7143910: test/tools/apt/Basics/apt.sh fails with 'real' sh
Fri, 17 Feb 2012 15:24:40 -0800
changeset 11869 d659025e6575
parent 11868 35f55dadfe88
child 11870 bc664cc5f2a0
7143910: test/tools/apt/Basics/apt.sh fails with 'real' sh Reviewed-by: darcy Contributed-by: sonali.goel@oracle.com
--- a/langtools/test/tools/apt/Basics/apt.sh	Tue Feb 14 15:43:52 2012 -0800
+++ b/langtools/test/tools/apt/Basics/apt.sh	Fri Feb 17 15:24:40 2012 -0800
@@ -41,20 +41,10 @@
 # Verify apt executable does not exist
-test -e "${TESTJAVA}/bin/apt"
-case "${RESULT}" in
-        0  )
-        echo "apt executable should not exist."
-        exit 1
-	;;
-        * )
-	;;
+if [ -f "${TESTJAVA}/bin/apt" -o -f "${TESTJAVA}/bin/apt.exe" ];then
+    echo "apt executable should not exist."
+    exit 1
 # Construct path to javac executable
 JAVAC="${TESTJAVA}/bin/javac ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} -source 1.5 -sourcepath ${TESTSRC} -classpath ${TESTJAVA}/lib/tools.jar -d . "