7174970: NLS [ccjk] Extra mnemonic keys at standard filechooserdialog (open and save) in metal L&F
Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:39:27 +0400 (2012-06-18)
changeset 13006 d01a3b32e9cb
parent 13005 75ac466e6566
child 13007 f6bf3300b455
7174970: NLS [ccjk] Extra mnemonic keys at standard filechooserdialog (open and save) in metal L&F Reviewed-by: rupashka
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,189 +1,189 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Generic File
-FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Error creating new folder
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Unable to create folder
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Unable to create the folder.\n\nThe system cannot find the path specified.
-FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Error Renaming File or Folder
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Cannot rename {0}
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Generic File
+FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Error creating new folder
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Unable to create folder
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Unable to create the folder.\n\nThe system cannot find the path specified.
+FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Error Renaming File or Folder
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Cannot rename {0}
 FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Cannot rename {0}: A file with the name you specified already exists. \
-  Specify a different file name.
-FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=All Files
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder=New Folder
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=New Folder ({0})
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abort file chooser dialog
-FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Save selected file
-FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Open selected file
-FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Update directory listing
-FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=FileChooser help
-FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Open selected directory
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Sample Text  Sample Text
-ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=&Color Code
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Select an Option
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Printing (Aborting)
-PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Printing in progress...
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Printed page {0}...
-PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Printing aborting...
-PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abort Printing
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Submit Query
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=style change
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=left button
-SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=right button
-# Used for Isindex
-IsindexView.prompt=This is a searchable index.  Enter search keywords:
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+  Specify a different file name.
+FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=All Files
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder=New Folder
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=New Folder ({0})
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abort file chooser dialog
+FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Save selected file
+FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Open selected file
+FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Update directory listing
+FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=FileChooser help
+FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Open selected directory
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Sample Text  Sample Text
+ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=&Color Code
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Select an Option
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Printing (Aborting)
+PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Printing in progress...
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Printed page {0}...
+PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Printing aborting...
+PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abort Printing
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Submit Query
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=style change
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=left button
+SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=right button
+# Used for Isindex
+IsindexView.prompt=This is a searchable index.  Enter search keywords:
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_de.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_de.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,187 +1,187 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Allgemeine Datei
-FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Fehler beim Erstellen eines neuen Ordners
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Ordner kann nicht erstellt werden
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Ordner kann nicht erstellt werden.\n\nSystem kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
-FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Fehler beim Umbenennen von Datei oder Ordner
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic={0} kann nicht umbenannt werden
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic={0} kann nicht umbenannt werden: Es ist bereits eine Datei mit dem angegebenen Namen vorhanden. Geben Sie einen anderen Dateinamen an.
-FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Alle Dateien
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Neuer Ordner
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Neuer Ordner ({0})
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Dialogfeld f\u00FCr Dateiauswahl schlie\u00DFen
-FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ausgew\u00E4hlte Datei speichern
-FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ausgew\u00E4hlte Datei \u00F6ffnen
-FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Verzeichnisliste aktualisieren
-FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ausgew\u00E4hltes Verzeichnis \u00F6ffnen
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Beispieltext  Beispieltext
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Option ausw\u00E4hlen
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Drucken (Abbruch)
-PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Druckvorgang l\u00E4uft...
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Seite {0} wurde gedruckt...
-PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Druckvorgang wird abgebrochen...
-PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Druckvorgang abbrechen
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Abfrage weiterleiten
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=linke Schaltfl\u00E4che
-SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=rechte Schaltfl\u00E4che
-# Used for Isindex
-IsindexView.prompt=Dieser Index kann durchsucht werden. Geben Sie Schl\u00FCsselw\u00F6rter f\u00FCr die Suche ein:
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
-InternalFrameTitlePane.iconifyButtonAccessibleName=Als Symbol darstellen
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Allgemeine Datei
+FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Fehler beim Erstellen eines neuen Ordners
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Ordner kann nicht erstellt werden
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Ordner kann nicht erstellt werden.\n\nSystem kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
+FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Fehler beim Umbenennen von Datei oder Ordner
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic={0} kann nicht umbenannt werden
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic={0} kann nicht umbenannt werden: Es ist bereits eine Datei mit dem angegebenen Namen vorhanden. Geben Sie einen anderen Dateinamen an.
+FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Alle Dateien
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Neuer Ordner
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Neuer Ordner ({0})
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Dialogfeld f\u00FCr Dateiauswahl schlie\u00DFen
+FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ausgew\u00E4hlte Datei speichern
+FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ausgew\u00E4hlte Datei \u00F6ffnen
+FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Verzeichnisliste aktualisieren
+FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ausgew\u00E4hltes Verzeichnis \u00F6ffnen
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Beispieltext  Beispieltext
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Option ausw\u00E4hlen
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Drucken (Abbruch)
+PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Druckvorgang l\u00E4uft...
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Seite {0} wurde gedruckt...
+PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Druckvorgang wird abgebrochen...
+PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Druckvorgang abbrechen
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Abfrage weiterleiten
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=linke Schaltfl\u00E4che
+SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=rechte Schaltfl\u00E4che
+# Used for Isindex
+IsindexView.prompt=Dieser Index kann durchsucht werden. Geben Sie Schl\u00FCsselw\u00F6rter f\u00FCr die Suche ein:
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+InternalFrameTitlePane.iconifyButtonAccessibleName=Als Symbol darstellen
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_es.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_es.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Archivo Gen\u00E9rico
-FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Error al crear una nueva carpeta
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=No se ha podido crear la carpeta
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=No se ha podido crear la carpeta.\n\nEl sistema no puede encontrar la ruta de acceso especificada.
-FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Error al cambiar el nombre del archivo o carpeta
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=No se puede cambiar el nombre de {0}
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=No se puede cambiar el nombre de {0}: ya existe un archivo con el nombre especificado. Especifique otro nombre de archivo.
-FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Todos los Archivos
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Nueva Carpeta
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Nueva Carpeta ({0})
-FileChooser.other.newFolder=Nueva Carpeta
-FileChooser.other.newFolder.subsequent=Nueva Carpeta.{0}
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Cuadro de di\u00E1logo para abortar el selector de archivos
-FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Guardar archivo seleccionado
-FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abrir archivo seleccionado
-FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Actualizar lista de directorios
-FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ayuda del Selector de Archivos
-FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abrir directorio seleccionado
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.preview.textAndMnemonic=Presentaci\u00F3n Preliminar
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Texto de Ejemplo  Texto de Ejemplo
-ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=C\u00F3digo de Color(&C)
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Seleccionar una Opci\u00F3n
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Impresi\u00F3n (Abortando)
-PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Impresi\u00F3n en curso...
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=P\u00E1gina impresa {0}...
-PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Abortando la impresi\u00F3n...
-PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abortar Impresi\u00F3n
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Enviar Consulta
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=cambio de estilo
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-AbstractButton.click.textAndMnemonic=hacer clic
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=bot\u00F3n izquierdo
-SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=bot\u00F3n derecho
-# Used for Isindex
-IsindexView.prompt=En este \u00EDndice se pueden efectuar b\u00FAsquedas. Escriba las palabras clave de b\u00FAsqueda:
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
-InternalFrameTitlePane.iconifyButtonAccessibleName=Convertir en Icono
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Archivo Gen\u00E9rico
+FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Error al crear una nueva carpeta
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=No se ha podido crear la carpeta
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=No se ha podido crear la carpeta.\n\nEl sistema no puede encontrar la ruta de acceso especificada.
+FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Error al cambiar el nombre del archivo o carpeta
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=No se puede cambiar el nombre de {0}
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=No se puede cambiar el nombre de {0}: ya existe un archivo con el nombre especificado. Especifique otro nombre de archivo.
+FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Todos los Archivos
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Nueva Carpeta
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Nueva Carpeta ({0})
+FileChooser.other.newFolder=Nueva Carpeta
+FileChooser.other.newFolder.subsequent=Nueva Carpeta.{0}
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Cuadro de di\u00E1logo para abortar el selector de archivos
+FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Guardar archivo seleccionado
+FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abrir archivo seleccionado
+FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Actualizar lista de directorios
+FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ayuda del Selector de Archivos
+FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abrir directorio seleccionado
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.preview.textAndMnemonic=Presentaci\u00F3n Preliminar
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Texto de Ejemplo  Texto de Ejemplo
+ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=C\u00F3digo de Color(&C)
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Seleccionar una Opci\u00F3n
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Impresi\u00F3n (Abortando)
+PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Impresi\u00F3n en curso...
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=P\u00E1gina impresa {0}...
+PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Abortando la impresi\u00F3n...
+PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abortar Impresi\u00F3n
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Enviar Consulta
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=cambio de estilo
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+AbstractButton.click.textAndMnemonic=hacer clic
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=bot\u00F3n izquierdo
+SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=bot\u00F3n derecho
+# Used for Isindex
+IsindexView.prompt=En este \u00EDndice se pueden efectuar b\u00FAsquedas. Escriba las palabras clave de b\u00FAsqueda:
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+InternalFrameTitlePane.iconifyButtonAccessibleName=Convertir en Icono
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_fr.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_fr.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Fichier g\u00E9n\u00E9rique
-FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Erreur lors de la cr\u00E9ation du dossier
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Impossible de cr\u00E9er le dossier
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Impossible de cr\u00E9er le dossier.\n\nLe syst\u00E8me ne parvient pas \u00E0 trouver le chemin indiqu\u00E9.
-FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Erreur lors du changement de nom du fichier ou du dossier
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Impossible de renommer {0}
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Impossible de renommer {0} : il existe d\u00E9j\u00E0 un fichier portant le nom indiqu\u00E9. Indiquez-en un autre.
-FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Tous les fichiers
-FileChooser.updateButton.textAndMnemonic=Mettre \u00E0 jour(&U)
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Nouveau dossier
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Nouveau dossier ({0})
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ferme la bo\u00EEte de dialogue du s\u00E9lecteur de fichiers
-FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Enregistre le fichier s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9
-FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ouvre le fichier s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9
-FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Met \u00E0 jour la liste des r\u00E9pertoires
-FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Aide du s\u00E9lecteur de fichiers
-FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ouvre le r\u00E9pertoire s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Echantillon de texte  Echantillon de texte
-ColorChooser.swatchesRecent.textAndMnemonic=Dernier :
-ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=&Code couleur
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=S\u00E9lectionner une option
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Impression (abandon)
-PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Impression en cours...
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Page {0} imprim\u00E9e...
-PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Abandon de l'impression...
-PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abandonner l'impression
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Soumettre la requ\u00EAte
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=modification de style
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=bouton gauche
-SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=bouton droit
-# Used for Isindex
-IsindexView.prompt=Ceci est un index de recherche. Tapez des mots-cl\u00E9s pour la recherche :
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Fichier g\u00E9n\u00E9rique
+FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Erreur lors de la cr\u00E9ation du dossier
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Impossible de cr\u00E9er le dossier
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Impossible de cr\u00E9er le dossier.\n\nLe syst\u00E8me ne parvient pas \u00E0 trouver le chemin indiqu\u00E9.
+FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Erreur lors du changement de nom du fichier ou du dossier
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Impossible de renommer {0}
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Impossible de renommer {0} : il existe d\u00E9j\u00E0 un fichier portant le nom indiqu\u00E9. Indiquez-en un autre.
+FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Tous les fichiers
+FileChooser.updateButton.textAndMnemonic=Mettre \u00E0 jour(&U)
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Nouveau dossier
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Nouveau dossier ({0})
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ferme la bo\u00EEte de dialogue du s\u00E9lecteur de fichiers
+FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Enregistre le fichier s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9
+FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ouvre le fichier s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9
+FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Met \u00E0 jour la liste des r\u00E9pertoires
+FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Aide du s\u00E9lecteur de fichiers
+FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ouvre le r\u00E9pertoire s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Echantillon de texte  Echantillon de texte
+ColorChooser.swatchesRecent.textAndMnemonic=Dernier :
+ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=&Code couleur
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=S\u00E9lectionner une option
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Impression (abandon)
+PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Impression en cours...
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Page {0} imprim\u00E9e...
+PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Abandon de l'impression...
+PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abandonner l'impression
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Soumettre la requ\u00EAte
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=modification de style
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=bouton gauche
+SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=bouton droit
+# Used for Isindex
+IsindexView.prompt=Ceci est un index de recherche. Tapez des mots-cl\u00E9s pour la recherche :
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_it.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_it.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=File generico
-FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Errore durante la creazione della nuova cartella
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Impossibile creare la cartella
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Impossibile creare la cartella.\n\nIl sistema non \u00E8 in grado di trovare il percorso specificato.
-FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Errore durante la ridenominazione del file o della cartella
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Impossibile rinominare {0}
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Impossibile rinominare {0}: esiste gi\u00E0 un file con il nome specificato. Specificare un altro nome.
-FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Tutti i file
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Nuova cartella
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Nuova cartella ({0})
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Chiude la finestra di dialogo di selezione file
-FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Salva il file selezionato
-FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Apre il file selezionato
-FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Aggiorna la lista directory
-FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Guida FileChooser
-FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Apre la directory selezionata
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Testo di prova          Testo di prova
-ColorChooser.swatches.textAndMnemonic=Colori cam&pione
-ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=&Codice colori
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Selezionare una opzione
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleProgress.textAndMnemonic=Stampa in corso
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Stampa in corso (operazione interrotta)
-PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Stampa in corso...
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Pagina stampata {0}...
-PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Interruzione della stampa...
-PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Interrompi la stampa
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-InternalFrame.iconButtonToolTip=Riduci a icona
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-InternalFrameTitlePane.minimizeButton.textAndMnemonic=Riduci a icona
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Sottometti query
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=modifica di stile
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-AbstractButton.click.textAndMnemonic=fare clic
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=tasto sinistro
-SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=tasto destro
-# Used for Isindex
-IsindexView.prompt=Questo \u00E8 un indice di ricerca. Immettere le parole chiave:
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
-InternalFrameTitlePane.iconifyButtonAccessibleName=Riduci a icona
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=File generico
+FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Errore durante la creazione della nuova cartella
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Impossibile creare la cartella
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Impossibile creare la cartella.\n\nIl sistema non \u00E8 in grado di trovare il percorso specificato.
+FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Errore durante la ridenominazione del file o della cartella
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Impossibile rinominare {0}
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Impossibile rinominare {0}: esiste gi\u00E0 un file con il nome specificato. Specificare un altro nome.
+FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Tutti i file
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Nuova cartella
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Nuova cartella ({0})
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Chiude la finestra di dialogo di selezione file
+FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Salva il file selezionato
+FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Apre il file selezionato
+FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Aggiorna la lista directory
+FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Guida FileChooser
+FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Apre la directory selezionata
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Testo di prova          Testo di prova
+ColorChooser.swatches.textAndMnemonic=Colori cam&pione
+ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=&Codice colori
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Selezionare una opzione
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleProgress.textAndMnemonic=Stampa in corso
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Stampa in corso (operazione interrotta)
+PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Stampa in corso...
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Pagina stampata {0}...
+PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Interruzione della stampa...
+PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Interrompi la stampa
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+InternalFrame.iconButtonToolTip=Riduci a icona
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+InternalFrameTitlePane.minimizeButton.textAndMnemonic=Riduci a icona
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Sottometti query
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=modifica di stile
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+AbstractButton.click.textAndMnemonic=fare clic
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=tasto sinistro
+SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=tasto destro
+# Used for Isindex
+IsindexView.prompt=Questo \u00E8 un indice di ricerca. Immettere le parole chiave:
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+InternalFrameTitlePane.iconifyButtonAccessibleName=Riduci a icona
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_ja.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_ja.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic={0}\u306E\u540D\u524D\u3092\u5909\u66F4\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093: \u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u305F\u540D\u524D\u306E\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30EB\u306F\u3059\u3067\u306B\u5B58\u5728\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\u5225\u306E\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30EB\u540D\u3092\u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=\u30B5\u30F3\u30D7\u30EB\u30FB\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8  \u30B5\u30F3\u30D7\u30EB\u30FB\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-# Used for Isindex
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic={0}\u306E\u540D\u524D\u3092\u5909\u66F4\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093: \u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u305F\u540D\u524D\u306E\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30EB\u306F\u3059\u3067\u306B\u5B58\u5728\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\u5225\u306E\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30EB\u540D\u3092\u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=\u30B5\u30F3\u30D7\u30EB\u30FB\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8  \u30B5\u30F3\u30D7\u30EB\u30FB\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+# Used for Isindex
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_ko.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_ko.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=\uC77C\uBC18 \uD30C\uC77C
-FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354\uB97C \uC0DD\uC131\uD558\uB294 \uC911 \uC624\uB958\uAC00 \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD588\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=\uD3F4\uB354\uB97C \uC0DD\uC131\uD560 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC74C
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=\uD3F4\uB354\uB97C \uC0DD\uC131\uD560 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.\n\n\uC2DC\uC2A4\uD15C\uC5D0\uC11C \uC9C0\uC815\uB41C \uACBD\uB85C\uB97C \uCC3E\uC744 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.
-FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=\uD30C\uC77C \uB610\uB294 \uD3F4\uB354 \uC774\uB984 \uBC14\uAFB8\uB294 \uC911 \uC624\uB958 \uBC1C\uC0DD
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic={0}\uC758 \uC774\uB984\uC744 \uBC14\uAFC0 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic={0}\uC758 \uC774\uB984\uC744 \uBC14\uAFC0 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC74C: \uC9C0\uC815\uD55C \uC774\uB984\uC744 \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD558\uB294 \uD30C\uC77C\uC774 \uC874\uC7AC\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4. \uB2E4\uB978 \uD30C\uC77C \uC774\uB984\uC744 \uC9C0\uC815\uD558\uC2ED\uC2DC\uC624.
-FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=\uBAA8\uB4E0 \uD30C\uC77C
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354({0})
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uD30C\uC77C \uC120\uD0DD\uAE30 \uB300\uD654\uC0C1\uC790 \uC911\uB2E8
-FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC120\uD0DD\uB41C \uD30C\uC77C \uC800\uC7A5
-FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC120\uD0DD\uB41C \uD30C\uC77C \uC5F4\uAE30
-FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uB514\uB809\uD1A0\uB9AC \uBAA9\uB85D \uAC31\uC2E0
-FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=FileChooser \uB3C4\uC6C0\uB9D0
-FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC120\uD0DD\uB41C \uB514\uB809\uD1A0\uB9AC \uC5F4\uAE30
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=\uC0D8\uD50C \uD14D\uC2A4\uD2B8  \uC0D8\uD50C \uD14D\uC2A4\uD2B8
-ColorChooser.swatchesRecent.textAndMnemonic=\uCD5C\uADFC \uBAA9\uB85D:
-ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C9\uC0C1 \uCF54\uB4DC(&C)
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=\uC635\uC158 \uC120\uD0DD
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4(\uC911\uB2E8 \uC911)
-PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4 \uC9C4\uD589 \uC911...
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4\uB41C \uD398\uC774\uC9C0 {0}...
-PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4 \uC911\uB2E8 \uC911...
-PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4 \uC911\uB2E8
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=\uC9C8\uC758 \uC81C\uCD9C
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=\uC2A4\uD0C0\uC77C \uBCC0\uACBD
-AbstractDocument.undo.textAndMnemonic=\uC2E4\uD589 \uCDE8\uC18C
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-AbstractUndoableEdit.undo.textAndMnemonic=\uC2E4\uD589 \uCDE8\uC18C
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=\uC67C\uCABD \uB2E8\uCD94
-SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=\uC624\uB978\uCABD \uB2E8\uCD94
-# Used for Isindex
-IsindexView.prompt=\uB2E4\uC74C\uC740 \uAC80\uC0C9 \uAC00\uB2A5\uD55C \uC778\uB371\uC2A4\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4. \uAC80\uC0C9 \uD0A4\uC6CC\uB4DC \uC785\uB825:
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=\uC77C\uBC18 \uD30C\uC77C
+FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354\uB97C \uC0DD\uC131\uD558\uB294 \uC911 \uC624\uB958\uAC00 \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD588\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=\uD3F4\uB354\uB97C \uC0DD\uC131\uD560 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC74C
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=\uD3F4\uB354\uB97C \uC0DD\uC131\uD560 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.\n\n\uC2DC\uC2A4\uD15C\uC5D0\uC11C \uC9C0\uC815\uB41C \uACBD\uB85C\uB97C \uCC3E\uC744 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.
+FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=\uD30C\uC77C \uB610\uB294 \uD3F4\uB354 \uC774\uB984 \uBC14\uAFB8\uB294 \uC911 \uC624\uB958 \uBC1C\uC0DD
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic={0}\uC758 \uC774\uB984\uC744 \uBC14\uAFC0 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic={0}\uC758 \uC774\uB984\uC744 \uBC14\uAFC0 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC74C: \uC9C0\uC815\uD55C \uC774\uB984\uC744 \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD558\uB294 \uD30C\uC77C\uC774 \uC874\uC7AC\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4. \uB2E4\uB978 \uD30C\uC77C \uC774\uB984\uC744 \uC9C0\uC815\uD558\uC2ED\uC2DC\uC624.
+FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=\uBAA8\uB4E0 \uD30C\uC77C
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354({0})
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uD30C\uC77C \uC120\uD0DD\uAE30 \uB300\uD654\uC0C1\uC790 \uC911\uB2E8
+FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC120\uD0DD\uB41C \uD30C\uC77C \uC800\uC7A5
+FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC120\uD0DD\uB41C \uD30C\uC77C \uC5F4\uAE30
+FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uB514\uB809\uD1A0\uB9AC \uBAA9\uB85D \uAC31\uC2E0
+FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=FileChooser \uB3C4\uC6C0\uB9D0
+FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC120\uD0DD\uB41C \uB514\uB809\uD1A0\uB9AC \uC5F4\uAE30
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=\uC0D8\uD50C \uD14D\uC2A4\uD2B8  \uC0D8\uD50C \uD14D\uC2A4\uD2B8
+ColorChooser.swatchesRecent.textAndMnemonic=\uCD5C\uADFC \uBAA9\uB85D:
+ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C9\uC0C1 \uCF54\uB4DC(&C)
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=\uC635\uC158 \uC120\uD0DD
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4(\uC911\uB2E8 \uC911)
+PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4 \uC9C4\uD589 \uC911...
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4\uB41C \uD398\uC774\uC9C0 {0}...
+PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4 \uC911\uB2E8 \uC911...
+PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC778\uC1C4 \uC911\uB2E8
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=\uC9C8\uC758 \uC81C\uCD9C
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=\uC2A4\uD0C0\uC77C \uBCC0\uACBD
+AbstractDocument.undo.textAndMnemonic=\uC2E4\uD589 \uCDE8\uC18C
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+AbstractUndoableEdit.undo.textAndMnemonic=\uC2E4\uD589 \uCDE8\uC18C
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=\uC67C\uCABD \uB2E8\uCD94
+SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=\uC624\uB978\uCABD \uB2E8\uCD94
+# Used for Isindex
+IsindexView.prompt=\uB2E4\uC74C\uC740 \uAC80\uC0C9 \uAC00\uB2A5\uD55C \uC778\uB371\uC2A4\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4. \uAC80\uC0C9 \uD0A4\uC6CC\uB4DC \uC785\uB825:
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_pt_BR.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_pt_BR.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Arquivo Gen\u00E9rico
-FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Erro ao criar nova pasta
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel criar a pasta
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel criar a pasta.\n\nO sistema n\u00E3o pode localizar o caminho especificado.
-FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Erro ao Renomear o Arquivo ou a Pasta
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel renomear {0}
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel renomear {0}: Um arquivo com o nome especificado j\u00E1 existe. Especifique outro nome de arquivo.
-FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Todos os Arquivos
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Nova Pasta
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Nova Pasta ({0})
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abortar caixa de di\u00E1logo do seletor de arquivos
-FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Salvar arquivo selecionado
-FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abrir arquivo selecionado
-FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Atualizar lista de diret\u00F3rios
-FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ajuda do FileChooser
-FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abrir diret\u00F3rio selecionado
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Texto de Amostra Texto de Amostra
-ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=C\u00F3digo da Cor(&C)
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Selecionar uma Op\u00E7\u00E3o
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Impress\u00E3o (Abortando)
-PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Impress\u00E3o em andamento...
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=P\u00E1gina impressa {0}...
-PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Abortando impress\u00E3o...
-PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abortar Impress\u00E3o
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Submeter Consulta
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=altera\u00E7\u00E3o de estilo
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=bot\u00E3o esquerdo
-SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=bot\u00E3o direito
-# Used for Isindex
-IsindexView.prompt=Trata-se de um \u00EDndice pesquis\u00E1vel. Informe as palavras-chave de pesquisa:
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Arquivo Gen\u00E9rico
+FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Erro ao criar nova pasta
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel criar a pasta
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel criar a pasta.\n\nO sistema n\u00E3o pode localizar o caminho especificado.
+FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Erro ao Renomear o Arquivo ou a Pasta
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel renomear {0}
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel renomear {0}: Um arquivo com o nome especificado j\u00E1 existe. Especifique outro nome de arquivo.
+FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Todos os Arquivos
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Nova Pasta
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Nova Pasta ({0})
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abortar caixa de di\u00E1logo do seletor de arquivos
+FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Salvar arquivo selecionado
+FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abrir arquivo selecionado
+FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Atualizar lista de diret\u00F3rios
+FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ajuda do FileChooser
+FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abrir diret\u00F3rio selecionado
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Texto de Amostra Texto de Amostra
+ColorChooser.rgbHexCode.textAndMnemonic=C\u00F3digo da Cor(&C)
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=Selecionar uma Op\u00E7\u00E3o
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Impress\u00E3o (Abortando)
+PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Impress\u00E3o em andamento...
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=P\u00E1gina impressa {0}...
+PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Abortando impress\u00E3o...
+PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Abortar Impress\u00E3o
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Submeter Consulta
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+AbstractDocument.styleChange.textAndMnemonic=altera\u00E7\u00E3o de estilo
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=bot\u00E3o esquerdo
+SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=bot\u00E3o direito
+# Used for Isindex
+IsindexView.prompt=Trata-se de um \u00EDndice pesquis\u00E1vel. Informe as palavras-chave de pesquisa:
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_sv.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_sv.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Generisk fil
-FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Fel uppstod n\u00E4r ny mapp skapades
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte skapa mappen
-FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte skapa mappen.\n\nSystemet kan inte hitta angiven s\u00F6kv\u00E4g.
-FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Ett fel intr\u00E4ffade vid f\u00F6rs\u00F6k att \u00E4ndra namn p\u00E5 fil eller mapp
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte namn\u00E4ndra {0}
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte namn\u00E4ndra {0}: En fil med angivet namn finns redan. Ange ett annat filnamn.
-FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Alla filer
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Ny mapp
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Ny mapp ({0})
-FileChooser.other.newFolder=Ny mapp
-FileChooser.other.newFolder.subsequent=Ny mapp.{0}
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Avbryt filvalsdialogruta
-FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Spara vald fil
-FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna vald fil
-FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Uppdatera kataloglistan
-FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Hj\u00E4lp - Filv\u00E4ljare
-FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna vald katalog
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Exempeltext  Exempeltext
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=V\u00E4lj ett alternativ
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleProgress.textAndMnemonic=Skriver ut
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Skriver ut (avbryter)
-PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Utskrift p\u00E5g\u00E5r...
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Utskriven sida {0}...
-PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Utskriften avbryts...
-PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Avbryt utskrift
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Skicka fr\u00E5ga
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-AbstractDocument.redo.textAndMnemonic=G\u00F6r om
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-AbstractUndoableEdit.redo.textAndMnemonic=G\u00F6r om
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=v\u00E4nster knapp
-SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=h\u00F6ger knapp
-# Used for Isindex
-IsindexView.prompt=Detta \u00E4r ett s\u00F6kbart index. Ange s\u00F6kord:
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Generisk fil
+FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Fel uppstod n\u00E4r ny mapp skapades
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte skapa mappen
+FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte skapa mappen.\n\nSystemet kan inte hitta angiven s\u00F6kv\u00E4g.
+FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Ett fel intr\u00E4ffade vid f\u00F6rs\u00F6k att \u00E4ndra namn p\u00E5 fil eller mapp
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte namn\u00E4ndra {0}
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte namn\u00E4ndra {0}: En fil med angivet namn finns redan. Ange ett annat filnamn.
+FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Alla filer
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Ny mapp
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Ny mapp ({0})
+FileChooser.other.newFolder=Ny mapp
+FileChooser.other.newFolder.subsequent=Ny mapp.{0}
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Avbryt filvalsdialogruta
+FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Spara vald fil
+FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna vald fil
+FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Uppdatera kataloglistan
+FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Hj\u00E4lp - Filv\u00E4ljare
+FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna vald katalog
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=Exempeltext  Exempeltext
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+OptionPane.title.textAndMnemonic=V\u00E4lj ett alternativ
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleProgress.textAndMnemonic=Skriver ut
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=Skriver ut (avbryter)
+PrintingDialog.contentInitial.textAndMnemonic=Utskrift p\u00E5g\u00E5r...
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=Utskriven sida {0}...
+PrintingDialog.contentAborting.textAndMnemonic=Utskriften avbryts...
+PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Avbryt utskrift
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+FormView.submitButton.textAndMnemonic=Skicka fr\u00E5ga
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+AbstractDocument.redo.textAndMnemonic=G\u00F6r om
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+AbstractUndoableEdit.redo.textAndMnemonic=G\u00F6r om
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+SplitPane.leftButton.textAndMnemonic=v\u00E4nster knapp
+SplitPane.rightButton.textAndMnemonic=h\u00F6ger knapp
+# Used for Isindex
+IsindexView.prompt=Detta \u00E4r ett s\u00F6kbart index. Ange s\u00F6kord:
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_zh_CN.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_zh_CN.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=\u65E0\u6CD5\u91CD\u547D\u540D{0}: \u5DF2\u5B58\u5728\u5177\u6709\u6240\u6307\u5B9A\u540D\u79F0\u7684\u6587\u4EF6\u3002\u8BF7\u6307\u5B9A\u5176\u4ED6\u6587\u4EF6\u540D\u3002
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=\u65B0\u5EFA\u6587\u4EF6\u5939 ({0})
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=FileChooser \u5E2E\u52A9
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=\u793A\u4F8B\u6587\u672C  \u793A\u4F8B\u6587\u672C
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=\u6253\u5370 (\u6B63\u5728\u4E2D\u6B62)
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=\u5DF2\u6253\u5370\u9875 {0}...
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-# Used for Isindex
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=\u65E0\u6CD5\u91CD\u547D\u540D{0}: \u5DF2\u5B58\u5728\u5177\u6709\u6240\u6307\u5B9A\u540D\u79F0\u7684\u6587\u4EF6\u3002\u8BF7\u6307\u5B9A\u5176\u4ED6\u6587\u4EF6\u540D\u3002
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=\u65B0\u5EFA\u6587\u4EF6\u5939 ({0})
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=FileChooser \u5E2E\u52A9
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=\u793A\u4F8B\u6587\u672C  \u793A\u4F8B\u6587\u672C
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=\u6253\u5370 (\u6B63\u5728\u4E2D\u6B62)
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=\u5DF2\u6253\u5370\u9875 {0}...
