--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/macroAssembler_x86_sha.cpp Fri Oct 21 17:55:02 2016 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/macroAssembler_x86_sha.cpp Fri Oct 21 10:16:09 2016 -0700
@@ -674,6 +674,11 @@
movl(Address(r1, disp), r2);
+void MacroAssembler::addmq(int disp, Register r1, Register r2) {
+ addq(r2, Address(r1, disp));
+ movq(Address(r1, disp), r2);
void MacroAssembler::sha256_AVX2(XMMRegister msg, XMMRegister state0, XMMRegister state1, XMMRegister msgtmp0,
XMMRegister msgtmp1, XMMRegister msgtmp2, XMMRegister msgtmp3, XMMRegister msgtmp4,
Register buf, Register state, Register ofs, Register limit, Register rsp,
@@ -1026,4 +1031,488 @@
+void MacroAssembler::sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(Register old_h, Register a, Register b, Register c,
+ Register d, Register e, Register f, Register g, Register h,
+ int iteration)
+ const Register& y0 = r13;
+ const Register& y1 = r14;
+ const Register& y2 = r15;
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ const Register& y3 = rcx;
+ const Register& y3 = rdi;
+ const Register& T1 = r12;
+ if (iteration % 4 > 0) {
+ addq(old_h, y2); //h = k + w + h + S0 + S1 + CH = t1 + S0;
+ }
+ movq(y2, f); //y2 = f; CH
+ rorxq(y0, e, 41); //y0 = e >> 41; S1A
+ rorxq(y1, e, 18); //y1 = e >> 18; S1B
+ xorq(y2, g); //y2 = f^g; CH
+ xorq(y0, y1); //y0 = (e >> 41) ^ (e >> 18); S1
+ rorxq(y1, e, 14); //y1 = (e >> 14); S1
+ andq(y2, e); //y2 = (f^g)&e; CH
+ if (iteration % 4 > 0 ) {
+ addq(old_h, y3); //h = t1 + S0 + MAJ
+ }
+ xorq(y0, y1); //y0 = (e >> 41) ^ (e >> 18) ^ (e >> 14); S1
+ rorxq(T1, a, 34); //T1 = a >> 34; S0B
+ xorq(y2, g); //y2 = CH = ((f^g)&e) ^g; CH
+ rorxq(y1, a, 39); //y1 = a >> 39; S0A
+ movq(y3, a); //y3 = a; MAJA
+ xorq(y1, T1); //y1 = (a >> 39) ^ (a >> 34); S0
+ rorxq(T1, a, 28); //T1 = (a >> 28); S0
+ addq(h, Address(rsp, (8 * iteration))); //h = k + w + h; --
+ orq(y3, c); //y3 = a | c; MAJA
+ xorq(y1, T1); //y1 = (a >> 39) ^ (a >> 34) ^ (a >> 28); S0
+ movq(T1, a); //T1 = a; MAJB
+ andq(y3, b); //y3 = (a | c)&b; MAJA
+ andq(T1, c); //T1 = a&c; MAJB
+ addq(y2, y0); //y2 = S1 + CH; --
+ addq(d, h); //d = k + w + h + d; --
+ orq(y3, T1); //y3 = MAJ = (a | c)&b) | (a&c); MAJ
+ addq(h, y1); //h = k + w + h + S0; --
+ addq(d, y2); //d = k + w + h + d + S1 + CH = d + t1; --
+ if (iteration % 4 == 3) {
+ addq(h, y2); //h = k + w + h + S0 + S1 + CH = t1 + S0; --
+ addq(h, y3); //h = t1 + S0 + MAJ; --
+ }
+void MacroAssembler::sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(
+ XMMRegister xmm4, // ymm4
+ XMMRegister xmm5, // ymm5
+ XMMRegister xmm6, // ymm6
+ XMMRegister xmm7, // ymm7
+ Register a, //rax
+ Register b, //rbx
+ Register c, //rdi
+ Register d, //rsi
+ Register e, //r8
+ Register f, //r9
+ Register g, //r10
+ Register h, //r11
+ int iteration)
+ const Register& y0 = r13;
+ const Register& y1 = r14;
+ const Register& y2 = r15;
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ const Register& y3 = rcx;
+ const Register& y3 = rdi;
+ const Register& T1 = r12;
+ if (iteration % 4 == 0) {
+ // Extract w[t - 7]
+ // xmm0 = W[-7]
+ vperm2f128(xmm0, xmm7, xmm6, 3);
+ vpalignr(xmm0, xmm0, xmm6, 8, AVX_256bit);
+ // Calculate w[t - 16] + w[t - 7]
