8054480: Test java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java fails: Unexpected bundle name: null
Thu, 14 Aug 2014 15:18:11 +0200 (2014-08-14)
changeset 25985 aa1e188ea8bf
parent 25984 61659e1c7433
child 25986 12bcf9a5994f
8054480: Test java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java fails: Unexpected bundle name: null Summary: This is due to a race condition in the test where one GetRB thread can receive a stale LogRecord comming from another GetRB thread. Reviewed-by: dholmes
--- a/jdk/test/java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java	Thu Aug 14 13:43:02 2014 +0200
+++ b/jdk/test/java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java	Thu Aug 14 15:18:11 2014 +0200
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 public class TestLoggerBundleSync {
+    static final boolean VERBOSE = false;
     static volatile Exception thrown = null;
     static volatile boolean goOn = true;
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@
     static final long TIME = 4 * 1000; // 4 sec.
     static final long STEP = 1 * 1000;  // message every 1 sec.
     static final int  LCOUNT = 50; // change bundle 50 times...
+    static final AtomicLong ignoreLogCount = new AtomicLong(0);
     static final AtomicLong setRBcount = new AtomicLong(0);
     static final AtomicLong setRBNameCount = new AtomicLong(0);
     static final AtomicLong getRBcount = new AtomicLong(0);
@@ -150,6 +152,7 @@
           long sSetRBNameCount  = setRBNameCount.get();
           long sCheckCount = checkCount.get();
           long sNextLong = nextLong.get();
+          long sIgnoreLogCount = ignoreLogCount.get();
           List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<>();
           for (Class<? extends ResourceBundle> type : classes) {
               threads.add(new SetRB(type));
@@ -181,21 +184,58 @@
                   + " resource bundles set by " + classes.size() + " Thread(s),");
           System.out.println("\t " + (setRBNameCount.get() - sSetRBNameCount)
                   + " resource bundle names set by " + classes.size() + " Thread(s),");
+          System.out.println("\t " + (ignoreLogCount.get() - sIgnoreLogCount)
+                  + " log messages emitted by other GetRB threads were ignored"
+                  + " to ensure MT test consistency,");
           System.out.println("\t ThreadMXBean.findDeadlockedThreads called "
                   + (checkCount.get() -sCheckCount) + " times by 1 Thread.");
     final static class GetRB extends Thread {
-        final static class MyHandler extends Handler {
+        final class MyHandler extends Handler {
             volatile ResourceBundle rb;
             volatile String rbName;
             volatile int count = 0;
             public synchronized void publish(LogRecord record) {
-                count++;
-                rb = record.getResourceBundle();
-                rbName = record.getResourceBundleName();
+                Object[] params = record.getParameters();
+                // Each GetRB thread has its own handler, but since they
+                // log into the same logger, each handler may receive
+                // messages emitted by other threads.
+                // This means that GetRB#2.handler may receive a message
+                // emitted by GetRB#1 at a time where the resource bundle
+                // was still null.
+                // To avoid falling into this trap, the GetRB thread passes
+                // 'this' as argument to the messages it logs - which does
+                // allow us here to ignore messages that where not emitted
+                // by our own GetRB.this thread...
+                if (params.length == 1) {
+                    if (params[0] == GetRB.this) {
+                        // The message was emitted by our thread.
+                        count++;
+                        rb = record.getResourceBundle();
+                        rbName = record.getResourceBundleName();
+                    } else {
+                        // The message was emitted by another thread: just
+                        // ignore it, as it may have been emitted at a time
+                        // where the resource bundle was still null, and
+                        // processing it may overwrite the 'rb' and 'rbName'
+                        // recorded from the message emitted by our own thread.
+                        if (VERBOSE) {
+                            System.out.println("Ignoring message logged by " + params[0]);
+                        }
+                        ignoreLogCount.incrementAndGet();
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    ignoreLogCount.incrementAndGet();
+                    System.err.println("Unexpected message received");
+                }
+            }
+            void reset() {
+                rbName = null;
+                rb = null;
@@ -207,6 +247,7 @@
         final MyHandler handler = new MyHandler();
         public void run() {
             try {
@@ -234,9 +275,10 @@
                                     + handler.getLevel());
                         final int countBefore = handler.count;
+                        handler.reset();
-                        ll.fine("dummy");
+                        ll.log(Level.FINE, "dummy {0}", this);
                         final int countAfter = handler.count;
                         if (countBefore == countAfter) {