < cache_line_size) {
+      tty->print_cr("WARNING: the SharedGlobals.hcSequence field is closer "
+                    "to the struct end than a cache line which permits false "
+                    "sharing.");
+      (*warning_cnt_ptr)++;
+    }
+  }
 #ifndef PRODUCT
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/synchronizer.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/synchronizer.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -121,6 +121,9 @@
   static void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
   // debugging
+  static void sanity_checks(const bool verbose,
+                            const unsigned int cache_line_size,
+                            int *error_cnt_ptr, int *warning_cnt_ptr);
   static void verify() PRODUCT_RETURN;
   static int  verify_objmon_isinpool(ObjectMonitor *addr) PRODUCT_RETURN0;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.cpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.cpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 bool Abstract_VM_Version::_supports_atomic_getadd4 = false;
 bool Abstract_VM_Version::_supports_atomic_getadd8 = false;
 unsigned int Abstract_VM_Version::_logical_processors_per_package = 1U;
+unsigned int Abstract_VM_Version::_L1_data_cache_line_size = 0;
 int Abstract_VM_Version::_reserve_for_allocation_prefetch = 0;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.hpp	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.hpp	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
   static bool         _supports_atomic_getadd4;
   static bool         _supports_atomic_getadd8;
   static unsigned int _logical_processors_per_package;
+  static unsigned int _L1_data_cache_line_size;
   static int          _vm_major_version;
   static int          _vm_minor_version;
   static int          _vm_micro_version;
@@ -98,6 +99,10 @@
     return _logical_processors_per_package;
+  static unsigned int L1_data_cache_line_size() {
+    return _L1_data_cache_line_size;
+  }
   // Need a space at the end of TLAB for prefetch instructions
   // which may fault when accessing memory outside of heap.
   static int reserve_for_allocation_prefetch() {
--- a/hotspot/test/Makefile	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/Makefile	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -23,14 +23,36 @@
-# Makefile to run various jdk tests
+# Makefile to run various hotspot tests
-# Get OS/ARCH specifics
-OSNAME = $(shell uname -s)
-ifeq ($(OSNAME), SunOS)
+# Utilities used
+AWK       = awk
+CAT       = cat
+CD        = cd
+CHMOD     = chmod
+CP        = cp
+CUT       = cut
+DIRNAME   = dirname
+ECHO      = echo
+EGREP     = egrep
+EXPAND    = expand
+FIND      = find
+MKDIR     = mkdir
+PWD       = pwd
+SED       = sed
+SORT      = sort
+TEE       = tee
+UNAME     = uname
+UNIQ      = uniq
+WC        = wc
+ZIP       = zip
+# Get OS name from uname (Cygwin inexplicably adds _NT-5.1)
+UNAME_S := $(shell $(UNAME) -s | $(CUT) -f1 -d_)
+ifeq ($(UNAME_S), SunOS)
   PLATFORM = solaris
   SLASH_JAVA = /java
   ARCH = $(shell uname -p)
@@ -38,7 +60,7 @@
-ifeq ($(OSNAME), Linux)
+ifeq ($(UNAME_S), Linux)
   PLATFORM = linux
   SLASH_JAVA = /java
   ARCH = $(shell uname -m)
@@ -46,7 +68,7 @@
     ARCH = i586
-ifeq ($(OSNAME), Darwin)
+ifeq ($(UNAME_S), Darwin)
   PLATFORM = bsd
   SLASH_JAVA = /java
   ARCH = $(shell uname -m)
@@ -54,7 +76,7 @@
     ARCH = i586
-ifeq ($(findstring BSD,$(OSNAME)), BSD)
+ifeq ($(findstring BSD,$(UNAME_S)), BSD)
   PLATFORM = bsd
   SLASH_JAVA = /java
   ARCH = $(shell uname -m)
@@ -63,12 +85,12 @@
 ifeq ($(PLATFORM),)
-  # detect wether we're running in MKS or cygwin
-  ifeq ($(OSNAME), Windows_NT) # MKS
+  # detect whether we're running in MKS or cygwin
+  ifeq ($(UNAME_S), Windows_NT) # MKS
     GETMIXEDPATH=dosname -s
-  ifeq ($(findstring CYGWIN,$(OSNAME)), CYGWIN)
-    GETMIXEDPATH=cygpath -m -s
+  ifeq ($(findstring CYGWIN,$(UNAME_S)), CYGWIN)
+    GETMIXEDPATH=cygpath -m
   PLATFORM = windows
@@ -92,13 +114,6 @@
-# Utilities used
-CD    = cd
-CP    = cp
-ECHO  = echo
-MKDIR = mkdir
-ZIP   = zip
 # Root of this test area (important to use full paths in some places)
 TEST_ROOT := $(shell pwd)
@@ -136,21 +151,82 @@
 # How to create the test bundle (pass or fail, we want to create this)
-BUNDLE_UP = ( $(MKDIR) -p `dirname $(ARCHIVE_BUNDLE)`     \
-	      && $(CD) $(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)             \
-	      && $(ZIP) -q -r $(ARCHIVE_BUNDLE) . )
-BUNDLE_UP_FAILED = ( exitCode=$$? && $(BUNDLE_UP) && exit $${exitCode} )
+#   Follow command with ";$(BUNDLE_UP_AND_EXIT)", so it always gets executed.
+	           && $(CD) $(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)             \
+	           && $(CHMOD) -R a+r . \
+	           && $(ZIP) -q -r $(ARCHIVE_BUNDLE) . )
+# important results files
+SUMMARY_TXT = $(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTreport/text/summary.txt")
+STATS_TXT_NAME = Stats.txt
+RUNLIST   = $(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/runlist.txt")
+PASSLIST  = $(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/passlist.txt")
+FAILLIST  = $(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/faillist.txt")
+EXITCODE  = $(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/exitcode.txt")
+  if [ ! -s $(EXITCODE) ] ; then \
+    $(ECHO) "ERROR: EXITCODE file not filled in."; \
+    $(ECHO) "1" > $(EXITCODE); \
+  fi ; \
+  testExitCode=`$(CAT) $(EXITCODE)`; \
+  $(ECHO) "EXIT CODE: $${testExitCode}"; \
+  exit $${testExitCode}
+( \
+  jtregExitCode=$$? && \
+  _summary="$(SUMMARY_TXT)"; \
+  $(ECHO) "$${jtregExitCode}" > $(EXITCODE); \
+  if [ -r "$${_summary}" ] ; then \
+    $(ECHO) "Summary: $(UNIQUE_DIR)" > $(STATS_TXT); \
+    $(EXPAND) $${_summary} | $(EGREP) -v ' Not run\.' > $(RUNLIST); \
+    $(EGREP) ' Passed\.' $(RUNLIST) \
+      | $(EGREP) -v ' Error\.' \
+      | $(EGREP) -v ' Failed\.' > $(PASSLIST); \
+    ( $(EGREP) ' Failed\.' $(RUNLIST); \
+      $(EGREP) ' Error\.' $(RUNLIST); \
+      $(EGREP) -v ' Passed\.' $(RUNLIST) ) \
+      | $(SORT) | $(UNIQ) > $(FAILLIST); \
+    if [ $${jtregExitCode} != 0 -o -s $(FAILLIST) ] ; then \
+      $(EXPAND) $(FAILLIST) \
+        | $(CUT) -d' ' -f1 \
+        | $(SED) -e 's@^@FAILED: @' >> $(STATS_TXT); \
+      if [ $${jtregExitCode} = 0 ] ; then \
+        jtregExitCode=1; \
+      fi; \
+    fi; \
+    runc="`$(CAT) $(RUNLIST)      | $(WC) -l | $(AWK) '{print $$1;}'`"; \
+    passc="`$(CAT) $(PASSLIST)    | $(WC) -l | $(AWK) '{print $$1;}'`"; \
+    failc="`$(CAT) $(FAILLIST)    | $(WC) -l | $(AWK) '{print $$1;}'`"; \
+    exclc="FIXME CODETOOLS-7900176"; \
+    $(ECHO) "TEST STATS: name=$(UNIQUE_DIR)  run=$${runc}  pass=$${passc}  fail=$${failc}" \
+      >> $(STATS_TXT); \
+  else \
+    $(ECHO) "Missing file: $${_summary}" >> $(STATS_TXT); \
+  fi; \
+  if [ -f $(STATS_TXT) ] ; then \
+    $(CAT) $(STATS_TXT); \
+  fi; \
+  $(ZIP_UP_RESULTS) ; \
+  $(TESTEXIT) \
 # Default make rule (runs jtreg_tests)
-all: jtreg_tests
+all: hotspot_all
 	@$(ECHO) "Testing completed successfully"
-# Support "hotspot_" prefixed test make targets too
-# The hotspot_% targets are for example invoked by the top level Makefile
+# Support "hotspot_" prefixed test make targets (too)
+# The hotspot_% targets are used by the top level Makefile
+# Unless explicitly defined below, hotspot_<x> is interpreted as a jtreg test group name
-	$(MAKE) $*
+	$(ECHO) "Running tests: $@"
+	$(MAKE) -j 1 TEST_SELECTION=":$@" UNIQUE_DIR=$@ jtreg_tests;
 # Prep for output
 prep: clean
@@ -168,41 +244,64 @@
 # Expect JT_HOME to be set for jtreg tests. (home for jtreg)
 ifndef JT_HOME
-  JT_HOME = $(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jtreg/4.0/promoted/latest/binaries/jtreg
+  JT_HOME = $(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jtreg/4.1/promoted/latest/binaries/jtreg
+  endif
-# Expect JPRT to set TESTDIRS to the jtreg test dirs
-JTREG_TESTDIRS = demo/jvmti/gctest demo/jvmti/hprof
+# When called from JPRT the TESTDIRS variable is set to the jtreg tests to run
 # Default JTREG to run (win32 script works for everybody)
 JTREG = $(JT_HOME)/win32/bin/jtreg
+# Only run automatic tests
+# Report details on all failed or error tests, times too
+JTREG_BASIC_OPTIONS += -v:fail,error,time
+# Retain all files for failing tests
+JTREG_BASIC_OPTIONS += -retain:fail,error
+# Ignore tests are not run and completely silent about it
+JTREG_IGNORE_OPTION = -ignore:quiet
+# Add any extra options
+# Set other vm and test options
+JTREG_TEST_OPTIONS = $(JAVA_ARGS:%=-javaoptions:%) $(JAVA_OPTIONS:%=-vmoption:%) $(JAVA_VM_ARGS:%=-vmoption:%)
 # Option to tell jtreg to not run tests marked with "ignore"
 ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows)
   JTREG_KEY_OPTION = -k:!ignore
   JTREG_KEY_OPTION = -k:\!ignore
+# Make sure jtreg exists
-jtreg_tests: prep $(JT_HOME) $(PRODUCT_HOME) $(JTREG)
-	$(JTREG) -a -v:fail,error               \
-          $(JTREG_KEY_OPTION)                   \
-          $(EXTRA_JTREG_OPTIONS)                \
-          -r:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)")/JTreport    \
-          -w:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)")/JTwork      \
-          -jdk:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(PRODUCT_HOME)")                  \
-          $(JAVA_OPTIONS:%=-vmoption:%)         \
-          $(JTREG_TESTDIRS)                     \
+jtreg_tests: prep $(PRODUCT_HOME) $(JTREG)
+	(                                                                    \
+	  ( JT_HOME=$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(JT_HOME)");                   \
+            export JT_HOME;                                                  \
+            $(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(JTREG)")                              \
+              $(JTREG_BASIC_OPTIONS)                                         \
+              -r:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTreport")  \
+              -w:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTwork")    \
+              -jdk:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(PRODUCT_HOME)")                \
+              $(JTREG_EXCLUSIONS)                                            \
+              $(JTREG_TEST_OPTIONS)                                          \
+              $(TEST_SELECTION)                                              \
+	  ) ;                                                                \
+	  $(BUNDLE_UP_AND_EXIT)                                              \
+	) 2>&1 | $(TEE) $(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/output.txt ; $(TESTEXIT)
 PHONY_LIST += jtreg_tests
@@ -210,7 +309,7 @@
 # clienttest (make sure various basic java client options work)
-clienttest: prep $(PRODUCT_HOME)
+hotspot_clienttest clienttest: prep $(PRODUCT_HOME)
 	$(PRODUCT_HOME)/bin/java $(JAVA_OPTIONS) -version
 	$(PRODUCT_HOME)/bin/java $(JAVA_OPTIONS) -help
@@ -218,73 +317,27 @@
 	$(RM) $(PRODUCT_HOME)/jre/bin/client/classes.jsa
 	$(PRODUCT_HOME)/bin/java $(JAVA_OPTIONS) -Xshare:dump
-PHONY_LIST += clienttest
+PHONY_LIST += hotspot_clienttest clienttest
 # servertest (make sure various basic java server options work)
-servertest: prep $(PRODUCT_HOME)
+hotspot_servertest servertest: prep $(PRODUCT_HOME)
 	$(PRODUCT_HOME)/bin/java $(JAVA_OPTIONS) -version
 	$(PRODUCT_HOME)/bin/java $(JAVA_OPTIONS) -help
-PHONY_LIST += servertest
+PHONY_LIST += hotspot_servertest servertest
 # internalvmtests (run internal unit tests inside the VM)
-internalvmtests: prep $(PRODUCT_HOME)
+hotspot_internalvmtests internalvmtests: prep $(PRODUCT_HOME)
 	$(PRODUCT_HOME)/bin/java $(JAVA_OPTIONS) -XX:+ExecuteInternalVMTests -version
-PHONY_LIST += internalvmtests
-# wbapitest (make sure the whitebox testing api classes work
-wbapitest: prep $(JT_HOME) $(PRODUCT_HOME) $(JTREG)
-	$(JTREG) -a -v:fail,error               \
-          $(JTREG_KEY_OPTION)                   \
-          $(EXTRA_JTREG_OPTIONS)                \
-          -r:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)")/JTreport    \
-          -w:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)")/JTwork      \
-          -jdk:$(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(PRODUCT_HOME)")                  \
-          $(JAVA_OPTIONS:%=-vmoption:%)         \
-          $(shell $(GETMIXEDPATH) "$(TEST_ROOT)")/sanity                   \
-PHONY_LIST += wbapitest
-# packtest
-packtest: prep $(PACKTEST_HOME)/ptest $(PRODUCT_HOME)
-	( $(CD) $(PACKTEST_HOME) &&            \
-	    $(PACKTEST_HOME)/ptest             \
-		 -t "$(PRODUCT_HOME)"          \
-	         $(PACKTEST_STRESS_OPTION)     \
-		 -W $(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)     \
-                 $(JAVA_OPTIONS:%=-J %)        \
-packtest_stress: PACKTEST_STRESS_OPTION=-s
-packtest_stress: packtest
-PHONY_LIST += packtest packtest_stress
+PHONY_LIST += hotspot_internalvmtests internalvmtests
@@ -292,4 +345,3 @@
 .PHONY: all clean prep $(PHONY_LIST)
--- a/hotspot/test/TEST.groups	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/TEST.groups	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@
   gc/arguments/ \
   gc/arguments/ \
   gc/arguments/ \
+  gc/class_unloading/ \
   gc/concurrentMarkSweep/ \
   gc/startup_warnings/ \
   gc/startup_warnings/ \
@@ -325,3 +326,24 @@
+# When called from top level the test suites use the hotspot_ prefix
+hotspot_wbapitest = \
+  sanity/
+hotspot_compiler = \
+  sanity/
+hotspot_gc = \
+  sanity/
+hotspot_runtime = \
+  sanity/
+hotspot_serviceability = \
+  sanity/
+hotspot_all = \
+  :hotspot_compiler \
+  :hotspot_gc \
+  :hotspot_runtime \
+  :hotspot_serviceability
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/profiling/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8031752
+ * @summary speculative traps need to be cleaned up at GC
+ * @run main/othervm -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:-UseOnStackReplacement -XX:-BackgroundCompilation -XX:+UseTypeSpeculation -XX:TypeProfileLevel=222 -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,java.lang.reflect.Method::invoke -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl::invoke -Xmx512M TestSpecTrapClassUnloading
+ *
+ */
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+public class TestSpecTrapClassUnloading {
+    static class B {
+        final public boolean m(Object o) {
+            if (o.getClass() == B.class) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    static class MemoryChunk {
+        MemoryChunk other;
+        long[] array;
+        MemoryChunk(MemoryChunk other) {
+            this.other = other;
+            array = new long[1024 * 1024 * 1024];
+        }
+    }
+    static void m1(B b, Object o) {
+        b.m(o);
+    }
+    static void m2(B b, Object o) {
+        b.m(o);
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        Method m = B.class.getMethod("m", Object.class);
+        Object o = new Object();
+        B b = new B();
+        // add speculative trap in B.m() for m1
+        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
+            m1(b, b);
+        }
+        m1(b, o);
+        // add speculative trap in B.m() for code generated by reflection
+        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
+            m.invoke(b, b);
+        }
+        m.invoke(b, o);
+        m = null;
+        // add speculative trap in B.m() for m2
+        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
+            m2(b, b);
+        }
+        m2(b, o);
+        // Exhaust memory which causes the code generated by
+        // reflection to be unloaded but B.m() is not.
+        MemoryChunk root = null;
+        try {
+            while (true) {
+                root = new MemoryChunk(root);
+            }
+        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
+            root = null;
+        }
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+public class A {
+    void m() {
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import java.lang.instrument.*;
+import java.lang.reflect.*;
+import java.lang.reflect.*;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+public class Agent implements ClassFileTransformer {
+    public static ClassLoader newClassLoader() {
+        try {
+            return new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {
+                    Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.classes",".")).toUri().toURL(),
+            }, null);
+        } catch (MalformedURLException e){
+            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected URL conversion failure", e);
+        }
+    }
+    static public Class Test_class;
+    static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        // loader2 must be first on the list so loader 1 must be used first
+        ClassLoader loader1 = newClassLoader();
+        Class dummy = loader1.loadClass("Test");
+        ClassLoader loader2 = newClassLoader();
+        Test_class = loader2.loadClass("Test");
+        Method m3 = Test_class.getMethod("m3", ClassLoader.class);
+        // Add speculative trap in m2() (loaded by loader1) that
+        // references m4() (loaded by loader2).
+        m3.invoke(Test_class.newInstance(), loader1);
+        String nameOfRunningVM = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
+        int p = nameOfRunningVM.indexOf('@');
+        String pid = nameOfRunningVM.substring(0, p);
+        // Make the nmethod go away
+        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+            System.gc();
+        }
+        // Redefine class Test loaded by loader2
+        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+            try {
+                VirtualMachine vm = VirtualMachine.attach(pid);
+                vm.loadAgent(System.getProperty("test.classes",".") + "/agent.jar", "");
+                vm.detach();
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                throw new RuntimeException(e);
+            }
+        }
+        // Will process loader2 first, find m4() is redefined and
+        // needs to be freed then process loader1, check the
+        // speculative trap in m2() and try to access m4() which was
+        // freed already.
+        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+            System.gc();
+        }
+    }
+    public synchronized byte[] transform(final ClassLoader classLoader,
+                                         final String className,
+                                         Class<?> classBeingRedefined,
+                                         ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
+                                         byte[] classfileBuffer) {
+        System.out.println("Transforming class " + className + " "+ classLoader);
+        return classfileBuffer;
+    }
+    public static void redefine(String agentArgs, Instrumentation instrumentation, Class to_redefine) {
+        try {
+            instrumentation.retransformClasses(to_redefine);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    public static void agentmain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation instrumentation) throws Exception {
+        Agent transformer = new Agent();
+        instrumentation.addTransformer(transformer, true);
+        redefine(agentArgs, instrumentation, Test_class);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+public class B extends A {
+    void m() {
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8040237
+ * @library /testlibrary
+ * @build Agent Test A B
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller Agent
+ * @run main Launcher
+ * @run main/othervm -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:-BackgroundCompilation -XX:-UseOnStackReplacement -XX:TypeProfileLevel=222 -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=3M Agent
+ */
+public class Launcher {
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception  {
+      PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("MANIFEST.MF");
+      pw.println("Agent-Class: Agent");
+      pw.println("Can-Retransform-Classes: true");
+      pw.close();
+      ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
+      pb.command(new String[] { JDKToolFinder.getJDKTool("jar"), "cmf", "MANIFEST.MF", System.getProperty("test.classes",".") + "/agent.jar", "Agent.class"});
+      pb.start().waitFor();
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import java.lang.reflect.*;
+public class Test {
+    public boolean m1(A a, Boolean early_return) {
+        if (early_return.booleanValue()) return true;
+        boolean res =  m2(a);
+        return res;
+    }
+    public boolean m2(A a) {
+        boolean res = false;
+        if (a.getClass() == B.class) {
+            a.m();
+        } else {
+            res = true;
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    public void m3(ClassLoader loader) throws Exception {
+        Class Test_class = loader.loadClass("Test");
+        Object test = Test_class.newInstance();
+        Class A_class = loader.loadClass("A");
+        Object a = A_class.newInstance();
+        Class B_class = loader.loadClass("B");
+        Object b = B_class.newInstance();
+        Method m1 = Test_class.getMethod("m1", A_class, Boolean.class);
+        // So we don't hit uncommon trap in the next loop
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i++) {
+            m4(m1, test, a, Boolean.TRUE);
+            m4(m1, test, b, Boolean.TRUE);
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
+            m4(m1, test, a, Boolean.FALSE);
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+            m4(m1, test, b, Boolean.FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+    public Object m4(Method m, Object test, Object a, Object early_return) throws Exception {
+        return m.invoke(test, a, early_return);
+    }
+    static public A a = new A();
+    static public B b = new B();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package java.lang.invoke;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox;
+public class StableConfiguration {
+    static final WhiteBox WB = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable;
+    static {
+        Boolean value = WB.getBooleanVMFlag("FoldStableValues");
+        isStableEnabled = (value == null ? false : value);
+        isServerWithStable = isStableEnabled && get();
+        System.out.println("@Stable:         " + (isStableEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
+        System.out.println("Server Compiler: " + get());
+    }
+    // ::get() is among immediately compiled methods.