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+# Used for Isindex
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_zh_TW.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_zh_TW.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    ColorChooser
-#    FileChooser
-#    OptionPane
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
-# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
-# mnemonic, for example:
-#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
-# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
-# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
-# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
-# look like:  RGB
-#              -
-# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
-# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
-# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
-# character for the mnemonic.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
-FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=\u7121\u6CD5\u91CD\u65B0\u547D\u540D {0}
-FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=\u7121\u6CD5\u91CD\u65B0\u547D\u540D {0}: \u5DF2\u7D93\u5B58\u5728\u60A8\u6240\u6307\u5B9A\u540D\u7A31\u7684\u6A94\u6848\u3002\u8ACB\u6307\u5B9A\u4E0D\u540C\u7684\u540D\u7A31\u3002
-# File Size Units
-FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
-FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
-FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
-# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
-FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=\u65B0\u8CC7\u6599\u593E ({0})
-## file chooser tooltips ###
-FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
-FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
-############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=\u7BC4\u4F8B\u6587\u5B57  \u7BC4\u4F8B\u6587\u5B57
-############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
-# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
-# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
-# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
-# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
-############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
-PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=\u5217\u5370 (\u4E2D\u6B62)
-# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
-# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
-PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=\u5DF2\u5217\u5370\u7684\u9801\u9762 {0}...
-############ Internal Frame Strings ############
-############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
-############ Text strings #############
-# Used for html forms
-############ Abstract Document Strings ############
-############ Abstract Button Strings ############
-############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
-############ Combo Box Strings ############
-############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
-############ Split Pane Strings ############
-# Used for Isindex
-############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    ColorChooser
+#    FileChooser
+#    OptionPane
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+#                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
+# Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
+# mnemonic, for example:
+#   ColorChooser.rgbNameTextAndMnemonic=R&GB
+# Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
+# the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
+# a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
+# look like:  RGB
+#              -
+# One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
+# the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
+# exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
+# character for the mnemonic.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
+FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=\u7121\u6CD5\u91CD\u65B0\u547D\u540D {0}
+FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=\u7121\u6CD5\u91CD\u65B0\u547D\u540D {0}: \u5DF2\u7D93\u5B58\u5728\u60A8\u6240\u6307\u5B9A\u540D\u7A31\u7684\u6A94\u6848\u3002\u8ACB\u6307\u5B9A\u4E0D\u540C\u7684\u540D\u7A31\u3002
+# File Size Units
+FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
+FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
+FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
+# These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
+FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=\u65B0\u8CC7\u6599\u593E ({0})
+## file chooser tooltips ###
+FileChooser.filesListAccessibleName=Files List
+FileChooser.filesDetailsAccessibleName=Files Details
+############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+ColorChooser.sample.textAndMnemonic=\u7BC4\u4F8B\u6587\u5B57  \u7BC4\u4F8B\u6587\u5B57
+############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
+# We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
+# define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
+# Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+# Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
+# the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
+############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
+PrintingDialog.titleAborting.textAndMnemonic=\u5217\u5370 (\u4E2D\u6B62)
+# The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
+# and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
+PrintingDialog.contentProgress.textAndMnemonic=\u5DF2\u5217\u5370\u7684\u9801\u9762 {0}...
+############ Internal Frame Strings ############
+############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
+############ Text strings #############
+# Used for html forms
+############ Abstract Document Strings ############
+############ Abstract Button Strings ############
+############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
+############ Combo Box Strings ############
+############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
+############ Split Pane Strings ############
+# Used for Isindex
+############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,51 +1,53 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Look &In:
-FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Save In:
-FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=File &Name:
-FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=Folder &name:
-FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=Files of &Type:
-FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Up One Level
-FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Create New Folder
-FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=New Folder
-FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=New Folder
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Look &In:
+FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Save In:
+FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=File &Name:
+FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=Folder &name:
+FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=Files of &Type:
+FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Up One Level
+FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Create New Folder
+FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=New Folder
+FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=New Folder
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_de.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_de.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Suchen &in:
-FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Speichern in:
-FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Eine Ebene h\u00F6her
-FileChooser.upFolderAccessibleName=Nach oben
-FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Neuen Ordner erstellen
-FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Neuer Ordner
-FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Neuer Ordner
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Suchen &in:
+FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Speichern in:
+FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Eine Ebene h\u00F6her
+FileChooser.upFolderAccessibleName=Nach oben
+FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Neuen Ordner erstellen
+FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Neuer Ordner
+FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Neuer Ordner
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_es.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_es.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Buscar en(&I):
-FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Guardar en:
-FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nombre de Archivo:
-FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nombre de la Carpeta:
-FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=Archivos de &Tipo:
-FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Subir un Nivel
-FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Crear Nueva Carpeta
-FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Nueva Carpeta
-FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Nueva Carpeta
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Buscar en(&I):
+FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Guardar en:
+FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nombre de Archivo:
+FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nombre de la Carpeta:
+FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=Archivos de &Tipo:
+FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Subir un Nivel
+FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Crear Nueva Carpeta
+FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Nueva Carpeta
+FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Nueva Carpeta
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_fr.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_fr.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Rechercher dans (&I):
-FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Enregistrer dans :
-FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nom du fichier :
-FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nom du dossier :
-FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=Fichiers de &type :
-FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Remonte d'un niveau.
