8198691: CodeHeap State Analytics
Mon, 26 Mar 2018 12:59:45 -0700
changeset 49611 973c9504178e
parent 49610 6790b1077a3f
child 49612 f40a666a75bc
8198691: CodeHeap State Analytics Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
--- a/src/hotspot/share/code/codeCache.cpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/code/codeCache.cpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,12 +26,15 @@
 #include "aot/aotLoader.hpp"
 #include "code/codeBlob.hpp"
 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
+#include "code/codeHeapState.hpp"
 #include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
 #include "code/dependencies.hpp"
 #include "code/icBuffer.hpp"
 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
 #include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
+#include "logging/log.hpp"
+#include "logging/logStream.hpp"
 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
 #include "memory/iterator.hpp"
 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
@@ -1363,8 +1366,17 @@
       MutexLockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
-    ttyLocker ttyl;
-    tty->print("%s", s.as_string());
+    {
+      ttyLocker ttyl;
+      tty->print("%s", s.as_string());
+    }
+    if (heap->full_count() == 0) {
+      LogTarget(Debug, codecache) lt;
+      if (lt.is_enabled()) {
+        CompileBroker::print_heapinfo(tty, "all", "4096"); // details, may be a lot!
+      }
+    }
@@ -1639,3 +1651,54 @@
             blob_count(), nmethod_count(), adapter_count(),
+//---<  BEGIN  >--- CodeHeap State Analytics.
+void CodeCache::aggregate(outputStream *out, const char* granularity) {
+    CodeHeapState::aggregate(out, (*heap), granularity);
+  }
+void CodeCache::discard(outputStream *out) {
+    CodeHeapState::discard(out, (*heap));
+  }
+void CodeCache::print_usedSpace(outputStream *out) {
+    CodeHeapState::print_usedSpace(out, (*heap));
+  }
+void CodeCache::print_freeSpace(outputStream *out) {
+    CodeHeapState::print_freeSpace(out, (*heap));
+  }
+void CodeCache::print_count(outputStream *out) {
+    CodeHeapState::print_count(out, (*heap));
+  }
+void CodeCache::print_space(outputStream *out) {
+    CodeHeapState::print_space(out, (*heap));
+  }
+void CodeCache::print_age(outputStream *out) {
+    CodeHeapState::print_age(out, (*heap));
+  }
+void CodeCache::print_names(outputStream *out) {
+    CodeHeapState::print_names(out, (*heap));
+  }
+//---<  END  >--- CodeHeap State Analytics.
--- a/src/hotspot/share/code/codeCache.hpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/code/codeCache.hpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -296,6 +296,17 @@
     CodeHeap* heap = get_code_heap(code_blob_type);
     return (heap != NULL) ? heap->full_count() : 0;
+  // CodeHeap State Analytics.
+  // interface methods for CodeHeap printing, called by CompileBroker
+  static void aggregate(outputStream *out, const char* granularity);
+  static void discard(outputStream *out);
+  static void print_usedSpace(outputStream *out);
+  static void print_freeSpace(outputStream *out);
+  static void print_count(outputStream *out);
+  static void print_space(outputStream *out);
+  static void print_age(outputStream *out);
+  static void print_names(outputStream *out);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/code/codeHeapState.cpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,2322 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 SAP SE. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+#include "precompiled.hpp"
+#include "code/codeHeapState.hpp"
+#include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
+#include "runtime/sweeper.hpp"
+// -------------------------
+// |  General Description  |
+// -------------------------
+// The CodeHeap state analytics are divided in two parts.
+// The first part examines the entire CodeHeap and aggregates all
+// information that is believed useful/important.
+// Aggregation condenses the information of a piece of the CodeHeap
+// (4096 bytes by default) into an analysis granule. These granules
+// contain enough detail to gain initial insight while keeping the
+// internal sttructure sizes in check.
+// The CodeHeap is a living thing. Therefore, the aggregate is collected
+// under the CodeCache_lock. The subsequent print steps are only locked
+// against concurrent aggregations. That keeps the impact on
+// "normal operation" (JIT compiler and sweeper activity) to a minimum.
+// The second part, which consists of several, independent steps,
+// prints the previously collected information with emphasis on
+// various aspects.
+// Data collection and printing is done on an "on request" basis.
+// While no request is being processed, there is no impact on performance.
+// The CodeHeap state analytics do have some memory footprint.
+// The "aggregate" step allocates some data structures to hold the aggregated
+// information for later output. These data structures live until they are
+// explicitly discarded (function "discard") or until the VM terminates.
+// There is one exception: the function "all" does not leave any data
+// structures allocated.
+// Requests for real-time, on-the-fly analysis can be issued via
+//   jcmd <pid> Compiler.CodeHeap_Analytics [<function>] [<granularity>]
+// If you are (only) interested in how the CodeHeap looks like after running
+// a sample workload, you can use the command line option
+//   -Xlog:codecache=Trace
+// To see the CodeHeap state in case of a "CodeCache full" condition, start the
+// VM with the
+//   -Xlog:codecache=Debug
+// command line option. It will produce output only for the first time the
+// condition is recognized.