+    static boolean get() {
+        try {
+            Method m = StableConfiguration.class.getDeclaredMethod("get");
+            int level = WB.getMethodCompilationLevel(m);
+            if (level > 0) {
+              return (level == 4);
+            } else {
+              String javaVM = System.getProperty("", "");
+              if (javaVM.contains("Server")) return true;
+              if (javaVM.contains("Client")) return false;
+              throw new Error("Unknown VM type: "+javaVM);
+            }
+        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
+            throw new Error(e);
+        }
+    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableBoolean
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableBoolean StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableBoolean
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableBoolean$BooleanStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableBoolean$StaticBooleanStable
@@ -48,46 +50,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableBoolean$NestedStableField3
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableBoolean$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableBoolean$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableBoolean$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableBoolean$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableBoolean
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableBoolean
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableBoolean
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableBoolean
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableBoolean
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableBoolean
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableBoolean {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -145,6 +161,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable boolean v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static boolean get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                        boolean val1 = get();
+            c.v = true; boolean val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, false);
+            assertEquals(val2, true);
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticBooleanStable {
         public static @Stable boolean v;
@@ -188,14 +219,14 @@
                 c.v = new boolean[1]; c.v[0] = true;  boolean val1 = get();
                                       c.v[0] = false; boolean val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, true);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v = new boolean[20]; c.v[10] = true;  boolean val1 = get1();
                                        c.v[10] = false; boolean val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, true);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
@@ -220,19 +251,19 @@
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = true;  boolean val1 = get();
                                          c.v[0][0] = false; boolean val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, true);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = false; boolean val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v[0] = new boolean[1]; c.v[0][0] = false; boolean val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1]; boolean[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new boolean[1]; boolean[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -258,28 +289,28 @@
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = true;  boolean val1 = get();
                                             c.v[0][0][0] = false; boolean val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, true);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = false; boolean val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v[0] = new boolean[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = false; boolean val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v[0][0] = new boolean[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = false; boolean val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1]; boolean[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new boolean[1]; boolean[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1]; boolean[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new boolean[1][1]; boolean[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -306,37 +337,37 @@
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = true;  boolean val1 = get();
                                                c.v[0][0][0][0] = false; boolean val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, true);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = false; boolean val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v[0] = new boolean[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = false; boolean val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v[0][0] = new boolean[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = false; boolean val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new boolean[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = false; boolean val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1][1]; boolean[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new boolean[1]; boolean[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1][1]; boolean[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new boolean[1][1]; boolean[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1][1]; boolean[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new boolean[1][1][1]; boolean[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -399,7 +430,7 @@
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1]; c.v[0] = new boolean[0]; boolean[] val1 = get1();
                                          c.v[0] = new boolean[0]; boolean[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -435,14 +466,14 @@
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new boolean[0]; boolean[] val1 = get1();
                                             c.v[0][0] = new boolean[0]; boolean[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new boolean[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new boolean[0][0]; boolean[][] val1 = get2();
                                             c.v[0] = new boolean[0][0]; boolean[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -577,7 +608,7 @@
                                elem.a = false; boolean val3 = get(); boolean val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, true);
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? true : false));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? true : false));
                 assertEquals(val2, true);
                 assertEquals(val4, false);
@@ -611,17 +642,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableByte
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableByte StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableByte
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableByte$ByteStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableByte$StaticByteStable
@@ -48,46 +50,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableByte$NestedStableField3
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableByte$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableByte$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableByte$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableByte$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableByte
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableByte
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableByte
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableByte
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableByte
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableByte
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableByte {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -145,6 +161,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable byte v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static byte get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                     byte val1 = get();
+            c.v = 1; byte val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, 0);
+            assertEquals(val2, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticByteStable {
         public static @Stable byte v;
@@ -188,20 +219,22 @@
                 c.v = new byte[1]; c.v[0] = 1; byte val1 = get();
                                    c.v[0] = 2; byte val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new byte[1]; c.v[0] = 3; byte val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v = new byte[20]; c.v[10] = 1; byte val1 = get1();
                                     c.v[10] = 2; byte val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new byte[20]; c.v[10] = 3; byte val3 = get1();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
@@ -226,19 +259,21 @@
                 c.v = new byte[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 1; byte val1 = get();
                                       c.v[0][0] = 2; byte val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 3; byte val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new byte[1]; c.v[0][0] = 4; byte val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1]; byte[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new byte[1]; byte[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -264,28 +299,31 @@
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 1; byte val1 = get();
                                          c.v[0][0][0] = 2; byte val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 3; byte val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new byte[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 4; byte val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v[0][0] = new byte[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 5; byte val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 5));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 5));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1]; byte[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new byte[1]; byte[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1]; byte[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new byte[1][1]; byte[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -312,37 +350,41 @@
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 1; byte val1 = get();
                                             c.v[0][0][0][0] = 2; byte val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 3; byte val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new byte[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 4; byte val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v[0][0] = new byte[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 5; byte val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 5));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 5));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new byte[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 6; byte val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 6));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 6));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1][1]; byte[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new byte[1]; byte[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1][1]; byte[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new byte[1][1]; byte[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1][1]; byte[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new byte[1][1][1]; byte[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -404,7 +446,7 @@
                 c.v = new byte[1][1]; c.v[0] = new byte[0]; byte[] val1 = get1();
                                      c.v[0] = new byte[0]; byte[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -440,14 +482,14 @@
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new byte[0]; byte[] val1 = get1();
                                          c.v[0][0] = new byte[0]; byte[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new byte[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new byte[0][0]; byte[][] val1 = get2();
                                          c.v[0] = new byte[0][0]; byte[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -582,7 +624,7 @@
                                elem.a = 2; byte val3 = get(); byte val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 assertEquals(val2, 1);
                 assertEquals(val4, 2);
@@ -616,17 +658,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableChar
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableChar StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableChar
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableChar$CharStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableChar$StaticCharStable
@@ -48,46 +50,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableChar$NestedStableField3
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableChar$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableChar$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableChar$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableChar$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableChar
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableChar
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableChar
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableChar
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableChar
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableChar
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableChar {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -145,6 +161,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable char v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static char get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                       char val1 = get();
+            c.v = 'a'; char val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, 0);
+            assertEquals(val2, 'a');
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticCharStable {
         public @Stable char v;
@@ -188,20 +219,22 @@
                 c.v = new char[1]; c.v[0] = 'a'; char val1 = get();
                                    c.v[0] = 'b'; char val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 'a');
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'b'));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b'));
                 c.v = new char[1]; c.v[0] = 'c'; char val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'c'));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'c'));
                 c.v = new char[20]; c.v[10] = 'a'; char val1 = get1();
                                     c.v[10] = 'b'; char val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 'a');
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'b'));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b'));
                 c.v = new char[20]; c.v[10] = 'c'; char val3 = get1();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'c'));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'c'));
@@ -226,19 +259,21 @@
                 c.v = new char[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 'a'; char val1 = get();
                                       c.v[0][0] = 'b'; char val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 'a');
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'b'));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b'));
                 c.v = new char[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 'c'; char val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'c'));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'c'));
                 c.v[0] = new char[1]; c.v[0][0] = 'd'; char val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'd'));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'd'));
                 c.v = new char[1][1]; char[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new char[1]; char[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -264,28 +299,31 @@
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 'a'; char val1 = get();
                                          c.v[0][0][0] = 'b'; char val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 'a');
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'b'));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b'));
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 'c'; char val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'c'));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'c'));
                 c.v[0] = new char[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 'd'; char val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'd'));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'd'));
                 c.v[0][0] = new char[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 'e'; char val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'e'));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'e'));
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1]; char[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new char[1]; char[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1]; char[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new char[1][1]; char[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -312,37 +350,41 @@
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 'a'; char val1 = get();
                                             c.v[0][0][0][0] = 'b'; char val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 'a');
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'b'));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b'));
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 'c'; char val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'c'));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'c'));
                 c.v[0] = new char[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 'd'; char val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'd'));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'd'));
                 c.v[0][0] = new char[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 'e'; char val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'e'));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'e'));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new char[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 'f'; char val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'f'));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b')
+                                                    : 'f'));
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1][1]; char[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new char[1]; char[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1][1]; char[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new char[1][1]; char[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1][1]; char[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new char[1][1][1]; char[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -350,7 +392,6 @@
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1][1]; char[][][][] val2 = get4();
                 assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -403,7 +444,7 @@
                 c.v = new char[1][1]; c.v[0] = new char[0]; char[] val1 = get1();
                                       c.v[0] = new char[0]; char[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -439,14 +480,14 @@
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new char[0]; char[] val1 = get1();
                                          c.v[0][0] = new char[0]; char[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new char[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new char[0][0]; char[][] val1 = get2();
                                          c.v[0] = new char[0][0]; char[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -581,7 +622,7 @@
                                elem.a = 'b'; char val3 = get(); char val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 'a');
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 'a' : 'b'));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? 'a' : 'b'));
                 assertEquals(val2, 'a');
                 assertEquals(val4, 'b');
@@ -615,17 +656,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableDouble
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableDouble StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableDouble
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableDouble$DoubleStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableDouble$StaticDoubleStable
@@ -48,46 +50,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableDouble$NestedStableField3
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableDouble$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableDouble$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableDouble$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableDouble$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableDouble
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableDouble
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableDouble
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableDouble
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableDouble
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableDouble
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableDouble {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -145,6 +161,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable double v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static double get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                       double val1 = get();
+            c.v = 1.0; double val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, 0);
+            assertEquals(val2, 1.0);
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticDoubleStable {
         public static @Stable double v;
@@ -188,20 +219,22 @@
                 c.v = new double[1]; c.v[0] = 1.0; double val1 = get();
                                      c.v[0] = 2.0; double val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 2.0));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0));
                 c.v = new double[1]; c.v[0] = 3.0; double val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 3.0));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 3.0));
                 c.v = new double[20]; c.v[10] = 1.0; double val1 = get1();
                                       c.v[10] = 2.0; double val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 2.0));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0));
                 c.v = new double[20]; c.v[10] = 3.0; double val3 = get1();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 3.0));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 3.0));
@@ -226,19 +259,21 @@
                 c.v = new double[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 1.0; double val1 = get();
                                         c.v[0][0] = 2.0; double val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 2.0));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0));
                 c.v = new double[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 3.0; double val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 3.0));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 3.0));
                 c.v[0] = new double[1]; c.v[0][0] = 4.0; double val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 4.0));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 4.0));
                 c.v = new double[1][1]; double[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new double[1]; double[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -264,28 +299,31 @@
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 1.0; double val1 = get();
                                            c.v[0][0][0] = 2.0; double val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 2.0));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0));
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 3.0; double val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 3.0));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 3.0));
                 c.v[0] = new double[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 4.0; double val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 4.0));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 4.0));
                 c.v[0][0] = new double[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 5.0; double val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 5.0));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 5.0));
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1]; double[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new double[1]; double[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1]; double[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new double[1][1]; double[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -312,37 +350,41 @@
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 1.0; double val1 = get();
                                               c.v[0][0][0][0] = 2.0; double val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 2.0));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0));
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 3.0; double val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 3.0));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 3.0));
                 c.v[0] = new double[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 4.0; double val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 4.0));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 4.0));
                 c.v[0][0] = new double[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 5.0; double val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 5.0));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 5.0));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new double[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 6.0; double val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 6.0));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0)
+                                                    : 6.0));
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1][1]; double[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new double[1]; double[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1][1]; double[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new double[1][1]; double[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1][1]; double[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new double[1][1][1]; double[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -350,13 +392,11 @@
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1][1]; double[][][][] val2 = get4();
                 assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
     /* ==================================================== */
     // Dynamic Dim is higher than static
     static class ObjectArrayLowerDim0 {
         public @Stable Object v;
@@ -404,7 +444,7 @@
                 c.v = new double[1][1]; c.v[0] = new double[0]; double[] val1 = get1();
                                         c.v[0] = new double[0]; double[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -440,14 +480,14 @@
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new double[0]; double[] val1 = get1();
                                            c.v[0][0] = new double[0]; double[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new double[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new double[0][0]; double[][] val1 = get2();
                                            c.v[0] = new double[0][0]; double[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -582,7 +622,7 @@
                                elem.a = 2.0; double val3 = get(); double val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0);
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0 : 2.0));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0 : 2.0));
                 assertEquals(val2, 1.0);
                 assertEquals(val4, 2.0);
@@ -616,17 +656,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableFloat
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableFloat StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableFloat
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableFloat$FloatStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableFloat$StaticFloatStable
@@ -48,46 +50,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableFloat$NestedStableField3
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableFloat$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableFloat$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableFloat$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableFloat$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableFloat
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableFloat
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableFloat
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableFloat
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableFloat
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableFloat
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableFloat {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -145,6 +161,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable float v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static float get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                        float val1 = get();
+            c.v = 1.0F; float val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, 0F);
+            assertEquals(val2, 1.0F);
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticFloatStable {
         public static @Stable float v;
@@ -188,20 +219,22 @@
                 c.v = new float[1]; c.v[0] = 1.0F; float val1 = get();
                                     c.v[0] = 2.0F; float val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0F);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
                 c.v = new float[1]; c.v[0] = 3.0F; float val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 3.0F));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 3.0F));
                 c.v = new float[20]; c.v[10] = 1.0F; float val1 = get1();
                                      c.v[10] = 2.0F; float val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0F);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
                 c.v = new float[20]; c.v[10] = 3.0F; float val3 = get1();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 3.0F));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 3.0F));
@@ -226,19 +259,21 @@
                 c.v = new float[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 1.0F; float val1 = get();
                                        c.v[0][0] = 2.0F; float val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0F);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
                 c.v = new float[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 3.0F; float val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 3.0F));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 3.0F));
                 c.v[0] = new float[1]; c.v[0][0] = 4.0F; float val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 4.0F));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 4.0F));
                 c.v = new float[1][1]; float[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new float[1]; float[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -264,28 +299,31 @@
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 1.0F; float val1 = get();
                                           c.v[0][0][0] = 2.0F; float val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0F);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 3.0F; float val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 3.0F));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 3.0F));
                 c.v[0] = new float[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 4.0F; float val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 4.0F));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 4.0F));
                 c.v[0][0] = new float[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 5.0F; float val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 5.0F));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 5.0F));
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1]; float[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new float[1]; float[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1]; float[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new float[1][1]; float[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -312,37 +350,41 @@
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 1.0F; float val1 = get();
                                              c.v[0][0][0][0] = 2.0F; float val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0F);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 3.0F; float val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 3.0F));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 3.0F));
                 c.v[0] = new float[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 4.0F; float val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 4.0F));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 4.0F));
                 c.v[0][0] = new float[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 5.0F; float val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 5.0F));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 5.0F));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new float[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 6.0F; float val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 6.0F));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F)
+                                                    : 6.0F));
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1][1]; float[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new float[1]; float[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1][1]; float[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new float[1][1]; float[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1][1]; float[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new float[1][1][1]; float[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -350,13 +392,11 @@
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1][1]; float[][][][] val2 = get4();
                 assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
     /* ==================================================== */
     // Dynamic Dim is higher than static
     static class ObjectArrayLowerDim0 {
         public @Stable Object v;
@@ -404,7 +444,7 @@
                 c.v = new float[1][1]; c.v[0] = new float[0]; float[] val1 = get1();
                                        c.v[0] = new float[0]; float[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -440,14 +480,14 @@
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new float[0]; float[] val1 = get1();
                                           c.v[0][0] = new float[0]; float[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new float[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new float[0][0]; float[][] val1 = get2();
                                           c.v[0] = new float[0][0]; float[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -582,7 +622,7 @@
                                elem.a = 2.0F; float val3 = get(); float val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1.0F);
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? 1.0F : 2.0F));
                 assertEquals(val2, 1.0F);
                 assertEquals(val4, 2.0F);
@@ -616,17 +656,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableInt
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableInt StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableInt
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableInt$IntStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableInt$StaticIntStable
@@ -48,46 +50,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableInt$NestedStableField3
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableInt$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableInt$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableInt$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableInt$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableInt
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableInt
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableInt
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableInt
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableInt
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableInt
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableInt {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -145,6 +161,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable int v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static int get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                        int val1 = get();
+            c.v = 1; int val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, 0);
+            assertEquals(val2, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticIntStable {
         public static @Stable int v;
@@ -188,20 +219,22 @@
                 c.v = new int[1]; c.v[0] = 1; int val1 = get();
                                   c.v[0] = 2; int val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new int[1]; c.v[0] = 3; int val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v = new int[20]; c.v[10] = 1; int val1 = get1();
                                    c.v[10] = 2; int val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new int[20]; c.v[10] = 3; int val3 = get1();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
@@ -226,19 +259,21 @@
                 c.v = new int[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 1; int val1 = get();
                                      c.v[0][0] = 2; int val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new int[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 3; int val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new int[1]; c.v[0][0] = 4; int val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v = new int[1][1]; int[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new int[1]; int[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -264,28 +299,31 @@
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 1; int val1 = get();
                                         c.v[0][0][0] = 2; int val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 3; int val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new int[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 4; int val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v[0][0] = new int[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 5; int val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 5));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 5));
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1]; int[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new int[1]; int[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1]; int[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new int[1][1]; int[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -312,37 +350,41 @@
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 1; int val1 = get();
                                            c.v[0][0][0][0] = 2; int val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 3; int val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new int[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 4; int val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v[0][0] = new int[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 5; int val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 5));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 5));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new int[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 6; int val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 6));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 6));
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1][1]; int[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new int[1]; int[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1][1]; int[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new int[1][1]; int[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1][1]; int[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new int[1][1][1]; int[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -350,13 +392,11 @@
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1][1]; int[][][][] val2 = get4();
                 assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
     /* ==================================================== */
     // Dynamic Dim is higher than static
     static class ObjectArrayLowerDim0 {
         public @Stable Object v;
@@ -404,7 +444,7 @@
                 c.v = new int[1][1]; c.v[0] = new int[0]; int[] val1 = get1();
                                      c.v[0] = new int[0]; int[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -440,14 +480,14 @@
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new int[0]; int[] val1 = get1();
                                         c.v[0][0] = new int[0]; int[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new int[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new int[0][0]; int[][] val1 = get2();
                                         c.v[0] = new int[0][0]; int[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -582,7 +622,7 @@
                                elem.a = 2; int val3 = get(); int val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 assertEquals(val2, 1);
                 assertEquals(val4, 2);
@@ -616,17 +656,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableLong
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableLong StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableLong
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableLong$LongStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableLong$StaticLongStable
@@ -48,46 +50,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableLong$NestedStableField3
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableLong$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableLong$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableLong$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableLong$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableLong
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableLong
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableLong
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableLong
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableLong
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableLong
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableLong {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -145,6 +161,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable long v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static long get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                      long val1 = get();
+            c.v = 1L; long val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, 0);
+            assertEquals(val2, 1L);
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticLongStable {
         public static @Stable long v;
@@ -188,20 +219,22 @@
                 c.v = new long[1]; c.v[0] = 1; long val1 = get();
                                    c.v[0] = 2; long val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new long[1]; c.v[0] = 3; long val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v = new long[20]; c.v[10] = 1; long val1 = get1();
                                     c.v[10] = 2; long val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new long[20]; c.v[10] = 3; long val3 = get1();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
@@ -226,19 +259,21 @@
                 c.v = new long[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 1; long val1 = get();
                                       c.v[0][0] = 2; long val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new long[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 3; long val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new long[1]; c.v[0][0] = 4; long val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v = new long[1][1]; long[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new long[1]; long[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -264,28 +299,31 @@
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 1; long val1 = get();
                                          c.v[0][0][0] = 2; long val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 3; long val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new long[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 4; long val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v[0][0] = new long[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 5; long val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 5));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 5));
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1]; long[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new long[1]; long[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1]; long[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new long[1][1]; long[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -312,37 +350,41 @@
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 1; long val1 = get();
                                             c.v[0][0][0][0] = 2; long val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 3; long val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new long[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 4; long val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v[0][0] = new long[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 5; long val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 5));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 5));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new long[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 6; long val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 6));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 6));
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1][1]; long[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new long[1]; long[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1][1]; long[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new long[1][1]; long[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1][1]; long[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new long[1][1][1]; long[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -350,13 +392,11 @@
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1][1]; long[][][][] val2 = get4();
                 assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
     /* ==================================================== */
     // Dynamic Dim is higher than static
     static class ObjectArrayLowerDim0 {
         public @Stable Object v;
@@ -404,7 +444,7 @@
                 c.v = new long[1][1]; c.v[0] = new long[0]; long[] val1 = get1();
                                      c.v[0] = new long[0]; long[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -440,14 +480,14 @@
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new long[0]; long[] val1 = get1();
                                          c.v[0][0] = new long[0]; long[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new long[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new long[0][0]; long[][] val1 = get2();
                                          c.v[0] = new long[0][0]; long[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -582,7 +622,7 @@
                                elem.a = 2; long val3 = get(); long val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 assertEquals(val2, 1);
                 assertEquals(val4, 2);
@@ -616,17 +656,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableObject
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableObject StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableObject
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableObject$ObjectStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableObject$StaticObjectStable
@@ -49,46 +51,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableObject$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableObject$Values
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableObject$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableObject$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableObject$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableObject
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableObject
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableObject
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableObject
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableObject
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableObject
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableObject {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -148,6 +164,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable Object v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static Object get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                            Object val1 = get();
+            c.v = Values.A; Object val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, null);
+            assertEquals(val2, Values.A);
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticObjectStable {
         public static @Stable Values v;
@@ -191,20 +222,22 @@
                 c.v = new Object[1]; c.v[0] = Values.A; Object val1 = get();
                                      c.v[0] = Values.B; Object val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, Values.A);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.B));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B));
                 c.v = new Object[1]; c.v[0] = Values.C; Object val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.C));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.C));
                 c.v = new Object[20]; c.v[10] = Values.A; Object val1 = get1();
                                       c.v[10] = Values.B; Object val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, Values.A);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.B));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B));
                 c.v = new Object[20]; c.v[10] = Values.C; Object val3 = get1();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.C));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.C));
@@ -229,19 +262,21 @@
                 c.v = new Object[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = Values.A; Object val1 = get();
                                         c.v[0][0] = Values.B; Object val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, Values.A);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.B));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = Values.C; Object val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.C));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.C));
                 c.v[0] = new Object[1]; c.v[0][0] = Values.D; Object val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.D));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.D));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1]; Object[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new Object[1]; Object[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -267,28 +302,31 @@
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = Values.A; Object val1 = get();
                                            c.v[0][0][0] = Values.B; Object val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, Values.A);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.B));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = Values.C; Object val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.C));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.C));
                 c.v[0] = new Object[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = Values.D; Object val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.D));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.D));
                 c.v[0][0] = new Object[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = Values.E; Object val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.E));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.E));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1]; Object[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new Object[1]; Object[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1]; Object[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new Object[1][1]; Object[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -315,37 +353,41 @@
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = Values.A; Object val1 = get();
                                               c.v[0][0][0][0] = Values.B; Object val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, Values.A);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.B));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = Values.C; Object val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.C));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.C));
                 c.v[0] = new Object[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = Values.D; Object val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.D));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.D));
                 c.v[0][0] = new Object[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = Values.E; Object val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.E));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.E));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new Object[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = Values.F; Object val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.F));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B)
+                                                    : Values.F));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1][1]; Object[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new Object[1]; Object[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1][1]; Object[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new Object[1][1]; Object[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1][1]; Object[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new Object[1][1][1]; Object[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -353,13 +395,11 @@
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1][1]; Object[][][][] val2 = get4();
                 assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
     /* ==================================================== */
     // Dynamic Dim is higher than static
     static class ObjectArrayLowerDim0 {
         public @Stable Object v;
@@ -407,7 +447,7 @@
                 c.v = new Object[1][1]; c.v[0] = new Object[0]; Object[] val1 = get1();
                                      c.v[0] = new Object[0]; Object[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -443,14 +483,14 @@
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new Object[0]; Object[] val1 = get1();
                                            c.v[0][0] = new Object[0]; Object[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new Object[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new Object[0][0]; Object[][] val1 = get2();
                                            c.v[0] = new Object[0][0]; Object[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -585,7 +625,7 @@
                                elem.a = Values.B; Object val3 = get(); Object val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, Values.A);
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? Values.A : Values.B));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? Values.A : Values.B));
                 assertEquals(val2, Values.A);
                 assertEquals(val4, Values.B);
@@ -619,17 +659,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/stable/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
  * @test TestStableShort
  * @summary tests on stable fields and arrays
- * @library /testlibrary
- * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @library /testlibrary /testlibrary/whitebox
+ * @build TestStableShort StableConfiguration sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  * @run main ClassFileInstaller
+ *           java/lang/invoke/StableConfiguration
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableShort
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableShort$ShortStable
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableShort$StaticShortStable
@@ -48,46 +50,60 @@
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableShort$NestedStableField3
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableShort$NestedStableField3$A
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableShort$DefaultValue
+ *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableShort$DefaultStaticValue
  *           java/lang/invoke/TestStableShort$ObjectArrayLowerDim2
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableShort
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableShort
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
+ *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
+ *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableShort
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableShort
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:+UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:+FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableShort
- *
  * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
- *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-FoldStableValues -XX:-UseCompressedOop
- *                   -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
+ *                   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xcomp
+ *                   -client -XX:-TieredCompilation
+ *                   -XX:-FoldStableValues
  *                   -XX:CompileOnly=::get,::get1,::get2,::get3,::get4
  *                   java.lang.invoke.TestStableShort
 package java.lang.invoke;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 public class TestStableShort {
+    static final boolean isStableEnabled    = StableConfiguration.isStableEnabled;
+    static final boolean isServerWithStable = StableConfiguration.isServerWithStable;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("@Stable enabled: "+isStableEnabled);
-        System.out.println();
+        run(DefaultStaticValue.class);
@@ -145,6 +161,21 @@
     /* ==================================================== */
+    static class DefaultStaticValue {
+        public static @Stable short v;
+        public static final DefaultStaticValue c = new DefaultStaticValue();
+        public static short get() { return c.v; }
+        public static void test() throws Exception {
+                     short val1 = get();
+            c.v = 1; short val2 = get();
+            assertEquals(val1, 0);
+            assertEquals(val2, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* ==================================================== */
     static class StaticShortStable {
         public static @Stable short v;
@@ -188,20 +219,22 @@
                 c.v = new short[1]; c.v[0] = 1; short val1 = get();
                                     c.v[0] = 2; short val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new short[1]; c.v[0] = 3; short val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v = new short[20]; c.v[10] = 1; short val1 = get1();
                                      c.v[10] = 2; short val2 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new short[20]; c.v[10] = 3; short val3 = get1();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
@@ -226,19 +259,21 @@
                 c.v = new short[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 1; short val1 = get();
                                        c.v[0][0] = 2; short val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new short[1][1]; c.v[0][0] = 3; short val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new short[1]; c.v[0][0] = 4; short val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v = new short[1][1]; short[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0] = new short[1]; short[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -264,28 +299,31 @@
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 1; short val1 = get();
                                           c.v[0][0][0] = 2; short val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 3; short val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new short[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 4; short val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v[0][0] = new short[1]; c.v[0][0][0] = 5; short val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 5));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 5));
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1]; short[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0] = new short[1]; short[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1]; short[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0] = new short[1][1]; short[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -312,37 +350,41 @@
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 1; short val1 = get();
                                              c.v[0][0][0][0] = 2; short val2 = get();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val2, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val2, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 3; short val3 = get();
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 3));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 3));
                 c.v[0] = new short[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 4; short val4 = get();
-                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 4));
+                assertEquals(val4, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 4));
                 c.v[0][0] = new short[1][1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 5; short val5 = get();
-                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 5));
+                assertEquals(val5, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 5));
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new short[1]; c.v[0][0][0][0] = 6; short val6 = get();
-                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 6));
+                assertEquals(val6, (isStableEnabled ? (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2)
+                                                    : 6));
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1][1]; short[] val1 = get1();
                 c.v[0][0][0] = new short[1]; short[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1][1]; short[][] val1 = get2();
                 c.v[0][0] = new short[1][1]; short[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1][1]; short[][][] val1 = get3();
                 c.v[0] = new short[1][1][1]; short[][][] val2 = get3();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -350,13 +392,11 @@
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1][1]; short[][][][] val2 = get4();
                 assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
     /* ==================================================== */
     // Dynamic Dim is higher than static
     static class ObjectArrayLowerDim0 {
         public @Stable Object v;
@@ -404,7 +444,7 @@
                 c.v = new short[1][1]; c.v[0] = new short[0]; short[] val1 = get1();
                                        c.v[0] = new short[0]; short[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -440,14 +480,14 @@
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1]; c.v[0][0] = new short[0]; short[] val1 = get1();
                                           c.v[0][0] = new short[0]; short[] val2 = get1();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
                 c.v = new short[1][1][1]; c.v[0] = new short[0][0]; short[][] val1 = get2();
                                           c.v[0] = new short[0][0]; short[][] val2 = get2();
-                assertTrue((isStableEnabled ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
+                assertTrue((isServerWithStable ? (val1 == val2) : (val1 != val2)));
@@ -582,7 +622,7 @@
                                elem.a = 2; short val3 = get(); short val4 = get1();
                 assertEquals(val1, 1);
-                assertEquals(val3, (isStableEnabled ? 1 : 2));
+                assertEquals(val3, (isServerWithStable ? 1 : 2));
                 assertEquals(val2, 1);
                 assertEquals(val4, 2);
@@ -616,17 +656,4 @@
-    static final boolean isStableEnabled;
-    static {
-        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean diagnostic
-                = ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean();
-        VMOption tmp;
-        try {
-            tmp = diagnostic.getVMOption("FoldStableValues");
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            tmp = null;
-        }
-        isStableEnabled = (tmp == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp.getValue()));
-    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/uncommontrap/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
- * @test
- * @bug 8031752
- * @summary speculative traps need to be cleaned up at GC
- * @run main/othervm -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:-UseOnStackReplacement -XX:-BackgroundCompilation -XX:+UseTypeSpeculation -XX:TypeProfileLevel=222 -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,java.lang.reflect.Method::invoke -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl::invoke -Xmx512M TestSpecTrapClassUnloading
- *
- */
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-public class TestSpecTrapClassUnloading {
-    static class B {
-        final public boolean m(Object o) {
-            if (o.getClass() == B.class) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    static class MemoryChunk {
-        MemoryChunk other;
-        long[] array;
-        MemoryChunk(MemoryChunk other) {
-            this.other = other;
-            array = new long[1024 * 1024 * 1024];
-        }
-    }
-    static void m1(B b, Object o) {
-        b.m(o);
-    }
-    static void m2(B b, Object o) {
-        b.m(o);
-    }
-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        Method m = B.class.getMethod("m", Object.class);
-        Object o = new Object();
-        B b = new B();
-        // add speculative trap in B.m() for m1
-        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
-            m1(b, b);
-        }
-        m1(b, o);
-        // add speculative trap in B.m() for code generated by reflection
-        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
-            m.invoke(b, b);
-        }
-        m.invoke(b, o);
-        m = null;
-        // add speculative trap in B.m() for m2
-        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
-            m2(b, b);
-        }
-        m2(b, o);
-        // Exhaust memory which causes the code generated by
-        // reflection to be unloaded but B.m() is not.
-        MemoryChunk root = null;
-        try {
-            while (true) {
-                root = new MemoryChunk(root);
-            }
-        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
-            root = null;
-        }
-    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/runtime/CommandLine/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.    See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8048933
+ * @summary TraceExceptions output should have the exception message - useful for ClassNotFoundExceptions especially
+ * @library /testlibrary
+ */
+public class TraceExceptionsTest {
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        if (!Platform.isDebugBuild()) {
+          System.out.println("Skip the test on product builds since XX:+TraceExceptions is not available on product builds");
+          return;
+        }
+        ProcessBuilder pb = ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder(
+            "-XX:+TraceExceptions", "NoClassFound");
+        OutputAnalyzer output = new OutputAnalyzer(pb.start());
+        output.shouldContain("<a 'java/lang/ClassNotFoundException': NoClassFound>");
+        output.shouldNotContain("<a 'java/lang/ClassNotFoundException'>");
+        output.shouldHaveExitValue(1);
+    }
--- a/jaxp/.hgtags	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxp/.hgtags	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -266,3 +266,4 @@
 7eb0ab676ea75cb1dd31c613e77008a7d8cb0af7 jdk9-b21
 82b94ff002c6e007a03bf0f364ca94b381e09135 jdk9-b22
 2e5b63006187bfc64d8eace374dbc2806267a160 jdk9-b23
+345af113f57206711f75089c3ebf84a36a789122 jdk9-b24
--- a/jaxp/src/com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/xs/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxp/src/com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/xs/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
@@ -982,6 +983,18 @@
     public void reset(XMLComponentManager componentManager) throws XMLConfigurationException {
+        XMLSecurityPropertyManager spm = (XMLSecurityPropertyManager)componentManager.getProperty(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER);
+        if (spm == null) {
+            spm = new XMLSecurityPropertyManager();
+            setProperty(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER, spm);
+        }
+        XMLSecurityManager sm = (XMLSecurityManager)componentManager.getProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER);
+        if (sm == null)
+            setProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER,new XMLSecurityManager(true));
+        faccessExternalSchema = spm.getValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA);
@@ -1065,9 +1078,6 @@
         // get generate-synthetic-annotations feature
         fSchemaHandler.setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations(componentManager.getFeature(GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS, false));
-        XMLSecurityPropertyManager spm = (XMLSecurityPropertyManager)componentManager.getProperty(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER);
-        faccessExternalSchema = spm.getValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA);
     private void initGrammarBucket(){
--- a/jaxws/.hgtags	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/.hgtags	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -269,3 +269,4 @@
 4a099451fd7e17b6cc4772fe9547907576a45b6f jdk9-b21
 7f5e5902cde75fd9335c52f469491f061fe0239e jdk9-b22
 ce19e0403ec8a80223cc47320c905b2a4d45881d jdk9-b23
+0b35542d6bf32af23a9fc59a37c52aa091fee388 jdk9-b24
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaf_classes/javax/activation/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaf_classes/javax/activation/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -93,10 +93,11 @@
                 // otherwise, we also allow it if this code and the
                 // factory come from the same (non-system) class loader (e.g.,
                 // the JAF classes were loaded with the applet classes).