+ vpaddq(xmm0, xmm0, xmm4, AVX_256bit); //xmm0 = W[-7] + W[-16]
+ // Extract w[t - 15]
+ //xmm1 = W[-15]
+ vperm2f128(xmm1, xmm5, xmm4, 3);
+ vpalignr(xmm1, xmm1, xmm4, 8, AVX_256bit);
+ // Calculate sigma0
+ // Calculate w[t - 15] ror 1
+ vpsrlq(xmm2, xmm1, 1, AVX_256bit);
+ vpsllq(xmm3, xmm1, (64 - 1), AVX_256bit);
+ vpor(xmm3, xmm3, xmm2, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-15] ror 1
+ // Calculate w[t - 15] shr 7
+ vpsrlq(xmm8, xmm1, 7, AVX_256bit); //xmm8 = W[-15] >> 7
+ } else if (iteration % 4 == 1) {
+ //Calculate w[t - 15] ror 8
+ vpsrlq(xmm2, xmm1, 8, AVX_256bit);
+ vpsllq(xmm1, xmm1, (64 - 8), AVX_256bit);
+ vpor(xmm1, xmm1, xmm2, AVX_256bit); //xmm1 = W[-15] ror 8
+ //XOR the three components
+ vpxor(xmm3, xmm3, xmm8, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-15] ror 1 ^ W[-15] >> 7
+ vpxor(xmm1, xmm3, xmm1, AVX_256bit); //xmm1 = s0
+ //Add three components, w[t - 16], w[t - 7] and sigma0
+ vpaddq(xmm0, xmm0, xmm1, AVX_256bit); //xmm0 = W[-16] + W[-7] + s0
+ // Move to appropriate lanes for calculating w[16] and w[17]
+ vperm2f128(xmm4, xmm0, xmm0, 0); //xmm4 = W[-16] + W[-7] + s0{ BABA }
+ address MASK_YMM_LO = StubRoutines::x86::pshuffle_byte_flip_mask_addr_sha512();
+ //Move to appropriate lanes for calculating w[18] and w[19]
+ vpand(xmm0, xmm0, ExternalAddress(MASK_YMM_LO + 32), AVX_256bit); //xmm0 = W[-16] + W[-7] + s0{ DC00 }
+ //Calculate w[16] and w[17] in both 128 bit lanes
+ //Calculate sigma1 for w[16] and w[17] on both 128 bit lanes
+ vperm2f128(xmm2, xmm7, xmm7, 17); //xmm2 = W[-2] {BABA}
+ vpsrlq(xmm8, xmm2, 6, AVX_256bit); //xmm8 = W[-2] >> 6 {BABA}
+ } else if (iteration % 4 == 2) {
+ vpsrlq(xmm3, xmm2, 19, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-2] >> 19 {BABA}
+ vpsllq(xmm1, xmm2, (64 - 19), AVX_256bit); //xmm1 = W[-2] << 19 {BABA}
+ vpor(xmm3, xmm3, xmm1, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-2] ror 19 {BABA}
+ vpxor(xmm8, xmm8, xmm3, AVX_256bit);// xmm8 = W[-2] ror 19 ^ W[-2] >> 6 {BABA}
+ vpsrlq(xmm3, xmm2, 61, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-2] >> 61 {BABA}
+ vpsllq(xmm1, xmm2, (64 - 61), AVX_256bit); //xmm1 = W[-2] << 61 {BABA}
+ vpor(xmm3, xmm3, xmm1, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-2] ror 61 {BABA}
+ vpxor(xmm8, xmm8, xmm3, AVX_256bit); //xmm8 = s1 = (W[-2] ror 19) ^ (W[-2] ror 61) ^ (W[-2] >> 6) { BABA }
+ //Add sigma1 to the other components to get w[16] and w[17]
+ vpaddq(xmm4, xmm4, xmm8, AVX_256bit); //xmm4 = { W[1], W[0], W[1], W[0] }
+ //Calculate sigma1 for w[18] and w[19] for upper 128 bit lane
+ vpsrlq(xmm8, xmm4, 6, AVX_256bit); //xmm8 = W[-2] >> 6 {DC--}
+ } else if (iteration % 4 == 3){
+ vpsrlq(xmm3, xmm4, 19, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-2] >> 19 {DC--}
+ vpsllq(xmm1, xmm4, (64 - 19), AVX_256bit); //xmm1 = W[-2] << 19 {DC--}
+ vpor(xmm3, xmm3, xmm1, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-2] ror 19 {DC--}
+ vpxor(xmm8, xmm8, xmm3, AVX_256bit); //xmm8 = W[-2] ror 19 ^ W[-2] >> 6 {DC--}
+ vpsrlq(xmm3, xmm4, 61, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-2] >> 61 {DC--}
+ vpsllq(xmm1, xmm4, (64 - 61), AVX_256bit); //xmm1 = W[-2] << 61 {DC--}
