8145336: PPC64: fix string intrinsics after CompactStrings change
Wed, 20 Jan 2016 16:33:51 +0100
changeset 35581 dd47cf4734f2
parent 35580 1225225bd34e
child 35582 c32a0cc19877
8145336: PPC64: fix string intrinsics after CompactStrings change Reviewed-by: mdoerr, aph, kvn
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/aarch64.ad	Mon Jan 18 17:31:14 2016 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/aarch64.ad	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2003, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 // Copyright (c) 2014, Red Hat Inc. All rights reserved.
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/vm_version_aarch64.cpp	Mon Jan 18 17:31:14 2016 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/vm_version_aarch64.cpp	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@
   FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes, 256);
   FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchFieldsAhead, 256);
   FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes, 256);
-  FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, true);
   unsigned long auxv = getauxval(AT_HWCAP);
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/ppc/vm/macroAssembler_ppc.cpp	Mon Jan 18 17:31:14 2016 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/ppc/vm/macroAssembler_ppc.cpp	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -3172,11 +3172,12 @@
 // Assumes that result differs from all other registers.
-// Haystack, needle are the addresses of jchar-arrays.
-// NeedleChar is needle[0] if it is known at compile time.
-// Haycnt is the length of the haystack. We assume haycnt >=1.
+// 'haystack' is the addresses of a jchar-array.
+// 'needle' is either the character to search for or R0.
+// 'needleChar' is the character to search for if 'needle' == R0..
+// 'haycnt' is the length of the haystack. We assume 'haycnt' >=1.
-// Preserves haystack, haycnt, kills all other registers.
+// Preserves haystack, haycnt, needle and kills all other registers.
 // If needle == R0, we search for the constant needleChar.
 void MacroAssembler::string_indexof_1(Register result, Register haystack, Register haycnt,
@@ -3186,13 +3187,11 @@
   assert_different_registers(result, haystack, haycnt, needle, tmp1, tmp2);
   Label L_InnerLoop, L_FinalCheck, L_Found1, L_Found2, L_Found3, L_NotFound, L_End;
-  Register needle0 = needle, // Contains needle[0].
-           addr = tmp1,
+  Register addr = tmp1,
            ch1 = tmp2,
            ch2 = R0;
-//2 (variable) or 3 (const):
-   if (needle != R0) lhz(needle0, 0, needle); // Preload needle character, needle has len==1.
    dcbtct(haystack, 0x00);                        // Indicate R/O access to haystack.
    srwi_(tmp2, haycnt, 1);   // Shift right by exact_log2(UNROLL_FACTOR).
@@ -3203,8 +3202,8 @@
   bind(L_InnerLoop);             // Main work horse (2x unrolled search loop).
    lhz(ch1, 0, addr);        // Load characters from haystack.
    lhz(ch2, 2, addr);
-   (needle != R0) ? cmpw(CCR0, ch1, needle0) : cmplwi(CCR0, ch1, needleChar);
-   (needle != R0) ? cmpw(CCR1, ch2, needle0) : cmplwi(CCR1, ch2, needleChar);
+   (needle != R0) ? cmpw(CCR0, ch1, needle) : cmplwi(CCR0, ch1, needleChar);
+   (needle != R0) ? cmpw(CCR1, ch2, needle) : cmplwi(CCR1, ch2, needleChar);
    beq(CCR0, L_Found1);   // Did we find the needle?
    beq(CCR1, L_Found2);
    addi(addr, addr, 4);
@@ -3214,7 +3213,7 @@
    andi_(R0, haycnt, 1);
    beq(CCR0, L_NotFound);
    lhz(ch1, 0, addr);        // One position left at which we have to compare.
-   (needle != R0) ? cmpw(CCR1, ch1, needle0) : cmplwi(CCR1, ch1, needleChar);
+   (needle != R0) ? cmpw(CCR1, ch1, needle) : cmplwi(CCR1, ch1, needleChar);
    beq(CCR1, L_Found3);
@@ -3399,7 +3398,15 @@
             chr2_reg = cnt2_reg,
             addr_diff = str2_reg;
+   // 'cnt_reg' contains the number of characters in the string's character array for the
+   // pre-CompactStrings strings implementation and the number of bytes in the string's
+   // byte array for the CompactStrings strings implementation.
+   const int HAS_COMPACT_STRING = java_lang_String::has_coder_field() ? 1 : 0; // '1' = byte array, '0' = char array
    // Offset 0 should be 32 byte aligned.
+    srawi(cnt1_reg, cnt1_reg, HAS_COMPACT_STRING);
+    srawi(cnt2_reg, cnt2_reg, HAS_COMPACT_STRING);
     dcbtct(str1_reg, 0x00);  // Indicate R/O access to str1.
     dcbtct(str2_reg, 0x00);  // Indicate R/O access to str2.
@@ -3478,14 +3485,21 @@
   Register index_reg = tmp5_reg;
   Register cbc_iter  = tmp4_reg;
+  // 'cnt_reg' contains the number of characters in the string's character array for the
+  // pre-CompactStrings strings implementation and the number of bytes in the string's
+  // byte array for the CompactStrings strings implementation.