-                if (CommandMap.class.getClassLoader() == null ||
-                    CommandMap.class.getClassLoader() !=
-                            commandMap.getClass().getClassLoader())
+                ClassLoader cl = CommandMap.class.getClassLoader();
+                if (cl == null || cl.getParent() == null ||
+                    cl != commandMap.getClass().getClassLoader()) {
                     throw ex;
+                }
         // remove any per-thread-context-class-loader CommandMap
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaf_classes/javax/activation/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaf_classes/javax/activation/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@
                 // otherwise, we also allow it if this code and the
                 // factory come from the same (non-system) class loader (e.g.,
                 // the JAF classes were loaded with the applet classes).
-                if (FileTypeMap.class.getClassLoader() == null ||
-                    FileTypeMap.class.getClassLoader() !=
-                        fileTypeMap.getClass().getClassLoader())
+                ClassLoader cl = FileTypeMap.class.getClassLoader();
+                if (cl == null || cl.getParent() == null ||
+                    cl != fileTypeMap.getClass().getClassLoader())
                     throw ex;
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/bind/v2/model/nav/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/bind/v2/model/nav/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.Type;
 import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
 import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
@@ -264,20 +266,38 @@
         return clazz.getSimpleName();
-    public Collection<? extends Field> getDeclaredFields(Class clazz) {
-        return Arrays.asList(clazz.getDeclaredFields());
+    public Collection<? extends Field> getDeclaredFields(final Class clazz) {
+        Field[] fields = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Field[]>() {
+            @Override
+            public Field[] run() {
+                return clazz.getDeclaredFields();
+            }
+        });
+        return Arrays.asList(fields);
-    public Field getDeclaredField(Class clazz, String fieldName) {
-        try {
-            return clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
-        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
-            return null;
-        }
+    public Field getDeclaredField(final Class clazz, final String fieldName) {
+        return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Field>() {
+            @Override
+            public Field run() {
+                try {
+                    return clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
+                } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
+                    return null;
+                }
+            }
+        });
-    public Collection<? extends Method> getDeclaredMethods(Class clazz) {
-        return Arrays.asList(clazz.getDeclaredMethods());
+    public Collection<? extends Method> getDeclaredMethods(final Class clazz) {
+        Method[] methods =
+            AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Method[]>() {
+                @Override
+                public Method[] run() {
+                    return clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
+                }
+            });
+        return Arrays.asList(methods);
     public Class getDeclaringClassForField(Field field) {
@@ -565,7 +585,7 @@
         return method.isBridge();
-    public boolean isOverriding(Method method, Class base) {
+    public boolean isOverriding(Method method, final Class base) {
         // this isn't actually correct,
         // as the JLS considers
         // class Derived extends Base<Integer> {
@@ -576,22 +596,30 @@
         // }
         // to be overrided. Handling this correctly needs a careful implementation
-        String name = method.getName();
-        Class[] params = method.getParameterTypes();
+        final String name = method.getName();
+        final Class[] params = method.getParameterTypes();
+        return AccessController.doPrivileged(
+                new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() {
-        while (base != null) {
-            try {
-                if (base.getDeclaredMethod(name, params) != null) {
-                    return true;
+                    @Override
+                    public Boolean run() {
+                        Class clazz = base;
+                        while (clazz != null) {
+                            try {
+                                Method m = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(name, params);
+                                if (m != null) {
+                                    return Boolean.TRUE;
+                                }
+                            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) {
+                                // recursively go into the base class
+                            }
+                            clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
+                        }
+                        return Boolean.FALSE;
+                    }
-            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-                // recursively go into the base class
-            }
-            base = base.getSuperclass();
-        }
-        return false;
+        );
     public boolean isInterface(Class clazz) {
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/bind/v2/runtime/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/bind/v2/runtime/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
@@ -415,6 +417,15 @@
     private static final Class[] unmarshalEventParams = { Unmarshaller.class, Object.class };
     private static Class[] marshalEventParams = { Marshaller.class };
+    private Method[] getDeclaredMethods(final Class<BeanT> c) {
+        return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Method[]>() {
+            @Override
+            public Method[] run() {
+                return c.getDeclaredMethods();
+            }
+        });
+    }
      * use reflection to determine which of the 4 object lifecycle methods exist on
      * the JAXB bound type.
@@ -428,7 +439,7 @@
             while (jt != null) {
-                for (Method m : jt.getDeclaredMethods()) {
+                for (Method m : getDeclaredMethods(jt)) {
                     String name = m.getName();
                     if (lcm.beforeUnmarshal == null) {
@@ -468,7 +479,7 @@
         } catch (SecurityException e) {
             // this happens when we don't have enough permission.
             logger.log(Level.WARNING, Messages.UNABLE_TO_DISCOVER_EVENTHANDLER.format(
-                    jaxbType.getName(), e));
+                    jaxbType.getName(), e), e);
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/bind/v2/runtime/reflect/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/bind/v2/runtime/reflect/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -229,8 +229,7 @@
             if (!Modifier.isPublic(mod) || Modifier.isFinal(mod) || !Modifier.isPublic(f.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) {
                 try {
                     // attempt to make it accessible, but do so in the security context of the calling application.
-                    // don't do this in the doPrivilege block, as that would create a security hole for anyone
-                    // to make any field accessible.
+                    // don't do this in the doPrivilege block
                 } catch (SecurityException e) {
                     if ((!accessWarned) && (!supressAccessorWarnings)) {
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/bind/v2/runtime/reflect/opt/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/bind/v2/runtime/reflect/opt/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -146,26 +146,31 @@
     private static final Method findLoadedClass;
     static {
+        Method[] m = AccessController.doPrivileged(
+                new PrivilegedAction<Method[]>() {
+                    @Override
+                    public Method[] run() {
+                        return new Method[]{
+                                getMethod(ClassLoader.class, "defineClass", String.class, byte[].class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE),
+                                getMethod(ClassLoader.class, "resolveClass", Class.class),
+                                getMethod(ClassLoader.class, "findLoadedClass", String.class)
+                        };
+                    }
+                }
+        );
+        defineClass = m[0];
+        resolveClass = m[1];
+        findLoadedClass = m[2];
+    }
+    private static Method getMethod(final Class<?> c, final String methodname, final Class<?>... params) {
         try {
-            defineClass = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("defineClass", String.class, byte[].class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE);
-            resolveClass = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("resolveClass", Class.class);
-            findLoadedClass = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("findLoadedClass", String.class);
+            Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod(methodname, params);
+            m.setAccessible(true);
+            return m;
         } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-            // impossible
             throw new NoSuchMethodError(e.getMessage());
-        AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
-            @Override
-            public Void run() {
-                // TODO: check security implication
-                // do these setAccessible allow anyone to call these methods freely?s
-                defineClass.setAccessible(true);
-                resolveClass.setAccessible(true);
-                findLoadedClass.setAccessible(true);
-                return null;
-            }
-        });
     private Injector(ClassLoader parent) {
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/api/streaming/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/api/streaming/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.util.logging.Level;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
@@ -91,8 +93,6 @@
                 } catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
                     Logger.getLogger(XMLStreamWriterFactory.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, null, ex);
-                } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
-                    Logger.getLogger(XMLStreamWriterFactory.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, null, ex);
@@ -282,17 +282,31 @@
                 return new Zephyr(xof,clazz);
             } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                 return null;    // impossible
-            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-                return null;    // this xof wasn't Zephyr
-        private Zephyr(XMLOutputFactory xof, Class clazz) throws NoSuchMethodException {
+        private Zephyr(XMLOutputFactory xof, Class clazz) {
             this.xof = xof;
             zephyrClass = clazz;
-            setOutputMethod = clazz.getMethod("setOutput", StreamResult.class, String.class);
-            resetMethod = clazz.getMethod("reset");
+            setOutputMethod = getMethod(clazz, "setOutput", StreamResult.class, String.class);
+            resetMethod = getMethod(clazz, "reset");
+        }
+        private static Method getMethod(final Class<?> c, final String methodname, final Class<?>... params) {
+            return AccessController.doPrivileged(
+                    new PrivilegedAction<Method>() {
+                        @Override
+                        public Method run() {
+                            try {
+                                return c.getMethod(methodname, params);
+                            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
+                                // impossible
+                                throw new NoSuchMethodError(e.getMessage());
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+            );
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/assembler/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/assembler/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -42,13 +42,12 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission;
-import java.util.PropertyPermission;
 import java.util.logging.Level;
@@ -258,24 +257,13 @@
                         public JAXBContext run() throws Exception {
                             return JAXBContext.newInstance(MetroConfig.class.getPackage().getName());
-                    }, createSecurityContext()
-            );
+                    });
         } else {
             // usage from JAX-WS/Metro/Glassfish
             return JAXBContext.newInstance(MetroConfig.class.getPackage().getName());
-    private static AccessControlContext createSecurityContext() {
-        PermissionCollection perms = new Permissions();
-        perms.add(new RuntimePermission("" + "")); // avoid repackaging
-        perms.add(new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks"));
-        return new AccessControlContext(
-                new ProtectionDomain[]{
-                        new ProtectionDomain(null, perms),
-                });
-    }
     private static boolean isJDKInternal() {
         // avoid "string repackaging"
         return MetroConfigLoader.class.getName().startsWith("com." + "");
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/assembler/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/assembler/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
         try {
             Class<?> factoryClass;
             if (isJDKInternal(className)) {
-                factoryClass = Class.forName(className, true, null);
+                factoryClass = Class.forName(className, true, TubeCreator.class.getClassLoader());
             } else {
                 factoryClass = Class.forName(className, true, tubeFactoryClassLoader);
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/assembler/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/assembler/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -109,11 +109,12 @@
     private Collection<TubeCreator> initializeTubeCreators(TubeFactoryList tfl) {
-        final ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
+        ClassLoader tccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
+        ClassLoader classLoader = tccl != null ? tccl : TubelineAssemblyController.class.getClassLoader();
         LinkedList<TubeCreator> tubeCreators = new LinkedList<TubeCreator>();
         for (TubeFactoryConfig tubeFactoryConfig : tfl.getTubeFactoryConfigs()) {
-            tubeCreators.addFirst(new TubeCreator(tubeFactoryConfig, contextClassLoader));
+            tubeCreators.addFirst(new TubeCreator(tubeFactoryConfig, classLoader));
         return tubeCreators;
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/client/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/client/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
@@ -715,11 +716,6 @@
         final ClassLoader loader = getDelegatingLoader(portInterface.getClassLoader(),
-        // accessClassInPackage privilege needs to be granted ...
-        RuntimePermission perm = new RuntimePermission("" + "xml.internal.*");
-        PermissionCollection perms = perm.newPermissionCollection();
-        perms.add(perm);
         return AccessController.doPrivileged(
                 new PrivilegedAction<T>() {
@@ -728,12 +724,8 @@
                                 new Class[]{portInterface, WSBindingProvider.class, Closeable.class}, pis);
                         return portInterface.cast(proxy);
-                },
-                new AccessControlContext(
-                        new ProtectionDomain[]{
-                                new ProtectionDomain(null, perms)
-                        })
-        );
+                });
     private WSDLService getWSDLModelfromSEI(final Class sei) {
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/fault/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/fault/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -58,12 +58,8 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.logging.Level;
@@ -569,9 +565,6 @@
         // in jdk runtime doPrivileged is necessary since JAX-WS internal classes are in restricted packages
         if (isJDKRuntime()) {
-            Permissions permissions = new Permissions();
-            permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("" + ""));
-            permissions.add(new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks"));
             return AccessController.doPrivileged(
                     new PrivilegedAction<JAXBContext>() {
@@ -582,9 +575,7 @@
                                 throw new Error(e);
-                    },
-                    new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[]{new ProtectionDomain(null, permissions)})
-            );
+                    });
         } else {
             try {
--- a/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/model/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/ws/model/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -50,28 +50,36 @@
     private static final Method definePackage;
     static {
+        Method[] m = AccessController.doPrivileged(
+                new PrivilegedAction<Method[]>() {
+                    @Override
+                    public Method[] run() {
+                        return new Method[]{
+                                getMethod(ClassLoader.class, "defineClass", String.class, byte[].class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE),
+                                getMethod(ClassLoader.class, "resolveClass", Class.class),
+                                getMethod(ClassLoader.class, "getPackage", String.class),
+                                getMethod(ClassLoader.class, "definePackage",
+                                        String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class,
+                                        String.class, String.class, String.class, URL.class)
+                        };
+                    }
+                }
+        );
+        defineClass = m[0];
+        resolveClass = m[1];
+        getPackage = m[2];
+        definePackage = m[3];
+    }
+    private static Method getMethod(final Class<?> c, final String methodname, final Class<?>... params) {
         try {
-            defineClass = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("defineClass",String.class,byte[].class,Integer.TYPE,Integer.TYPE);
-            resolveClass = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("resolveClass",Class.class);
-            getPackage = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("getPackage", String.class);
-            definePackage = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("definePackage",
-                    String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class,
-                    String.class, String.class, String.class, URL.class);
+            Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod(methodname, params);
+            m.setAccessible(true);
+            return m;
         } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
             // impossible
             throw new NoSuchMethodError(e.getMessage());
-        AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
-            public Void run() {
-                // TODO: check security implication
-                // do these setAccessible allow anyone to call these methods freely?s
-                defineClass.setAccessible(true);
-                resolveClass.setAccessible(true);
-                getPackage.setAccessible(true);
-                definePackage.setAccessible(true);
-                return null;
-            }
-        });
     static synchronized Class inject(ClassLoader cl, String className, byte[] image) {
--- a/jdk/.hgtags	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/.hgtags	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -266,3 +266,4 @@
 2df45ac1bf491278f38c12e0dfbeebadb6c54c8c jdk9-b21
 85bcf0f99edc08873614afbe5a5563e13ce13c83 jdk9-b22
 9febf9dbc0a4b15323f2dbd29931cfbf086332b4 jdk9-b23
+875450e7ef8dde8f59db662ec1351ea30b8cb35d jdk9-b24
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/toolkit/corba/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/toolkit/corba/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
       * Returns the CORBA object reference associated with a Remote
       * object by using the javax.rmi.CORBA package.
-      * Use reflection to avoid hard dependencies on javax.rmi.CORBA package.
       * This method effective does the following:
       * java.lang.Object stub;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/module/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/module/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@
 import java.util.*;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/security/jgss/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/security/jgss/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -36,33 +36,7 @@
 public interface ExtendedGSSContext extends GSSContext {
      * Return the mechanism-specific attribute associated with {@code type}.
-     * <br><br>
-     * For each supported attribute type, the type for the output are
-     * defined below.
-     * <ol>
-     * <li>{@code KRB5_GET_TKT_FLAGS}:
-     * the returned object is a boolean array for the service ticket flags,
-     * which is long enough to contain all true bits. This means if
-     * the user wants to get the <em>n</em>'th bit but the length of the
-     * returned array is less than <em>n</em>, it is regarded as false.
-     * <li>{@code KRB5_GET_SESSION_KEY}:
-     * the returned object is an instance of {@link},
-     * which has the following properties:
-     *    <ul>
-     *    <li>Algorithm: enctype as a string, where
-     *        enctype is defined in RFC 3961, section 8.
-     *    <li>Format: "RAW"
-     *    <li>Encoded form: the raw key bytes, not in any ASN.1 encoding
-     *    </ul>
-     * <li>{@code KRB5_GET_AUTHZ_DATA}:
-     * the returned object is an array of
-     * {@link}, or null if the
-     * optional field is missing in the service ticket.
-     * <li>{@code KRB5_GET_AUTHTIME}:
-     * the returned object is a String object in the standard KerberosTime
-     * format defined in RFC 4120 5.2.3
-     * </ol>
-     *
+     * <p>
      * If there is a security manager, an {@link InquireSecContextPermission}
      * with the name {@code type.mech} must be granted. Otherwise, this could
      * result in a {@link SecurityException}.<p>
@@ -97,6 +71,7 @@
      * @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and a proper
      *   {@link InquireSecContextPermission} is not granted.
      * @see InquireSecContextPermission
+     * @see InquireType
     public Object inquireSecContext(InquireType type)
             throws GSSException;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/security/jgss/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/security/jgss/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -32,13 +32,38 @@
 public enum InquireType {
-     * Attribute type for retrieving the session key of an
-     * established Kerberos 5 security context.
+     * Attribute type for retrieving the session key of an established
+     * Kerberos 5 security context. The returned object is an instance of
+     * {@link}, which has the following properties:
+     *    <ul>
+     *    <li>Algorithm: enctype as a string, where
+     *        enctype is defined in RFC 3961, section 8.
+     *    <li>Format: "RAW"
+     *    <li>Encoded form: the raw key bytes, not in any ASN.1 encoding
+     *    </ul>
+     * @deprecated as of 1.9, replaced by {@link #KRB5_GET_SESSION_KEY_EX}
+     * which returns an instance of
+     * {@link}
+     * that implements the {@link javax.crypto.SecretKey} interface and
+     * has similar methods with {@link}.
+    @Deprecated
+     * Attribute type for retrieving the session key of an
+     * established Kerberos 5 security context. The return value is an
+     * instance of {@link}.
+     *
+     * @since 1.9
+     */
+    /**
      * Attribute type for retrieving the service ticket flags of an
-     * established Kerberos 5 security context.
+     * established Kerberos 5 security context. The returned object is
+     * a boolean array for the service ticket flags, which is long enough
+     * to contain all true bits. This means if the user wants to get the
+     * <em>n</em>'th bit but the length of the returned array is less than
+     * <em>n</em>, it is regarded as false.
@@ -49,7 +74,17 @@
      * Attribute type for retrieving the authtime in the service ticket
-     * of an established Kerberos 5 security context.
+     * of an established Kerberos 5 security context. The returned object
+     * is a String object in the standard KerberosTime format defined in
+     * RFC 4120 Section 5.2.3.
+    /**
+     * Attribute type for retrieving the KRB_CRED message that an initiator
+     * is about to send to an acceptor. The return type is an instance of
+     * {@link}.
+     *
+     * @since 1.9
+     */
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 package java.lang;
 import java.lang.annotation.Native;
+import java.util.Objects;
  * The {@code Integer} class wraps a value of the primitive type
@@ -319,24 +320,27 @@
-     * Format a long (treated as unsigned) into a character buffer.
+     * Format an {@code int} (treated as unsigned) into a character buffer. If
+     * {@code len} exceeds the formatted ASCII representation of {@code val},
+     * {@code buf} will be padded with leading zeroes.
+     *
      * @param val the unsigned int to format
      * @param shift the log2 of the base to format in (4 for hex, 3 for octal, 1 for binary)
      * @param buf the character buffer to write to
      * @param offset the offset in the destination buffer to start at
      * @param len the number of characters to write
-     * @return the lowest character  location used
-     static int formatUnsignedInt(int val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len) {
-        int charPos = len;
+     static void formatUnsignedInt(int val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len) {
+        // assert shift > 0 && shift <=5 : "Illegal shift value";
+        // assert offset >= 0 && offset < buf.length : "illegal offset";
+        // assert len > 0 && (offset + len) <= buf.length : "illegal length";
+        int charPos = offset + len;
         int radix = 1 << shift;
         int mask = radix - 1;
         do {
-            buf[offset + --charPos] = Integer.digits[val & mask];
+            buf[--charPos] = Integer.digits[val & mask];
             val >>>= shift;
-        } while (val != 0 && charPos > 0);
-        return charPos;
+        } while (charPos > offset);
     final static char [] DigitTens = {
@@ -549,12 +553,9 @@
                                             " greater than Character.MAX_RADIX");
-        int result = 0;
         boolean negative = false;
         int i = 0, len = s.length();
         int limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-        int multmin;
-        int digit;
         if (len > 0) {
             char firstChar = s.charAt(0);
@@ -562,21 +563,21 @@
                 if (firstChar == '-') {
                     negative = true;
                     limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
-                } else if (firstChar != '+')
+                } else if (firstChar != '+') {
                     throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
+                }
-                if (len == 1) // Cannot have lone "+" or "-"
+                if (len == 1) { // Cannot have lone "+" or "-"
                     throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
+                }
-            multmin = limit / radix;
+            int multmin = limit / radix;
+            int result = 0;
             while (i < len) {
                 // Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE
-                digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++),radix);
-                if (digit < 0) {
-                    throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
-                }
-                if (result < multmin) {
+                int digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++), radix);
+                if (digit < 0 || result < multmin) {
                     throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
                 result *= radix;
@@ -585,10 +586,126 @@
                 result -= digit;
+            return negative ? result : -result;
         } else {
             throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
-        return negative ? result : -result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses the {@link CharSequence} argument as a signed {@code int} in the
+     * specified {@code radix}, beginning at the specified {@code beginIndex}
+     * and extending to the end of the sequence.
+     *
+     * <p>The method does not take steps to guard against the
+     * {@code CharSequence} being mutated while parsing.
+     *
+     * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the {@code int}
+     *                  representation to be parsed
+     * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
+     * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @return     the signed {@code int} represented by the subsequence in
+     *             the specified radix.
+     * @throws     NullPointerException  if {@code s} is null.
+     * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code beginIndex} is
+     *             negative, or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code s.length()}.
+     * @throws     NumberFormatException  if the {@code CharSequence} does not
+     *             contain a parsable {@code int} in the specified
+     *             {@code radix}, or if {@code radix} is either smaller than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
+     * @since  1.9
+     */
+    public static int parseInt(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex)
+                throws NumberFormatException {
+        // forces an implicit null check of s
+        return parseInt(s, radix, beginIndex, s.length());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses the {@link CharSequence} argument as a signed {@code int} in the
+     * specified {@code radix}, beginning at the specified {@code beginIndex}
+     * and extending to {@code endIndex - 1}.
+     *
+     * <p>The method does not take steps to guard against the
+     * {@code CharSequence} being mutated while parsing.
+     *
+     * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the {@code int}
+     *                  representation to be parsed
+     * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
+     * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @param      endIndex     the ending index, exclusive.
+     * @return     the signed {@code int} represented by the subsequence in
+     *             the specified radix.
+     * @throws     NullPointerException  if {@code s} is null.
+     * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code beginIndex} is
+     *             negative, or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code endIndex} or if {@code endIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code s.length()}.
+     * @throws     NumberFormatException  if the {@code CharSequence} does not
+     *             contain a parsable {@code int} in the specified
+     *             {@code radix}, or if {@code radix} is either smaller than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
+     * @since  1.9
+     */
+    public static int parseInt(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
+                throws NumberFormatException {
+        s = Objects.requireNonNull(s);
+        if (beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex > endIndex || endIndex > s.length()) {
+            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+        }
+        if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX) {
+            throw new NumberFormatException("radix " + radix +
+                                            " less than Character.MIN_RADIX");
+        }
+        if (radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) {
+            throw new NumberFormatException("radix " + radix +
+                                            " greater than Character.MAX_RADIX");
+        }
+        boolean negative = false;
+        int i = beginIndex;
+        int limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        if (i < endIndex) {
+            char firstChar = s.charAt(i);
+            if (firstChar < '0') { // Possible leading "+" or "-"
+                if (firstChar == '-') {
+                    negative = true;
+                    limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+                } else if (firstChar != '+') {
+                    throw NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(s, beginIndex,
+                            endIndex, i);
+                }
+                i++;
+                if (i == endIndex) { // Cannot have lone "+" or "-"
+                    throw NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(s, beginIndex,
+                            endIndex, i);
+                }
+            }
+            int multmin = limit / radix;
+            int result = 0;
+            while (i < endIndex) {
+                // Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE
+                int digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++), radix);
+                if (digit < 0 || result < multmin) {
+                    throw NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(s, beginIndex,
+                            endIndex, i);
+                }
+                result *= radix;
+                if (result < limit + digit) {
+                    throw NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(s, beginIndex,
+                            endIndex, i);
+                }
+                result -= digit;
+            }
+            return negative ? result : -result;
+        } else {
+            throw NumberFormatException.forInputString("");
+        }
@@ -689,6 +806,99 @@
+     * Parses the {@link CharSequence} argument as an unsigned {@code int} in
+     * the specified {@code radix}, beginning at the specified
+     * {@code beginIndex} and extending to the end of the sequence.
+     *
+     * <p>The method does not take steps to guard against the
+     * {@code CharSequence} being mutated while parsing.
+     *
+     * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the unsigned
+     *                 {@code int} representation to be parsed
+     * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
+     * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @return     the unsigned {@code int} represented by the subsequence in
+     *             the specified radix.
+     * @throws     NullPointerException  if {@code s} is null.
+     * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code beginIndex} is
+     *             negative, or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code s.length()}.
+     * @throws     NumberFormatException  if the {@code CharSequence} does not
+     *             contain a parsable unsigned {@code int} in the specified
+     *             {@code radix}, or if {@code radix} is either smaller than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
+     * @since  1.9
+     */
+    public static int parseUnsignedInt(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex)
+                throws NumberFormatException {
+        // forces an implicit null check of s
+        return parseUnsignedInt(s, radix, beginIndex, s.length());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses the {@link CharSequence} argument as an unsigned {@code int} in
+     * the specified {@code radix}, beginning at the specified
+     * {@code beginIndex} and extending to {@code endIndex - 1}.
+     *
+     * <p>The method does not take steps to guard against the
+     * {@code CharSequence} being mutated while parsing.
+     *
+     * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the unsigned
+     *                 {@code int} representation to be parsed
+     * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
+     * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @param      endIndex     the ending index, exclusive.
+     * @return     the unsigned {@code int} represented by the subsequence in
+     *             the specified radix.
+     * @throws     NullPointerException  if {@code s} is null.
+     * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code beginIndex} is
+     *             negative, or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code endIndex} or if {@code endIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code s.length()}.
+     * @throws     NumberFormatException  if the {@code CharSequence} does not
+     *             contain a parsable unsigned {@code int} in the specified
+     *             {@code radix}, or if {@code radix} is either smaller than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
+     * @since  1.9
+     */
+    public static int parseUnsignedInt(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
+                throws NumberFormatException {
+        s = Objects.requireNonNull(s);
+        if (beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex > endIndex || endIndex > s.length()) {
+            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+        }
+        int start = beginIndex, len = endIndex - beginIndex;
+        if (len > 0) {
+            char firstChar = s.charAt(start);
+            if (firstChar == '-') {
+                throw new
+                    NumberFormatException(String.format("Illegal leading minus sign " +
+                                                       "on unsigned string %s.", s));
+            } else {
+                if (len <= 5 || // Integer.MAX_VALUE in Character.MAX_RADIX is 6 digits
+                        (radix == 10 && len <= 9)) { // Integer.MAX_VALUE in base 10 is 10 digits
+                    return parseInt(s, radix, start, start + len);
+                } else {
+                    long ell = Long.parseLong(s, radix, start, start + len);
+                    if ((ell & 0xffff_ffff_0000_0000L) == 0) {
+                        return (int) ell;
+                    } else {
+                        throw new
+                            NumberFormatException(String.format("String value %s exceeds " +
+                                                                "range of unsigned int.", s));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            throw new NumberFormatException("");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Parses the string argument as an unsigned decimal integer. The
      * characters in the string must all be decimal digits, except
      * that the first character may be an an ASCII plus sign {@code
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 import java.lang.annotation.Native;
 import java.math.*;
+import java.util.Objects;
@@ -360,24 +361,27 @@
-     * Format a long (treated as unsigned) into a character buffer.
+     * Format a long (treated as unsigned) into a character buffer. If
+     * {@code len} exceeds the formatted ASCII representation of {@code val},
+     * {@code buf} will be padded with leading zeroes.
