8165605: Thai resources in jdk.localedata cause split package issue with java.base
Mon, 12 Sep 2016 09:38:26 -0700
changeset 40783 eecdf7525f79
parent 40782 8f6c023b3333
child 40785 0ad35b2dfc50
8165605: Thai resources in jdk.localedata cause split package issue with java.base Reviewed-by: mchung, erikj
--- a/make/CompileJavaModules.gmk	Mon Sep 12 18:25:49 2016 +0530
+++ b/make/CompileJavaModules.gmk	Mon Sep 12 09:38:26 2016 -0700
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
 jdk.localedata_COPY := _dict _th
 # Exclude BreakIterator classes that are just used in compile process to generate
 # data files and shouldn't go in the product
-jdk.localedata_EXCLUDE_FILES += sun/text/resources/th/BreakIteratorRules_th.java
+jdk.localedata_EXCLUDE_FILES += sun/text/resources/ext/BreakIteratorRules_th.java
 # Setup the compilation for the module