+  const int HAS_COMPACT_STRING = java_lang_String::has_coder_field() ? 1 : 0; // '1' = byte array, '0' = char array
   dcbtct(str1_reg, 0x00);  // Indicate R/O access to str1.
   dcbtct(str2_reg, 0x00);  // Indicate R/O access to str2.
-  andi(cbc_iter, cnt_reg, 4-1);            // Remaining iterations after 4 java characters per iteration loop.
+  // cbc_iter: remaining characters after the '4 java characters per iteration' loop.
+  rlwinm(cbc_iter, cnt_reg, 32 - HAS_COMPACT_STRING, 30, 31); // (cnt_reg % (HAS_COMPACT_STRING ? 8 : 4)) >> HAS_COMPACT_STRING
   li(index_reg, 0); // init
   li(result_reg, 0); // assume false
-  srwi_(tmp2_reg, cnt_reg, exact_log2(4)); // Div: 4 java characters per iteration (main loop).
+  // tmp2_reg: units of 4 java characters (i.e. 8 bytes) per iteration (main loop).
+  srwi_(tmp2_reg, cnt_reg, exact_log2(4 << HAS_COMPACT_STRING)); // cnt_reg / (HAS_COMPACT_STRING ? 8 : 4)
   cmpwi(CCR1, cbc_iter, 0);             // CCR1 = (cbc_iter==0)
   beq(CCR0, Linit_cbc);                 // too short
@@ -3526,6 +3540,11 @@
   assert(sizeof(jchar) == 2, "must be");
   assert(cntval >= 0 && ((cntval & 0x7fff) == cntval), "wrong immediate");
+  // 'cntval' contains the number of characters in the string's character array for the
+  // pre-CompactStrings strings implementation and the number of bytes in the string's
+  // byte array for the CompactStrings strings implementation.
+  cntval >>= (java_lang_String::has_coder_field() ? 1 : 0); // '1' = byte array strings, '0' = char array strings
   Label Ldone_false;
   if (cntval < 16) { // short case
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/ppc/vm/ppc.ad	Mon Jan 18 17:31:14 2016 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/ppc/vm/ppc.ad	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2011, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 // Copyright 2012, 2015 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
@@ -956,36 +956,40 @@
 // the instruction. The padding must match the size of a NOP instruction.
 int string_indexOf_imm1_charNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
-  return (3*4-current_offset)&31;
+  return (3*4-current_offset)&31;  // see MacroAssembler::string_indexof_1
 int string_indexOf_imm1Node::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
-  return (2*4-current_offset)&31;
+  return (3*4-current_offset)&31;  // see MacroAssembler::string_indexof_1
+int string_indexOfCharNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
+  return (3*4-current_offset)&31;  // see MacroAssembler::string_indexof_1
 int string_indexOf_immNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
-  return (3*4-current_offset)&31;
+  return (3*4-current_offset)&31;  // see MacroAssembler::string_indexof(constant needlecount)
 int string_indexOfNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
-  return (1*4-current_offset)&31;
+  return (1*4-current_offset)&31;  // see MacroAssembler::string_indexof(variable needlecount)
 int string_compareNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
-  return (4*4-current_offset)&31;
+  return (2*4-current_offset)&31;  // see MacroAssembler::string_compare
 int string_equals_immNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
-  if (opnd_array(3)->constant() < 16) return 0; // Don't insert nops for short version (loop completely unrolled).
-  return (2*4-current_offset)&31;
+  if (opnd_array(3)->constant() < 16) return 0; // For strlen < 16 no nops because loop completely unrolled
+  return (2*4-current_offset)&31;               // Genral case - see MacroAssembler::char_arrays_equalsImm
 int string_equalsNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
-  return (7*4-current_offset)&31;
+  return (7*4-current_offset)&31;  // see MacroAssembler::char_arrays_equals
 int inlineCallClearArrayNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const {
-  return (2*4-current_offset)&31;
+  return (2*4-current_offset)&31;  // see MacroAssembler::clear_memory_doubleword
@@ -2025,6 +2029,8 @@
     return SpecialStringEquals && !CompactStrings;
   case Op_StrIndexOf:
     return SpecialStringIndexOf && !CompactStrings;
+  case Op_StrIndexOfChar:
+    return SpecialStringIndexOf && !CompactStrings;
   return true;  // Per default match rules are supported.