+     *
      * @param val the unsigned long to format
      * @param shift the log2 of the base to format in (4 for hex, 3 for octal, 1 for binary)
      * @param buf the character buffer to write to
      * @param offset the offset in the destination buffer to start at
      * @param len the number of characters to write
-     * @return the lowest character location used
-     static int formatUnsignedLong(long val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len) {
-        int charPos = len;
+     static void formatUnsignedLong(long val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len) {
+        // assert shift > 0 && shift <=5 : "Illegal shift value";
+        // assert offset >= 0 && offset < buf.length : "illegal offset";
+        // assert len > 0 && (offset + len) <= buf.length : "illegal length";
+        int charPos = offset + len;
         int radix = 1 << shift;
         int mask = radix - 1;
         do {
-            buf[offset + --charPos] = Integer.digits[((int) val) & mask];
+            buf[--charPos] = Integer.digits[((int) val) & mask];
             val >>>= shift;
-        } while (val != 0 && charPos > 0);
-        return charPos;
+        } while (charPos > offset);
@@ -561,12 +565,9 @@
                                             " greater than Character.MAX_RADIX");
-        long result = 0;
         boolean negative = false;
         int i = 0, len = s.length();
         long limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE;
-        long multmin;
-        int digit;
         if (len > 0) {
             char firstChar = s.charAt(0);
@@ -574,21 +575,21 @@
                 if (firstChar == '-') {
                     negative = true;
                     limit = Long.MIN_VALUE;
-                } else if (firstChar != '+')
+                } else if (firstChar != '+') {
                     throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
+                }
-                if (len == 1) // Cannot have lone "+" or "-"
+                if (len == 1) { // Cannot have lone "+" or "-"
                     throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
+                }
-            multmin = limit / radix;
+            long multmin = limit / radix;
+            long result = 0;
             while (i < len) {
                 // Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE
-                digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++),radix);
-                if (digit < 0) {
-                    throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
-                }
-                if (result < multmin) {
+                int digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++),radix);
+                if (digit < 0 || result < multmin) {
                     throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
                 result *= radix;
@@ -597,10 +598,126 @@
                 result -= digit;
+            return negative ? result : -result;
         } else {
             throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
-        return negative ? result : -result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses the {@link CharSequence} argument as a signed {@code long} in
+     * the specified {@code radix}, beginning at the specified {@code beginIndex}
+     * and extending to the end of the sequence.
+     *
+     * <p>The method does not take steps to guard against the
+     * {@code CharSequence} being mutated while parsing.
+     *
+     * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the {@code long}
+     *                  representation to be parsed
+     * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
+     * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @return     the signed {@code long} represented by the subsequence in
+     *             the specified radix.
+     * @throws     NullPointerException  if {@code s} is null.
+     * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code beginIndex} is
+     *             negative, or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code s.length()}.
+     * @throws     NumberFormatException  if the {@code CharSequence} does not
+     *             contain a parsable {@code long} in the specified
+     *             {@code radix}, or if {@code radix} is either smaller than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
+     * @since  1.9
+     */
+    public static long parseLong(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex)
+            throws NumberFormatException {
+        // forces a null check of s
+        return parseLong(s, radix, beginIndex, s.length());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses the {@link CharSequence} argument as a signed {@code long} in
+     * the specified {@code radix}, beginning at the specified
+     * {@code beginIndex} and extending to {@code endIndex - 1}.
+     *
+     * <p>The method does not take steps to guard against the
+     * {@code CharSequence} being mutated while parsing.
+     *
+     * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the {@code long}
+     *                  representation to be parsed
+     * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
+     * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @param      endIndex     the ending index, exclusive.
+     * @return     the signed {@code long} represented by the subsequence in
+     *             the specified radix.
+     * @throws     NullPointerException  if {@code s} is null.
+     * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code beginIndex} is
+     *             negative, or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code endIndex} or if {@code endIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code s.length()}.
+     * @throws     NumberFormatException  if the {@code CharSequence} does not
+     *             contain a parsable {@code int} in the specified
+     *             {@code radix}, or if {@code radix} is either smaller than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
+     * @since  1.9
+     */
+    public static long parseLong(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
+                throws NumberFormatException {
+        s = Objects.requireNonNull(s);
+        if (beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex > endIndex || endIndex > s.length()) {
+            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+        }
+        if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX) {
+            throw new NumberFormatException("radix " + radix +
+                    " less than Character.MIN_RADIX");
+        }
+        if (radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) {
+            throw new NumberFormatException("radix " + radix +
+                    " greater than Character.MAX_RADIX");
+        }
+        boolean negative = false;
+        int i = beginIndex;
+        long limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE;
+        if (i < endIndex) {
+            char firstChar = s.charAt(i);
+            if (firstChar < '0') { // Possible leading "+" or "-"
+                if (firstChar == '-') {
+                    negative = true;
+                    limit = Long.MIN_VALUE;
+                } else if (firstChar != '+') {
+                    throw NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(s, beginIndex,
+                            endIndex, i);
+                }
+                i++;
+            }
+            if (i >= endIndex) { // Cannot have lone "+", "-" or ""
+                throw NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(s, beginIndex,
+                        endIndex, i);
+            }
+            long multmin = limit / radix;
+            long result = 0;
+            while (i < endIndex) {
+                // Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE
+                int digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++), radix);
+                if (digit < 0 || result < multmin) {
+                    throw NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(s, beginIndex,
+                            endIndex, i);
+                }
+                result *= radix;
+                if (result < limit + digit) {
+                    throw NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(s, beginIndex,
+                            endIndex, i);
+                }
+                result -= digit;
+            }
+            return negative ? result : -result;
+        } else {
+            throw new NumberFormatException("");
+        }
@@ -694,7 +811,7 @@
                 // No need for range checks on len due to testing above.
-                long first = parseLong(s.substring(0, len - 1), radix);
+                long first = parseLong(s, radix, 0, len - 1);
                 int second = Character.digit(s.charAt(len - 1), radix);
                 if (second < 0) {
                     throw new NumberFormatException("Bad digit at end of " + s);
@@ -764,6 +881,155 @@
+     * Parses the {@link CharSequence} argument as an unsigned {@code long} in
+     * the specified {@code radix}, beginning at the specified
+     * {@code beginIndex} and extending to the end of the sequence.
+     *
+     * <p>The method does not take steps to guard against the
+     * {@code CharSequence} being mutated while parsing.
+     *
+     * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the unsigned
+     *                 {@code long} representation to be parsed
+     * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
+     * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @return     the unsigned {@code long} represented by the subsequence in
+     *             the specified radix.
+     * @throws     NullPointerException  if {@code s} is null.
+     * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code beginIndex} is
+     *             negative, or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code s.length()}.
+     * @throws     NumberFormatException  if the {@code CharSequence} does not
+     *             contain a parsable unsigned {@code long} in the specified
+     *             {@code radix}, or if {@code radix} is either smaller than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
+     * @since  1.9
+     */
+    public static long parseUnsignedLong(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex)
+                throws NumberFormatException {
+        // forces a null check of s
+        return parseUnsignedLong(s, radix, beginIndex, s.length());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses the {@link CharSequence} argument as an unsigned {@code long} in
+     * the specified {@code radix}, beginning at the specified
+     * {@code beginIndex} and extending to {@code endIndex - 1}.
+     *
+     * <p>The method does not take steps to guard against the
+     * {@code CharSequence} being mutated while parsing.
+     *
+     * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the unsigned
+     *                 {@code long} representation to be parsed
+     * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
+     * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @param      endIndex     the ending index, exclusive.
+     * @return     the unsigned {@code long} represented by the subsequence in
+     *             the specified radix.
+     * @throws     NullPointerException  if {@code s} is null.
+     * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code beginIndex} is
+     *             negative, or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code endIndex} or if {@code endIndex} is greater than
+     *             {@code s.length()}.
+     * @throws     NumberFormatException  if the {@code CharSequence} does not
+     *             contain a parsable unsigned {@code long} in the specified
+     *             {@code radix}, or if {@code radix} is either smaller than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than
+     *             {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
+     * @since  1.9
+     */
+    public static long parseUnsignedLong(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
+                throws NumberFormatException {
+        s = Objects.requireNonNull(s);
+        if (beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex > endIndex || endIndex > s.length()) {
+            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+        }
+        int start = beginIndex, len = endIndex - beginIndex;
+        if (len > 0) {
+            char firstChar = s.charAt(start);
+            if (firstChar == '-') {
+                throw new NumberFormatException(String.format("Illegal leading minus sign " +
+                        "on unsigned string %s.", s.subSequence(start, start + len)));
+            } else {
+                if (len <= 12 || // Long.MAX_VALUE in Character.MAX_RADIX is 13 digits
+                    (radix == 10 && len <= 18) ) { // Long.MAX_VALUE in base 10 is 19 digits
+                    return parseLong(s, radix, start, start + len);
+                }
+                // No need for range checks on end due to testing above.
+                long first = parseLong(s, radix, start, start + len - 1);
+                int second = Character.digit(s.charAt(start + len - 1), radix);
+                if (second < 0) {
+                    throw new NumberFormatException("Bad digit at end of " +
+                            s.subSequence(start, start + len));
+                }
+                long result = first * radix + second;
+                /*
+                 * Test leftmost bits of multiprecision extension of first*radix
+                 * for overflow. The number of bits needed is defined by
+                 * GUARD_BIT = ceil(log2(Character.MAX_RADIX)) + 1 = 7. Then
+                 * int guard = radix*(int)(first >>> (64 - GUARD_BIT)) and
+                 * overflow is tested by splitting guard in the ranges
+                 * guard < 92, 92 <= guard < 128, and 128 <= guard, where
+                 * 92 = 128 - Character.MAX_RADIX. Note that guard cannot take
+                 * on a value which does not include a prime factor in the legal
+                 * radix range.
+                 */
+                int guard = radix * (int) (first >>> 57);
+                if (guard >= 128 ||
+                        (result >= 0 && guard >= 128 - Character.MAX_RADIX)) {
+                    /*
+                     * For purposes of exposition, the programmatic statements
+                     * below should be taken to be multi-precision, i.e., not
+                     * subject to overflow.
+                     *
+                     * A) Condition guard >= 128:
+                     * If guard >= 128 then first*radix >= 2^7 * 2^57 = 2^64
+                     * hence always overflow.
+                     *
+                     * B) Condition guard < 92:
+                     * Define left7 = first >>> 57.
+                     * Given first = (left7 * 2^57) + (first & (2^57 - 1)) then
+                     * result <= (radix*left7)*2^57 + radix*(2^57 - 1) + second.
+                     * Thus if radix*left7 < 92, radix <= 36, and second < 36,
+                     * then result < 92*2^57 + 36*(2^57 - 1) + 36 = 2^64 hence
+                     * never overflow.
+                     *
+                     * C) Condition 92 <= guard < 128:
+                     * first*radix + second >= radix*left7*2^57 + second
+                     * so that first*radix + second >= 92*2^57 + 0 > 2^63
+                     *
+                     * D) Condition guard < 128:
+                     * radix*first <= (radix*left7) * 2^57 + radix*(2^57 - 1)
+                     * so
+                     * radix*first + second <= (radix*left7) * 2^57 + radix*(2^57 - 1) + 36
+                     * thus
+                     * radix*first + second < 128 * 2^57 + 36*2^57 - radix + 36
+                     * whence
+                     * radix*first + second < 2^64 + 2^6*2^57 = 2^64 + 2^63
+                     *
+                     * E) Conditions C, D, and result >= 0:
+                     * C and D combined imply the mathematical result
+                     * 2^63 < first*radix + second < 2^64 + 2^63. The lower
+                     * bound is therefore negative as a signed long, but the
+                     * upper bound is too small to overflow again after the
+                     * signed long overflows to positive above 2^64 - 1. Hence
+                     * result >= 0 implies overflow given C and D.
+                     */
+                    throw new NumberFormatException(String.format("String value %s exceeds " +
+                            "range of unsigned long.", s.subSequence(start, start + len)));
+                }
+                return result;
+            }
+        } else {
+            throw NumberFormatException.forInputString("");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Parses the string argument as an unsigned decimal {@code long}. The
      * characters in the string must all be decimal digits, except
      * that the first character may be an an ASCII plus sign {@code
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-     * Factory method for making a <code>NumberFormatException</code>
+     * Factory method for making a {@code NumberFormatException}
      * given the specified input which caused the error.
      * @param   s   the input causing the error
@@ -64,4 +64,20 @@
     static NumberFormatException forInputString(String s) {
         return new NumberFormatException("For input string: \"" + s + "\"");
+    /**
+     * Factory method for making a {@code NumberFormatException}
+     * given the specified input which caused the error.
+     *
+     * @param   s   the input causing the error
+     * @param   beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
+     * @param   endIndex     the ending index, exclusive.
+     * @param   errorIndex   the index of the first error in s
+     */
+    static NumberFormatException forCharSequence(CharSequence s,
+            int beginIndex, int endIndex, int errorIndex) {
+        return new NumberFormatException("Error at index "
+                + (errorIndex - beginIndex) + " in: \""
+                + s.subSequence(beginIndex, endIndex) + "\"");
+    }
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -2580,7 +2580,8 @@
         for (int i = first; i < len; i++) {
             int cp = (int)value[i];
-            if (cp == '\u03A3') {                       // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
+            if (cp == '\u03A3' ||                       // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
+                Character.isSurrogate((char)cp)) {
                 return toLowerCaseEx(result, i, locale, false);
             if (cp == '\u0130') {                       // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
@@ -2742,7 +2743,11 @@
             return toUpperCaseEx(result, first, locale, false);
         for (int i = first; i < len; i++) {
-            int cp = Character.toUpperCaseEx((int)value[i]);
+            int cp = (int)value[i];
+            if (Character.isSurrogate((char)cp)) {
+                return toUpperCaseEx(result, i, locale, false);
+            }
+            cp = Character.toUpperCaseEx(cp);
             if (!Character.isBmpCodePoint(cp)) {    // Character.ERROR is not bmp
                 return toUpperCaseEx(result, i, locale, false);
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1263,6 +1263,12 @@
             public void invokeFinalize(Object o) throws Throwable {
+            public void formatUnsignedLong(long val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len) {
+                Long.formatUnsignedLong(val, shift, buf, offset, len);
+            }
+            public void formatUnsignedInt(int val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len) {
+                Integer.formatUnsignedInt(val, shift, buf, offset, len);
+            }
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/nio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/nio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
     final String toString(int start, int end) {
-        return str.toString().substring(start + offset, end + offset);
+        return str.subSequence(start + offset, end + offset).toString();
     public final CharBuffer subSequence(int start, int end) {
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
+import sun.misc.JavaLangAccess;
+import sun.misc.SharedSecrets;
  * A class that represents an immutable universally unique identifier (UUID).
  * A UUID represents a 128-bit value.
@@ -88,6 +91,8 @@
     private final long leastSigBits;
+    private static final JavaLangAccess jla = SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess();
      * The random number generator used by this class to create random
      * based UUIDs. In a holder class to defer initialization until needed.
@@ -189,21 +194,35 @@
     public static UUID fromString(String name) {
-        String[] components = name.split("-");
-        if (components.length != 5)
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid UUID string: "+name);
-        for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
-            components[i] = "0x"+components[i];
+        if (name.length() > 36) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("UUID string too large");
+        }
+        int dash1 = name.indexOf('-', 0);
+        int dash2 = name.indexOf('-', dash1 + 1);
+        int dash3 = name.indexOf('-', dash2 + 1);
+        int dash4 = name.indexOf('-', dash3 + 1);
+        int dash5 = name.indexOf('-', dash4 + 1);
-        long mostSigBits = Long.decode(components[0]).longValue();
+        // For any valid input, dash1 through dash4 will be positive and dash5
+        // negative, but it's enough to check dash4 and dash5:
+        // - if dash1 is -1, dash4 will be -1
+        // - if dash1 is positive but dash2 is -1, dash4 will be -1
+        // - if dash1 and dash2 is positive, dash3 will be -1, dash4 will be
+        //   positive, but so will dash5
+        if (dash4 < 0 || dash5 >= 0) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid UUID string: " + name);
+        }
+        long mostSigBits = Long.parseLong(name, 16, 0, dash1) & 0xffffffffL;
         mostSigBits <<= 16;
-        mostSigBits |= Long.decode(components[1]).longValue();
+        mostSigBits |= Long.parseLong(name, 16, dash1 + 1, dash2) & 0xffffL;
         mostSigBits <<= 16;
-        mostSigBits |= Long.decode(components[2]).longValue();
+        mostSigBits |= Long.parseLong(name, 16, dash2 + 1, dash3) & 0xffffL;
-        long leastSigBits = Long.decode(components[3]).longValue();
+        long leastSigBits = Long.parseLong(name, 16, dash3 + 1, dash4) & 0xffffL;
         leastSigBits <<= 48;
-        leastSigBits |= Long.decode(components[4]).longValue();
+        leastSigBits |= Long.parseLong(name, 16, dash4 + 1) & 0xffffffffffffL;
         return new UUID(mostSigBits, leastSigBits);
@@ -373,17 +392,17 @@
      * @return  A string representation of this {@code UUID}
     public String toString() {
-        return (digits(mostSigBits >> 32, 8) + "-" +
-                digits(mostSigBits >> 16, 4) + "-" +
-                digits(mostSigBits, 4) + "-" +
-                digits(leastSigBits >> 48, 4) + "-" +
-                digits(leastSigBits, 12));
-    }
-    /** Returns val represented by the specified number of hex digits. */
-    private static String digits(long val, int digits) {
-        long hi = 1L << (digits * 4);
-        return Long.toHexString(hi | (val & (hi - 1))).substring(1);
+        char[] chars = new char[36];
+        jla.formatUnsignedLong(mostSigBits >> 32, 4, chars, 0, 8);
+        chars[8] = '-';
+        jla.formatUnsignedLong(mostSigBits >> 16, 4, chars, 9, 4);
+        chars[13] = '-';
+        jla.formatUnsignedLong(mostSigBits, 4, chars, 14, 4);
+        chars[18] = '-';
+        jla.formatUnsignedLong(leastSigBits >> 48, 4, chars, 19, 4);
+        chars[23] = '-';
+        jla.formatUnsignedLong(leastSigBits, 4, chars, 24, 12);
+        return jla.newStringUnsafe(chars);
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/package.html	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/package.html	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 <h2>Related Documentation</h2>
 For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see:
-    <li><a href="">
+    <li><a href="">
        <b>Collections Framework Tutorial</b></a>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
+ * This class encapsulates an EncryptionKey used in Kerberos.<p>
+ *
+ * An EncryptionKey is defined in Section 4.2.9 of the Kerberos Protocol
+ * Specification (<a href=>RFC 4120</a>) as:
+ * <pre>
+ *     EncryptionKey   ::= SEQUENCE {
+ *             keytype         [0] Int32 -- actually encryption type --,
+ *             keyvalue        [1] OCTET STRING
+ *     }
+ * </pre>
+ * The key material of an {@code EncryptionKey} is defined as the value
+ * of the {@code keyValue} above.<p>
+ *
+ * @since 1.9
+ */
+public final class EncryptionKey implements SecretKey {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 9L;
+   /**
+    * {@code KeyImpl} is serialized by writing out the ASN.1 encoded bytes
+    * of the encryption key.
+    *
+    * @serial
+    */
+    final private KeyImpl key;
+    private transient boolean destroyed = false;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a {@code EncryptionKey} from the given bytes and
+     * the key type.
+     * <p>
+     * The contents of the byte array are copied; subsequent modification of
+     * the byte array does not affect the newly created key.
+     *
+     * @param keyBytes the key material for the key
+     * @param keyType the key type for the key as defined by the
+     *                Kerberos protocol specification.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if keyBytes is null
+     */
+    public EncryptionKey(byte[] keyBytes, int keyType) {
+        key = new KeyImpl(Objects.requireNonNull(keyBytes), keyType);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the key type for this key.
+     *
+     * @return the key type.
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
+     */
+    public int getKeyType() {
+        // KeyImpl already checked if destroyed
+        return key.getKeyType();
+    }
+    /*
+     * Methods from
+     */
+    /**
+     * Returns the standard algorithm name for this key. The algorithm names
+     * are the encryption type string defined on the IANA
+     * <a href="">Kerberos Encryption Type Numbers</a>
+     * page.
+     * <p>
+     * This method can return the following value not defined on the IANA page:
+     * <ol>
+     *     <li>none: for etype equal to 0</li>
+     *     <li>unknown: for etype greater than 0 but unsupported by
+     *         the implementation</li>
+     *     <li>private: for etype smaller than 0</li>
+     * </ol>
+     *
+     * @return the name of the algorithm associated with this key.
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
+     */
+    @Override
+    public String getAlgorithm() {
+        // KeyImpl already checked if destroyed
+        return key.getAlgorithm();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the encoding format for this key.
+     *
+     * @return the String "RAW"
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
+     */
+    @Override
+    public String getFormat() {
+        // KeyImpl already checked if destroyed
+        return key.getFormat();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the key material of this key.
+     *
+     * @return a newly allocated byte array that contains the key material
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
+     */
+    @Override
+    public byte[] getEncoded() {
+        // KeyImpl already checked if destroyed
+        return key.getEncoded();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Destroys this key by clearing out the key material of this key.
+     *
+     * @throws DestroyFailedException if some error occurs while destorying
+     * this key.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void destroy() throws DestroyFailedException {
+        if (!destroyed) {
+            key.destroy();
+            destroyed = true;
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean isDestroyed() {
+        return destroyed;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String toString() {
+        if (destroyed) {
+            return "Destroyed EncryptionKey";
+        }
+        return "key "  + key.toString();
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int hashCode() {
+        int result = 17;
+        if (isDestroyed()) {
+            return result;
+        }
+        result = 37 * result + Arrays.hashCode(getEncoded());
+        return 37 * result + getKeyType();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compares the specified Object with this key for equality.
+     * Returns true if the given object is also a
+     * {@code EncryptionKey} and the two
+     * {@code EncryptionKey} instances are equivalent.
+     *
+     * @param other the Object to compare to
+     * @return true if the specified object is equal to this EncryptionKey,
+     * false otherwise. NOTE: Returns false if either of the EncryptionKey
+     * objects has been destroyed.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public boolean equals(Object other) {
+        if (other == this)
+            return true;
+        if (! (other instanceof EncryptionKey)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        EncryptionKey otherKey = ((EncryptionKey) other);
+        if (isDestroyed() || otherKey.isDestroyed()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return getKeyType() == otherKey.getKeyType()
+                && Arrays.equals(getEncoded(), otherKey.getEncoded());
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Base64;
+import java.util.Objects;
+ * This class encapsulates a Kerberos 5 KRB_CRED message which can be used to
+ * send Kerberos credentials from one principal to another.<p>
+ *
+ * A KRB_CRED message is defined in Section 5.8.1 of the Kerberos Protocol
+ * Specification (<a href=>RFC 4120</a>) as:
+ * <pre>
+ *    KRB-CRED        ::= [APPLICATION 22] SEQUENCE {
+ *            pvno            [0] INTEGER (5),
+ *            msg-type        [1] INTEGER (22),
+ *            tickets         [2] SEQUENCE OF Ticket,
+ *            enc-part        [3] EncryptedData -- EncKrbCredPart
+ *    }
+ * </pre><p>
+ *
+ * @since 1.9
+ */
+public final class KerberosCredMessage implements Destroyable {
+    final private KerberosPrincipal sender;
+    final private KerberosPrincipal recipient;
+    final private byte[] message;
+    private boolean destroyed = false;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a {@code KerberosCredMessage} object.
+     * <p>
+     * The contents of the {@code message} argument are copied; subsequent
+     * modification of the byte array does not affect the newly created object.
+     *
+     * @param sender the sender of the message
+     * @param recipient the recipient of the message
+     * @param message the DER encoded KRB_CRED message
+     * @throws NullPointerException if any of sender, recipient
+     *                              or message is null
+     */
+    public KerberosCredMessage(KerberosPrincipal sender,
+                               KerberosPrincipal recipient,
+                               byte[] message) {
+        this.sender = Objects.requireNonNull(sender);
+        this.recipient = Objects.requireNonNull(recipient);
+        this.message = Objects.requireNonNull(message).clone();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the DER encoded form of the KRB_CRED message.
+     *
+     * @return a newly allocated byte array that contains the encoded form
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the object is destroyed
+     */
+    public byte[] getEncoded() {
+        if (destroyed) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("This object is no longer valid");
+        }
+        return message.clone();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the sender of this message.
+     *
+     * @return the sender
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the object is destroyed
+     */
+    public KerberosPrincipal getSender() {
+        if (destroyed) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("This object is no longer valid");
+        }
+        return sender;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the recipient of this message.
+     *
+     * @return the recipient
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the object is destroyed
+     */
+    public KerberosPrincipal getRecipient() {
+        if (destroyed) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("This object is no longer valid");
+        }
+        return recipient;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Destroys this object by clearing out the message.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void destroy() {
+        if (!destroyed) {
+            Arrays.fill(message, (byte)0);
+            destroyed = true;
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean isDestroyed() {
+        return destroyed;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String toString() {
+        if (destroyed) {
+            return "Destroyed KerberosCredMessage";
+        } else {
+            return "KRB_CRED from " + sender + " to " + recipient + ":\n"
+                    + Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(message);
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int hashCode() {
+        if (isDestroyed()) {
+            return -1;
+        } else {
+            return Objects.hash(sender, recipient, Arrays.hashCode(message));
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean equals(Object other) {
+        if (other == this) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (! (other instanceof KerberosCredMessage)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        KerberosCredMessage otherMessage = ((KerberosCredMessage) other);
+        if (isDestroyed() || otherMessage.isDestroyed()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return Objects.equals(sender, otherMessage.sender)
+                && Objects.equals(recipient, otherMessage.recipient)
+                && Arrays.equals(message, otherMessage.message);
+    }
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -27,13 +27,27 @@
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
  * This class encapsulates a long term secret key for a Kerberos
  * principal.<p>
+ * A {@code KerberosKey} object includes an EncryptionKey, a
+ * {@link KerberosPrincipal} as its owner, and the version number
+ * of the key.<p>
+ *
+ * An EncryptionKey is defined in Section 4.2.9 of the Kerberos Protocol
+ * Specification (<a href=>RFC 4120</a>) as:
+ * <pre>
+ *     EncryptionKey   ::= SEQUENCE {
+ *             keytype         [0] Int32 -- actually encryption type --,
+ *             keyvalue        [1] OCTET STRING
+ *     }
+ * </pre>
+ * The key material of a {@code KerberosKey} is defined as the value
+ * of the {@code keyValue} above.<p>
+ *
  * All Kerberos JAAS login modules that obtain a principal's password and
  * generate the secret key from it should use this class.
  * Sometimes, such as when authenticating a server in
@@ -70,7 +84,7 @@
  * @author Mayank Upadhyay
  * @since 1.4
-public class KerberosKey implements SecretKey, Destroyable {
+public class KerberosKey implements SecretKey {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4625402278148246993L;
@@ -89,15 +103,8 @@
     private final int versionNum;
-    * {@code KeyImpl} is serialized by writing out the ASN1 Encoded bytes
+    * {@code KeyImpl} is serialized by writing out the ASN.1 encoded bytes
     * of the encryption key.
-    * The ASN1 encoding is defined in RFC4120 and as  follows:
-    * <pre>
-    * EncryptionKey   ::= SEQUENCE {
-    *           keytype   [0] Int32 -- actually encryption type --,
-    *           keyvalue  [1] OCTET STRING
-    * }
-    * </pre>
     * @serial
@@ -111,7 +118,7 @@
      * key information from a Kerberos "keytab".
      * @param principal the principal that this secret key belongs to
-     * @param keyBytes the raw bytes for the secret key
+     * @param keyBytes the key material for the secret key
      * @param keyType the key type for the secret key as defined by the
      * Kerberos protocol specification.
      * @param versionNum the version number of this secret key
@@ -153,10 +160,12 @@
      * Returns the principal that this key belongs to.
      * @return the principal this key belongs to.
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
     public final KerberosPrincipal getPrincipal() {
-        if (destroyed)
+        if (destroyed) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("This key is no longer valid");
+        }
         return principal;
@@ -164,10 +173,12 @@
      * Returns the key version number.