+ vpor(xmm3, xmm3, xmm1, AVX_256bit); //xmm3 = W[-2] ror 61 {DC--}
+ vpxor(xmm8, xmm8, xmm3, AVX_256bit); //xmm8 = s1 = (W[-2] ror 19) ^ (W[-2] ror 61) ^ (W[-2] >> 6) { DC-- }
+ //Add the sigma0 + w[t - 7] + w[t - 16] for w[18] and w[19] to newly calculated sigma1 to get w[18] and w[19]
+ vpaddq(xmm2, xmm0, xmm8, AVX_256bit); //xmm2 = { W[3], W[2], --, -- }
+ //Form w[19, w[18], w17], w[16]
+ vpblendd(xmm4, xmm4, xmm2, 0xF0, AVX_256bit); //xmm4 = { W[3], W[2], W[1], W[0] }
+ }
+ movq(y3, a); //y3 = a; MAJA
+ rorxq(y0, e, 41); // y0 = e >> 41; S1A
+ rorxq(y1, e, 18); //y1 = e >> 18; S1B
+ addq(h, Address(rsp, (iteration * 8))); //h = k + w + h; --
+ orq(y3, c); //y3 = a | c; MAJA
+ movq(y2, f); //y2 = f; CH
+ xorq(y2, g); //y2 = f^g; CH
+ rorxq(T1, a, 34); //T1 = a >> 34; S0B
+ xorq(y0, y1); //y0 = (e >> 41) ^ (e >> 18); S1
+ rorxq(y1, e, 14); //y1 = (e >> 14); S1
+ andq(y2, e); //y2 = (f^g) & e; CH
+ addq(d, h); //d = k + w + h + d; --
+ andq(y3, b); //y3 = (a | c)&b; MAJA
+ xorq(y0, y1); //y0 = (e >> 41) ^ (e >> 18) ^ (e >> 14); S1
+ rorxq(y1, a, 39); //y1 = a >> 39; S0A
+ xorq(y1, T1); //y1 = (a >> 39) ^ (a >> 34); S0
+ rorxq(T1, a, 28); //T1 = (a >> 28); S0
+ xorq(y2, g); //y2 = CH = ((f^g)&e) ^ g; CH
+ xorq(y1, T1); //y1 = (a >> 39) ^ (a >> 34) ^ (a >> 28); S0
+ movq(T1, a); //T1 = a; MAJB
+ andq(T1, c); //T1 = a&c; MAJB
+ addq(y2, y0); //y2 = S1 + CH; --
+ orq(y3, T1); //y3 = MAJ = (a | c)&b) | (a&c); MAJ
+ addq(h, y1); //h = k + w + h + S0; --
+ addq(d, y2); //d = k + w + h + d + S1 + CH = d + t1; --
+ addq(h, y2); //h = k + w + h + S0 + S1 + CH = t1 + S0; --
+ addq(h, y3); //h = t1 + S0 + MAJ; --
+void MacroAssembler::sha512_AVX2(XMMRegister msg, XMMRegister state0, XMMRegister state1, XMMRegister msgtmp0,
+ XMMRegister msgtmp1, XMMRegister msgtmp2, XMMRegister msgtmp3, XMMRegister msgtmp4,
+ Register buf, Register state, Register ofs, Register limit, Register rsp,
+ bool multi_block, XMMRegister shuf_mask)
+ Label loop0, loop1, loop2, done_hash,
+ compute_block_size, compute_size,
+ compute_block_size_end, compute_size_end;
+ address K512_W = StubRoutines::x86::k512_W_addr();
+ address pshuffle_byte_flip_mask_sha512 = StubRoutines::x86::pshuffle_byte_flip_mask_addr_sha512();
+ address pshuffle_byte_flip_mask_addr = 0;
+ const XMMRegister& XFER = xmm0; // YTMP0
+ const XMMRegister& BYTE_FLIP_MASK = xmm9; // ymm9
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ const Register& INP = rcx; //1st arg
+ const Register& CTX = rdx; //2nd arg
+ const Register& NUM_BLKS = r8; //3rd arg
+ const Register& c = rdi;
+ const Register& d = rsi;
+ const Register& e = r8;
+ const Register& y3 = rcx;
+ const Register& offset = r8;
+ const Register& input_limit = r9;
+ const Register& INP = rdi; //1st arg
+ const Register& CTX = rsi; //2nd arg
+ const Register& NUM_BLKS = rdx; //3rd arg
+ const Register& c = rcx;
+ const Register& d = r8;
+ const Register& e = rdx;
+ const Register& y3 = rdi;
+ const Register& offset = rdx;
+ const Register& input_limit = rcx;
+ const Register& TBL = rbp;
+ const Register& a = rax;
+ const Register& b = rbx;
+ const Register& f = r9;
+ const Register& g = r10;
+ const Register& h = r11;
+ //Local variables as defined in assembly file.
