8030814: Long.parseUnsignedLong should throw exception on too large input
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 10:40:22 -0800
changeset 22283 ae235c2bbac9
parent 22282 cf7ce8b79a25
child 22284 b2b1848b52ab
8030814: Long.parseUnsignedLong should throw exception on too large input Summary: Change test for overflow of unsigned long Reviewed-by: darcy, psandoz Contributed-by: Dmitry Nadezhin <dmitry.nadezhin@oracle.com>
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/Long.java	Wed Jan 15 00:03:38 2014 -0800
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/lang/Long.java	Wed Jan 15 10:40:22 2014 -0800
@@ -700,21 +700,58 @@
                     throw new NumberFormatException("Bad digit at end of " + s);
                 long result = first * radix + second;
-                if (compareUnsigned(result, first) < 0) {
+                /*
+                 * Test leftmost bits of multiprecision extension of first*radix
+                 * for overflow. The number of bits needed is defined by
+                 * GUARD_BIT = ceil(log2(Character.MAX_RADIX)) + 1 = 7. Then
+                 * int guard = radix*(int)(first >>> (64 - GUARD_BIT)) and
+                 * overflow is tested by splitting guard in the ranges
+                 * guard < 92, 92 <= guard < 128, and 128 <= guard, where
+                 * 92 = 128 - Character.MAX_RADIX. Note that guard cannot take
+                 * on a value which does not include a prime factor in the legal
+                 * radix range.
+                 */
+                int guard = radix * (int) (first >>> 57);
+                if (guard >= 128 ||
+                    (result >= 0 && guard >= 128 - Character.MAX_RADIX)) {
-                     * The maximum unsigned value, (2^64)-1, takes at
-                     * most one more digit to represent than the
-                     * maximum signed value, (2^63)-1.  Therefore,
-                     * parsing (len - 1) digits will be appropriately
-                     * in-range of the signed parsing.  In other
-                     * words, if parsing (len -1) digits overflows
-                     * signed parsing, parsing len digits will
-                     * certainly overflow unsigned parsing.
+                     * For purposes of exposition, the programmatic statements
+                     * below should be taken to be multi-precision, i.e., not
+                     * subject to overflow.
+                     *
+                     * A) Condition guard >= 128:
+                     * If guard >= 128 then first*radix >= 2^7 * 2^57 = 2^64
+                     * hence always overflow.
+                     *
+                     * B) Condition guard < 92:
+                     * Define left7 = first >>> 57.
+                     * Given first = (left7 * 2^57) + (first & (2^57 - 1)) then
+                     * result <= (radix*left7)*2^57 + radix*(2^57 - 1) + second.
+                     * Thus if radix*left7 < 92, radix <= 36, and second < 36,
+                     * then result < 92*2^57 + 36*(2^57 - 1) + 36 = 2^64 hence
+                     * never overflow.
-                     * The compareUnsigned check above catches
-                     * situations where an unsigned overflow occurs
-                     * incorporating the contribution of the final
-                     * digit.
+                     * C) Condition 92 <= guard < 128:
+                     * first*radix + second >= radix*left7*2^57 + second
+                     * so that first*radix + second >= 92*2^57 + 0 > 2^63
+                     *
+                     * D) Condition guard < 128:
+                     * radix*first <= (radix*left7) * 2^57 + radix*(2^57 - 1)
+                     * so
+                     * radix*first + second <= (radix*left7) * 2^57 + radix*(2^57 - 1) + 36
+                     * thus
+                     * radix*first + second < 128 * 2^57 + 36*2^57 - radix + 36
+                     * whence
+                     * radix*first + second < 2^64 + 2^6*2^57 = 2^64 + 2^63
+                     *
+                     * E) Conditions C, D, and result >= 0:
+                     * C and D combined imply the mathematical result
+                     * 2^63 < first*radix + second < 2^64 + 2^63. The lower
+                     * bound is therefore negative as a signed long, but the
+                     * upper bound is too small to overflow again after the
+                     * signed long overflows to positive above 2^64 - 1. Hence
+                     * result >= 0 implies overflow given C and D.
                     throw new NumberFormatException(String.format("String value %s exceeds " +
                                                                   "range of unsigned long.", s));
--- a/jdk/test/java/lang/Long/Unsigned.java	Wed Jan 15 00:03:38 2014 -0800
+++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/Long/Unsigned.java	Wed Jan 15 10:40:22 2014 -0800
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
  * @test
- * @bug 4504839 4215269 6322074
+ * @bug 4504839 4215269 6322074 8030814
  * @summary Basic tests for unsigned operations
  * @author Joseph D. Darcy
@@ -310,6 +310,55 @@
+        // test case known at one time to fail
+        errors += testUnsignedOverflow("1234567890abcdef1", 16, true);
+        // largest value with guard = 91 = 13*7; radix = 13
+        errors += testUnsignedOverflow("196a78a44c3bba320c", 13, false);
+        // smallest value with guard = 92 = 23*2*2; radix = 23
+        errors += testUnsignedOverflow("137060c6g1c1dg0", 23, false);
+        // guard in [92,98]: no overflow
+        // one less than smallest guard value to overflow: guard = 99 = 11*3*3, radix = 33
+        errors += testUnsignedOverflow("b1w8p7j5q9r6f", 33, false);
+        // smallest guard value to overflow: guard = 99 = 11*3*3, radix = 33
+        errors += testUnsignedOverflow("b1w8p7j5q9r6g", 33, true);
+        // test overflow of overflow
+        BigInteger maxUnsignedLong =
+                BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(64).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
+        for (int radix = Character.MIN_RADIX; radix <= Character.MAX_RADIX; radix++) {
+            BigInteger quotient = maxUnsignedLong.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(radix));
+            for (int addend = 2; addend <= radix; addend++) {
+                BigInteger b = quotient.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(radix + addend));
+                errors += testUnsignedOverflow(b.toString(radix), radix, b.compareTo(maxUnsignedLong) > 0);
+            }
+        }
+        return errors;
+    }
+    // test for missing or unexpected unsigned overflow exception
+    private static int testUnsignedOverflow(String s, int radix, boolean exception) {
+        int errors = 0;
+        long result;
+        try {
+            result = Long.parseUnsignedLong(s, radix);
+            if (exception) {
+                System.err.printf("Unexpected result %d for Long.parseUnsignedLong(%s,%d)\n",
+                        result, s, radix);
+                errors++;
+            }
+        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
+            if (!exception) {
+                System.err.printf("Unexpected exception %s for Long.parseUnsignedLong(%s,%d)\n",
+                        nfe.toString(), s, radix);
+                errors++;
+            }
+        }
         return errors;