--- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm.java Thu Aug 25 10:01:20 2016 +0100
+++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm.java Thu Aug 25 13:29:47 2016 +0200
@@ -861,54 +861,6 @@
- private static void computeInitialPreparedForms() {
- // Find all predefined invokers and associate them with canonical empty lambda forms.
- for (MemberName m : MemberName.getFactory().getMethods(LambdaForm.class, false, null, null, null)) {
- if (!m.isStatic() || !m.isPackage()) continue;
- MethodType mt = m.getMethodType();
- if (mt.parameterCount() > 0 &&
- mt.parameterType(0) == MethodHandle.class &&
- m.getName().startsWith("interpret_")) {
- String sig = null;
- assert((sig = basicTypeSignature(mt)) != null &&
- m.getName().equals("interpret" + sig.substring(sig.indexOf('_'))));
- LambdaForm form = new LambdaForm(mt);
- form.vmentry = m;
- form = mt.form().setCachedLambdaForm(MethodTypeForm.LF_INTERPRET, form);
- }
- }
- }
- // Set this false to disable use of the interpret_L methods defined in this file.
- private static final boolean USE_PREDEFINED_INTERPRET_METHODS = true;
- // The following are predefined exact invokers. The system must build
- // a separate invoker for each distinct signature.
- static Object interpret_L(MethodHandle mh) throws Throwable {
- Object[] av = {mh};
- String sig = null;
- assert(argumentTypesMatch(sig = "L_L", av));
- Object res = mh.form.interpretWithArguments(av);
- assert(returnTypesMatch(sig, av, res));
- return res;
- }
- static Object interpret_L(MethodHandle mh, Object x1) throws Throwable {
- Object[] av = {mh, x1};
- String sig = null;
- assert(argumentTypesMatch(sig = "LL_L", av));
- Object res = mh.form.interpretWithArguments(av);
- assert(returnTypesMatch(sig, av, res));
- return res;
- }
- static Object interpret_L(MethodHandle mh, Object x1, Object x2) throws Throwable {
- Object[] av = {mh, x1, x2};
- String sig = null;
- assert(argumentTypesMatch(sig = "LLL_L", av));
- Object res = mh.form.interpretWithArguments(av);
- assert(returnTypesMatch(sig, av, res));
- return res;
- }
// The next few routines are called only from assert expressions
// They verify that the built-in invokers process the correct raw data types.
private static boolean argumentTypesMatch(String sig, Object[] av) {
@@ -1195,113 +1147,6 @@
return super.hashCode();
- // Put the predefined NamedFunction invokers into the table.
- static void initializeInvokers() {
- for (MemberName m : MemberName.getFactory().getMethods(NamedFunction.class, false, null, null, null)) {
- if (!m.isStatic() || !m.isPackage()) continue;
- MethodType type = m.getMethodType();
- if (type.equals(INVOKER_METHOD_TYPE) &&
- m.getName().startsWith("invoke_")) {
- String sig = m.getName().substring("invoke_".length());
- int arity = LambdaForm.signatureArity(sig);
- MethodType srcType = MethodType.genericMethodType(arity);
- if (LambdaForm.signatureReturn(sig) == V_TYPE)
- srcType = srcType.changeReturnType(void.class);
- MethodTypeForm typeForm = srcType.form();
- typeForm.setCachedMethodHandle(MethodTypeForm.MH_NF_INV, DirectMethodHandle.make(m));
- }
- }
- }
- // The following are predefined NamedFunction invokers. The system must build
- // a separate invoker for each distinct signature.
- /** void return type invokers. */
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke__V(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(0, void.class, mh, a));
- mh.invokeBasic();
- return null;
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_L_V(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(1, void.class, mh, a));
- mh.invokeBasic(a[0]);
- return null;
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_LL_V(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(2, void.class, mh, a));
- mh.invokeBasic(a[0], a[1]);
- return null;
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_LLL_V(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(3, void.class, mh, a));
- mh.invokeBasic(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
- return null;
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_LLLL_V(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(4, void.class, mh, a));
- mh.invokeBasic(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
- return null;
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_LLLLL_V(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(5, void.class, mh, a));
- mh.invokeBasic(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
- return null;
- }
- /** Object return type invokers. */
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke__L(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(0, mh, a));
- return mh.invokeBasic();
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_L_L(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(1, mh, a));
- return mh.invokeBasic(a[0]);
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_LL_L(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(2, mh, a));
- return mh.invokeBasic(a[0], a[1]);
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_LLL_L(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(3, mh, a));
- return mh.invokeBasic(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_LLLL_L(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(4, mh, a));
- return mh.invokeBasic(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
- }
- @Hidden
- static Object invoke_LLLLL_L(MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) throws Throwable {
- assert(arityCheck(5, mh, a));
- return mh.invokeBasic(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
- }
- private static boolean arityCheck(int arity, MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) {
- return arityCheck(arity, Object.class, mh, a);
- }
- private static boolean arityCheck(int arity, Class<?> rtype, MethodHandle mh, Object[] a) {
- assert(a.length == arity)
- : Arrays.asList(a.length, arity);
- assert(mh.type().basicType() == MethodType.genericMethodType(arity).changeReturnType(rtype))
- : Arrays.asList(mh, rtype, arity);
- MemberName member = mh.internalMemberName();
- if (isInvokeBasic(member)) {
- assert(arity > 0);
- assert(a[0] instanceof MethodHandle);
- MethodHandle mh2 = (MethodHandle) a[0];
- assert(mh2.type().basicType() == MethodType.genericMethodType(arity-1).changeReturnType(rtype))
- : Arrays.asList(member, mh2, rtype, arity);
- }
- return true;
- }
static final MethodType INVOKER_METHOD_TYPE =
MethodType.methodType(Object.class, MethodHandle.class, Object[].class);
@@ -1964,12 +1809,7 @@
- // Put this last, so that previous static inits can run before.
static {
- computeInitialPreparedForms();
- NamedFunction.initializeInvokers();
// The Holder class will contain pre-generated forms resolved
// using MemberName.getFactory(). However, that doesn't initialize the
// class, which subtly breaks inlining etc. By forcing