-FileChooser.homeFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=R\u00E9pertoire d'origine
-FileChooser.homeFolderAccessibleName=R\u00E9pertoire d'origine
-FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Cr\u00E9e un dossier.
-FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Nouveau dossier
-FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Nouveau dossier
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Rechercher dans (&I):
+FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Enregistrer dans :
+FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nom du fichier :
+FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nom du dossier :
+FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=Fichiers de &type :
+FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Remonte d'un niveau.
+FileChooser.homeFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=R\u00E9pertoire d'origine
+FileChooser.homeFolderAccessibleName=R\u00E9pertoire d'origine
+FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Cr\u00E9e un dossier.
+FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Nouveau dossier
+FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Nouveau dossier
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_it.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_it.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Cerca &in:
-FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Salva in:
-FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nome file:
-FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nome della cartella:
-FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Tipo file:
-FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Cartella superiore
-FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Crea nuova cartella
-FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Nuova cartella
-FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Nuova cartella
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
-MetalTitlePane.iconify.titleAndMnemonic=Rid&uci a icona
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Cerca &in:
+FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Salva in:
+FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nome file:
+FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nome della cartella:
+FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Tipo file:
+FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Cartella superiore
+FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Crea nuova cartella
+FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Nuova cartella
+FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Nuova cartella
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+MetalTitlePane.iconify.titleAndMnemonic=Rid&uci a icona
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_ja.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_ja.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_ko.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_ko.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uAC80\uC0C9 \uC704\uCE58(&I):
-FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uC800\uC7A5 \uC704\uCE58:
-FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uD30C\uC77C \uC774\uB984(&N):
-FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uD3F4\uB354 \uC774\uB984(&N):
-FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uD30C\uC77C \uC720\uD615(&T):
-FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uD55C \uB808\uBCA8 \uC704\uB85C
-FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354 \uC0DD\uC131
-FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354
-FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354
-FileChooser.detailsViewButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC138\uBD80 \uC815\uBCF4
-FileChooser.detailsViewButtonAccessibleName=\uC138\uBD80 \uC815\uBCF4
-FileChooser.detailsViewActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uC138\uBD80 \uC815\uBCF4
-FileChooser.refreshActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C8\uB85C \uACE0\uCE68
-FileChooser.fileDateHeader.textAndMnemonic=\uC218\uC815 \uB0A0\uC9DC
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uAC80\uC0C9 \uC704\uCE58(&I):
+FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uC800\uC7A5 \uC704\uCE58:
+FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uD30C\uC77C \uC774\uB984(&N):
+FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uD3F4\uB354 \uC774\uB984(&N):
+FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uD30C\uC77C \uC720\uD615(&T):
+FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uD55C \uB808\uBCA8 \uC704\uB85C
+FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354 \uC0DD\uC131
+FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354
+FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C8 \uD3F4\uB354
+FileChooser.detailsViewButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=\uC138\uBD80 \uC815\uBCF4
+FileChooser.detailsViewButtonAccessibleName=\uC138\uBD80 \uC815\uBCF4
+FileChooser.detailsViewActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uC138\uBD80 \uC815\uBCF4
+FileChooser.refreshActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=\uC0C8\uB85C \uACE0\uCE68
+FileChooser.fileDateHeader.textAndMnemonic=\uC218\uC815 \uB0A0\uC9DC
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_pt_BR.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_pt_BR.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Consultar Em(&I):
-FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Salvar Em:
-FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nome do Arquivo:
-FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nome da pasta:
-FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=Arquivos do &Tipo:
-FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Um N\u00EDvel Acima
-FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Criar Nova Pasta
-FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Nova Pasta
-FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Nova Pasta
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Consultar Em(&I):
+FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Salvar Em:
+FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nome do Arquivo:
+FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Nome da pasta:
+FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic=Arquivos do &Tipo:
+FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Um N\u00EDvel Acima
+FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Criar Nova Pasta
+FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Nova Pasta
+FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Nova Pasta
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_sv.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_sv.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Leta &i:
-FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Spara i:
-FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Upp en niv\u00E5
-FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Skapa ny mapp
-FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Ny mapp
-FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Ny mapp
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Leta &i:
+FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic=Spara i:
+FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Upp en niv\u00E5
+FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Skapa ny mapp
+FileChooser.newFolderAccessibleName=Ny mapp
+FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic=Ny mapp
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_zh_CN.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_zh_CN.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_zh_TW.properties	Sun Jun 17 22:03:26 2012 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_zh_TW.properties	Mon Jun 18 15:39:27 2012 +0400
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
-# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
-# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
-# Currently, the following components need this for support:
-#    FileChooser
-# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
-# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
-# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
-# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
-# support.
-# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
-# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
-# @author Steve Wilson
-############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
-############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############
+# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
+# It contains Locale specific strings used be the Metal Look and Feel.
+# Currently, the following components need this for support:
+#    FileChooser
+# When this file is read in, the strings are put into the
+# defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
+# workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.
+# This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization
+# support.
+# Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
+# the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
+# @author Steve Wilson
+############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
+############ Used by MetalTitlePane if rendering window decorations############