Tue, 01 Aug 2017 22:40:38 +0000
changeset 46738 d68a77b4ccc4
parent 46735 219c4312853e (current diff)
parent 46737 3dcaaf68083e (diff)
child 46740 0f11e65a02bf
--- a/hotspot/src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/	Tue Aug 01 14:09:34 2017 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-// This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-// under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation.
-// This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-// version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
-// accompanied this code).
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
-// 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-// Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-// Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
-// or visit if you need additional information or have any
-// questions.
-  // Support for u8 os::setup_fpu()
-      .inline _solaris_raw_setup_fpu,1
-      movl     0(%esp), %eax
-      fldcw    (%eax)
-      .end
-  // The argument size of each inline directive is ignored by the compiler
-  // and is set to 0 for compatibility reason.
-  // Get the raw thread ID from %gs:0
-      .inline _raw_thread_id,0
-      movl     %gs:0, %eax
-      .end
-  // Get current sp
-      .inline _get_current_sp,0
-      .volatile
-      movl     %esp, %eax
-      .end
-  // Get current fp
-      .inline _get_current_fp,0
-      .volatile
-      movl     %ebp, %eax
-      .end
-  // Support for os::rdtsc()
-      .inline _raw_rdtsc,0
-      rdtsc
-      .end
-  // Support for jint Atomic::add(jint inc, volatile jint* dest)
-      .inline _Atomic_add,3
-      movl     0(%esp), %eax   // inc
-      movl     4(%esp), %edx   // dest
-      movl     %eax, %ecx
-      lock xaddl %eax, (%edx)
-      addl     %ecx, %eax
-      .end
-  // Support for jint Atomic::xchg(jint exchange_value, volatile jint* dest).
-      .inline _Atomic_xchg,2
-      movl     0(%esp), %eax   // exchange_value
-      movl     4(%esp), %ecx   // dest
-      xchgl    (%ecx), %eax
-      .end
-  // Support for jbyte Atomic::cmpxchg(jbyte exchange_value,
-  //                                   volatile jbyte *dest,
-  //                                   jbyte compare_value)
-      .inline _Atomic_cmpxchg_byte,4
-      movb     8(%esp), %al   // compare_value
-      movb     0(%esp), %cl   // exchange_value
-      movl     4(%esp), %edx   // dest
-      lock cmpxchgb %cl, (%edx)
-      .end
-  // Support for jint Atomic::cmpxchg(jint exchange_value,
-  //                                  volatile jint *dest,
-  //                                  jint compare_value)
-      .inline _Atomic_cmpxchg,4
-      movl     8(%esp), %eax   // compare_value
-      movl     0(%esp), %ecx   // exchange_value
-      movl     4(%esp), %edx   // dest
-      lock cmpxchgl %ecx, (%edx)
-      .end
-  // Support for jlong Atomic::cmpxchg(jlong exchange_value,
-  //                                   volatile jlong* dest,
-  //                                   jlong compare_value)
-      .inline _Atomic_cmpxchg_long,6
-      pushl    %ebx
-      pushl    %edi
-      movl     20(%esp), %eax  // compare_value (low)
-      movl     24(%esp), %edx  // compare_value (high)
-      movl     16(%esp), %edi  // dest
-      movl     8(%esp), %ebx   // exchange_value (low)
-      movl     12(%esp), %ecx  // exchange_high (high)
-      lock cmpxchg8b (%edi)
-      popl     %edi
-      popl     %ebx
-      .end
-  // Support for jlong Atomic::load and Atomic::store.
-  // void _Atomic_move_long(const volatile jlong* src, volatile jlong* dst)
-      .inline _Atomic_move_long,2
-      movl     0(%esp), %eax   // src
-      fildll    (%eax)
-      movl     4(%esp), %eax   // dest
-      fistpll   (%eax)
-      .end
-  // Support for u2 Bytes::swap_u2(u2 x)
-      .inline _raw_swap_u2,1
-      movl     0(%esp), %eax
-      xchgb    %al, %ah
-      .end
-  // Support for u4 Bytes::swap_u4(u4 x)
-      .inline _raw_swap_u4,1
-      movl     0(%esp), %eax
-      bswap    %eax
-      .end
-  // Support for u8 Bytes::swap_u8_base(u4 x, u4 y)
-      .inline _raw_swap_u8,2
-      movl     4(%esp), %eax   // y
-      movl     0(%esp), %edx   // x
-      bswap    %eax
-      bswap    %edx
-      .end
--- a/hotspot/src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/solaris_x86_32.s	Tue Aug 01 14:09:34 2017 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-// This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-// under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation.