@@ -11034,11 +11040,11 @@
 instruct string_indexOf_imm1_char(iRegIdst result, iRegPsrc haystack, iRegIsrc haycnt,
                                   immP needleImm, immL offsetImm, immI_1 needlecntImm,
                                   iRegIdst tmp1, iRegIdst tmp2,
-                                  flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1) %{
+                                  flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1, regCTR ctr) %{
   predicate(SpecialStringIndexOf && !CompactStrings);  // type check implicit by parameter type, See Matcher::match_rule_supported
   match(Set result (StrIndexOf (Binary haystack haycnt) (Binary (AddP needleImm offsetImm) needlecntImm)));
-  effect(TEMP_DEF result, TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, KILL cr0, KILL cr1);
+  effect(TEMP_DEF result, TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, KILL cr0, KILL cr1, KILL ctr);
   format %{ "String IndexOf CSCL1 $haystack[0..$haycnt], $needleImm+$offsetImm[0..$needlecntImm]"
@@ -11050,10 +11056,23 @@
     immPOper *needleOper = (immPOper *)$needleImm;
     const TypeOopPtr *t = needleOper->type()->isa_oopptr();
     ciTypeArray* needle_values = t->const_oop()->as_type_array();  // Pointer to live char *
+    jchar chr;
+    if (java_lang_String::has_coder_field()) {
+      // New compact strings byte array strings
+      chr = (((jchar)needle_values->element_value(1).as_byte()) << 8) |
+              (jchar)needle_values->element_value(0).as_byte();
+      chr = (((jchar)needle_values->element_value(0).as_byte()) << 8) |
+              (jchar)needle_values->element_value(1).as_byte();
+    } else {
+      // Old char array strings
+      chr = needle_values->char_at(0);
+    }
     __ string_indexof_1($result$$Register,
                         $haystack$$Register, $haycnt$$Register,
-                        R0, needle_values->char_at(0),
+                        R0, chr,
                         $tmp1$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);
@@ -11073,12 +11092,13 @@
 instruct string_indexOf_imm1(iRegIdst result, iRegPsrc haystack, iRegIsrc haycnt,
                              rscratch2RegP needle, immI_1 needlecntImm,
                              iRegIdst tmp1, iRegIdst tmp2,
-                             flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1) %{
+                             flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1, regCTR ctr) %{
   match(Set result (StrIndexOf (Binary haystack haycnt) (Binary needle needlecntImm)));
   effect(USE_KILL needle, /* TDEF needle, */ TEMP_DEF result,
-         TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2);
+         TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, KILL cr0, KILL cr1, KILL ctr);
   // Required for EA: check if it is still a type_array.
-  predicate(SpecialStringIndexOf && !CompactStrings && n->in(3)->in(1)->bottom_type()->is_aryptr()->const_oop() &&
+  predicate(SpecialStringIndexOf && !CompactStrings &&
+            n->in(3)->in(1)->bottom_type()->is_aryptr()->const_oop() &&
@@ -11091,17 +11111,54 @@
     Node *ndl = in(operand_index($needle));  // The node that defines needle.
     ciTypeArray* needle_values = ndl->bottom_type()->is_aryptr()->const_oop()->as_type_array();
     guarantee(needle_values, "sanity");
-    if (needle_values != NULL) {
-      __ string_indexof_1($result$$Register,
-                          $haystack$$Register, $haycnt$$Register,
-                          R0, needle_values->char_at(0),
-                          $tmp1$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);
+    jchar chr;
+    if (java_lang_String::has_coder_field()) {
+      // New compact strings byte array strings
+      chr = (((jchar)needle_values->element_value(1).as_byte()) << 8) |
+              (jchar)needle_values->element_value(0).as_byte();
+      chr = (((jchar)needle_values->element_value(0).as_byte()) << 8) |
+              (jchar)needle_values->element_value(1).as_byte();
     } else {
-      __ string_indexof_1($result$$Register,
-                          $haystack$$Register, $haycnt$$Register,
-                          $needle$$Register, 0,
-                          $tmp1$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);
+      // Old char array strings
+      chr = needle_values->char_at(0);
+    __ string_indexof_1($result$$Register,
+                        $haystack$$Register, $haycnt$$Register,
+                        R0, chr,
+                        $tmp1$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_class_compare);
+// String_IndexOfChar
+// Assumes register result differs from all input registers.
+// Preserves registers haystack, haycnt
+// Kills     registers tmp1, tmp2
+// Defines   registers result
+// Use dst register classes if register gets killed, as it is the case for tmp registers!
+instruct string_indexOfChar(iRegIdst result, iRegPsrc haystack, iRegIsrc haycnt,
+                            iRegIsrc ch, iRegIdst tmp1, iRegIdst tmp2,
+                            flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1, regCTR ctr) %{
+  match(Set result (StrIndexOfChar (Binary haystack haycnt) ch));
+  effect(TEMP_DEF result, TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, KILL cr0, KILL cr1, KILL ctr);
+  predicate(SpecialStringIndexOf && !CompactStrings);
+  ins_cost(180);
+  ins_alignment(8); // 'compute_padding()' gets called, up to this number-1 nops will get inserted.
+  format %{ "String IndexOfChar $haystack[0..$haycnt], $ch"
+            " -> $result \t// KILL $haycnt, $tmp1, $tmp2, $cr0, $cr1" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    __ string_indexof_1($result$$Register,
+                        $haystack$$Register, $haycnt$$Register,
+                        $ch$$Register, 0 /* this is not used if the character is already in a register */,
+                        $tmp1$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);
@@ -11120,10 +11177,10 @@
 instruct string_indexOf_imm(iRegIdst result, iRegPsrc haystack, rscratch1RegI haycnt,
                             iRegPsrc needle, uimmI15 needlecntImm,
                             iRegIdst tmp1, iRegIdst tmp2, iRegIdst tmp3, iRegIdst tmp4, iRegIdst tmp5,
-                            flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1, flagsRegCR6 cr6) %{
+                            flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1, flagsRegCR6 cr6, regCTR ctr) %{
   match(Set result (StrIndexOf (Binary haystack haycnt) (Binary needle needlecntImm)));
   effect(USE_KILL haycnt, /* better: TDEF haycnt, */ TEMP_DEF result,
-         TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, TEMP tmp3, TEMP tmp4, TEMP tmp5, KILL cr0, KILL cr1, KILL cr6);
+         TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, TEMP tmp3, TEMP tmp4, TEMP tmp5, KILL cr0, KILL cr1, KILL cr6, KILL ctr);
   // Required for EA: check if it is still a type_array.