+// Both command line option variants produce output identical to the jcmd function
+//   jcmd <pid> Compiler.CodeHeap_Analytics all 4096
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// With this declaration macro, it is possible to switch between
+//  - direct output into an argument-passed outputStream and
+//  - buffered output into a bufferedStream with subsequent flush
+//    of the filled buffer to the outputStream.
+#define HEX32_FORMAT  "0x%x"  // just a helper format string used below multiple times
+// Writing to a bufferedStream buffer first has a significant advantage:
+// It uses noticeably less cpu cycles and reduces (when wirting to a
+// network file) the required bandwidth by at least a factor of ten.
+// That clearly makes up for the increased code complexity.
+#if defined(USE_STRINGSTREAM)
+#define STRINGSTREAM_DECL(_anyst, _outst)                 \
+    /* _anyst  name of the stream as used in the code */  \
+    /* _outst  stream where final output will go to   */  \
+    ResourceMark rm;                                      \
+    bufferedStream   _sstobj = bufferedStream(4*K);       \
+    bufferedStream*  _sstbuf = &_sstobj;                  \
+    outputStream*    _outbuf = _outst;                    \
+    bufferedStream*  _anyst  = &_sstobj; /* any stream. Use this to just print - no buffer flush.  */
+#define STRINGSTREAM_FLUSH(termString)                    \
+    _sstbuf->print("%s", termString);                     \
+    _outbuf->print("%s", _sstbuf->as_string());           \
+    _sstbuf->reset();
+#define STRINGSTREAM_FLUSH_LOCKED(termString)             \
+    { ttyLocker ttyl;/* keep this output block together */\
+      STRINGSTREAM_FLUSH(termString)                      \
+    }
+#define STRINGSTREAM_DECL(_anyst, _outst)                 \
+    outputStream*  _outbuf = _outst;                      \
+    outputStream*  _anyst  = _outst;   /* any stream. Use this to just print - no buffer flush.  */
+#define STRINGSTREAM_FLUSH(termString)                    \
+    _outbuf->print("%s", termString);
+#define STRINGSTREAM_FLUSH_LOCKED(termString)             \
+    _outbuf->print("%s", termString);
+const char  blobTypeChar[] = {' ', 'N', 'I', 'X', 'Z', 'U', 'R', '?', 'D', 'T', 'E', 'S', 'A', 'M', 'B', 'L' };
+const char* blobTypeName[] = {"noType"
+                             ,     "nMethod (active)"
+                             ,          "nMethod (inactive)"
+                             ,               "nMethod (deopt)"
+                             ,                    "nMethod (zombie)"
+                             ,                         "nMethod (unloaded)"
+                             ,                              "runtime stub"
+                             ,                                   "ricochet stub"
+                             ,                                        "deopt stub"
+                             ,                                             "uncommon trap stub"
+                             ,                                                  "exception stub"
+                             ,                                                       "safepoint stub"
+                             ,                                                            "adapter blob"
+                             ,                                                                 "MH adapter blob"
+                             ,                                                                      "buffer blob"
+                             ,                                                                           "lastType"
+                             };
+const char* compTypeName[] = { "none", "c1", "c2", "jvmci" };
+// Be prepared for ten different CodeHeap segments. Should be enough for a few years.
+const  unsigned int        nSizeDistElements = 31;  // logarithmic range growth, max size: 2**32
+const  unsigned int        maxTopSizeBlocks  = 50;
+const  unsigned int        tsbStopper        = 2 * maxTopSizeBlocks;
+const  unsigned int        maxHeaps          = 10;
+static unsigned int        nHeaps            = 0;
+static struct CodeHeapStat CodeHeapStatArray[maxHeaps];
+// static struct StatElement *StatArray      = NULL;
+static StatElement* StatArray             = NULL;
+static int          log2_seg_size         = 0;
+static size_t       seg_size              = 0;
+static size_t       alloc_granules        = 0;
+static size_t       granule_size          = 0;
+static bool         segment_granules      = false;
+static unsigned int nBlocks_t1            = 0;  // counting "in_use" nmethods only.
+static unsigned int nBlocks_t2            = 0;  // counting "in_use" nmethods only.
+static unsigned int nBlocks_alive         = 0;  // counting "not_used" and "not_entrant" nmethods only.
+static unsigned int nBlocks_dead          = 0;  // counting "zombie" and "unloaded" methods only.
+static unsigned int nBlocks_unloaded      = 0;  // counting "unloaded" nmethods only. This is a transien state.
+static unsigned int nBlocks_stub          = 0;
+static struct FreeBlk*          FreeArray = NULL;
+static unsigned int      alloc_freeBlocks = 0;
+static struct TopSizeBlk*    TopSizeArray = NULL;
+static unsigned int   alloc_topSizeBlocks = 0;
+static unsigned int    used_topSizeBlocks = 0;
+static struct SizeDistributionElement*  SizeDistributionArray = NULL;
+// nMethod temperature (hotness) indicators.