-// This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-// version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
-// accompanied this code).
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
-// 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-// Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-// Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
-// or visit if you need additional information or have any
-// questions.
-	.globl fixcw
-	.globl sse_check
-	.globl sse_unavailable
-	.globl gs_load
-	.globl gs_thread
-        .globl _Atomic_cmpxchg_long_gcc
-        // NOTE WELL!  The _Copy functions are called directly
-	// from server-compiler-generated code via CallLeafNoFP,
-	// which means that they *must* either not use floating
-	// point or use it in the same manner as does the server
-	// compiler.
-        .globl _Copy_conjoint_bytes
-        .globl _Copy_arrayof_conjoint_bytes
-        .globl _Copy_conjoint_jshorts_atomic
-	.globl _Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jshorts
-        .globl _Copy_conjoint_jints_atomic
-        .globl _Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jints
-	.globl _Copy_conjoint_jlongs_atomic
-        .globl _mmx_Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jshorts
-	.section .text,"ax"
-/ Support for void os::Solaris::init_thread_fpu_state() in os_solaris_i486.cpp
-/ Set fpu to 53 bit precision.  This happens too early to use a stub.
-	.align   16
-	pushl    $0x27f
-	fldcw    0(%esp)
-	popl     %eax
-	ret
-        .align  16
-        .globl  SpinPause
-        rep 
-        nop
-        movl    $1, %eax
-        ret
-/ Test SSE availability, used by os_solaris_i486.cpp
-	.align   16
-	/ Fault if SSE not available
-	xorps %xmm0,%xmm0
-	/ No fault
-	movl $1,%eax
-	ret
-	/ Signal handler continues here if SSE is not available
-	xorl %eax,%eax
-	ret
-/ Fast thread accessors, used by threadLS_solaris_i486.cpp
-	.align   16
-	movl 4(%esp),%ecx
-	movl %gs:(%ecx),%eax
-	ret
-	.align   16
-	movl %gs:0x0,%eax
-	ret
-        / Support for void Copy::conjoint_bytes(void* from,
-        /                                       void* to,
-        /                                       size_t count)
-        .align   16
-        pushl    %esi
-        movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      / count
-        pushl    %edi
-        movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      / from
-        movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      / to
-        cmpl     %esi,%edi
-        leal     -1(%esi,%ecx),%eax   / from + count - 1
-        jbe      cb_CopyRight
-        cmpl     %eax,%edi
-        jbe      cb_CopyLeft
-        / copy from low to high
-        cmpl     $3,%ecx
-        jbe      5f                   / <= 3 bytes
-        / align source address at dword address boundary
-        movl     %ecx,%eax            / original count
-        movl     $4,%ecx
-        subl     %esi,%ecx
-        andl     $3,%ecx              / prefix byte count
-        jz       1f                   / no prefix
-        subl     %ecx,%eax            / byte count less prefix
-        / copy prefix
-        subl     %esi,%edi
-0:      movb     (%esi),%dl
-        movb     %dl,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        addl     $1,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      0b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-1:      movl     %eax,%ecx            / byte count less prefix
-        shrl     $2,%ecx              / dword count
-        jz       4f                   / no dwords to move
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        jbe      2f                   / <= 32 dwords
-        / copy aligned dwords
-        rep;     smovl
-        jmp      4f
-        / copy aligned dwords
-2:      subl     %esi,%edi
-        .align   16
-3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        addl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      3b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-4:      movl     %eax,%ecx            / byte count less prefix
-5:      andl     $3,%ecx              / suffix byte count
-        jz       7f                   / no suffix
-        / copy suffix
-        xorl     %eax,%eax
-6:      movb     (%esi,%eax,1),%dl
-        movb     %dl,(%edi,%eax,1)
-        addl     $1,%eax
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      6b
-7:      popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        / copy from high to low
-        std
-        leal     -4(%edi,%ecx),%edi   / to + count - 4
-        movl     %eax,%esi            / from + count - 1
-        movl     %ecx,%eax
-        subl     $3,%esi              / from + count - 4
-        cmpl     $3,%ecx
-        jbe      5f                   / <= 3 bytes
-1:      shrl     $2,%ecx              / dword count
-        jz       4f                   / no dwords to move
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        ja       3f                   / > 32 dwords
-        / copy dwords, aligned or not
-        subl     %esi,%edi
-        .align   16
-2:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        subl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      2b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-        jmp      4f
-        / copy dwords, aligned or not
-3:      rep;     smovl
-4:      movl     %eax,%ecx            / byte count
-5:      andl     $3,%ecx              / suffix byte count
-        jz       7f                   / no suffix
-        / copy suffix
-        subl     %esi,%edi
-        addl     $3,%esi
-6:      movb     (%esi),%dl
-        movb     %dl,(%edi,%esi,1)
-	subl     $1,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      6b
-7:      cld
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        / Support for void Copy::arrayof_conjoint_bytes(void* from,
-        /                                               void* to,
-        /                                               size_t count)
-        /
-        / Same as _Copy_conjoint_bytes, except no source alignment check.