   predicate(SpecialStringIndexOf && !CompactStrings && n->in(3)->in(1)->bottom_type()->is_aryptr()->const_oop() &&
@@ -11153,11 +11210,11 @@
 // Use dst register classes if register gets killed, as it is the case for tmp registers!
 instruct string_indexOf(iRegIdst result, iRegPsrc haystack, rscratch1RegI haycnt, iRegPsrc needle, rscratch2RegI needlecnt,
                         iRegLdst tmp1, iRegLdst tmp2, iRegLdst tmp3, iRegLdst tmp4,
-                        flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1, flagsRegCR6 cr6) %{
+                        flagsRegCR0 cr0, flagsRegCR1 cr1, flagsRegCR6 cr6, regCTR ctr) %{
   match(Set result (StrIndexOf (Binary haystack haycnt) (Binary needle needlecnt)));
   effect(USE_KILL haycnt, USE_KILL needlecnt, /*better: TDEF haycnt, TDEF needlecnt,*/
          TEMP_DEF result,
-         TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, TEMP tmp3, TEMP tmp4, KILL cr0, KILL cr1, KILL cr6);
+         TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, TEMP tmp3, TEMP tmp4, KILL cr0, KILL cr1, KILL cr6, KILL ctr);
   predicate(SpecialStringIndexOf && !CompactStrings);  // See Matcher::match_rule_supported.
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/globals_x86.hpp	Mon Jan 18 17:31:14 2016 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/globals_x86.hpp	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -184,6 +184,9 @@
   product(bool, UseCountTrailingZerosInstruction, false,                    \
           "Use count trailing zeros instruction")                           \
+  product(bool, UseSSE42Intrinsics, false,                                  \
+          "SSE4.2 versions of intrinsics")                                  \
+                                                                            \
   product(bool, UseBMI1Instructions, false,                                 \
           "Use BMI1 instructions")                                          \
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/x86.ad	Mon Jan 18 17:31:14 2016 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/x86.ad	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2011, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 // This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -1711,6 +1711,14 @@
       if (UseAVX < 1 || UseAVX > 2)
         ret_value = false;
+    case Op_StrIndexOf:
+      if (!UseSSE42Intrinsics)
+        ret_value = false;
+      break;
+    case Op_StrIndexOfChar:
+      if (!(UseSSE > 4))
+        ret_value = false;
+      break;
   return ret_value;  // Per default match rules are supported.
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/library_call.cpp	Mon Jan 18 17:31:14 2016 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/library_call.cpp	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1999, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -971,8 +971,10 @@
                              str1_start, cnt1, str2_start, cnt2, ae);
   case Op_StrEquals:
+    // We already know that cnt1 == cnt2 here (checked in 'inline_string_equals').
+    // Use the constant length if there is one because optimized match rule may exist.
     result = new StrEqualsNode(control(), memory(TypeAryPtr::BYTES),
-                               str1_start, str2_start, cnt1, ae);
+                               str1_start, str2_start, cnt2->is_Con() ? cnt2 : cnt1, ae);
@@ -1131,7 +1133,7 @@
 bool LibraryCallKit::inline_string_indexOf(StrIntrinsicNode::ArgEnc ae) {
-  if (!Matcher::has_match_rule(Op_StrIndexOf) || !UseSSE42Intrinsics) {
+  if (!Matcher::match_rule_supported(Op_StrIndexOf)) {
     return false;
   Node* src = argument(0);
@@ -1175,7 +1177,7 @@
   if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
     return false;
-  if (!Matcher::has_match_rule(Op_StrIndexOf) || !UseSSE42Intrinsics) {
+  if (!Matcher::match_rule_supported(Op_StrIndexOf)) {
     return false;
   assert(callee()->signature()->size() == 5, "String.indexOf() has 5 arguments");
@@ -1260,7 +1262,7 @@
   if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
     return false;
-  if (!Matcher::has_match_rule(Op_StrIndexOfChar) || !(UseSSE > 4)) {
+  if (!Matcher::match_rule_supported(Op_StrIndexOfChar)) {
     return false;
   assert(callee()->signature()->size() == 4, "String.indexOfChar() has 4 arguments");
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Mon Jan 18 17:31:14 2016 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -829,9 +829,6 @@
   notproduct(bool, StressCriticalJNINatives, false,                         \
           "Exercise register saving code in critical natives")              \
-  product(bool, UseSSE42Intrinsics, false,                                  \
-          "SSE4.2 versions of intrinsics")                                  \
-                                                                            \
   product(bool, UseAESIntrinsics, false,                                    \
           "Use intrinsics for AES versions of crypto")                      \
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/intrinsics/string/TestStringIntrinsics2.java	Wed Jan 20 16:33:51 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2016 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8145336
+ * @summary PPC64: fix string intrinsics after CompactStrings change
+ * @library /testlibrary /../../test/lib
+ * @build sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ *                              sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
+ *
+ * @run main/othervm
+ *        -Xbootclasspath/a:.