      * @return the key version number.
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
     public final int getVersionNumber() {
-        if (destroyed)
+        if (destroyed) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("This key is no longer valid");
+        }
         return versionNum;
@@ -175,10 +186,10 @@
      * Returns the key type for this long-term key.
      * @return the key type.
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
     public final int getKeyType() {
-        if (destroyed)
-            throw new IllegalStateException("This key is no longer valid");
+        // KeyImpl already checked if destroyed
         return key.getKeyType();
@@ -201,10 +212,10 @@
      * </ol>
      * @return the name of the algorithm associated with this key.
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
     public final String getAlgorithm() {
-        if (destroyed)
-            throw new IllegalStateException("This key is no longer valid");
+        // KeyImpl already checked if destroyed
         return key.getAlgorithm();
@@ -212,10 +223,10 @@
      * Returns the name of the encoding format for this secret key.
      * @return the String "RAW"
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
     public final String getFormat() {
-        if (destroyed)
-            throw new IllegalStateException("This key is no longer valid");
+        // KeyImpl already checked if destroyed
         return key.getFormat();
@@ -223,16 +234,15 @@
      * Returns the key material of this secret key.
      * @return the key material
+     * @throws IllegalStateException if the key is destroyed
     public final byte[] getEncoded() {
-        if (destroyed)
-            throw new IllegalStateException("This key is no longer valid");
+        // KeyImpl already checked if destroyed
         return key.getEncoded();
-     * Destroys this key. A call to any of its other methods after this
-     * will cause an  IllegalStateException to be thrown.
+     * Destroys this key by clearing out the key material of this secret key.
      * @throws DestroyFailedException if some error occurs while destorying
      * this key.
@@ -253,9 +263,9 @@
     public String toString() {
         if (destroyed) {
-            return "Destroyed Principal";
+            return "Destroyed KerberosKey";
-        return "Kerberos Principal " + principal.toString() +
+        return "Kerberos Principal " + principal +
                 "Key Version " + versionNum +
                 "key "  + key.toString();
@@ -293,8 +303,9 @@
     public boolean equals(Object other) {
-        if (other == this)
+        if (other == this) {
             return true;
+        }
         if (! (other instanceof KerberosKey)) {
             return false;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -35,9 +35,6 @@
 import sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder;
  * This class encapsulates a Kerberos ticket and associated
@@ -253,9 +250,10 @@
                          Date endTime,
                          Date renewTill,
                          InetAddress[] clientAddresses) {
-        if (sessionKey == null)
-           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Session key for ticket"
-                                              + " cannot be null");
+        if (sessionKey == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Session key for ticket"
+                    + " cannot be null");
+        }
         init(asn1Encoding, client, server,
              new KeyImpl(sessionKey, keyType), flags, authTime,
              startTime, endTime, renewTill, clientAddresses);
@@ -271,41 +269,46 @@
                          Date endTime,
                          Date renewTill,
                          InetAddress[] clientAddresses) {
-        if (asn1Encoding == null)
-           throw new IllegalArgumentException("ASN.1 encoding of ticket"
-                                              + " cannot be null");
+        if (asn1Encoding == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ASN.1 encoding of ticket"
+                    + " cannot be null");
+        }
         this.asn1Encoding = asn1Encoding.clone();
-        if (client == null)
-           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Client name in ticket"
-                                              + " cannot be null");
+        if (client == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Client name in ticket"
+                    + " cannot be null");
+        }
         this.client = client;
-        if (server == null)
-           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Server name in ticket"
-                                              + " cannot be null");
+        if (server == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Server name in ticket"
+                    + " cannot be null");
+        }
         this.server = server;
         // Caller needs to make sure `sessionKey` will not be null
         this.sessionKey = sessionKey;
         if (flags != null) {
-           if (flags.length >= NUM_FLAGS)
-                this.flags = flags.clone();
-           else {
+           if (flags.length >= NUM_FLAGS) {
+               this.flags = flags.clone();
+           } else {
                 this.flags = new boolean[NUM_FLAGS];
                 // Fill in whatever we have
-                for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++)
+                for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
                     this.flags[i] = flags[i];
+                }
-        } else
-           this.flags = new boolean[NUM_FLAGS];
+        } else {
+            this.flags = new boolean[NUM_FLAGS];
+        }
         if (this.flags[RENEWABLE_TICKET_FLAG]) {
-           if (renewTill == null)
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The renewable period "
+           if (renewTill == null) {
+               throw new IllegalArgumentException("The renewable period "
                        + "end time cannot be null for renewable tickets.");
+           }
            this.renewTill = new Date(renewTill.getTime());
@@ -318,13 +321,15 @@
             this.startTime = this.authTime;
-        if (endTime == null)
-           throw new IllegalArgumentException("End time for ticket validity"
-                                              + " cannot be null");
+        if (endTime == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("End time for ticket validity"
+                    + " cannot be null");
+        }
         this.endTime = new Date(endTime.getTime());
-        if (clientAddresses != null)
-           this.clientAddresses = clientAddresses.clone();
+        if (clientAddresses != null) {
+            this.clientAddresses = clientAddresses.clone();
+        }
@@ -346,14 +351,17 @@
-     * Returns the session key associated with this ticket.
+     * Returns the session key associated with this ticket. The return value
+     * is always a {@link EncryptionKey} object.
      * @return the session key.
     public final SecretKey getSessionKey() {
-        if (destroyed)
+        if (destroyed) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("This ticket is no longer valid");
-        return sessionKey;
+        }
+        return new EncryptionKey(
+                sessionKey.getEncoded(), sessionKey.getKeyType());
@@ -366,8 +374,9 @@
      * @see #getSessionKey()
     public final int getSessionKeyType() {
-        if (destroyed)
+        if (destroyed) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("This ticket is no longer valid");
+        }
         return sessionKey.getKeyType();
@@ -508,8 +517,9 @@
      * @return an ASN.1 encoding of the entire ticket.
     public final byte[] getEncoded() {
-        if (destroyed)
+        if (destroyed) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("This ticket is no longer valid");
+        }
         return asn1Encoding.clone();
@@ -539,16 +549,17 @@
     public void refresh() throws RefreshFailedException {
-        if (destroyed)
+        if (destroyed) {
             throw new RefreshFailedException("A destroyed ticket "
-                                             + "cannot be renewd.");
-        if (!isRenewable())
+                    + "cannot be renewd.");
+        }
+        if (!isRenewable()) {
             throw new RefreshFailedException("This ticket is not renewable");
-        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > getRenewTill().getTime())
+        }
+        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > getRenewTill().getTime()) {
             throw new RefreshFailedException("This ticket is past "
-                                             + "its last renewal time.");
+                                           + "its last renewal time.");
+        }
         Throwable e = null; krb5Creds = null;
@@ -634,8 +645,9 @@
     public String toString() {
-        if (destroyed)
-            throw new IllegalStateException("This ticket is no longer valid");
+        if (destroyed) {
+            return "Destroyed KerberosTicket";
+        }
         StringBuilder caddrString = new StringBuilder();
         if (clientAddresses != null) {
             for (int i = 0; i < clientAddresses.length; i++) {
@@ -715,8 +727,9 @@
     public boolean equals(Object other) {
-        if (other == this)
+        if (other == this) {
             return true;
+        }
         if (! (other instanceof KerberosTicket)) {
             return false;
@@ -731,7 +744,7 @@
                 !endTime.equals(otherTicket.getEndTime()) ||
                 !server.equals(otherTicket.getServer()) ||
                 !client.equals(otherTicket.getClient()) ||
-                !sessionKey.equals(otherTicket.getSessionKey()) ||
+                !sessionKey.equals(otherTicket.sessionKey) ||
                 !Arrays.equals(clientAddresses, otherTicket.getClientAddresses()) ||
                 !Arrays.equals(flags, otherTicket.getFlags())) {
             return false;
@@ -739,35 +752,41 @@
         // authTime may be null
         if (authTime == null) {
-            if (otherTicket.getAuthTime() != null)
+            if (otherTicket.getAuthTime() != null) {
                 return false;
+            }
         } else {
-            if (!authTime.equals(otherTicket.getAuthTime()))
+            if (!authTime.equals(otherTicket.getAuthTime())) {
                 return false;
+            }
         // startTime may be null
         if (startTime == null) {
-            if (otherTicket.getStartTime() != null)
+            if (otherTicket.getStartTime() != null) {
                 return false;
+            }
         } else {
-            if (!startTime.equals(otherTicket.getStartTime()))
+            if (!startTime.equals(otherTicket.getStartTime())) {
                 return false;
+            }
         if (renewTill == null) {
-            if (otherTicket.getRenewTill() != null)
+            if (otherTicket.getRenewTill() != null) {
                 return false;
+            }
         } else {
-            if (!renewTill.equals(otherTicket.getRenewTill()))
+            if (!renewTill.equals(otherTicket.getRenewTill())) {
                 return false;
+            }
         return true;
     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
-        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
+            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         if (sessionKey == null) {
            throw new InvalidObjectException("Session key cannot be null");
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/org/jcp/xml/dsig/internal/dom/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/org/jcp/xml/dsig/internal/dom/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
         void getMethods() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException {
-            Class<?> c  = Class.forName("");
+            Class<?> c  = Class.forName("");
             Class<?>[] params = new Class<?>[] { ECPoint.class,
                                                  EllipticCurve.class };
             encodePoint = c.getMethod("encodePoint", params);
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
             getCurveName = c.getMethod("getCurveName", params);
             params = new Class<?>[] { byte[].class, EllipticCurve.class };
             decodePoint = c.getMethod("decodePoint", params);
-            c  = Class.forName("");
+            c  = Class.forName("");
             params = new Class<?>[] { String.class };
             getECParameterSpec = c.getMethod("getECParameterSpec", params);
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
                 throw new MarshalException(ite);
-                ecPoint =
+                ecPoint =
                     Base64.decode(curElem), ecParams.getCurve());
             ECPublicKeySpec spec = new ECPublicKeySpec(ecPoint, ecParams);
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/misc/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/misc/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -132,4 +132,14 @@
      * Invokes the finalize method of the given object.
     void invokeFinalize(Object o) throws Throwable;
+    /**
+     * Invokes Long.formatUnsignedLong(long val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len)
+     */
+    void formatUnsignedLong(long val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len);
+    /**
+     * Invokes Integer.formatUnsignedInt(long val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len)
+     */
+    void formatUnsignedInt(int val, int shift, char[] buf, int offset, int len);
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/nio/cs/ext/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/nio/cs/ext/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1173,8 +1173,7 @@
         if (!sun.misc.VM.isBooted())
-        String map = AccessController.doPrivileged(
-            (PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty(""));
+        String map = getProperty("");
         boolean sjisIsMS932 = false;
         boolean iso2022jpIsMS50221 = false;
         boolean iso2022jpIsMS50220 = false;
@@ -1294,8 +1293,7 @@
-        String osName = AccessController.doPrivileged(
-            (PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty(""));
+        String osName = getProperty("");
         if ("SunOS".equals(osName) || "Linux".equals(osName) || "AIX".equals(osName)
                || osName.contains("OS X")) {
             charset("x-COMPOUND_TEXT", "COMPOUND_TEXT",
@@ -1308,6 +1306,18 @@
         initialized = true;
+    private static String getProperty(String key) {
+        // this method may be called during initialization of
+        // system class loader and thus not using lambda
+        return AccessController.doPrivileged(
+            new PrivilegedAction<String>() {
+                @Override
+                public String run() {
+                    return System.getProperty(key);
+                }
+            });
+    }
     public static String[] aliasesFor(String charsetName) {
         if (instance == null)
             return null;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- * Repository for well-known Elliptic Curve parameters. It is used by both
- * the SunPKCS11 and SunJSSE code.
- *
- * @since   1.6
- * @author  Andreas Sterbenz
- */
-public class CurveDB {
-    private final static int P  = 1; // prime curve
-    private final static int B  = 2; // binary curve
-    private final static int PD = 5; // prime curve, mark as default
-    private final static int BD = 6; // binary curve, mark as default
-    private static final Map<String,NamedCurve> oidMap =
-        new LinkedHashMap<String,NamedCurve>();
-    private static final Map<String,NamedCurve> nameMap =
-        new HashMap<String,NamedCurve>();
-    private static final Map<Integer,NamedCurve> lengthMap =
-        new HashMap<Integer,NamedCurve>();
-    private static Collection<? extends NamedCurve> specCollection;
-    static final String SPLIT_PATTERN = ",|\\[|\\]";
-    // Used by SunECEntries
-    static Collection<? extends NamedCurve>getSupportedCurves() {
-        return specCollection;
-    }
-    // Return a NamedCurve for the specified OID/name or null if unknown.
-    static NamedCurve lookup(String name) {
-        NamedCurve spec = oidMap.get(name);
-        if (spec != null) {
-            return spec;
-        }
-        return nameMap.get(name);
-    }
-    // Return EC parameters for the specified field size. If there are known
-    // NIST recommended parameters for the given length, they are returned.
-    // Otherwise, if there are multiple matches for the given size, an
-    // arbitrary one is returns.
-    // If no parameters are known, the method returns null.
-    // NOTE that this method returns both prime and binary curves.
-    static NamedCurve lookup(int length) {
-        return lengthMap.get(length);
-    }
-    // Convert the given ECParameterSpec object to a NamedCurve object.
-    // If params does not represent a known named curve, return null.
-    static NamedCurve lookup(ECParameterSpec params) {
-        if ((params instanceof NamedCurve) || (params == null)) {
-            return (NamedCurve)params;
-        }
-        // This is a hack to allow SunJSSE to work with 3rd party crypto
-        // providers for ECC and not just SunPKCS11.
-        // This can go away once we decide how to expose curve names in the
-        // public API.
-        // Note that it assumes that the 3rd party provider encodes named
-        // curves using the short form, not explicitly. If it did that, then
-        // the SunJSSE TLS ECC extensions are wrong, which could lead to
-        // interoperability problems.
-        int fieldSize = params.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
-        for (NamedCurve namedCurve : specCollection) {
-            // ECParameterSpec does not define equals, so check all the
-            // components ourselves.
-            // Quick field size check first
-            if (namedCurve.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize() != fieldSize) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (namedCurve.getCurve().equals(params.getCurve()) == false) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (namedCurve.getGenerator().equals(params.getGenerator()) ==
-                    false) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (namedCurve.getOrder().equals(params.getOrder()) == false) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (namedCurve.getCofactor() != params.getCofactor()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            // everything matches our named curve, return it
-            return namedCurve;
-        }
-        // no match found
-        return null;
-    }
-    private static BigInteger bi(String s) {
-        return new BigInteger(s, 16);
-    }
-    private static void add(String name, String soid, int type, String sfield,
-            String a, String b, String x, String y, String n, int h,
-            Pattern nameSplitPattern) {
-        BigInteger p = bi(sfield);
-        ECField field;
-        if ((type == P) || (type == PD)) {
-            field = new ECFieldFp(p);
-        } else if ((type == B) || (type == BD)) {
-            field = new ECFieldF2m(p.bitLength() - 1, p);
-        } else {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type: " + type);
-        }
-        EllipticCurve curve = new EllipticCurve(field, bi(a), bi(b));
-        ECPoint g = new ECPoint(bi(x), bi(y));
-        NamedCurve params = new NamedCurve(name, soid, curve, g, bi(n), h);
-        if (oidMap.put(soid, params) != null) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Duplication oid: " + soid);
-        }
-        String[] commonNames = nameSplitPattern.split(name);
-        for (String commonName : commonNames) {
-            if (nameMap.put(commonName.trim(), params) != null) {
-                throw new RuntimeException("Duplication name: " + commonName);
-            }
-        }
-        int len = field.getFieldSize();
-        if ((type == PD) || (type == BD) || (lengthMap.get(len) == null)) {
-            // add entry if none present for this field size or if
-            // the curve is marked as a default curve.
-            lengthMap.put(len, params);
-        }
-    }
-    static {
-        Pattern nameSplitPattern = Pattern.compile(SPLIT_PATTERN);
-        /* SEC2 prime curves */
-        add("secp112r1", "", P,
-            "DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD208B",
-            "DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD2088",
-            "659EF8BA043916EEDE8911702B22",
-            "09487239995A5EE76B55F9C2F098",
-            "A89CE5AF8724C0A23E0E0FF77500",
-            "DB7C2ABF62E35E7628DFAC6561C5",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp112r2", "", P,
-            "DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD208B",
-            "6127C24C05F38A0AAAF65C0EF02C",
-            "51DEF1815DB5ED74FCC34C85D709",
-            "4BA30AB5E892B4E1649DD0928643",
-            "adcd46f5882e3747def36e956e97",
-            "36DF0AAFD8B8D7597CA10520D04B",
-            4, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp128r1", "", P,
-            "E87579C11079F43DD824993C2CEE5ED3",
-            "161FF7528B899B2D0C28607CA52C5B86",
-            "CF5AC8395BAFEB13C02DA292DDED7A83",
-            "FFFFFFFE0000000075A30D1B9038A115",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp128r2", "", P,
-            "D6031998D1B3BBFEBF59CC9BBFF9AEE1",
-            "5EEEFCA380D02919DC2C6558BB6D8A5D",
-            "7B6AA5D85E572983E6FB32A7CDEBC140",
-            "27B6916A894D3AEE7106FE805FC34B44",
-            "3FFFFFFF7FFFFFFFBE0024720613B5A3",
-            4, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp160k1", "", P,
-            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
-            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000007",
-            "3B4C382CE37AA192A4019E763036F4F5DD4D7EBB",
-            "938CF935318FDCED6BC28286531733C3F03C4FEE",
-            "0100000000000000000001B8FA16DFAB9ACA16B6B3",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp160r1", "", P,
-            "1C97BEFC54BD7A8B65ACF89F81D4D4ADC565FA45",
-            "4A96B5688EF573284664698968C38BB913CBFC82",
-            "23A628553168947D59DCC912042351377AC5FB32",
-            "0100000000000000000001F4C8F927AED3CA752257",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp160r2", "", P,
-            "B4E134D3FB59EB8BAB57274904664D5AF50388BA",
-            "52DCB034293A117E1F4FF11B30F7199D3144CE6D",
-            "FEAFFEF2E331F296E071FA0DF9982CFEA7D43F2E",
-            "0100000000000000000000351EE786A818F3A1A16B",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp192k1", "", P,
-            "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
-            "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
-            "DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D",
-            "9B2F2F6D9C5628A7844163D015BE86344082AA88D95E2F9D",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp192r1 [NIST P-192, X9.62 prime192v1]", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.1", PD,
-            "64210519E59C80E70FA7E9AB72243049FEB8DEECC146B9B1",
-            "188DA80EB03090F67CBF20EB43A18800F4FF0AFD82FF1012",
-            "07192B95FFC8DA78631011ED6B24CDD573F977A11E794811",
-            "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF99DEF836146BC9B1B4D22831",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp224k1", "", P,
-            "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
-            "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005",
-            "A1455B334DF099DF30FC28A169A467E9E47075A90F7E650EB6B7A45C",
-            "7E089FED7FBA344282CAFBD6F7E319F7C0B0BD59E2CA4BDB556D61A5",
-            "010000000000000000000000000001DCE8D2EC6184CAF0A971769FB1F7",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp224r1 [NIST P-224]", "", PD,
-            "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000001",
-            "B4050A850C04B3ABF54132565044B0B7D7BFD8BA270B39432355FFB4",
-            "B70E0CBD6BB4BF7F321390B94A03C1D356C21122343280D6115C1D21",
-            "BD376388B5F723FB4C22DFE6CD4375A05A07476444D5819985007E34",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp256k1", "", P,
-            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
-            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007",
-            "79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798",
-            "483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp256r1 [NIST P-256, X9.62 prime256v1]", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7", PD,
-            "FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",
-            "FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC",
-            "5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B",
-            "6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296",
-            "4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5",
-            "FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp384r1 [NIST P-384]", "", PD,
-            "B3312FA7E23EE7E4988E056BE3F82D19181D9C6EFE8141120314088F5013875AC656398D8A2ED19D2A85C8EDD3EC2AEF",
-            "AA87CA22BE8B05378EB1C71EF320AD746E1D3B628BA79B9859F741E082542A385502F25DBF55296C3A545E3872760AB7",
-            "3617DE4A96262C6F5D9E98BF9292DC29F8F41DBD289A147CE9DA3113B5F0B8C00A60B1CE1D7E819D7A431D7C90EA0E5F",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("secp521r1 [NIST P-521]", "", PD,
-            "0051953EB9618E1C9A1F929A21A0B68540EEA2DA725B99B315F3B8B489918EF109E156193951EC7E937B1652C0BD3BB1BF073573DF883D2C34F1EF451FD46B503F00",
-            "00C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2FFA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5BD66",
-            "011839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD16650",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        /* ANSI X9.62 prime curves */
-        add("X9.62 prime192v2", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.2", P,
-            "CC22D6DFB95C6B25E49C0D6364A4E5980C393AA21668D953",
-            "EEA2BAE7E1497842F2DE7769CFE9C989C072AD696F48034A",
-            "6574D11D69B6EC7A672BB82A083DF2F2B0847DE970B2DE15",
-            "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE5FB1A724DC80418648D8DD31",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("X9.62 prime192v3", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.3", P,
-            "22123DC2395A05CAA7423DAECCC94760A7D462256BD56916",
-            "7D29778100C65A1DA1783716588DCE2B8B4AEE8E228F1896",
-            "38A90F22637337334B49DCB66A6DC8F9978ACA7648A943B0",
-            "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7A62D031C83F4294F640EC13",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("X9.62 prime239v1", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.4", P,
-            "6B016C3BDCF18941D0D654921475CA71A9DB2FB27D1D37796185C2942C0A",
-            "0FFA963CDCA8816CCC33B8642BEDF905C3D358573D3F27FBBD3B3CB9AAAF",
-            "7DEBE8E4E90A5DAE6E4054CA530BA04654B36818CE226B39FCCB7B02F1AE",
-            "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFF9E5E9A9F5D9071FBD1522688909D0B",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("X9.62 prime239v2", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.5", P,
-            "617FAB6832576CBBFED50D99F0249C3FEE58B94BA0038C7AE84C8C832F2C",
-            "38AF09D98727705120C921BB5E9E26296A3CDCF2F35757A0EAFD87B830E7",
-            "5B0125E4DBEA0EC7206DA0FC01D9B081329FB555DE6EF460237DFF8BE4BA",
-            "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF800000CFA7E8594377D414C03821BC582063",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("X9.62 prime239v3", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.6", P,
-            "255705FA2A306654B1F4CB03D6A750A30C250102D4988717D9BA15AB6D3E",
-            "6768AE8E18BB92CFCF005C949AA2C6D94853D0E660BBF854B1C9505FE95A",
-            "1607E6898F390C06BC1D552BAD226F3B6FCFE48B6E818499AF18E3ED6CF3",
-            "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFF975DEB41B3A6057C3C432146526551",
-            1, nameSplitPattern);
-        /* SEC2 binary curves */
-        add("sect113r1", "", B,
-            "020000000000000000000000000201",
-            "003088250CA6E7C7FE649CE85820F7",
-            "00E8BEE4D3E2260744188BE0E9C723",
-            "009D73616F35F4AB1407D73562C10F",
-            "00A52830277958EE84D1315ED31886",
-            "0100000000000000D9CCEC8A39E56F",
-            2, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("sect113r2", "", B,
-            "020000000000000000000000000201",
-            "00689918DBEC7E5A0DD6DFC0AA55C7",
-            "0095E9A9EC9B297BD4BF36E059184F",
-            "01A57A6A7B26CA5EF52FCDB8164797",
-            "00B3ADC94ED1FE674C06E695BABA1D",
-            "010000000000000108789B2496AF93",
-            2, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("sect131r1", "", B,
-            "080000000000000000000000000000010D",
-            "07A11B09A76B562144418FF3FF8C2570B8",
-            "0217C05610884B63B9C6C7291678F9D341",
-            "0081BAF91FDF9833C40F9C181343638399",
-            "078C6E7EA38C001F73C8134B1B4EF9E150",
-            "0400000000000000023123953A9464B54D",
-            2, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("sect131r2", "", B,
-            "080000000000000000000000000000010D",
-            "03E5A88919D7CAFCBF415F07C2176573B2",
-            "04B8266A46C55657AC734CE38F018F2192",
-            "0356DCD8F2F95031AD652D23951BB366A8",
-            "0648F06D867940A5366D9E265DE9EB240F",
-            "0400000000000000016954A233049BA98F",
-            2, nameSplitPattern);
-        add("sect163k1 [NIST K-163]", "", BD,
-            "0800000000000000000000000000000000000000C9",
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-            0x2760, nameSplitPattern);
-        /* ANSI X9.62 binary curves from the 1998 standard but forbidden
-         * in the 2005 version of the standard.
-         * We don't register them but leave them here for the time being in
-         * case we need to support them after all.
-         */
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-            0xFF6E, nameSplitPattern);
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-            "000100FAF51354E0E39E4892DF6E319C72C8161603FA45AA7B998A167B8F1E629521",
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-            "1085E2755381DCCCE3C1557AFA10C2F0C0C2825646C5B34A394CBCFA8BC16B22E7E789E927BE216F02E1FB136A5F",
-            "7B3EB1BDDCBA62D5D8B2059B525797FC73822C59059C623A45FF3843CEE8F87CD1855ADAA81E2A0750B80FDA2310",
-            "00010090512DA9AF72B08349D98A5DD4C7B0532ECA51CE03E2D10F3B7AC579BD87E909AE40A6F131E9CFCE5BD967",
-            0xFF70, nameSplitPattern);
-        specCollection = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(oidMap.values());
-    }
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
- * This class implements encoding and decoding of Elliptic Curve parameters
- * as specified in RFC 3279.
- *
- * However, only named curves are currently supported.
- *
- * ASN.1 from RFC 3279 follows. Note that X9.62 (2005) has added some additional
- * options.
- *
- * <pre>
- *    EcpkParameters ::= CHOICE {
- *      ecParameters  ECParameters,
- *      namedCurve    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *      implicitlyCA  NULL }
- *
- *    ECParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
- *       version   ECPVer,          -- version is always 1
- *       fieldID   FieldID,         -- identifies the finite field over
- *                                  -- which the curve is defined
- *       curve     Curve,           -- coefficients a and b of the
- *                                  -- elliptic curve
- *       base      ECPoint,         -- specifies the base point P
- *                                  -- on the elliptic curve
- *       order     INTEGER,         -- the order n of the base point
- *       cofactor  INTEGER OPTIONAL -- The integer h = #E(Fq)/n
- *       }
- *
- *    ECPVer ::= INTEGER {ecpVer1(1)}
- *
- *    Curve ::= SEQUENCE {
- *       a         FieldElement,
- *       b         FieldElement,
- *       seed      BIT STRING OPTIONAL }
- *
- *    FieldElement ::= OCTET STRING
- *
- *    ECPoint ::= OCTET STRING
- * </pre>
- *
- * @since   1.6
- * @author  Andreas Sterbenz
- */
-public final class ECParameters extends AlgorithmParametersSpi {
-    // used by ECPublicKeyImpl and ECPrivateKeyImpl
-    static AlgorithmParameters getAlgorithmParameters(ECParameterSpec spec)
-            throws InvalidKeyException {
-        try {
-            AlgorithmParameters params =
-                AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("EC", "SunEC");
-            params.init(spec);
-            return params;
-        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
-            throw new InvalidKeyException("EC parameters error", e);
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * The parameters these AlgorithmParameters object represents.
-     * Currently, it is always an instance of NamedCurve.
-     */
-    private NamedCurve namedCurve;
-    // A public constructor is required by AlgorithmParameters class.