-        .align   16
-        pushl    %esi
-        movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      / count
-        pushl    %edi
-        movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      / from
-        movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      / to
-        cmpl     %esi,%edi
-        leal     -1(%esi,%ecx),%eax   / from + count - 1
-        jbe      acb_CopyRight
-        cmpl     %eax,%edi
-        jbe      acb_CopyLeft 
-        / copy from low to high
-        cmpl     $3,%ecx
-        jbe      5f
-1:      movl     %ecx,%eax
-        shrl     $2,%ecx
-        jz       4f
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        ja       3f
-        / copy aligned dwords
-        subl     %esi,%edi
-        .align   16
-2:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        addl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      2b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-        jmp      4f
-        / copy aligned dwords
-3:      rep;     smovl
-4:      movl     %eax,%ecx
-5:      andl     $3,%ecx
-        jz       7f
-        / copy suffix
-        xorl     %eax,%eax
-6:      movb     (%esi,%eax,1),%dl
-        movb     %dl,(%edi,%eax,1)
-        addl     $1,%eax
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      6b
-7:      popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        std
-        leal     -4(%edi,%ecx),%edi   / to + count - 4
-        movl     %eax,%esi            / from + count - 1
-        movl     %ecx,%eax
-        subl     $3,%esi              / from + count - 4
-        cmpl     $3,%ecx
-        jbe      5f
-1:      shrl     $2,%ecx
-        jz       4f
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        jbe      2f                   / <= 32 dwords
-        rep;     smovl
-        jmp      4f
-	.=.+8
-2:      subl     %esi,%edi
-        .align   16
-3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        subl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      3b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-4:      movl     %eax,%ecx
-5:      andl     $3,%ecx
-        jz       7f
-        subl     %esi,%edi
-        addl     $3,%esi
-6:      movb     (%esi),%dl
-        movb     %dl,(%edi,%esi,1)
-	subl     $1,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      6b
-7:      cld
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        / Support for void Copy::conjoint_jshorts_atomic(void* from,
-        /                                                void* to,
-        /                                                size_t count)
-        .align   16
-        pushl    %esi
-        movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      / count
-        pushl    %edi
-        movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      / from
-        movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      / to
-        cmpl     %esi,%edi
-        leal     -2(%esi,%ecx,2),%eax / from + count*2 - 2
-        jbe      cs_CopyRight
-        cmpl     %eax,%edi
-        jbe      cs_CopyLeft 
-        / copy from low to high
-        / align source address at dword address boundary
-        movl     %esi,%eax            / original from
-        andl     $3,%eax              / either 0 or 2
-        jz       1f                   / no prefix
-        / copy prefix
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jl       5f                   / zero count
-        movw     (%esi),%dx
-        movw     %dx,(%edi)
-        addl     %eax,%esi            / %eax == 2
-        addl     %eax,%edi
-1:      movl     %ecx,%eax            / word count less prefix
-        sarl     %ecx                 / dword count
-        jz       4f                   / no dwords to move
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        jbe      2f                   / <= 32 dwords
-        / copy aligned dwords
-        rep;     smovl
-        jmp      4f 
-        / copy aligned dwords
-2:      subl     %esi,%edi
-        .align   16
-3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        addl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      3b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-4:      andl     $1,%eax              / suffix count
-        jz       5f                   / no suffix
-        / copy suffix
-        movw     (%esi),%dx
-        movw     %dx,(%edi)
-5:      popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        / copy from high to low
-        std
-        leal     -4(%edi,%ecx,2),%edi / to + count*2 - 4
-        movl     %eax,%esi            / from + count*2 - 2
-        movl     %ecx,%eax
-        subl     $2,%esi              / from + count*2 - 4
-1:      sarl     %ecx                 / dword count
-        jz       4f                   / no dwords to move
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        ja       3f                   / > 32 dwords