+ *        -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
+ *        -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
+ *        -XX:MaxInlineSize=100
+ *        -XX:MinInliningThreshold=0
+ *        TestStringIntrinsics2
+ */
+import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
+import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
+import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+import java.lang.annotation.Target;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.function.Consumer;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.*;
+import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox;
+public class TestStringIntrinsics2 {
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    // We test the following cases:
+    // - no match in string.  Do we miss the end condition? Will crash if we read
+    //   past the string.
+    // - no match in string, but after the string there is a match.
+    //   Do we incorrectly report this match?  We had a case where we stepped
+    //   a few chars past the string, this test would report that error. The
+    //   one above would not.
+    // - The needle is exactly at the end of the string.
+    // - The needle spans the end of the string
+    //
+    // A special case are needles of length 1. For these we test:
+    // - needle is first char
+    // - needle is last char
+    // - no match
+    // - match behind string.
+    //
+    // We test all these for an unknown needle, and needles known to the compiler
+    // of lengths 5, 2 and 1.
+    private static final WhiteBox WB = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
+    public enum Role {
+        TEST_ENTRY,
+        TEST_HELPER
+    }
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
+    @Target(ElementType.METHOD)
+    @interface Test {
+        Role role();
+        int compileAt() default 0;
+        int warmup() default 0;
+        String[] warmupArgs() default {};
+    }
+    // All this mess is needed to avoid try/catch inside the lambdas below.
+    // See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27644361/how-can-i-throw-checked-exceptions-from-inside-java-8-streams
+    @SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
+    private static <E extends Throwable> void throwAsUnchecked(Exception exception) throws E {
+        throw (E)exception;
+    }
+    @FunctionalInterface
+    public interface Consumer_WithExceptions<T, E extends Exception> {
+        void accept(T t) throws E;
+    }
+    public static <T, E extends Exception> Consumer<T> rethrowConsumer(Consumer_WithExceptions<T, E> consumer) {
+        return t -> {
+            try { consumer.accept(t); }
+            catch (Exception exception) { throwAsUnchecked(exception); }
+        };
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        // Warmup helper methods
+        Arrays.stream(TestStringIntrinsics2.class.getDeclaredMethods())
+            .filter(m -> m.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class))
+            .filter(m -> m.getAnnotation(Test.class).warmup() > 0)
+            .forEach(rethrowConsumer(m -> {
+                        Test a = m.getAnnotation(Test.class);
+                        System.out.println("Warming up " + m + " " + a.warmup() + " time(s) ");
+                        for (int i=0; i < a.warmup(); i++) {
+                            m.invoke(null, (Object[])a.warmupArgs());
+                        }
+                    }));
+        // Compile helper methods
+        Arrays.stream(TestStringIntrinsics2.class.getDeclaredMethods())
+            .filter(m -> m.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class))
+            .filter(m -> m.getAnnotation(Test.class).compileAt() > 0)
+            .forEach(rethrowConsumer(m -> {
+                        Test a = m.getAnnotation(Test.class);
+                        if (WB.isMethodCompilable(m, a.compileAt())) {
+                            WB.enqueueMethodForCompilation(m, a.compileAt());
+                            while (WB.isMethodQueuedForCompilation(m)) Thread.sleep(10);
+                            System.out.println(m + " compiled at " + WB.getMethodCompilationLevel(m));
+                        } else {
+                            System.out.println("Can't compile " + m + " at level " + a.compileAt());
+                        }
+                    }));
+        // Run test methods
+        Arrays.stream(TestStringIntrinsics2.class.getDeclaredMethods())
+            .filter(m -> m.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class))
+            .filter(m -> m.getAnnotation(Test.class).role() == Role.TEST_ENTRY)
+            .forEach(rethrowConsumer(m -> {
+                        System.out.print("Executing " + m);
+                        m.invoke(null, (Object[])null);
+                        System.out.println(" - OK");
+                    }));
+    }
+    static String text = "<t><t><t><t><t><t>\n" + "<hit>";
+    static String text2 = "<t><t><t><t><t><t><t>\n" + "<hit>";
+    static String[] ss = text.split("\n");
+    static String[] ss2 = null;
+    static String needle = "<miss>";
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_ENTRY)
+    public static void test_indexOf_no_match() {
+        int res = indexOf_no_match_unknown_needle(ss[0], "<miss>");
+        assertEquals(res, -1, "test_indexOf_no_match_unknown_needle matched at: " + res);
+        res = indexOf_no_match_imm_needle(ss[0]);
+        assertEquals(res, -1, "test_indexOf_no_match_imm_needle matched at: " + res);
+        res = indexOf_no_match_imm2_needle(ss[0]);
+        assertEquals(res, -1, "test_indexOf_no_match_imm2_needle matched at: " + res);
+        if (ss2 == null) ss2 = text.split("\n");
+        res = indexOf_no_match_unknown_needle(ss2[0], "<miss>");
+        assertEquals(res, -1, "test_indexOf_no_match_unknown_needle matched at: " + res);
+        res = indexOf_no_match_imm_needle(ss2[0]);
+        assertEquals(res, -1, "test_indexOf_no_match_imm_needle matched at: " + res);
+        res = indexOf_no_match_imm2_needle(ss2[0]);
+        assertEquals(res, -1, "test_indexOf_no_match_imm2_needle matched at: " + res);
+        res = indexOf_no_match_imm1_needle(ss2[0]);
+        assertEquals(res, -1, "test_indexOf_no_match_imm1_needle matched at: " + res);
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t>", "<miss>" })
+    static int indexOf_no_match_unknown_needle(String s, String needle) {
+        int index = s.indexOf(needle);
+        return index;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t>" })
+    static int indexOf_no_match_imm_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("<hitt>");
+        return index;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t>" })
+    static int indexOf_no_match_imm2_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("<m");
+        return index;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t>" })
+    static int indexOf_no_match_imm1_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("m");
+        return index;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_ENTRY)
+    public static void test_indexOf_reads_past_string() {
+        if (ss == null) ss = text.split("\n");
+        String res = indexOf_reads_past_string_unknown_needle(ss[0], "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_reads_past_string_unknown_needle " + res);