-    public ECParameters() {
-        // empty
-    }
-    // AlgorithmParameterSpi methods
-    protected void engineInit(AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec)
-            throws InvalidParameterSpecException {
-        if (paramSpec == null) {
-            throw new InvalidParameterSpecException
-                ("paramSpec must not be null");
-        }
-        if (paramSpec instanceof NamedCurve) {
-            namedCurve = (NamedCurve)paramSpec;
-            return;
-        }
-        if (paramSpec instanceof ECParameterSpec) {
-            namedCurve = CurveDB.lookup((ECParameterSpec)paramSpec);
-        } else if (paramSpec instanceof ECGenParameterSpec) {
-            String name = ((ECGenParameterSpec)paramSpec).getName();
-            namedCurve = CurveDB.lookup(name);
-        } else if (paramSpec instanceof ECKeySizeParameterSpec) {
-            int keySize = ((ECKeySizeParameterSpec)paramSpec).getKeySize();
-            namedCurve = CurveDB.lookup(keySize);
-        } else {
-            throw new InvalidParameterSpecException
-                ("Only ECParameterSpec and ECGenParameterSpec supported");
-        }
-        if (namedCurve == null) {
-            throw new InvalidParameterSpecException(
-                "Not a supported curve: " + paramSpec);
-        }
-    }
-    protected void engineInit(byte[] params) throws IOException {
-        DerValue encodedParams = new DerValue(params);
-        if (encodedParams.tag == DerValue.tag_ObjectId) {
-            ObjectIdentifier oid = encodedParams.getOID();
-            NamedCurve spec = CurveDB.lookup(oid.toString());
-            if (spec == null) {
-                throw new IOException("Unknown named curve: " + oid);
-            }
-            namedCurve = spec;
-            return;
-        }
-        throw new IOException("Only named ECParameters supported");
-        // The code below is incomplete.
-        // It is left as a starting point for a complete parsing implementation.
-        if (encodedParams.tag != DerValue.tag_Sequence) {
-            throw new IOException("Unsupported EC parameters, tag: " +
-                encodedParams.tag);
-        }
-        DerInputStream in =;
-        int version = in.getInteger();
-        if (version != 1) {
-            throw new IOException("Unsupported EC parameters version: " +
-               version);
-        }
-        ECField field = parseField(in);
-        EllipticCurve curve = parseCurve(in, field);
-        ECPoint point = parsePoint(in, curve);
-        BigInteger order = in.getBigInteger();
-        int cofactor = 0;
-        if (in.available() != 0) {
-            cofactor = in.getInteger();
-        }
-        // XXX HashAlgorithm optional
-        if ( != 0) {
-            throw new IOException("encoded params have " +
-                         +
-                                  " extra bytes");
-        }
-        return new ECParameterSpec(curve, point, order, cofactor);
-    }
-    protected void engineInit(byte[] params, String decodingMethod)
-            throws IOException {
-        engineInit(params);
-    }
-    protected <T extends AlgorithmParameterSpec> T
-            engineGetParameterSpec(Class<T> spec)
-            throws InvalidParameterSpecException {
-        if (spec.isAssignableFrom(ECParameterSpec.class)) {
-            return spec.cast(namedCurve);
-        }
-        if (spec.isAssignableFrom(ECGenParameterSpec.class)) {
-            // Ensure the name is the Object ID
-            String name = namedCurve.getObjectId();
-            return spec.cast(new ECGenParameterSpec(name));
-        }
-        if (spec.isAssignableFrom(ECKeySizeParameterSpec.class)) {
-            int keySize = namedCurve.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
-            return spec.cast(new ECKeySizeParameterSpec(keySize));
-        }
-        throw new InvalidParameterSpecException(
-            "Only ECParameterSpec and ECGenParameterSpec supported");
-    }
-    protected byte[] engineGetEncoded() throws IOException {
-        return namedCurve.getEncoded();
-    }
-    protected byte[] engineGetEncoded(String encodingMethod)
-            throws IOException {
-        return engineGetEncoded();
-    }
-    protected String engineToString() {
-        if (namedCurve == null) {
-            return "Not initialized";
-        }
-        return namedCurve.toString();
-    }
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -32,7 +32,11 @@
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-import java.math.BigInteger;
- * Contains Elliptic Curve parameters.
- *
- * @since   1.6
- * @author  Andreas Sterbenz
- */
-class NamedCurve extends ECParameterSpec {
-    // friendly name for toString() output
-    private final String name;
-    // well known OID
-    private final String oid;
-    // encoded form (as NamedCurve identified via OID)
-    private final byte[] encoded;
-    NamedCurve(String name, String oid, EllipticCurve curve,
-            ECPoint g, BigInteger n, int h) {
-        super(curve, g, n, h);
- = name;
-        this.oid = oid;
-        DerOutputStream out = new DerOutputStream();
-        try {
-            out.putOID(new ObjectIdentifier(oid));
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Internal error", e);
-        }
-        encoded = out.toByteArray();
-    }
-    String getName() {
-        return name;
-    }
-    byte[] getEncoded() {
-        return encoded.clone();
-    }
-    String getObjectId() {
-        return oid;
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-        return name + " (" + oid + ")";
-    }
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  * Defines the entries of the SunEC provider.
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
          * Algorithm Parameter engine
-        map.put("AlgorithmParameters.EC", "");
+        map.put("AlgorithmParameters.EC", "");
         map.put("Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.EllipticCurve", "EC");
         map.put("Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.1.2.840.10045.2.1", "EC");
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/krb5/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/krb5/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -40,11 +40,13 @@
-import javax.crypto.Cipher;
@@ -118,6 +120,7 @@
     // XXX See if the required info from these can be extracted and
     // stored elsewhere
+    private Credentials tgt;
     private Credentials serviceCreds;
     private KrbApReq apReq;
     Ticket serviceTicket;
@@ -616,7 +619,6 @@
                                            "No TGT available");
                     myName = (Krb5NameElement) myCred.getName();
-                    Credentials tgt;
                     final Krb5ProxyCredential second;
                     if (myCred instanceof Krb5InitCredential) {
                         second = null;
@@ -750,7 +752,6 @@
                     // No need to write anything;
                     // just validate the incoming token
                     new AcceptSecContextToken(this, serviceCreds, apReq, is);
-                    serviceCreds = null;
                     apReq = null;
                     state = STATE_DONE;
                 } else {
@@ -1304,6 +1305,9 @@
     public final void dispose() throws GSSException {
         state = STATE_DELETED;
         delegatedCred = null;
+        tgt = null;
+        serviceCreds = null;
+        key = null;
     public final Provider getProvider() {
@@ -1424,6 +1428,9 @@
         switch (type) {
             case KRB5_GET_SESSION_KEY:
                 return new KerberosSessionKey(key);
+            case KRB5_GET_SESSION_KEY_EX:
+                return new
+                        key.getBytes(), key.getEType());
             case KRB5_GET_TKT_FLAGS:
                 return tktFlags.clone();
             case KRB5_GET_AUTHZ_DATA:
@@ -1435,6 +1442,26 @@
             case KRB5_GET_AUTHTIME:
                 return authTime;
+            case KRB5_GET_KRB_CRED:
+                if (!isInitiator()) {
+                    throw new GSSException(GSSException.UNAVAILABLE, -1,
+                            "KRB_CRED not available on acceptor side.");
+                }
+                KerberosPrincipal sender = new KerberosPrincipal(
+                        myName.getKrb5PrincipalName().getName());
+                KerberosPrincipal recipient = new KerberosPrincipal(
+                        peerName.getKrb5PrincipalName().getName());
+                try {
+                    byte[] krbCred = new KrbCred(tgt, serviceCreds, key)
+                            .getMessage();
+                    return new KerberosCredMessage(
+                            sender, recipient, krbCred);
+                } catch (KrbException | IOException e) {
+                    GSSException gsse = new GSSException(GSSException.UNAVAILABLE, -1,
+                            "KRB_CRED not generated correctly.");
+                    gsse.initCause(e);
+                    throw gsse;
+                }
         throw new GSSException(GSSException.UNAVAILABLE, -1,
                 "Inquire type not supported.");
@@ -1456,4 +1483,5 @@
     public void setAuthzData([] authzData) {
         this.authzData = authzData;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/krb5/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/krb5/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 import java.util.Date;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/spnego/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/spnego/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -523,13 +523,6 @@
                     valid = false;
-                // get the mechanism token
-                byte[] mechToken = initToken.getMechToken();
-                if (mechToken == null) {
-                    throw new GSSException(GSSException.FAILURE, -1,
-                            "mechToken is missing");
-                }
                  * Select the best match between the list of mechs
                  * that the initiator requested and the list that
@@ -545,7 +538,19 @@
                 internal_mech = mech_wanted;
                 // get the token for mechanism
-                byte[] accept_token = GSS_acceptSecContext(mechToken);
+                byte[] accept_token;
+                if (mechList[0].equals(mech_wanted)) {
+                    // get the mechanism token
+                    byte[] mechToken = initToken.getMechToken();
+                    if (mechToken == null) {
+                        throw new GSSException(GSSException.FAILURE, -1,
+                                "mechToken is missing");
+                    }
+                    accept_token = GSS_acceptSecContext(mechToken);
+                } else {
+                    accept_token = null;
+                }
                 // verify MIC
                 if (!GSSUtil.useMSInterop() && valid) {
@@ -594,9 +599,27 @@
                 retVal = targToken.getEncoded();
             } else if (state == STATE_IN_PROCESS) {
+                // read data
+                byte[] token = new byte[is.available()];
+                SpNegoToken.readFully(is, token);
+                if (DEBUG) {
+                    System.out.println("SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: " +
+                            "receiving token = " +
+                            SpNegoToken.getHexBytes(token));
+                }
+                // read the SPNEGO token
+                // token will be validated when parsing
+                NegTokenTarg inputToken = new NegTokenTarg(token);
+                if (DEBUG) {
+                    System.out.println("SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: " +
+                            "received token of type = " +
+                            SpNegoToken.getTokenName(inputToken.getType()));
+                }
                 // read the token
-                byte[] client_token = new byte[is.available()];
-                SpNegoToken.readFully(is, client_token);
+                byte[] client_token = inputToken.getResponseToken();
                 byte[] accept_token = GSS_acceptSecContext(client_token);
                 if (accept_token == null) {
                     valid = false;
@@ -1055,7 +1078,7 @@
      * This is only valid on the acceptor side of the context.
      * @return GSSCredentialSpi object for the delegated credential
      * @exception GSSException
-     * @see GSSContext#getDelegCredState
+     * @see GSSContext#getCredDelegState
     public final GSSCredentialSpi getDelegCred() throws GSSException {
         if (state != STATE_IN_PROCESS && state != STATE_DONE)
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@
 import static*;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
         // AlgorithmParameters for EC.
         // Only needed until we have an EC implementation in the SUN provider.
-        d(AGP, "EC",            "",
+        d(AGP, "EC",            "",
                 m(CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE,
                     CKM_ECDSA, CKM_ECDSA_SHA1));
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@
             } else if (type == KS) {
                 return token.getKeyStore();
             } else if (type == AGP) {
-                return new;
+                return new;
             } else {
                 throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Unknown type: " + type);
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
     private final static int ARBITRARY_PRIME = 0xff01;
     private final static int ARBITRARY_CHAR2 = 0xff02;
-    // See for the OIDs
+    // See for the OIDs
     private final static String[] NAMED_CURVE_OID_TABLE = new String[] {
         null,                   //  (0) unused
         "",          //  (1) sect163k1, NIST K-163
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+ * Repository for well-known Elliptic Curve parameters. It is used by both
+ * the SunPKCS11 and SunJSSE code.
+ *
+ * @since   1.6
+ * @author  Andreas Sterbenz
+ */
+public class CurveDB {
+    private final static int P  = 1; // prime curve
+    private final static int B  = 2; // binary curve
+    private final static int PD = 5; // prime curve, mark as default
+    private final static int BD = 6; // binary curve, mark as default
+    private static final Map<String,NamedCurve> oidMap =
+        new LinkedHashMap<String,NamedCurve>();
+    private static final Map<String,NamedCurve> nameMap =
+        new HashMap<String,NamedCurve>();
+    private static final Map<Integer,NamedCurve> lengthMap =
+        new HashMap<Integer,NamedCurve>();
+    private static Collection<? extends NamedCurve> specCollection;
+    public static final String SPLIT_PATTERN = ",|\\[|\\]";
+    // Used by SunECEntries
+    public static Collection<? extends NamedCurve>getSupportedCurves() {
+        return specCollection;
+    }
+    // Return a NamedCurve for the specified OID/name or null if unknown.
+    static NamedCurve lookup(String name) {
+        NamedCurve spec = oidMap.get(name);
+        if (spec != null) {
+            return spec;
+        }
+        return nameMap.get(name);
+    }
+    // Return EC parameters for the specified field size. If there are known
+    // NIST recommended parameters for the given length, they are returned.
+    // Otherwise, if there are multiple matches for the given size, an
+    // arbitrary one is returns.
+    // If no parameters are known, the method returns null.
+    // NOTE that this method returns both prime and binary curves.
+    static NamedCurve lookup(int length) {
+        return lengthMap.get(length);
+    }
+    // Convert the given ECParameterSpec object to a NamedCurve object.
+    // If params does not represent a known named curve, return null.
+    static NamedCurve lookup(ECParameterSpec params) {
+        if ((params instanceof NamedCurve) || (params == null)) {
+            return (NamedCurve)params;
+        }
+        // This is a hack to allow SunJSSE to work with 3rd party crypto
+        // providers for ECC and not just SunPKCS11.
+        // This can go away once we decide how to expose curve names in the
+        // public API.
+        // Note that it assumes that the 3rd party provider encodes named
+        // curves using the short form, not explicitly. If it did that, then
+        // the SunJSSE TLS ECC extensions are wrong, which could lead to
+        // interoperability problems.
+        int fieldSize = params.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
+        for (NamedCurve namedCurve : specCollection) {
+            // ECParameterSpec does not define equals, so check all the
+            // components ourselves.
+            // Quick field size check first
+            if (namedCurve.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize() != fieldSize) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (namedCurve.getCurve().equals(params.getCurve()) == false) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (namedCurve.getGenerator().equals(params.getGenerator()) ==
+                    false) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (namedCurve.getOrder().equals(params.getOrder()) == false) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (namedCurve.getCofactor() != params.getCofactor()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            // everything matches our named curve, return it
+            return namedCurve;
+        }
+        // no match found
+        return null;
+    }
+    private static BigInteger bi(String s) {
+        return new BigInteger(s, 16);
+    }
+    private static void add(String name, String soid, int type, String sfield,
+            String a, String b, String x, String y, String n, int h,
+            Pattern nameSplitPattern) {
+        BigInteger p = bi(sfield);
+        ECField field;
+        if ((type == P) || (type == PD)) {
+            field = new ECFieldFp(p);
+        } else if ((type == B) || (type == BD)) {
+            field = new ECFieldF2m(p.bitLength() - 1, p);
+        } else {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type: " + type);
+        }
+        EllipticCurve curve = new EllipticCurve(field, bi(a), bi(b));
+        ECPoint g = new ECPoint(bi(x), bi(y));
+        NamedCurve params = new NamedCurve(name, soid, curve, g, bi(n), h);
+        if (oidMap.put(soid, params) != null) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Duplication oid: " + soid);
+        }
+        String[] commonNames = nameSplitPattern.split(name);
+        for (String commonName : commonNames) {
+            if (nameMap.put(commonName.trim(), params) != null) {
+                throw new RuntimeException("Duplication name: " + commonName);
+            }
+        }
+        int len = field.getFieldSize();
+        if ((type == PD) || (type == BD) || (lengthMap.get(len) == null)) {
+            // add entry if none present for this field size or if
+            // the curve is marked as a default curve.
+            lengthMap.put(len, params);
+        }
+    }
+    static {
+        Pattern nameSplitPattern = Pattern.compile(SPLIT_PATTERN);
+        /* SEC2 prime curves */
+        add("secp112r1", "", P,
+            "DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD208B",
+            "DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD2088",
+            "659EF8BA043916EEDE8911702B22",
+            "09487239995A5EE76B55F9C2F098",
+            "A89CE5AF8724C0A23E0E0FF77500",
+            "DB7C2ABF62E35E7628DFAC6561C5",
+            1, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("secp112r2", "", P,
+            "DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD208B",
+            "6127C24C05F38A0AAAF65C0EF02C",
+            "51DEF1815DB5ED74FCC34C85D709",
+            "4BA30AB5E892B4E1649DD0928643",
+            "adcd46f5882e3747def36e956e97",
+            "36DF0AAFD8B8D7597CA10520D04B",
+            4, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("secp128r1", "", P,
+            "E87579C11079F43DD824993C2CEE5ED3",
+            "161FF7528B899B2D0C28607CA52C5B86",
+            "CF5AC8395BAFEB13C02DA292DDED7A83",
+            "FFFFFFFE0000000075A30D1B9038A115",
+            1, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("secp128r2", "", P,
+            "D6031998D1B3BBFEBF59CC9BBFF9AEE1",
+            "5EEEFCA380D02919DC2C6558BB6D8A5D",
+            "7B6AA5D85E572983E6FB32A7CDEBC140",
+            "27B6916A894D3AEE7106FE805FC34B44",
+            "3FFFFFFF7FFFFFFFBE0024720613B5A3",
+            4, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("secp160k1", "", P,
+            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000007",
+            "3B4C382CE37AA192A4019E763036F4F5DD4D7EBB",
+            "938CF935318FDCED6BC28286531733C3F03C4FEE",
+            "0100000000000000000001B8FA16DFAB9ACA16B6B3",
+            1, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("secp160r1", "", P,
+            "1C97BEFC54BD7A8B65ACF89F81D4D4ADC565FA45",
+            "4A96B5688EF573284664698968C38BB913CBFC82",
+            "23A628553168947D59DCC912042351377AC5FB32",
+            "0100000000000000000001F4C8F927AED3CA752257",
+            1, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("secp160r2", "", P,
+            "B4E134D3FB59EB8BAB57274904664D5AF50388BA",
+            "52DCB034293A117E1F4FF11B30F7199D3144CE6D",
+            "FEAFFEF2E331F296E071FA0DF9982CFEA7D43F2E",
+            "0100000000000000000000351EE786A818F3A1A16B",
+            1, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("secp192k1", "", P,
+            "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+            "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
+            "DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D",
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+        /* ANSI X9.62 binary curves from the 1998 standard but forbidden
+         * in the 2005 version of the standard.
+         * We don't register them but leave them here for the time being in
+         * case we need to support them after all.
+         */
+        add("X9.62 c2pnb163v1", "1.2.840.10045.3.0.1", B,
+            "080000000000000000000000000000000000000107",
+            "072546B5435234A422E0789675F432C89435DE5242",
+            "00C9517D06D5240D3CFF38C74B20B6CD4D6F9DD4D9",
+            "07AF69989546103D79329FCC3D74880F33BBE803CB",
+            "01EC23211B5966ADEA1D3F87F7EA5848AEF0B7CA9F",
+            "0400000000000000000001E60FC8821CC74DAEAFC1",
+            2, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("X9.62 c2pnb163v2", "1.2.840.10045.3.0.2", B,
+            "080000000000000000000000000000000000000107",
+            "0108B39E77C4B108BED981ED0E890E117C511CF072",
+            "0667ACEB38AF4E488C407433FFAE4F1C811638DF20",
+            "0024266E4EB5106D0A964D92C4860E2671DB9B6CC5",
+            "079F684DDF6684C5CD258B3890021B2386DFD19FC5",
+            "03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDF64DE1151ADBB78F10A7",
+            2, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("X9.62 c2pnb163v3", "1.2.840.10045.3.0.3", B,
+            "080000000000000000000000000000000000000107",
+            "07A526C63D3E25A256A007699F5447E32AE456B50E",
+            "03F7061798EB99E238FD6F1BF95B48FEEB4854252B",
+            "02F9F87B7C574D0BDECF8A22E6524775F98CDEBDCB",
+            "05B935590C155E17EA48EB3FF3718B893DF59A05D0",
+            "03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE1AEE140F110AFF961309",
+            2, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("X9.62 c2pnb176w1", "1.2.840.10045.3.0.4", B,
+            "0100000000000000000000000000000000080000000007",
+            "E4E6DB2995065C407D9D39B8D0967B96704BA8E9C90B",
+            "5DDA470ABE6414DE8EC133AE28E9BBD7FCEC0AE0FFF2",
+            "8D16C2866798B600F9F08BB4A8E860F3298CE04A5798",
+            "6FA4539C2DADDDD6BAB5167D61B436E1D92BB16A562C",
+            "00010092537397ECA4F6145799D62B0A19CE06FE26AD",
+            0xFF6E, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("X9.62 c2pnb208w1", "1.2.840.10045.3.0.10", B,
+            "010000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000007",
+            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+            "C8619ED45A62E6212E1160349E2BFA844439FAFC2A3FD1638F9E",
+            "89FDFBE4ABE193DF9559ECF07AC0CE78554E2784EB8C1ED1A57A",
+            "0F55B51A06E78E9AC38A035FF520D8B01781BEB1A6BB08617DE3",
+            "000101BAF95C9723C57B6C21DA2EFF2D5ED588BDD5717E212F9D",
+            0xFE48, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("X9.62 c2pnb272w1", "1.2.840.10045.3.0.16", B,
+            "010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000B",
+            "91A091F03B5FBA4AB2CCF49C4EDD220FB028712D42BE752B2C40094DBACDB586FB20",
+            "7167EFC92BB2E3CE7C8AAAFF34E12A9C557003D7C73A6FAF003F99F6CC8482E540F7",
+            "6108BABB2CEEBCF787058A056CBE0CFE622D7723A289E08A07AE13EF0D10D171DD8D",
+            "10C7695716851EEF6BA7F6872E6142FBD241B830FF5EFCACECCAB05E02005DDE9D23",
+            "000100FAF51354E0E39E4892DF6E319C72C8161603FA45AA7B998A167B8F1E629521",
+            0xFF06, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("X9.62 c2pnb304w1", "1.2.840.10045.3.0.17", B,
+            "010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000807",
+            "FD0D693149A118F651E6DCE6802085377E5F882D1B510B44160074C1288078365A0396C8E681",
+            "BDDB97E555A50A908E43B01C798EA5DAA6788F1EA2794EFCF57166B8C14039601E55827340BE",
+            "197B07845E9BE2D96ADB0F5F3C7F2CFFBD7A3EB8B6FEC35C7FD67F26DDF6285A644F740A2614",
+            "E19FBEB76E0DA171517ECF401B50289BF014103288527A9B416A105E80260B549FDC1B92C03B",
+            "000101D556572AABAC800101D556572AABAC8001022D5C91DD173F8FB561DA6899164443051D",
+            0xFE2E, nameSplitPattern);
+        add("X9.62 c2pnb368w1", "1.2.840.10045.3.0.19", B,
+            "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000007",
+            "E0D2EE25095206F5E2A4F9ED229F1F256E79A0E2B455970D8D0D865BD94778C576D62F0AB7519CCD2A1A906AE30D",
+            "FC1217D4320A90452C760A58EDCD30C8DD069B3C34453837A34ED50CB54917E1C2112D84D164F444F8F74786046A",
+            "1085E2755381DCCCE3C1557AFA10C2F0C0C2825646C5B34A394CBCFA8BC16B22E7E789E927BE216F02E1FB136A5F",
+            "7B3EB1BDDCBA62D5D8B2059B525797FC73822C59059C623A45FF3843CEE8F87CD1855ADAA81E2A0750B80FDA2310",
+            "00010090512DA9AF72B08349D98A5DD4C7B0532ECA51CE03E2D10F3B7AC579BD87E909AE40A6F131E9CFCE5BD967",
+            0xFF70, nameSplitPattern);
+        specCollection = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(oidMap.values());
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * This class implements encoding and decoding of Elliptic Curve parameters
+ * as specified in RFC 3279.
+ *
+ * However, only named curves are currently supported.
+ *
+ * ASN.1 from RFC 3279 follows. Note that X9.62 (2005) has added some additional
+ * options.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *    EcpkParameters ::= CHOICE {
+ *      ecParameters  ECParameters,
+ *      namedCurve    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ *      implicitlyCA  NULL }
+ *
+ *    ECParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
+ *       version   ECPVer,          -- version is always 1
+ *       fieldID   FieldID,         -- identifies the finite field over
+ *                                  -- which the curve is defined
+ *       curve     Curve,           -- coefficients a and b of the
+ *                                  -- elliptic curve
+ *       base      ECPoint,         -- specifies the base point P
+ *                                  -- on the elliptic curve
+ *       order     INTEGER,         -- the order n of the base point
+ *       cofactor  INTEGER OPTIONAL -- The integer h = #E(Fq)/n
+ *       }
+ *
+ *    ECPVer ::= INTEGER {ecpVer1(1)}
+ *
+ *    Curve ::= SEQUENCE {
+ *       a         FieldElement,
+ *       b         FieldElement,
+ *       seed      BIT STRING OPTIONAL }
+ *
+ *    FieldElement ::= OCTET STRING
+ *
+ *    ECPoint ::= OCTET STRING
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @since   1.6
+ * @author  Andreas Sterbenz
+ */
+public final class ECParameters extends AlgorithmParametersSpi {
+    // used by ECPublicKeyImpl and ECPrivateKeyImpl
+    public static AlgorithmParameters getAlgorithmParameters(ECParameterSpec spec)
+            throws InvalidKeyException {
+        try {
+            AlgorithmParameters params =
+                AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("EC", "SunEC");
+            params.init(spec);
+            return params;
+        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
+            throw new InvalidKeyException("EC parameters error", e);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * The parameters these AlgorithmParameters object represents.
+     * Currently, it is always an instance of NamedCurve.
+     */
+    private NamedCurve namedCurve;
+    // A public constructor is required by AlgorithmParameters class.
+    public ECParameters() {
+        // empty
+    }
+    // AlgorithmParameterSpi methods
+    protected void engineInit(AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec)
+            throws InvalidParameterSpecException {
+        if (paramSpec == null) {
+            throw new InvalidParameterSpecException
+                ("paramSpec must not be null");
+        }
+        if (paramSpec instanceof NamedCurve) {
+            namedCurve = (NamedCurve)paramSpec;
+            return;
+        }
+        if (paramSpec instanceof ECParameterSpec) {
+            namedCurve = CurveDB.lookup((ECParameterSpec)paramSpec);
+        } else if (paramSpec instanceof ECGenParameterSpec) {
+            String name = ((ECGenParameterSpec)paramSpec).getName();
+            namedCurve = CurveDB.lookup(name);
+        } else if (paramSpec instanceof ECKeySizeParameterSpec) {
+            int keySize = ((ECKeySizeParameterSpec)paramSpec).getKeySize();
+            namedCurve = CurveDB.lookup(keySize);
+        } else {
+            throw new InvalidParameterSpecException
+                ("Only ECParameterSpec and ECGenParameterSpec supported");
+        }
+        if (namedCurve == null) {
+            throw new InvalidParameterSpecException(
+                "Not a supported curve: " + paramSpec);
+        }
+    }
+    protected void engineInit(byte[] params) throws IOException {
+        DerValue encodedParams = new DerValue(params);
+        if (encodedParams.tag == DerValue.tag_ObjectId) {
+            ObjectIdentifier oid = encodedParams.getOID();
+            NamedCurve spec = CurveDB.lookup(oid.toString());
+            if (spec == null) {
+                throw new IOException("Unknown named curve: " + oid);
+            }
+            namedCurve = spec;
+            return;
+        }
+        throw new IOException("Only named ECParameters supported");
+        // The code below is incomplete.
+        // It is left as a starting point for a complete parsing implementation.