-        subl     %esi,%edi
-        .align   16
-2:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        subl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      2b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-        jmp      4f
-3:      rep;     smovl
-4:      andl     $1,%eax              / suffix count
-        jz       5f                   / no suffix
-        / copy suffix
-        addl     $2,%esi
-        addl     $2,%edi
-        movw     (%esi),%dx
-        movw     %dx,(%edi)
-5:      cld
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        / Support for void Copy::arrayof_conjoint_jshorts(void* from,
-        /                                                 void* to,
-        /                                                 size_t count)
-        .align   16
-        pushl    %esi
-        movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      / count
-        pushl    %edi
-        movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      / from
-        movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      / to
-        cmpl     %esi,%edi
-        leal     -2(%esi,%ecx,2),%eax / from + count*2 - 2
-        jbe      acs_CopyRight
-        cmpl     %eax,%edi
-        jbe      acs_CopyLeft 
-        movl     %ecx,%eax            / word count
-        sarl     %ecx                 / dword count
-        jz       4f                   / no dwords to move
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        jbe      2f                   / <= 32 dwords
-        / copy aligned dwords
-        rep;     smovl 	 
-        jmp      4f 
-        / copy aligned dwords
-        .=.+5
-2:      subl     %esi,%edi 
-        .align   16	
-3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        addl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      3b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-4:      andl     $1,%eax              / suffix count
-        jz       5f                   / no suffix
-        / copy suffix
-        movw     (%esi),%dx
-        movw     %dx,(%edi)
-5:      popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        std
-        leal     -4(%edi,%ecx,2),%edi / to + count*2 - 4
-        movl     %eax,%esi            / from + count*2 - 2
-        movl     %ecx,%eax
-        subl     $2,%esi              / from + count*2 - 4
-        sarl     %ecx                 / dword count
-        jz       4f                   / no dwords to move
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        ja       3f                   / > 32 dwords
-        subl     %esi,%edi
-        .align   16
-2:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        subl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      2b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-        jmp      4f
-3:      rep;     smovl
-4:      andl     $1,%eax              / suffix count
-        jz       5f                   / no suffix
-        / copy suffix
-        addl     $2,%esi
-        addl     $2,%edi
-        movw     (%esi),%dx
-        movw     %dx,(%edi)
-5:      cld
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        / Support for void Copy::conjoint_jints_atomic(void* from,
-        /                                              void* to,
-        /                                              size_t count)
-        / Equivalent to
-        /   arrayof_conjoint_jints
-        .align   16
-        pushl    %esi
-        movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      / count
-        pushl    %edi
-        movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      / from
-        movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      / to
-        cmpl     %esi,%edi
-        leal     -4(%esi,%ecx,4),%eax / from + count*4 - 4
-        jbe      ci_CopyRight
-        cmpl     %eax,%edi
-        jbe      ci_CopyLeft 
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        jbe      2f                   / <= 32 dwords
-        rep;     smovl 
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        .=.+10
-2:      subl     %esi,%edi
-        jmp      4f
-        .align   16
-3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        addl     $4,%esi
-4:      subl     $1,%ecx
-        jge      3b
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        std
-        leal     -4(%edi,%ecx,4),%edi / to + count*4 - 4
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        ja       4f                   / > 32 dwords
-        subl     %eax,%edi            / eax == from + count*4 - 4
-        jmp      3f
-        .align   16
-2:      movl     (%eax),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%eax,1)
-        subl     $4,%eax
-3:      subl     $1,%ecx
-        jge      2b
-        cld
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-4:      movl     %eax,%esi            / from + count*4 - 4