+ enum
+ {
+ _XFER_SIZE = 4 * 8, // resq 4 => reserve 4 quadwords. Hence 4 * 8
+ _SRND_SIZE = 8, // resq 1
+ _INP_SIZE = 8,
+ _INP_END_SIZE = 8,
+ _RSP_SAVE_SIZE = 8, // defined as resq 1
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ _GPR_SAVE_SIZE = 8 * 8, // defined as resq 8
+ _GPR_SAVE_SIZE = 6 * 8 // resq 6
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ _XFER = 0,
+ _SRND = _XFER + _XFER_SIZE, // 32
+ _INP = _SRND + _SRND_SIZE, // 40
+ _INP_END = _INP + _INP_SIZE, // 48
+ _RSP = _INP_END + _INP_END_SIZE, // 56
+ _GPR = _RSP + _RSP_SAVE_SIZE, // 64
+ _STACK_SIZE = _GPR + _GPR_SAVE_SIZE // 128 for windows and 112 for linux.
+ };
+//Saving offset and limit as it will help with blocksize calculation for multiblock SHA512.
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ push(r8); // win64: this is ofs
+ push(r9); // win64: this is limit, we need them again at the very end.
+ push(rdx); // linux : this is ofs, need at the end for multiblock calculation
+ push(rcx); // linux: This is the limit.
+ //Allocate Stack Space
+ movq(rax, rsp);
+ subq(rsp, _STACK_SIZE);
+ andq(rsp, -32);
+ movq(Address(rsp, _RSP), rax);
+ //Save GPRs
+ movq(Address(rsp, _GPR), rbp);
+ movq(Address(rsp, (_GPR + 8)), rbx);
+ movq(Address(rsp, (_GPR + 16)), r12);
+ movq(Address(rsp, (_GPR + 24)), r13);
+ movq(Address(rsp, (_GPR + 32)), r14);
+ movq(Address(rsp, (_GPR + 40)), r15);
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ movq(Address(rsp, (_GPR + 48)), rsi);
+ movq(Address(rsp, (_GPR + 56)), rdi);
+ vpblendd(xmm0, xmm0, xmm1, 0xF0, AVX_128bit);
+ vpblendd(xmm0, xmm0, xmm1, 0xF0, AVX_256bit);
+ if (multi_block) {
+ xorq(rax, rax);
+ bind(compute_block_size);
+ cmpptr(offset, input_limit); // Assuming that offset is less than limit.
+ jccb(Assembler::aboveEqual, compute_block_size_end);
+ addq(offset, 128);
+ addq(rax, 128);
+ jmpb(compute_block_size);
+ bind(compute_block_size_end);
+ movq(NUM_BLKS, rax);
+ cmpq(NUM_BLKS, 0);
+ jcc(Assembler::equal, done_hash);
+ } else {
+ xorq(NUM_BLKS, NUM_BLKS); //If single block.