+        if (encodedParams.tag != DerValue.tag_Sequence) {
+            throw new IOException("Unsupported EC parameters, tag: " +
+                encodedParams.tag);
+        }
+        DerInputStream in =;
+        int version = in.getInteger();
+        if (version != 1) {
+            throw new IOException("Unsupported EC parameters version: " +
+               version);
+        }
+        ECField field = parseField(in);
+        EllipticCurve curve = parseCurve(in, field);
+        ECPoint point = parsePoint(in, curve);
+        BigInteger order = in.getBigInteger();
+        int cofactor = 0;
+        if (in.available() != 0) {
+            cofactor = in.getInteger();
+        }
+        // XXX HashAlgorithm optional
+        if ( != 0) {
+            throw new IOException("encoded params have " +
+                         +
+                                  " extra bytes");
+        }
+        return new ECParameterSpec(curve, point, order, cofactor);
+    }
+    protected void engineInit(byte[] params, String decodingMethod)
+            throws IOException {
+        engineInit(params);
+    }
+    protected <T extends AlgorithmParameterSpec> T
+            engineGetParameterSpec(Class<T> spec)
+            throws InvalidParameterSpecException {
+        if (spec.isAssignableFrom(ECParameterSpec.class)) {
+            return spec.cast(namedCurve);
+        }
+        if (spec.isAssignableFrom(ECGenParameterSpec.class)) {
+            // Ensure the name is the Object ID
+            String name = namedCurve.getObjectId();
+            return spec.cast(new ECGenParameterSpec(name));
+        }
+        if (spec.isAssignableFrom(ECKeySizeParameterSpec.class)) {
+            int keySize = namedCurve.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
+            return spec.cast(new ECKeySizeParameterSpec(keySize));
+        }
+        throw new InvalidParameterSpecException(
+            "Only ECParameterSpec and ECGenParameterSpec supported");
+    }
+    protected byte[] engineGetEncoded() throws IOException {
+        return namedCurve.getEncoded();
+    }
+    protected byte[] engineGetEncoded(String encodingMethod)
+            throws IOException {
+        return engineGetEncoded();
+    }
+    protected String engineToString() {
+        if (namedCurve == null) {
+            return "Not initialized";
+        }
+        return namedCurve.toString();
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+ * Contains Elliptic Curve parameters.
+ *
+ * @since   1.6
+ * @author  Andreas Sterbenz
+ */
+public final class NamedCurve extends ECParameterSpec {
+    // friendly name for toString() output
+    private final String name;
+    // well known OID
+    private final String oid;
+    // encoded form (as NamedCurve identified via OID)
+    private final byte[] encoded;
+    NamedCurve(String name, String oid, EllipticCurve curve,
+            ECPoint g, BigInteger n, int h) {
+        super(curve, g, n, h);
+ = name;
+        this.oid = oid;
+        DerOutputStream out = new DerOutputStream();
+        try {
+            out.putOID(new ObjectIdentifier(oid));
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Internal error", e);
+        }
+        encoded = out.toByteArray();
+    }
+    public String getName() {
+        return name;
+    }
+    public byte[] getEncoded() {
+        return encoded.clone();
+    }
+    public String getObjectId() {
+        return oid;
+    }
+    public String toString() {
+        return name + " (" + oid + ")";
+    }
--- a/jdk/src/windows/native/sun/tools/attach/WindowsVirtualMachine.c	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/windows/native/sun/tools/attach/WindowsVirtualMachine.c	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -388,6 +388,7 @@
     if (argsLen > 0) {
         if (argsLen > MAX_ARGS) {
             JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Too many arguments");
+            return;
         for (i=0; i<argsLen; i++) {
             jobject obj = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, args, i);
@@ -423,6 +424,8 @@
     stubLen = (DWORD)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, stub);
     stubCode = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, stub, &isCopy);
+    if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) return;
     pCode = (PDWORD) VirtualAllocEx( hProcess, 0, stubLen, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
     if (pCode == NULL) {
         JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError(env, "VirtualAllocEx failed");
@@ -592,6 +595,8 @@
         cstr[0] = '\0';
     } else {
         str = JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, jstr, &isCopy);
+        if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) return;
         strncpy(cstr, str, len);
         cstr[len-1] = '\0';
         if (isCopy) {
--- a/jdk/test/java/lang/Integer/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/Integer/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -23,29 +23,37 @@
  * @test
- * @bug 5017980 6576055
+ * @bug 5017980 6576055 8041972
  * @summary Test parsing methods
  * @author Joseph D. Darcy
+import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException;
+import java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;
+import java.lang.NullPointerException;
+import java.lang.RuntimeException;
- * There are six methods in java.lang.Integer which transform strings
+ * There are eight methods in java.lang.Integer which transform strings
  * into an int or Integer value:
  * public Integer(String s)
  * public static Integer decode(String nm)
+ * public static int parseInt(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
+ * public static int parseInt(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex)
  * public static int parseInt(String s, int radix)
  * public static int parseInt(String s)
  * public static Integer valueOf(String s, int radix)
  * public static Integer valueOf(String s)
  * Besides decode, all the methods and constructor call down into
- * parseInt(String, int) to do the actual work.  Therefore, the
- * behavior of parseInt(String, int) will be tested here.
+ * parseInt(CharSequence, int, int, int) to do the actual work.  Therefore, the
+ * behavior of parseInt(CharSequence, int, int, int) will be tested here.
+ *
 public class ParsingTest {
     public static void main(String... argv) {
         check("+100", +100);
         check("-100", -100);
@@ -55,10 +63,14 @@
         check("+00000", 0);
         check("-00000", 0);
+        check("+00000", 0, 0, 6);
+        check("-00000", 0, 0, 6);
         check("0", 0);
         check("1", 1);
         check("9", 9);
+        checkFailure("");
@@ -72,12 +84,45 @@
+        check("test-00000", 0, 4, 10);
+        check("test-12345", -12345, 4, 10);
+        check("xx12345yy", 12345, 2, 7);
+        checkNumberFormatException("", 10, 0);
+        checkNumberFormatException("100", 10, 3);
+        checkNumberFormatException("+1000000", 10, 8);
+        checkNumberFormatException("-1000000", 10, 8);
+        checkNumberFormatException("", 10, 0, 0);
+        checkNumberFormatException("+-6", 10, 0, 3);
+        checkNumberFormatException("1000000", 10, 7);
+        checkNumberFormatException("1000000", 10, 7, 7);
+        checkNumberFormatException("1000000", Character.MAX_RADIX + 1, 0, 2);
+        checkNumberFormatException("1000000", Character.MIN_RADIX - 1, 0, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", 10, 8);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", 10, -1);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", 10, 10, 4);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", Character.MAX_RADIX + 1, -1, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", Character.MIN_RADIX - 1, -1, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", Character.MAX_RADIX + 1, 10, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", Character.MIN_RADIX - 1, 10, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("-1", 10, 0, 3);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("-1", 10, 2, 3);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("-1", 10, -1, 2);
+        checkNull(10, 0, 1);
+        checkNull(10, -1, 0);
+        checkNull(10, 0, 0);
+        checkNull(10, 0, -1);
+        checkNull(-1, -1, -1);
     private static void check(String val, int expected) {
         int n = Integer.parseInt(val);
         if (n != expected)
-            throw new RuntimeException("Integer.parsedInt failed. String:" +
+            throw new RuntimeException("Integer.parseInt failed. String:" +
                                                 val + " Result:" + n);
@@ -91,4 +136,71 @@
             ; // Expected
+    private static void checkNumberFormatException(String val, int radix, int start) {
+        int n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Integer.parseInt(val, radix, start);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(" + val + ", " + radix + ", " + start +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void checkNumberFormatException(String val, int radix, int start, int end) {
+        int n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Integer.parseInt(val, radix, start, end);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(" + val + ", " + radix + ", " + start + ", " + end +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void checkIndexOutOfBoundsException(String val, int radix, int start) {
+        int n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Integer.parseInt(val, radix, start);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(" + val + ", " + radix + ", " + start +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void checkIndexOutOfBoundsException(String val, int radix, int start, int end) {
+        int n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Integer.parseInt(val, radix, start, end);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(" + val + ", " + radix + ", " + start + ", " + end +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void checkNull(int radix, int start, int end) {
+        int n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Integer.parseInt(null, 10, start, end);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(null, " + radix + ", " + start + ", " + end +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void check(String val, int expected, int start, int end) {
+        int n = Integer.parseInt(val, 10, start, end);
+        if (n != expected)
+            throw new RuntimeException("Integer.parsedInt failed. String:" +
+                    val + ", start: " + start + ", end: " + end + " Result:" + n);
+    }
--- a/jdk/test/java/lang/Long/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/Long/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -23,29 +23,31 @@
  * @test
- * @bug 5017980 6576055
+ * @bug 5017980 6576055 8041972
  * @summary Test parsing methods
  * @author Joseph D. Darcy
- * There are six methods in java.lang.Long which transform strings
+ * There are eight methods in java.lang.Long which transform strings
  * into a long or Long value:
  * public Long(String s)
  * public static Long decode(String nm)
+ * public static long parseLong(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
+ * public static long parseLong(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex)
  * public static long parseLong(String s, int radix)
  * public static long parseLong(String s)
  * public static Long valueOf(String s, int radix)
  * public static Long valueOf(String s)
  * Besides decode, all the methods and constructor call down into
- * parseLong(String, int) to do the actual work.  Therefore, the
- * behavior of parseLong(String, int) will be tested here.
+ * parseLong(CharSequence, int, int, int) to do the actual work.  Therefore, the
+ * behavior of parseLong(CharSequence, int, int, int) will be tested here.
 public class ParsingTest {
     public static void main(String... argv) {
         check("+100", +100L);
         check("-100", -100L);
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@
         check("1", 1L);
         check("9", 9L);
+        checkFailure("");
@@ -72,12 +75,44 @@
+        check("test-00000", 0L, 4, 10);
+        check("test-12345", -12345L, 4, 10);
+        check("xx12345yy", 12345L, 2, 7);
+        check("xx123456789012345yy", 123456789012345L, 2, 17);
+        checkNumberFormatException("100", 10, 3);
+        checkNumberFormatException("", 10, 0);
+        checkNumberFormatException("+1000000", 10, 8);
+        checkNumberFormatException("-1000000", 10, 8);
+        checkNumberFormatException("", 10, 0, 0);
+        checkNumberFormatException("+-6", 10, 0, 3);
+        checkNumberFormatException("1000000", 10, 7, 7);
+        checkNumberFormatException("1000000", Character.MAX_RADIX + 1, 0, 2);
+        checkNumberFormatException("1000000", Character.MIN_RADIX - 1, 0, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("", 10, 1, 1);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", 10, 10, 4);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", Character.MAX_RADIX + 1, 10, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", Character.MIN_RADIX - 1, 10, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", Character.MAX_RADIX + 1, -1, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("1000000", Character.MIN_RADIX - 1, -1, 2);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("-1", 10, 0, 3);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("-1", 10, 2, 3);
+        checkIndexOutOfBoundsException("-1", 10, -1, 2);
+        checkNull(10, 0, 1);
+        checkNull(10, -1, 0);
+        checkNull(10, 0, 0);
+        checkNull(10, 0, -1);
+        checkNull(-1, -1, -1);
     private static void check(String val, long expected) {
         long n = Long.parseLong(val);
         if (n != expected)
-            throw new RuntimeException("Long.parsedLong failed. String:" +
+            throw new RuntimeException("Long.parseLong failed. String:" +
                                        val + " Result:" + n);
@@ -91,4 +126,71 @@
             ; // Expected
+    private static void checkNumberFormatException(String val, int radix, int start) {
+        int n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Integer.parseInt(val, radix, start);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(" + val + ", " + radix + ", " + start +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void checkNumberFormatException(String val, int radix, int start, int end) {
+        long n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Long.parseLong(val, radix, start, end);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(" + val + ", " + radix + ", " + start + ", " + end +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void checkIndexOutOfBoundsException(String val, int radix, int start) {
+        int n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Integer.parseInt(val, radix, start);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(" + val + ", " + radix + ", " + start +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void checkIndexOutOfBoundsException(String val, int radix, int start, int end) {
+        long n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Long.parseLong(val, radix, start, end);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(" + val + ", " + radix + ", " + start + ", " + end +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void checkNull(int radix, int start, int end) {
+        long n = 0;
+        try {
+            n = Long.parseLong(null, 10, start, end);
+            System.err.println("parseInt(null, " + radix + ", " + start + ", " + end +
+                    ") incorrectly returned " + n);
+            throw new RuntimeException();
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            ; // Expected
+        }
+    }
+    private static void check(String val, long expected, int start, int end) {
+        long n = Long.parseLong(val, 10, start, end);
+        if (n != expected)
+            throw new RuntimeException("Long.parseLong failed. String:" +
+                    val + ", start: " + start + ", end: " + end + " Result:" + n);
+    }
--- a/jdk/test/java/lang/String/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/String/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-    @bug 4217441 4533872 4900935 8020037 8032012 8041791
+    @bug 4217441 4533872 4900935 8020037 8032012 8041791 8042589
     @summary toLowerCase should lower-case Greek Sigma correctly depending
              on the context (final/non-final).  Also it should handle
              Locale specific (lt, tr, and az) lowercasings and supplementary
@@ -106,6 +106,12 @@
         // invalid code point tests:
         test("\uD800\uD800\uD801A\uDC00\uDC00\uDC00B", Locale.US, "\uD800\uD800\uD801a\uDC00\uDC00\uDC00b");
+        // lower/uppercase + surrogates
+        test("a\uD801\uDC1c", Locale.ROOT, "a\uD801\uDC44");
+        test("A\uD801\uDC1c", Locale.ROOT, "a\uD801\uDC44");
+        test("a\uD801\uDC00\uD801\uDC01\uD801\uDC02", Locale.US, "a\uD801\uDC28\uD801\uDC29\uD801\uDC2A");
+        test("A\uD801\uDC00\uD801\uDC01\uD801\uDC02", Locale.US, "a\uD801\uDC28\uD801\uDC29\uD801\uDC2A");
         // test bmp + supp1
         StringBuilder src = new StringBuilder(0x20000);
         StringBuilder exp = new StringBuilder(0x20000);
--- a/jdk/test/java/lang/String/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/String/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-    @bug 4219630 4304573 4533872 4900935
+    @bug 4219630 4304573 4533872 4900935 8042589
     @summary toUpperCase should upper-case German sharp s correctly even if
              it's the only character in the string. should also uppercase
              all of the 1:M char mappings correctly.  Also it should handle
@@ -91,6 +91,12 @@
         test("\uD801\uDC28a\uD801\uDC29b\uD801\uDC2Ac", Locale.US, "\uD801\uDC00A\uD801\uDC01B\uD801\uDC02C");
         // invalid code point tests:
         test("\uD800\uD800\uD801a\uDC00\uDC00\uDC00b", Locale.US, "\uD800\uD800\uD801A\uDC00\uDC00\uDC00B");
+        // lower/uppercase + surrogates
+        test("a\uD801\uDC44", Locale.ROOT, "A\uD801\uDC1c");
+        test("A\uD801\uDC44", Locale.ROOT, "A\uD801\uDC1c");
+        test("a\uD801\uDC28\uD801\uDC29\uD801\uDC2A", Locale.US, "A\uD801\uDC00\uD801\uDC01\uD801\uDC02");
+        test("A\uD801\uDC28a\uD801\uDC29b\uD801\uDC2Ac", Locale.US, "A\uD801\uDC00A\uD801\uDC01B\uD801\uDC02C");
     static void test(String in, Locale locale, String expected) {
--- a/jdk/test/java/net/MulticastSocket/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/java/net/MulticastSocket/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
  *          same InetAddress set by MulticastSocket.setInterface
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.Enumeration;
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@
              * Test MulticastSocket.getInterface
+            System.out.println("Testing network interface " + ni);
             Enumeration addrs = ni.getInetAddresses();
             while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) {
                 InetAddress ia = (InetAddress)addrs.nextElement();
@@ -64,6 +67,8 @@
                 InetAddress curr = soc.getInterface();
                 if (!curr.equals(ia)) {
+                    System.err.println("NetworkInterface under test " + ni);
+                    displayInterfaceInformation(ni);
                     System.err.println("MulticastSocket.getInterface returned: " + curr);
                     System.err.println("Failed! Expected: " + ia);
@@ -96,6 +101,10 @@
             if (!curr.equals(ni)) {
                 System.err.println("MulticastSocket.getNetworkInterface returned: " + curr);
                 System.err.println("Failed! Expected: " + ni);
+                System.err.println("NetworkInterface details for curr variable ");
+                displayInterfaceInformation(curr);
+                System.err.println("NetworkInterface details for ni variable ");
+                displayInterfaceInformation(ni) ;
             } else {
@@ -110,4 +119,23 @@
+    static void displayInterfaceInformation(NetworkInterface netint) throws SocketException {
+        System.err.println("Display name: " + netint.getDisplayName());
+        System.err.println("Name: " + netint.getName());
+        Enumeration<InetAddress> inetAddresses = netint.getInetAddresses();
+        for (InetAddress inetAddress : Collections.list(inetAddresses))
+            System.err.println("InetAddress: " + inetAddress);
+        System.err.println("Up? " + netint.isUp());
+        System.err.println("Loopback? " + netint.isLoopback());
+        System.err.println("PointToPoint? " + netint.isPointToPoint());
+        System.err.println("Supports multicast? " + netint.supportsMulticast());
+        System.err.println("Virtual? " + netint.isVirtual());
+        System.err.println("Hardware address: " +
+                Arrays.toString(netint.getHardwareAddress()));
+        System.err.println("MTU: " + netint.getMTU());
+        System.err.println("Index: " + netint.getIndex());
+        System.err.println();
+    }
--- a/jdk/test/java/util/UUID/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/java/util/UUID/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -96,6 +96,23 @@
             if (!u1.equals(u2))
                 throw new Exception("UUID -> string -> UUID failed");
+        testFromStringError("-0");
+        testFromStringError("x");
+        testFromStringError("----");
+        testFromStringError("-0-0-0-0");
+        testFromStringError("0-0-0-0-");
+        testFromStringError("0-0-0-0-0-");
+        testFromStringError("0-0-0-0-x");
+    }
+    private static void testFromStringError(String str) {
+        try {
+            UUID test = UUID.fromString(str);
+            throw new RuntimeException("Should have thrown IAE");
+        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
+            // pass
+        }
     private static void versionTest() throws Exception {
--- a/jdk/test/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
 import java.util.Date;
 public class KerberosHashEqualsTest {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
@@ -66,28 +64,67 @@
         checkNotSame(k1, k2);
-        // destroyed keys doesn't equal to each other
         checkNotSame(k2, k1);
         checkSame(k2, k2);
+        k1.destroy();
+        checkNotSame(k1, k2);
+        // Destroyed key has string and hashCode
+        k1.toString(); k1.hashCode();
         // a little different
+        k1 = new KerberosKey(newKP("A"), "pass".getBytes(), 1, 1);
         k2 = new KerberosKey(newKP("B"), "pass".getBytes(), 1, 1);
         checkNotSame(k1, k2);
         k2 = new KerberosKey(newKP("A"), "ssap".getBytes(), 1, 1);
         checkNotSame(k1, k2);
         k2 = new KerberosKey(newKP("A"), "pass".getBytes(), 2, 1);
         checkNotSame(k1, k2);
         k2 = new KerberosKey(newKP("A"), "pass".getBytes(), 1, 2);
         checkNotSame(k1, k2);
+        // Null
         k1 = new KerberosKey(null, "pass".getBytes(), 1, 2);
         checkNotSame(k1, k2); // null to non-null
         k2 = new KerberosKey(null, "pass".getBytes(), 1, 2);
         checkSame(k1, k2);    // null to null
+        // Even key with null principal has a string and hashCode
+        k1.toString(); k1.hashCode();
         checkNotSame(k1, "Another Object");
+        EncryptionKey e1, e2;
+        e1 = new EncryptionKey("pass".getBytes(), 1);
+        e2 = new EncryptionKey("pass".getBytes(), 1);
+        checkSame(e1, e1);  // me to me
+        checkSame(e1, e2);  // same
+        e2.destroy();
+        checkNotSame(e1, e2);
+        checkNotSame(e2, e1);
+        checkSame(e2, e2);
+        e1.destroy();
+        checkNotSame(e1, e2);
+        // Destroyed key has string and hashCode
+        e1.toString(); e1.hashCode();
+        // a little different
+        e1 = new EncryptionKey("pass".getBytes(), 1);
+        e2 = new EncryptionKey("ssap".getBytes(), 1);
+        checkNotSame(e1, e2);
+        e2 = new EncryptionKey("pass".getBytes(), 2);
+        checkNotSame(e1, e2);
+        checkNotSame(e1, "Another Object");
         KerberosTicket t1, t2;
         t1 = new KerberosTicket("asn1".getBytes(), newKP("client"), newKP("server"), "pass".getBytes(), 1, new boolean[] {true, true}, new Date(0), new Date(0), new Date(0), new Date(0), null);
         t2 = new KerberosTicket("asn1".getBytes(), newKP("client"), newKP("server"), "pass".getBytes(), 1, new boolean[] {true, true}, new Date(0), new Date(0), new Date(0), new Date(0), null);
@@ -120,6 +157,7 @@
         checkNotSame(t1, t2);
+        t2.hashCode(); t2.toString();
         // destroyed tickets doesn't equal to each other
         checkNotSame(t2, t1);
@@ -130,6 +168,37 @@
         checkNotSame(t1, t2);  // renewtill is useful
         checkNotSame(t1, "Another Object");
+        KerberosCredMessage m1, m2;
+        m1 = new KerberosCredMessage(newKP("C"), newKP("S"), "message".getBytes());
+        m2 = new KerberosCredMessage(newKP("C"), newKP("S"), "message".getBytes());
+        checkSame(m1, m1);  // me to me
+        checkSame(m1, m2);  // same
+        m2.destroy();
+        checkNotSame(m1, m2);
+        checkNotSame(m2, m1);
+        checkSame(m2, m2);
+        m1.destroy();
+        checkNotSame(m1, m2);
+        // Destroyed message has string and hashCode
+        m1.toString(); m1.hashCode();
+        // a little different
+        m1 = new KerberosCredMessage(newKP("C"), newKP("S"), "message".getBytes());
+        m2 = new KerberosCredMessage(newKP("A"), newKP("S"), "message".getBytes());
+        checkNotSame(m1, m2);
+        m2 = new KerberosCredMessage(newKP("C"), newKP("B"), "message".getBytes());
+        checkNotSame(m1, m2);
+        m1 = new KerberosCredMessage(newKP("C"), newKP("S"), "hello".getBytes());
+        checkNotSame(m1, m2);
+        checkNotSame(m1, "Another Object");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/javax/security/auth/kerberos/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8043071
+ * @summary Expose session key and KRB_CRED through extended GSS-API
+ */
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+public class KerberosNullsAndDestroyTest {
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        KerberosPrincipal c = new KerberosPrincipal("me@HERE");
+        KerberosPrincipal s = new KerberosPrincipal("you@THERE");
+        // These object constructions should throw NullPointerException
+        checkNPE(() -> new KerberosKey(c, null, 17, 1));
+        checkNPE(() -> new EncryptionKey(null, 17));
+        checkNPE(() -> new KerberosCredMessage(null, s, new byte[1]));
+        checkNPE(() -> new KerberosCredMessage(c, null, new byte[1]));
+        checkNPE(() -> new KerberosCredMessage(c, s, null));
+        KerberosKey k1 = new KerberosKey(c, new byte[16], 17, 1);
+        EncryptionKey k2 = new EncryptionKey(new byte[16], 17);
+        KerberosCredMessage m = new KerberosCredMessage(c, s, new byte[1]);
+        // These get calls should throw IllegalStateException
+        k1.destroy();
+        checkISE(() -> k1.getAlgorithm());
+        checkISE(() -> k1.getEncoded());
+        checkISE(() -> k1.getFormat());
+        checkISE(() -> k1.getKeyType());
+        checkISE(() -> k1.getPrincipal());
+        checkISE(() -> k1.getVersionNumber());
+        k2.destroy();
+        checkISE(() -> k2.getAlgorithm());
+        checkISE(() -> k2.getEncoded());
+        checkISE(() -> k2.getFormat());
+        checkISE(() -> k2.getKeyType());
+        m.destroy();
+        checkISE(() -> m.getSender());
+        checkISE(() -> m.getRecipient());
+        checkISE(() -> m.getEncoded());
+    }
+    static void checkNPE(Supplier<?> f) throws Exception {
+        check(f, NullPointerException.class);
+    }
+    static void checkISE(Supplier<?> f) throws Exception {
+        check(f, IllegalStateException.class);
+    }
+    static void check(Supplier<?> f, Class<? extends Exception> type) throws Exception {
+        try {
+            f.get();
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            if (e.getClass() != type) {
+                throw e;
+            } else {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        throw new Exception("Should fail");
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/javax/xml/bind/xjc/8029837/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8029837
+ * @summary Test simulates the partial call to xjc ant task that fails with
+ *          NullPointer exception
+ * @run main/othervm PreParseGrammarTest
+ */
+public class PreParseGrammarTest {
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, XNIException, IOException {
+        File xsdf = new File(System.getProperty("test.src", ".") + "/test.xsd");
+        InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(xsdf));
+        XMLInputSource xis = new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, is, null);
+        XMLGrammarPreparser gp = new XMLGrammarPreparser();
+        gp.registerPreparser(XMLGrammarDescription.XML_SCHEMA, null);
+        //The NullPointerException is observed on next call during ant task
+        // execution
+        Grammar res = gp.preparseGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription.XML_SCHEMA, xis);
+        System.out.println("Grammar preparsed successfully:" + res);
+        return;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/javax/xml/bind/xjc/8029837/test.xsd	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
+	<xsd:element name="root">
+	</xsd:element>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/misc/JavaLangAccess/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import sun.misc.JavaLangAccess;
+import sun.misc.SharedSecrets;
+ * @test
+ * @summary Test JavaLangAccess.formatUnsignedInt/-Long
+ * @bug 8050114
+ */
+public class FormatUnsigned {
+    static final JavaLangAccess jla = SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess();
+    public static void testFormatUnsignedInt() {
+        testFormatUnsignedInt("7fffffff", Integer.MAX_VALUE, 8, 4, 0, 8);
+        testFormatUnsignedInt("80000000", Integer.MIN_VALUE, 8, 4, 0, 8);
+        testFormatUnsignedInt("4711", 04711, 4, 3, 0, 4);
+        testFormatUnsignedInt("4711", 0x4711, 4, 4, 0, 4);
+        testFormatUnsignedInt("1010", 0b1010, 4, 1, 0, 4);
+        testFormatUnsignedInt("00001010", 0b1010, 8, 1, 0, 8);
+        testFormatUnsignedInt("\u0000\u000000001010", 0b1010, 10, 1, 2, 8);
+    }
+    public static void testFormatUnsignedLong() {
+        testFormatUnsignedLong("7fffffffffffffff", Long.MAX_VALUE, 16, 4, 0, 16);
+        testFormatUnsignedLong("8000000000000000", Long.MIN_VALUE, 16, 4, 0, 16);
+        testFormatUnsignedLong("4711", 04711L, 4, 3, 0, 4);
+        testFormatUnsignedLong("4711", 0x4711L, 4, 4, 0, 4);
+        testFormatUnsignedLong("1010", 0b1010L, 4, 1, 0, 4);
+        testFormatUnsignedLong("00001010", 0b1010L, 8, 1, 0, 8);
+        testFormatUnsignedLong("\u0000\u000000001010", 0b1010L, 10, 1, 2, 8);
+    }
+    public static void testFormatUnsignedInt(String expected, int value, int arraySize, int shift, int offset, int length) {
+        char[] chars = new char[arraySize];
+        jla.formatUnsignedInt(value, shift, chars, offset, length);
+        String s = new String(chars);
+        if (!expected.equals(s)) {
+            throw new Error(s + " should be equal to expected " + expected);
+        }
+    }
+    public static void testFormatUnsignedLong(String expected, long value, int arraySize, int shift, int offset, int length) {
+        char[] chars = new char[arraySize];
+        jla.formatUnsignedLong(value, shift, chars, offset, length);
+        String s = new String(chars);
+        if (!expected.equals(s)) {
+            throw new Error(s + " should be equal to expected " + expected);
+        }
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        testFormatUnsignedInt();
+        testFormatUnsignedLong();
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/jgss/spnego/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8048194
+ * @run main/othervm NotPreferredMech
+ * @summary GSSContext.acceptSecContext fails when a supported mech is not initiator preferred
+ */
+import org.ietf.jgss.*;
+import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+public class NotPreferredMech {
+    public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
+        // Generates a NegTokenInit mechTypes field, with an
+        // unsupported mech as the preferred.