+        res = indexOf_reads_past_string_imm_needle(ss[0]);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_reads_past_string_imm_needle " + res);
+        res = indexOf_reads_past_string_imm2_needle(ss[0]);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_reads_past_string_imm2_needle " + res);
+        res = indexOf_reads_past_string_imm1_needle(ss[0]);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_reads_past_string_imm1_needle " + res);
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t>", "<hit>" })
+    static String indexOf_reads_past_string_unknown_needle(String s, String needle) {
+        int index = s.indexOf(needle);
+        if (index > s.length()) {
+            return "Found needle \"" + needle + "\" behind string of length " + s.length()
+                + " at position " + index + ".";
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t>" })
+    static String indexOf_reads_past_string_imm_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("<hit>");
+        if (index > s.length()) {
+            return "Found needle \"<hit>\" behind string of length " + s.length() + " at position " + index + ".";
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t>" })
+    static String indexOf_reads_past_string_imm2_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("<h");
+        if (index > s.length()) {
+            return "Found needle \"<h\" behind string of length " + s.length() + " at position " + index + ".";
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t>" })
+    static String indexOf_reads_past_string_imm1_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("h");
+        if (index > s.length()) {
+            return "Found needle \"<h\" behind string of length " + s.length() + " at position " + index + ".";
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    static String text3 =    "<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit>";
+    static String text4 =   "a<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit>";
+    static String text5 =  "gg<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit>";
+    static String text6 = "ccc<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit>";
+    static int len3 = text3.length();
+    static int len4 = text4.length();
+    static int len5 = text5.length();
+    static int len6 = text6.length();
+    static String text7  =    "<t><t><t><t><t<t><h";
+    static String text8  =   "a<t><t><t><t><t<t><h";
+    static String text9  =  "gg<t><t><t><t><t<t><h";
+    static String text10 = "ccc<t><t><t><t><t<t><h";
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_ENTRY)
+    public static void test_indexOf_match_at_end_of_string() {
+        String testname = "test_indexOf_match_at_end_of_string";
+        int res = 0;
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_unknown_needle(text3, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(len3, res + 5, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_unknown_needle(text4, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(len4, res + 5, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_unknown_needle(text5, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(len5, res + 5, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_unknown_needle(text6, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(len6, res + 5, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm_needle(text3);
+        assertEquals(len3, res + 5, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm_needle(text4);
+        assertEquals(len4, res + 5, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm_needle(text5);
+        assertEquals(len5, res + 5, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm_needle(text6);
+        assertEquals(len6, res + 5, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm2_needle(text7);
+        assertEquals(text7.length(),  res + 2, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm2_needle(text8);
+        assertEquals(text8.length(),  res + 2, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm2_needle(text9);
+        assertEquals(text9.length(),  res + 2, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm2_needle(text10);
+        assertEquals(text10.length(), res + 2, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm1_needle(text7);
+        assertEquals(text7.length(),  res + 1, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm1_needle(text8);
+        assertEquals(text8.length(),  res + 1, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm1_needle(text9);
+        assertEquals(text9.length(),  res + 1, testname);
+        res = indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm1_needle(text10);
+        assertEquals(text10.length(), res + 1, testname);
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit>", "<hit>" })
+    static int indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_unknown_needle(String s, String needle) {
+        int index = s.indexOf(needle);
+        return index;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit>" })
+    static int indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("<hit>");
+        return index;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit>" })
+    static int indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm2_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("<h");
+        return index;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit>" })
+    static int indexOf_match_at_end_of_string_imm1_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("h");
+        return index;
+    }
+    static String s0_1 = text3.substring(0, len3-1);
+    static String s0_2 = text3.substring(0, len3-2);
+    static String s0_3 = text3.substring(0, len3-3);
+    static String s0_4 = text3.substring(0, len3-4);
+    static String s1_1 = text4.substring(0, len4-1);
+    static String s1_2 = text4.substring(0, len4-2);
+    static String s1_3 = text4.substring(0, len4-3);
+    static String s1_4 = text4.substring(0, len4-4);
+    static String s2_1 = text5.substring(0, len5-1);
+    static String s2_2 = text5.substring(0, len5-2);
+    static String s2_3 = text5.substring(0, len5-3);
+    static String s2_4 = text5.substring(0, len5-4);
+    static String s3_1 = text6.substring(0, len6-1);
+    static String s3_2 = text6.substring(0, len6-2);
+    static String s3_3 = text6.substring(0, len6-3);
+    static String s3_4 = text6.substring(0, len6-4);
+    static String s0_1x = text7 .substring(0, text7 .length()-1);
+    static String s1_1x = text8 .substring(0, text8 .length()-1);
+    static String s2_1x = text9 .substring(0, text9 .length()-1);
+    static String s3_1x = text10.substring(0, text10.length()-1);
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_ENTRY)
+    public static void test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string() {
+        String res = null;