+ addq(NUM_BLKS, 128);
+ }
+ addq(NUM_BLKS, INP); //pointer to end of data
+ movq(Address(rsp, _INP_END), NUM_BLKS);
+ //load initial digest
+ movq(a, Address(CTX, 8 * 0));
+ movq(b, Address(CTX, 8 * 1));
+ movq(c, Address(CTX, 8 * 2));
+ movq(d, Address(CTX, 8 * 3));
+ movq(e, Address(CTX, 8 * 4));
+ movq(f, Address(CTX, 8 * 5));
+ movq(g, Address(CTX, 8 * 6));
+ movq(h, Address(CTX, 8 * 7));
+ pshuffle_byte_flip_mask_addr = pshuffle_byte_flip_mask_sha512;
+ vmovdqu(BYTE_FLIP_MASK, ExternalAddress(pshuffle_byte_flip_mask_addr + 0)); //PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK wrt rip
+ bind(loop0);
+ lea(TBL, ExternalAddress(K512_W));
+ //byte swap first 16 dwords
+ vmovdqu(xmm4, Address(INP, 32 * 0));
+ vpshufb(xmm4, xmm4, BYTE_FLIP_MASK, AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(xmm5, Address(INP, 32 * 1));
+ vpshufb(xmm5, xmm5, BYTE_FLIP_MASK, AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(xmm6, Address(INP, 32 * 2));
+ vpshufb(xmm6, xmm6, BYTE_FLIP_MASK, AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(xmm7, Address(INP, 32 * 3));
+ vpshufb(xmm7, xmm7, BYTE_FLIP_MASK, AVX_256bit);
+ movq(Address(rsp, _INP), INP);
+ movslq(Address(rsp, _SRND), 4);
+ align(16);
+ //Schedule 64 input dwords, by calling sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule
+ bind(loop1);
+ vpaddq(xmm0, xmm4, Address(TBL, 0 * 32), AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(Address(rsp, _XFER), xmm0);
+ //four rounds and schedule
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, 0);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, 1);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, 2);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, 3);
+ vpaddq(xmm0, xmm5, Address(TBL, 1 * 32), AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(Address(rsp, _XFER), xmm0);
+ //four rounds and schedule
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm4, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, 0);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm4, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, 1);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm4, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, 2);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm4, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, 3);
+ vpaddq(xmm0, xmm6, Address(TBL, 2 * 32), AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(Address(rsp, _XFER), xmm0);
+ //four rounds and schedule
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm6, xmm7, xmm4, xmm5, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, 0);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm6, xmm7, xmm4, xmm5, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, 1);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm6, xmm7, xmm4, xmm5, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, 2);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm6, xmm7, xmm4, xmm5, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, 3);
+ vpaddq(xmm0, xmm7, Address(TBL, 3 * 32), AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(Address(rsp, _XFER), xmm0);
+ addq(TBL, 4 * 32);
+ //four rounds and schedule
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm7, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, 0);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm7, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, 1);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm7, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, 2);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_and_schedule(xmm7, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, 3);
+ subq(Address(rsp, _SRND), 1);
+ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, loop1);
+ movslq(Address(rsp, _SRND), 2);
+ bind(loop2);
+ vpaddq(xmm0, xmm4, Address(TBL, 0 * 32), AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(Address(rsp, _XFER), xmm0);
+ //four rounds and compute.
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(a, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, 0);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(h, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, 1);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(g, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, 2);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(f, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, 3);
+ vpaddq(xmm0, xmm5, Address(TBL, 1 * 32), AVX_256bit);
+ vmovdqu(Address(rsp, _XFER), xmm0);
+ addq(TBL, 2 * 32);
+ // four rounds and compute.
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(e, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, 0);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(d, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, 1);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(c, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, 2);
+ sha512_AVX2_one_round_compute(b, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, 3);
+ vmovdqu(xmm4, xmm6);
+ vmovdqu(xmm5, xmm7);
+ subq(Address(rsp, _SRND), 1);
+ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, loop2);
+ addmq(8 * 0, CTX, a);
+ addmq(8 * 1, CTX, b);
+ addmq(8 * 2, CTX, c);
+ addmq(8 * 3, CTX, d);
+ addmq(8 * 4, CTX, e);
+ addmq(8 * 5, CTX, f);
+ addmq(8 * 6, CTX, g);
+ addmq(8 * 7, CTX, h);
+ movq(INP, Address(rsp, _INP));
+ addq(INP, 128);
+ cmpq(INP, Address(rsp, _INP_END));
+ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, loop0);
+ bind(done_hash);
+ //Restore GPRs
+ movq(rbp, Address(rsp, (_GPR + 0)));
+ movq(rbx, Address(rsp, (_GPR + 8)));
+ movq(r12, Address(rsp, (_GPR + 16)));
+ movq(r13, Address(rsp, (_GPR + 24)));
+ movq(r14, Address(rsp, (_GPR + 32)));
+ movq(r15, Address(rsp, (_GPR + 40)));
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ movq(rsi, Address(rsp, (_GPR + 48)));
+ movq(rdi, Address(rsp, (_GPR + 56)));
+ //Restore Stack Pointer
+ movq(rsp, Address(rsp, _RSP));
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ pop(r9);
+ pop(r8);
+ pop(rcx);
+ pop(rdx);
+ if (multi_block) {
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ const Register& limit_end = r9;
+ const Register& ofs_end = r8;
+ const Register& limit_end = rcx;
+ const Register& ofs_end = rdx;
+ movq(rax, ofs_end);
+ bind(compute_size);
+ cmpptr(rax, limit_end);
+ jccb(Assembler::aboveEqual, compute_size_end);
+ addq(rax, 128);
+ jmpb(compute_size);
+ bind(compute_size_end);
+ }
#endif //#ifdef _LP64