+        DerOutputStream mech = new DerOutputStream();
+        mech.write(new Oid("").getDER());
+        mech.write(GSSUtil.GSS_KRB5_MECH_OID.getDER());
+        DerOutputStream mechTypeList = new DerOutputStream();
+        mechTypeList.write(DerValue.tag_Sequence, mech);
+        // Generates a NegTokenInit mechToken field for mech
+        GSSHeader h1 = new GSSHeader(new ObjectIdentifier(""), 1);
+        ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        h1.encode(bout);
+        bout.write(new byte[1]);
+        // Generates the NegTokenInit token
+        Constructor<NegTokenInit> ctor = NegTokenInit.class.getDeclaredConstructor(
+                byte[].class, BitArray.class, byte[].class, byte[].class);
+        ctor.setAccessible(true);
+        NegTokenInit initToken = ctor.newInstance(
+                mechTypeList.toByteArray(),
+                new BitArray(0),
+                bout.toByteArray(),
+                null);
+        Method m = Class.forName("")
+                .getDeclaredMethod("getEncoded");
+        m.setAccessible(true);
+        byte[] spnegoToken = (byte[])m.invoke(initToken);
+        // and wraps it into a GSSToken
+        GSSHeader h = new GSSHeader(
+                new ObjectIdentifier(GSSUtil.GSS_SPNEGO_MECH_OID.toString()),
+                spnegoToken.length);
+        bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        h.encode(bout);
+        bout.write(spnegoToken);
+        byte[] token = bout.toByteArray();
+        // and feeds it to a GSS acceptor
+        GSSManager man = GSSManager.getInstance();
+        GSSContext ctxt = man.createContext((GSSCredential) null);
+        token = ctxt.acceptSecContext(token, 0, token.length);
+        NegTokenTarg targ = new NegTokenTarg(token);
+        // Make sure it's a GO-ON message
+        Method m2 = NegTokenTarg.class.getDeclaredMethod("getNegotiatedResult");
+        m2.setAccessible(true);
+        int negResult = (int)m2.invoke(targ);
+        if (negResult != 1 /* ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE */) {
+            throw new Exception("Not a continue");
+        }
+    }
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/krb5/auto/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/krb5/auto/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
 import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Base64;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -86,7 +88,6 @@
      * Using the delegated credentials from a previous acceptor
-     * @param c
     public Context delegated() throws Exception {
         Context out = new Context();
@@ -177,7 +178,6 @@
      * Logins with username/keytab as an existing Subject. The
      * same subject can be used multiple times to simulate multiple logins.
-     * @param s existing subject
     public static Context fromUserKtab(
             String user, String ktab, boolean storeKey) throws Exception {
@@ -411,6 +411,12 @@
                 Key k = (Key)ex.inquireSecContext(
                 if (k == null) {
+                    throw new Exception("(Old) Session key cannot be null");
+                }
+                System.out.println("(Old) Session key is: " + k);
+                Key k2 = (Key)ex.inquireSecContext(
+                        InquireType.KRB5_GET_SESSION_KEY_EX);
+                if (k2 == null) {
                     throw new Exception("Session key cannot be null");
                 System.out.println("Session key is: " + k);
@@ -431,6 +437,19 @@
                     System.out.println("AuthzData is: " + Arrays.toString(ad));
+                try {
+                    KerberosCredMessage tok = (KerberosCredMessage)ex.inquireSecContext(
+                            InquireType.KRB5_GET_KRB_CRED);
+                    System.out.println("KRB_CRED is " +
+                            (tok == null?"not ":"") + "available");
+                    if (tok != null) {
+                        System.out.println("From " + tok.getSender() + " to "
+                                + tok.getRecipient());
+                        System.out.println(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(tok.getEncoded()));
+                    }
+                } catch (Exception e) {
+                    System.out.println("KRB_CRED is not available: " + e);
+                }
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/krb5/auto/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
- * @test
- * @bug 4641821
- * @run main/othervm KerberosHashEqualsTest
- * @summary hashCode() and equals() for KerberosKey and KerberosTicket
- */
-import java.util.Date;
-public class KerberosHashEqualsTest {
-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        new OneKDC(null);
-        new KerberosHashEqualsTest().check();
-    }
-    void checkSame(Object o1, Object o2) {
-        if(!o1.equals(o2)) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("equals() fails");
-        }
-        if(o1.hashCode() != o2.hashCode()) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("hashCode() not same");
-        }
-    }
-    void checkNotSame(Object o1, Object o2) {
-        if(o1.equals(o2)) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("equals() succeeds");
-        }
-    }
-    void check() throws Exception {
-        // The key part:
-        // new KerberosKey(principal, bytes, keyType, version)
-        KerberosKey k1, k2;
-        KerberosPrincipal CLIENT = new KerberosPrincipal("client");
-        KerberosPrincipal SERVER = new KerberosPrincipal("server");
-        byte[] PASS = "pass".getBytes();
-        k1 = new KerberosKey(CLIENT, PASS, 1, 1);
-        k2 = new KerberosKey(CLIENT, PASS, 1, 1);
-        checkSame(k1, k1);  // me is me
-        checkSame(k1, k2);  // same
-        // A destroyed key doesn't equal to any key
-        k2.destroy();
-        checkNotSame(k1, k2);
-        checkNotSame(k2, k1);
-        k1.destroy();
-        checkNotSame(k1, k2);   // even if they are both destroyed
-        checkNotSame(k2, k1);
-        checkSame(k2, k2);
-        // a little difference means not equal
-        k1 = new KerberosKey(CLIENT, PASS, 1, 1);
-        k2 = new KerberosKey(SERVER, PASS, 1, 1);
-        checkNotSame(k1, k2);   // Different principal name
-        k2 = new KerberosKey(CLIENT, "ssap".getBytes(), 1, 1);
-        checkNotSame(k1, k2);   // Different password
-        k2 = new KerberosKey(CLIENT, PASS, 2, 1);
-        checkNotSame(k1, k2);   // Different keytype
-        k2 = new KerberosKey(CLIENT, PASS, 1, 2);
-        checkNotSame(k1, k2);   // Different version
-        k2 = new KerberosKey(null, PASS, 1, 2);
-        checkNotSame(k1, k2);   // null is not non-null
-        k1 = new KerberosKey(null, PASS, 1, 2);
-        checkSame(k1, k2);      // null is null
-        checkNotSame(k1, "Another Object");
-        // The ticket part:
-        // new KerberosTicket(asn1 bytes, client, server, session key, type, flags,
-        //      auth, start, end, renewUntil times, address)
-        KerberosTicket t1, t2;
-        byte[] ASN1 = "asn1".getBytes();
-        boolean[] FORWARDABLE = new boolean[] {true, true};
-        boolean[] ALLTRUE = new boolean[] {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true};
-        Date D0 = new Date(0);
-        t1 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        checkSame(t1, t1);
-        checkSame(t1, t2);
-        // destroyed tickets doesn't equal to each other
-        t1.destroy();
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);
-        checkNotSame(t2, t1);
-        t2.destroy();
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // even if they are both destroyed
-        checkNotSame(t2, t1);
-        checkSame(t2, t2);  // unless they are the same object
-        // a little difference means not equal
-        t1 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket("asn11".getBytes(), CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different ASN1 encoding
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, new KerberosPrincipal("client1"), SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different client
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, new KerberosPrincipal("server1"), PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different server
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, "pass1".getBytes(), 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different session key
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 2, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different key type
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, new boolean[] {true, false}, D0, D0, D0, D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different flags, not FORWARDABLE
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, new Date(1), D0, D0, D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different authtime
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, new Date(1), D0, D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different starttime
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, new Date(1), D0, null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different endtime
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, D0, new InetAddress[2]);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // Different client addresses
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, new Date(1), null);
-        t1 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, FORWARDABLE, D0, D0, D0, new Date(2), null);
-        checkSame(t1, t2);      // renewtill is ignored when RENEWABLE ticket flag is not set.
-        t2 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, ALLTRUE, D0, D0, D0, new Date(1), null);
-        t1 = new KerberosTicket(ASN1, CLIENT, SERVER, PASS, 1, ALLTRUE, D0, D0, D0, new Date(2), null);
-        checkNotSame(t1, t2);   // renewtill is used when RENEWABLE is set.
-        checkNotSame(t1, "Another Object");
-        System.out.println("Good!");
-    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/krb5/auto/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8043071
+ * @summary Expose session key and KRB_CRED through extended GSS-API
+ * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
+ * @run main/othervm NewInquireTypes
+ */
+public class NewInquireTypes {
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        new OneKDC(null).writeJAASConf();
+        Context c, s;
+        c = Context.fromJAAS("client");
+        s = Context.fromJAAS("server");
+        c.startAsClient(OneKDC.SERVER, GSSUtil.GSS_KRB5_MECH_OID);
+        s.startAsServer(GSSUtil.GSS_KRB5_MECH_OID);
+        Context.handshake(c, s);
+        EncryptionKey key = (EncryptionKey)
+                c.x().inquireSecContext(InquireType.KRB5_GET_SESSION_KEY_EX);
+        KerberosCredMessage cred = (KerberosCredMessage)
+                c.x().inquireSecContext(InquireType.KRB5_GET_KRB_CRED);
+        // Confirm the KRB_CRED message is encrypted with the session key.
+        new KRBCred(cred.getEncoded()).encPart.decrypt(
+                new, key.getEncoded()),
+                KeyUsage.KU_ENC_KRB_CRED_PART);
+    }
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 // Because all the tests are marked @ignore as they require special hardware,
 // we cannot use jtreg to do this.
-import java.lang.reflect.*;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 public class TestAll {
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import javax.smartcardio.Card;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
+import javax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU;
 public class TestChannel extends Utils {
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
         // disconnect
-        card.disconnect(false);
+        card.disconnect(true);
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.smartcardio.TerminalFactory;
+import javax.smartcardio.Card;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
 public class TestConnect extends Utils {
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
             throw new Exception("Not T=0 protocol");
-        card.disconnect(false);
+        card.disconnect(true);
         try {
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@
             throw new Exception("Not T=0 protocol");
-        card.disconnect(true);
+        card.disconnect(false);
         card = terminal.connect("*");
         System.out.println("card: " + card);
@@ -105,7 +106,6 @@
-        card.disconnect(true);
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import javax.smartcardio.Card;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardException;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
 public class TestConnectAgain extends Utils {
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
         // disconnect
-        card.disconnect(false);
+        card.disconnect(true);
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,9 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import javax.smartcardio.Card;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardException;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
 public class TestControl extends Utils {
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@
         // disconnect
-        card.disconnect(false);
+        card.disconnect(true);
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,9 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
+import javax.smartcardio.TerminalFactory;
 public class TestDefault {
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import javax.smartcardio.Card;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardException;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
+import javax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU;
 public class TestExclusive extends Utils {
@@ -84,9 +85,9 @@
         // disconnect
-        card.disconnect(false);
+        card.disconnect(true);
-        if (otherOK == false) {
+        if (! otherOK) {
             throw new Exception("Secondary thread failed");
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminals;
+import javax.smartcardio.TerminalFactory;
 import static javax.smartcardio.CardTerminals.State.*;
 public class TestMultiplePresent {
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,9 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
+import javax.smartcardio.TerminalFactory;
 public class TestPresent {
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -31,10 +31,16 @@
 // This test requires special hardware.
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
+import javax.smartcardio.Card;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
+import javax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU;
+import javax.smartcardio.ResponseAPDU;
 public class TestTransmit extends Utils {
@@ -79,7 +85,7 @@
         // disconnect
-        card.disconnect(false);
+        card.disconnect(true);
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/smartcardio/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -24,10 +24,16 @@
 // common utility functions for the PC/SC tests
-import javax.smartcardio.*;
-import java.util.*;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardTerminal;
+import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
+import javax.smartcardio.ResponseAPDU;
+import javax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU;
+import javax.smartcardio.TerminalFactory;
 public class Utils {
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# @test
+# @bug 8049834
+# @summary Two security tools tests do not run with only JRE
+if [ "${TESTJAVA}" = "" ] ; then
+  JAVAC_CMD=`which javac`
+  TESTJAVA=`dirname $JAVAC_CMD`/..
+rm $KS 2> /dev/null
+export PASS
+$KEYTOOL -genkeypair -dname CN=A -alias a \
+         -storepass:env PASS -keypass:env PASS -keystore $KS \
+         -keyalg rsa || exit 1
+cat <<EOF > js.conf
+jarsigner.all = -keystore \${user.dir}/$KS -storepass:env PASS -debug -strict
+jarsigner.sign = -digestalg SHA1
+jarsigner.verify = -verbose:summary
+$JAR cvf a.jar ks js.conf
+$JARSIGNER -conf js.conf a.jar a || exit 21
+$JARSIGNER -conf js.conf -verify a.jar > jarsigner.out || exit 22
+grep "and 1 more" jarsigner.out || exit 23
+grep "SHA1-Digest" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF || exit 24
+echo Done
+exit 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# @test
+# @bug 8044755
+# @summary Add a test for algorithm constraints check in jarsigner
+if [ "${TESTJAVA}" = "" ] ; then
+  JAVAC_CMD=`which javac`
+  TESTJAVA=`dirname $JAVAC_CMD`/..
+# The sigalg used is MD2withRSA, which is obsolete.
+KT="$TESTJAVA/bin/keytool ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} -keystore ks
+    -storepass changeit -keypass changeit
+    -keyalg rsa -sigalg MD2withRSA -debug"
+JS="$TESTJAVA/bin/jarsigner ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} -keystore ks
+    -storepass changeit -strict -debug"
+rm ks 2> /dev/null
+$KT -genkeypair -alias ca -dname CN=CA -ext bc
+$KT -genkeypair -alias signer -dname CN=Signer
+$KT -certreq -alias signer | \
+        $KT -gencert -alias ca -ext ku=dS -rfc | \
+        $KT -importcert -alias signer
+$JAR cvf a.jar ks
+# We always trust a TrustedCertificateEntry
+$JS a.jar ca || exit 1
+# An end-entity cert must follow algorithm constraints
+$JS a.jar signer && exit 2
+exit 0
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/tools/keytool/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/tools/keytool/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -33,16 +33,12 @@
 rm $KS 2> /dev/null
 export PASS
-# keytool
 cat <<EOF > kt.conf
 # A Pre-configured options file
 keytool.all = -storepass:env PASS -keypass:env PASS -keystore \${user.dir}/$KS -debug
@@ -69,23 +65,6 @@
 # Single-valued option on command line overrides again
 $KEYTOOL -conf kt.conf -delete -alias b -keystore $KS || exit 17
-# jarsigner
-cat <<EOF > js.conf
-jarsigner.all = -keystore \${user.dir}/$KS -storepass:env PASS -debug -strict
-jarsigner.sign = -digestalg SHA1
-jarsigner.verify = -verbose:summary
-$JAR cvf a.jar ks js.conf kt.conf
-$JARSIGNER -conf js.conf a.jar a || exit 21
-$JARSIGNER -conf js.conf -verify a.jar > jarsigner.out || exit 22
-grep "and 2 more" jarsigner.out || exit 23
-grep "SHA1-Digest" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF || exit 24
 # Error cases
 # File does not exist
--- a/jdk/test/sun/security/tools/keytool/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
-# accompanied this code).
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
-# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
-# or visit if you need additional information or have any
-# questions.
-# @test
-# @bug 8044755
-# @summary Add a test for algorithm constraints check in jarsigner
-if [ "${TESTJAVA}" = "" ] ; then
-  JAVAC_CMD=`which javac`
-  TESTJAVA=`dirname $JAVAC_CMD`/..
-# The sigalg used is MD2withRSA, which is obsolete.
-KT="$TESTJAVA/bin/keytool ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} -keystore ks
-    -storepass changeit -keypass changeit
-    -keyalg rsa -sigalg MD2withRSA -debug"
-JS="$TESTJAVA/bin/jarsigner ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} -keystore ks
-    -storepass changeit -strict -debug"
-rm ks 2> /dev/null
-$KT -genkeypair -alias ca -dname CN=CA -ext bc
-$KT -genkeypair -alias signer -dname CN=Signer
-$KT -certreq -alias signer | \
-        $KT -gencert -alias ca -ext ku=dS -rfc | \
-        $KT -importcert -alias signer
-$JAR cvf a.jar ks
-# We always trust a TrustedCertificateEntry
-$JS a.jar ca || exit 1
-# An end-entity cert must follow algorithm constraints
-$JS a.jar signer && exit 2
-exit 0
--- a/make/Javadoc.gmk	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/make/Javadoc.gmk	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -239,11 +239,15 @@
 # Common echo of option
 define OptionOnly # opt
-	$(PRINTF) "%s\n" "$1"
+	if [ "$1" != "" ] ; then \
+		$(PRINTF) "%s\n" "$1"; \
+	fi
 define OptionPair # opt arg
 	$(PRINTF) "%s '%s'\n" "$1" '$2'
 define OptionTrip # opt arg arg
 	$(PRINTF) "%s '%s' '%s'\n" "$1" '$2' '$3'
@@ -258,14 +262,7 @@
 $(call CopyrightLine,$(COPYRIGHT_URL),$(FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR),)\
-# Common javadoc options used by all
-    -XDignore.symbol.file=true \
-    -quiet \
-    -use \
-    -keywords \
-    -Xprofilespath $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/profile-rtjar-includes.txt \
+# Common javadoc options used by all bundles
 ifdef OPENJDK
@@ -274,6 +271,52 @@
+    $(call OptionOnly,-XDignore.symbol.file=true) ; \
+    $(call OptionOnly,-quiet) ; \
+    $(call OptionOnly,-use) ; \
+    $(call OptionOnly,-keywords) ; \
+    $(call OptionPair,-Xprofilespath,$(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/profile-rtjar-includes.txt) ; \
+    $(call OptionOnly,$(ADDITIONAL_JAVADOCFLAGS))
+# Common javadoc tags used by all bundles
+# Java language specification cite
+TAG_JLS = jls:a:See <cite> \
+The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>:
+# Java virtual machine specification cite
+TAG_JVMS = jvms:a:See <cite> \
+The Java&trade; Virtual Machine Specification</cite>:
+# In order to get a specific ordering it's necessary to specify the total
+# ordering of tags as the tags are otherwise ordered in order of definition.
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,beaninfo:X) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,revised:X) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,since.unbundled:X) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,spec:X) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,specdefault:X) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,Note:X) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,ToDo:X) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,apiNote:a:API Note:) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,implSpec:a:Implementation Requirements:) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,implNote:a:Implementation Note:) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,param) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,return) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,throws) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,since) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,version) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,serialData) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,factory) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,see) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,$(TAG_JVMS)) ; \
+  $(call OptionPair,-tag,$(TAG_JLS))
 # Draft used for non-fcs documents
 ifneq ($(MILESTONE), fcs)
@@ -338,10 +381,6 @@
-# Java language specification cite
-TAG_JLS = jls:a:See <cite> \
-The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>:
 # Overview file for core apis
@@ -365,29 +404,11 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
-	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
+          $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ISO-8859-1) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,beaninfo:X) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,revised:X) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,since.unbundled:X) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,spec:X) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,specdefault:X) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,Note:X) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,ToDo:X) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,apiNote:a:API Note:) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,implSpec:a:Implementation Requirements:) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,implNote:a:Implementation Note:) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,param) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,return) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,throws) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,since) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,version) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,serialData) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,factory) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,see) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,$(TAG_JLS)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-splitIndex) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-overview,$(COREAPI_OVERVIEW)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-doctitle,$(COREAPI_DOCTITLE)) ; \
@@ -441,7 +462,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:all) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -498,7 +520,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:all) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -550,7 +573,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -613,7 +637,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -700,7 +725,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -753,7 +779,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -806,7 +833,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -857,7 +885,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -917,7 +946,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -969,7 +999,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -1020,7 +1051,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -1073,14 +1105,14 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:all) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-doctitle,$(TREEAPI_DOCTITLE)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-windowtitle,$(TREEAPI_WINDOWTITLE) $(DRAFT_WINTITLE)); \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-header,$(TREEAPI_HEADER)$(DRAFT_HEADER)) ; \
-	  $(call OptionPair,-tag,$(TAG_JLS)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-bottom,$(TREEAPI_BOTTOM)$(DRAFT_BOTTOM)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionTrip,-group,$(TREEAPI_GROUPNAME),$(TREEAPI_REGEXP)); \
 	  $(call OptionTrip,-linkoffline,$(TREEAPI2COREAPI),$(COREAPI_DOCSDIR)/); \
@@ -1125,7 +1157,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
@@ -1176,7 +1209,8 @@
 # Create file with javadoc options in it
-	@($(call OptionOnly,$(COMMON_JAVADOCFLAGS)) ; \
+          $(call COMMON_JAVADOCTAGS) ; \
 	  $(call OptionOnly,-Xdoclint:none) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-sourcepath,$(RELEASEDOCS_SOURCEPATH)) ; \
 	  $(call OptionPair,-encoding,ascii) ; \
--- a/make/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/make/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -460,19 +460,23 @@
   windows_i586_6.1-fastdebug-c2-hotspot_internalvmtests,		\
-my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot.wbapitests=				\
-  solaris_sparcv9_5.11-{product|fastdebug}-c2-hotspot_wbapitest,	\
-  solaris_x64_5.11-{product|fastdebug}-c2-hotspot_wbapitest,		\
-  linux_i586_2.6-{product|fastdebug}-c2-hotspot_wbapitest,		\
-  linux_x64_2.6-{product|fastdebug}-c2-hotspot_wbapitest,		\
-  windows_i586_6.1-{product|fastdebug}-c2-hotspot_wbapitest,		\
-  windows_x64_6.1-{product|fastdebug}-c2-hotspot_wbapitest,		\
-  linux_i586_2.6-{product|fastdebug}-c1-hotspot_wbapitest,		\
-  windows_i586_6.1-{product|fastdebug}-c1-hotspot_wbapitest					\
+  solaris_sparcv9_5.11-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP,				\
+  solaris_x64_5.11-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP,				\
+  linux_i586_2.6-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP,					\
+  linux_x64_2.6-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP,					\
+  windows_i586_6.1-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP,				\
+  windows_x64_6.1-{product|fastdebug}-c2-GROUP,					\
+  linux_i586_2.6-{product|fastdebug}-c1-GROUP,					\
+  windows_i586_6.1-{product|fastdebug}-c1-GROUP
-my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot=					\
-  ${my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot.clienttests},			\
-  ${my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot.servertests},			\
-  ${my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot.internalvmtests},			\
-  ${my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot.wbapitests},			\
+my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot=						\
+  ${my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot.clienttests},				\
+  ${my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot.servertests},				\
+  ${my.make.rule.test.targets.hotspot.internalvmtests},				\
+  ${},	\
+  ${},	\
+  ${},		\
+  ${},	\
+  ${},	\
--- a/nashorn/.hgtags	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/nashorn/.hgtags	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -257,3 +257,4 @@
 174cf53bce4e93a3d5d880ed7915ce8d0f08bc5e jdk9-b21
 a9d39bcfeb1bb3f7de929c56a2ecbea10a554ca1 jdk9-b22
 aa3fda2d2967847dbd264aa962d624c07fc6c29f jdk9-b23
+49d7a2a66ae6b70fee367e2ceb29d0c20f8be01b jdk9-b24
--- a/nashorn/make/build-nasgen.xml	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/nashorn/make/build-nasgen.xml	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -36,11 +36,13 @@
                 <pathelement location="${basedir}/jcov2/lib/jcov_j2se_rt.jar"/>
                 <pathelement location="${basedir}/buildtools/nasgen/dist/nasgen.jar"/>
                 <pathelement path="${basedir}/build/classes"/>
+                <pathelement location="${dist.dir}/nasgen.jar"/>
+                <pathelement path="${build.dir}/classes"/>
             <jvmarg value="-Djava.ext.dirs="/>
-            <arg value="${basedir}/build/classes"/>
+            <arg value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
             <arg value="jdk.nashorn.internal.objects"/>
-            <arg value="${basedir}/build/classes"/>
+            <arg value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
--- a/nashorn/make/build.xml	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/nashorn/make/build.xml	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -304,6 +304,14 @@
 grant codeBase "file:/${basedir}/${file.reference.testng.jar}" {
+//// in case of absolute path:
+grant codeBase "file:/${nashorn.internal.tests.jar}" {
+    permission;
+grant codeBase "file:/${file.reference.testng.jar}" {
+    permission;
 grant codeBase "file:/${basedir}/test/script/trusted/*" {
@@ -391,7 +399,7 @@
     <testng outputdir="${build.nosecurity.test.results.dir}" classfilesetref="test.nosecurity.classes"
        verbose="${testng.verbose}" haltonfailure="true" useDefaultListeners="false" listeners="${testng.listeners}" workingDir="${basedir}">
       <jvmarg line="${ext.class.path}"/>
-      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx}"/>
+      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} -Dbuild.dir=${build.dir}"/>
       <sysproperty key="nashorn.jar" value="${dist.dir}/nashorn.jar"/>
         <propertyref prefix="nashorn."/>
@@ -413,7 +421,7 @@
     <testng outputdir="${build.test.results.dir}" classfilesetref="test.classes"
        verbose="${testng.verbose}" haltonfailure="true" useDefaultListeners="false" listeners="${testng.listeners}" workingDir="${basedir}">
       <jvmarg line="${ext.class.path}"/>
-      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs}"/>
+      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs} -Dbuild.dir=${build.dir}"/>
       <jvmarg line="${debug.test.jvmargs}"/>
         <propertyref prefix="nashorn."/>
@@ -451,7 +459,7 @@
     <testng outputdir="${build.test.results.dir}" classfilesetref="test.classes"
        verbose="${testng.verbose}" haltonfailure="true" useDefaultListeners="false" listeners="${testng.listeners}" workingDir="${basedir}">
       <jvmarg line="${ext.class.path}"/>
-      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx}"/>
+      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} -Dbuild.dir=${build.dir}"/>
         <propertyref prefix="testjfx-test-sys-prop."/>
         <mapper from="testjfx-test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
@@ -471,7 +479,7 @@
     <testng outputdir="${build.test.results.dir}" classfilesetref="test.classes"
        verbose="${testng.verbose}" haltonfailure="true" useDefaultListeners="false" listeners="${testng.listeners}" workingDir="${basedir}">
       <jvmarg line="${ext.class.path}"/>
-      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs}"/>
+      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs} -Dbuild.dir=${build.dir}"/>
         <propertyref prefix="testmarkdown-test-sys-prop."/>
         <mapper from="testmarkdown-test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
@@ -490,7 +498,7 @@
     <testng outputdir="${build.test.results.dir}" classfilesetref="test.classes"
        verbose="${testng.verbose}" haltonfailure="true" useDefaultListeners="false" listeners="${testng.listeners}" workingDir="${basedir}">
       <jvmarg line="${ext.class.path}"/>
-      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs}"/>
+      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs} -Dbuild.dir=${build.dir}"/>
         <propertyref prefix="nashorn."/>
@@ -510,7 +518,7 @@
     <!-- use just build.test.classes.dir to avoid referring to TestNG -->
     <java classname="${parallel.test.runner}" dir="${basedir}" fork="true">
       <jvmarg line="${ext.class.path}"/>
-      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs}"/>
+      <jvmarg line="${run.test.jvmargs} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs} -Dbuild.dir=${build.dir}"/>
           <pathelement path="${run.test.classpath}"/>
--- a/nashorn/make/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/nashorn/make/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 run.test.jvmargs.octane.main=${run.test.jvmargs.common} -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UseNewCode -XX:TypeProfileLevel=222
 # Security manager args - make sure that we run with the nashorn.policy that the build creates
 # VM options for script tests with @fork option
 test-sys-prop.test.fork.jvm.options=${run.test.jvmargs.main} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs} -cp ${run.test.classpath}
--- a/nashorn/test/src/jdk/nashorn/internal/test/framework/	Wed Jul 30 11:49:49 2014 -0700
+++ b/nashorn/test/src/jdk/nashorn/internal/test/framework/	Wed Jul 05 19:52:30 2017 +0200
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
 public abstract class TestHelper {
     public static final String TEST_ROOT   = "test";
-    public static final String BUILD_ROOT  = "build/test";
+    public static final String BUILD_ROOT =
+        System.getProperty("build.dir", "build") + File.separator + "test";
     public static final String TEST_PREFIX = TEST_ROOT + File.separator;
     private TestHelper() {