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s0_1, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s0_1 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s0_2, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s0_2 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s0_3, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s0_3 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s0_4, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s0_4 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s1_1, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s1_1 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s1_2, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s1_2 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s1_3, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s1_3 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s1_4, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s1_4 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s2_1, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s2_1 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s2_2, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s2_2 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s2_3, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s2_3 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s2_4, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s2_4 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s3_1, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s3_1 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s3_2, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s3_2 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s3_3, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s3_3 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(s3_4, "<hit>");
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle s3_4 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s0_1);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s0_1 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s0_2);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s0_2 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s0_3);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s0_3 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s0_4);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s0_4 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s1_1);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s1_1 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s1_2);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s1_2 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s1_3);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s1_3 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s1_4);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s1_4 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s2_1);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s2_1 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s2_2);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s2_2 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s2_3);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s2_3 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s2_4);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s2_4 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s3_1);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s3_1 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s3_2);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s3_2 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s3_3);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s3_3 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(s3_4);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle s3_4 " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle(s0_1x);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle s0_1x " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle(s1_1x);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle s1_1x " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle(s2_1x);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle s2_1x " + res);
+        res = indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle(s3_1x);
+        assertEquals(res, null, "test_indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle s3_1x " + res);
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit", "<hit>" })
+    static String indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_unknown_needle(String s, String needle) {
+        int index = s.indexOf(needle);
+        if (index > -1) {
+            return "Found needle \"" + needle + "\" that is spanning the end of the string: " + s + ".";
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><hi><t><h><hit<t><hit" })
+    static String indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("<hit>");
+        if (index > -1) {
+            return "Found needle \"<hit>\" that is spanning the end of the string: " + s + ".";
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "<t><t><t><t><t<t><" })
+    static String indexOf_match_spans_end_of_string_imm2_needle(String s) {
+        int index = s.indexOf("<h");
+        if (index > -1) {
+            return "Found needle \"<h\" that is spanning the end of the string: " + s + ".";
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    static String text16 = "ooooooo";
+    static String text11 = "1ooooooo";
+    static String text12 = "ooooooo1";
+    static String text13 = "oooooooo1";
+    static String text14 = "ooooooooo1";
+    static String text15 = "oooooooooo1";
+    static int len12 = text12.length();
+    static int len13 = text13.length();
+    static int len14 = text14.length();
+    static int len15 = text15.length();
+    static String text12_1 = text12.substring(0, len12-1);
+    static String text13_1 = text13.substring(0, len13-1);
+    static String text14_1 = text14.substring(0, len14-1);
+    static String text15_1 = text15.substring(0, len15-1);
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_ENTRY)
+    public static void test_indexOf_imm1_needle() {
+        assertEquals(     -1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text16), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle no_match");
+        assertEquals(      0, indexOf_imm1_needle(text11), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle first_matches");
+        assertEquals(len12-1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text12), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle last_matches");
+        assertEquals(len13-1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text13), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle last_matches");
+        assertEquals(len14-1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text14), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle last_matches");
+        assertEquals(len15-1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text15), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle last_matches");
+        assertEquals(     -1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text12_1), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle walked_past");
+        assertEquals(     -1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text13_1), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle walked_past");
+        assertEquals(     -1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text14_1), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle walked_past");
+        assertEquals(     -1, indexOf_imm1_needle(text15_1), "test_indexOf_imm1_needle walked_past");
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "ooooooo1" })
+    static int indexOf_imm1_needle(String s) {
+        return s.indexOf("1");
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "abc", "abcd" })
+    public static int asmStringCompareTo(String a, String b) {
+        return a.compareTo(b);
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_ENTRY)
+    public static void test_asmStringCompareTo() {