-        rep;     smovl
-        cld
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        / Support for void Copy::conjoint_jlongs_atomic(jlong* from,
-        /                                               jlong* to,
-        /                                               size_t count)
-        /
-        / 32-bit
-        /
-        / count treated as signed
-        /
-        / if (from > to) {
-        /   while (--count >= 0) {
-        /     *to++ = *from++;
-        /   }
-        / } else {
-        /   while (--count >= 0) {
-        /     to[count] = from[count];
-        /   }
-        / }
-        .align   16
-        movl     4+8(%esp),%ecx       / count
-        movl     4+0(%esp),%eax       / from
-        movl     4+4(%esp),%edx       / to
-        cmpl     %eax,%edx
-        jae      cla_CopyLeft
-        subl     %eax,%edx
-        jmp      2f
-        .align   16
-1:      fildll   (%eax)
-        fistpll  (%edx,%eax,1)
-        addl     $8,%eax
-2:      subl     $1,%ecx
-        jge      1b
-        ret
-        .align   16
-3:      fildll   (%eax,%ecx,8)
-        fistpll  (%edx,%ecx,8)
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jge      3b
-        ret
-        / Support for void Copy::arrayof_conjoint_jshorts(void* from,
-        /                                                 void* to,
-        /                                                 size_t count)
-       .align   16
-        pushl    %esi
-        movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx
-        pushl    %edi
-        movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi
-        movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi
-        cmpl     %esi,%edi
-        leal     -2(%esi,%ecx,2),%eax
-        jbe      mmx_acs_CopyRight
-        cmpl     %eax,%edi
-        jbe      mmx_acs_CopyLeft
-        movl     %ecx,%eax
-        sarl     %ecx
-        je       5f
-        cmpl     $33,%ecx
-        jae      3f
-1:      subl     %esi,%edi 
-        .align   16
-2:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        addl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      2b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-        jmp      5f 
-3:      smovl / align to 8 bytes, we know we are 4 byte aligned to start
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-4:      .align   16
-        movq     0(%esi),%mm0
-        addl     $64,%edi
-        movq     8(%esi),%mm1
-        subl     $16,%ecx
-        movq     16(%esi),%mm2
-        movq     %mm0,-64(%edi)
-        movq     24(%esi),%mm0
-        movq     %mm1,-56(%edi)
-        movq     32(%esi),%mm1
-        movq     %mm2,-48(%edi)
-        movq     40(%esi),%mm2
-        movq     %mm0,-40(%edi)
-        movq     48(%esi),%mm0
-        movq     %mm1,-32(%edi)
-        movq     56(%esi),%mm1
-        movq     %mm2,-24(%edi)
-        movq     %mm0,-16(%edi)
-        addl     $64,%esi
-        movq     %mm1,-8(%edi)
-        cmpl     $16,%ecx
-        jge      4b
-        emms
-	testl    %ecx,%ecx
-	ja       1b
-5:      andl     $1,%eax
-        je       7f
-6:      movw     (%esi),%dx
-        movw     %dx,(%edi)
-7:      popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        std
-        leal     -4(%edi,%ecx,2),%edi
-        movl     %eax,%esi
-        movl     %ecx,%eax
-        subl     $2,%esi
-        sarl     %ecx
-        je       4f
-        cmpl     $32,%ecx
-        ja       3f
-        subl     %esi,%edi
-        .align   16
-2:      movl     (%esi),%edx
-        movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
-        subl     $4,%esi
-        subl     $1,%ecx
-        jnz      2b
-        addl     %esi,%edi
-        jmp      4f
-3:      rep;     smovl
-4:      andl     $1,%eax
-        je       6f
-        addl     $2,%esi
-        addl     $2,%edi
-5:      movw     (%esi),%dx
-        movw     %dx,(%edi)
-6:      cld
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %esi
-        ret
-        / Support for jlong Atomic::cmpxchg(jlong exchange_value,
-        /                                   volatile jlong* dest,
-        /                                   jlong compare_value)
-        / Used only for Solaris/gcc builds
-        .align 16
-                                   /  8(%esp) : return PC
-        pushl    %ebx              /  4(%esp) : old %ebx
-        pushl    %edi              /  0(%esp) : old %edi
-        movl     12(%esp), %ebx    / 12(%esp) : exchange_value (low)
-        movl     16(%esp), %ecx    / 16(%esp) : exchange_value (high)
-        movl     24(%esp), %eax    / 24(%esp) : compare_value (low)
-        movl     28(%esp), %edx    / 28(%esp) : compare_value (high)
-        movl     20(%esp), %edi    / 20(%esp) : dest
-        lock cmpxchg8b (%edi)
-        popl     %edi
-        popl     %ebx
-        ret