+        // null
+        try {
+            asmStringCompareTo("not null", null);
+            assertTrue(false,
+                       "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"not null\", null) doesn't throw exception");
+        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
+            assertEquals("java.lang.String.compareTo",
+                         e.getStackTrace()[0].getClassName() + "." +
+                         e.getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName(),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"not null\", null) throws exception");
+        }
+        // ==0
+        {
+            // check length 0 optimization
+            assertEquals(0, asmStringCompareTo("", ""),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"\", \"\")");
+            // check first character optimization
+            assertEquals(0, asmStringCompareTo("A", "A"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"A\", \"A\")");
+            // check real comparisons
+            assertEquals(0, asmStringCompareTo(new String("eq") + new String("ual"), "equal"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"equal\", \"equal\")");
+            assertEquals(0, asmStringCompareTo("textABC", "textABC"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"textABC\", \"textABC\")");
+            assertEquals(0,
+                         asmStringCompareTo(new String("abcdefgh01234") +
+                                            new String("56abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456"),
+                                            "abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456\", " +
+                         "\"abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456\")");
+        }
+        // <0
+        {
+            // check first character optimization
+            assertEquals(-1, asmStringCompareTo("4", "5"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"4\", \"5\")");
+            // check real comparisons
+            assertEquals(-1, asmStringCompareTo("diff4", "diff5"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"diff4\", \"diff5\")");
+            assertEquals(-10, asmStringCompareTo("", "123456789A"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"\", \"123456789A\")");
+            assertEquals(-10, asmStringCompareTo("ZYX", "ZYX123456789A"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"ZYX\", \"ZYX123456789A\")");
+        }
+        // >0
+        {
+            // check first character optimization
+            assertEquals(1, asmStringCompareTo("5", "4"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"5\", \"4\")");
+            // check real comparisons
+            assertEquals(1, asmStringCompareTo("diff5", "diff4"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"diff5\", \"diff4\")");
+            assertEquals(10, asmStringCompareTo("123456789A", ""),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"123456789A\", \"\")");
+            assertEquals(10, asmStringCompareTo("ZYX123456789A", "ZYX"),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(\"ZYX123456789A\", \"ZYX\")");
+        }
+        // very long strings (100k)
+        {
+            char[] ac = new char[(100 * 1024)];
+            for (int i = 0; i < (100 * 1024); i += 315)
+                ac[i] = (char) ((i % 12) + 'a');
+            char[] bc = new char[(100 * 1024)];
+            for (int i = 0; i < (100 * 1024); i += 315)
+                bc[i] = (char) ((i % 12) + 'a');
+            ac[(100 * 1024) - 1] = '2';
+            bc[(100 * 1024) - 1] = '2';
+            String a1 = new String(ac);
+            String b1 = new String(bc);
+            assertEquals(0, asmStringCompareTo(a1, b1),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(very_long_strings_1)");
+            ac[(100 * 1024) - 1] = 'X';
+            bc[(100 * 1024) - 1] = 'Z';
+            String a2 = new String(ac);
+            String b2 = new String(bc);
+            assertEquals(-2, asmStringCompareTo(a2, b2),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(very_long_strings_2)");
+        }
+        // very very long strings (2M)
+        {
+            char[] ac = new char[(2 * 1024 * 1024)];
+            for (int i = 0; i < (2 * 1024 * 1024); i += 315)
+                ac[i] = (char) ((i % 12) + 'a');
+            char[] bc = new char[(2 * 1024 * 1024)];
+            for (int i = 0; i < (2 * 1024 * 1024); i += 315)
+                bc[i] = (char) ((i % 12) + 'a');
+            ac[(2 * 1024 * 1024) - 1] = '3';
+            bc[(2 * 1024 * 1024) - 1] = '3';
+            String a1 = new String(ac);
+            String b1 = new String(bc);
+            assertEquals(0, asmStringCompareTo(a1, b1),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(very_very_long_strings_1)");
+            ac[(2 * 1024 * 1024) - 1] = 'W';
+            bc[(2 * 1024 * 1024) - 1] = 'Z';
+            String a2 = new String(ac);
+            String b2 = new String(bc);
+            assertEquals(-3, asmStringCompareTo(a2, b2),
+                         "TestOther.asmStringCompareTo(very_very_long_strings_2)");
+        }
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1, warmupArgs = { "abc", "abcd" })
+    public static boolean asmStringEquals(String a, String b) {
+        return a.equals(b);
+    }
+    static String a1 = "abcd";
+    static String b1 = "abcd";
+    static final String a2 = "1234";
+    static final String b2 = "1234";
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_HELPER, compileAt = 4, warmup = 1)
+    public static boolean asmStringEqualsConst() {
+        boolean ret = a1.equals(b1);
+        ret &= a2.equals(b2);
+        ret &= !a2.equals(b1);
+        ret &= "ABCD".equals("ABCD");
+        return ret;
+    }
+    @Test(role = Role.TEST_ENTRY)
+    public static void test_asmStringEquals() {
+        // null
+        {
+            assertFalse(asmStringEquals("not null", null),
+                        "TestOther.asmStringEquals(\"not null\", null)");
+        }
+        // true
+        {
+            // check constant optimization
+            assertTrue(asmStringEqualsConst(),
+                       "TestOther.asmStringEqualsConst(\"\", \"\")");
+            // check length 0 optimization
+            assertTrue(asmStringEquals("", ""),
+                       "TestOther.asmStringEquals(\"\", \"\")");
+            // check first character optimization
+            assertTrue(asmStringEquals("A", "A"),
+                       "TestOther.asmStringEquals(\"A\", \"A\")");
+            // check real comparisons
+            assertTrue(asmStringEquals(new String("eq") + new String("ual"), "equal"),
+                       "TestOther.asmStringEquals(\"equal\", \"equal\")");
+            assertTrue(asmStringEquals("textABC", "textABC"),
+                       "TestOther.asmStringEquals(\"textABC\", \"textABC\")");
+            assertTrue(asmStringEquals(new String("abcdefgh01234") +
+                                       new String("56abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456"),
+                                       "abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456"),
+                       "TestOther.asmStringEquals(\"abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456\", " +
+                       "\"abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456abcdefgh0123456\")");
+        }
+    }