+static int                     avgTemp    = 0;
+static int                     maxTemp    = 0;
+static int                     minTemp    = 0;
+static unsigned int  latest_compilation_id   = 0;
+static volatile bool initialization_complete = false;
+const char* CodeHeapState::get_heapName(CodeHeap* heap) {
+  if (SegmentedCodeCache) {
+    return heap->name();
+  } else {
+    return "CodeHeap";
+  }
+// returns the index for the heap being processed.
+unsigned int CodeHeapState::findHeapIndex(outputStream* out, const char* heapName) {
+  if (heapName == NULL) {
+    return maxHeaps;
+  }
+  if (SegmentedCodeCache) {
+    // Search for a pre-existing entry. If found, return that index.
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nHeaps; i++) {
+      if (CodeHeapStatArray[i].heapName != NULL && strcmp(heapName, CodeHeapStatArray[i].heapName) == 0) {
+        return i;
+      }
+    }
+    // check if there are more code heap segments than we can handle.
+    if (nHeaps == maxHeaps) {
+      out->print_cr("Too many heap segments for current limit(%d).", maxHeaps);
+      return maxHeaps;
+    }
+    // allocate new slot in StatArray.
+    CodeHeapStatArray[nHeaps].heapName = heapName;
+    return nHeaps++;
+  } else {
+    nHeaps = 1;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[0].heapName = heapName;
+    return 0; // This is the default index if CodeCache is not segmented.
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::get_HeapStatGlobals(outputStream* out, const char* heapName) {
+  unsigned int ix = findHeapIndex(out, heapName);
+  if (ix < maxHeaps) {
+    StatArray             = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].StatArray;
+    seg_size              = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].segment_size;
+    log2_seg_size         = seg_size == 0 ? 0 : exact_log2(seg_size);
+    alloc_granules        = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].alloc_granules;
+    granule_size          = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].granule_size;
+    segment_granules      = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].segment_granules;
+    nBlocks_t1            = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_t1;
+    nBlocks_t2            = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_t2;
+    nBlocks_alive         = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_alive;
+    nBlocks_dead          = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_dead;
+    nBlocks_unloaded      = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_unloaded;
+    nBlocks_stub          = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_stub;
+    FreeArray             = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].FreeArray;
+    alloc_freeBlocks      = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].alloc_freeBlocks;
+    TopSizeArray          = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].TopSizeArray;
+    alloc_topSizeBlocks   = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].alloc_topSizeBlocks;
+    used_topSizeBlocks    = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].used_topSizeBlocks;
+    SizeDistributionArray = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].SizeDistributionArray;
+    avgTemp               = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].avgTemp;
+    maxTemp               = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].maxTemp;
+    minTemp               = CodeHeapStatArray[ix].minTemp;
+  } else {
+    StatArray             = NULL;
+    seg_size              = 0;
+    log2_seg_size         = 0;
+    alloc_granules        = 0;
+    granule_size          = 0;
+    segment_granules      = false;
+    nBlocks_t1            = 0;
+    nBlocks_t2            = 0;
+    nBlocks_alive         = 0;
+    nBlocks_dead          = 0;
+    nBlocks_unloaded      = 0;
+    nBlocks_stub          = 0;
+    FreeArray             = NULL;
+    alloc_freeBlocks      = 0;
+    TopSizeArray          = NULL;
+    alloc_topSizeBlocks   = 0;
+    used_topSizeBlocks    = 0;
+    SizeDistributionArray = NULL;
+    avgTemp               = 0;
+    maxTemp               = 0;
+    minTemp               = 0;
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::set_HeapStatGlobals(outputStream* out, const char* heapName) {
+  unsigned int ix = findHeapIndex(out, heapName);
+  if (ix < maxHeaps) {
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].StatArray             = StatArray;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].segment_size          = seg_size;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].alloc_granules        = alloc_granules;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].granule_size          = granule_size;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].segment_granules      = segment_granules;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_t1            = nBlocks_t1;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_t2            = nBlocks_t2;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_alive         = nBlocks_alive;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_dead          = nBlocks_dead;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_unloaded      = nBlocks_unloaded;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].nBlocks_stub          = nBlocks_stub;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].FreeArray             = FreeArray;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].alloc_freeBlocks      = alloc_freeBlocks;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].TopSizeArray          = TopSizeArray;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].alloc_topSizeBlocks   = alloc_topSizeBlocks;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].used_topSizeBlocks    = used_topSizeBlocks;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].SizeDistributionArray = SizeDistributionArray;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].avgTemp               = avgTemp;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].maxTemp               = maxTemp;
+    CodeHeapStatArray[ix].minTemp               = minTemp;
+  }
+//---<  get a new statistics array  >---
+void CodeHeapState::prepare_StatArray(outputStream* out, size_t nElem, size_t granularity, const char* heapName) {
+  if (StatArray == NULL) {
+    StatArray      = new StatElement[nElem];
+    //---<  reset some counts  >---
+    alloc_granules = nElem;
+    granule_size   = granularity;
+  }
+  if (StatArray == NULL) {
+    //---<  just do nothing if allocation failed  >---
+    out->print_cr("Statistics could not be collected for %s, probably out of memory.", heapName);
+    out->print_cr("Current granularity is " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes. Try a coarser granularity.", granularity);
+    alloc_granules = 0;
+    granule_size   = 0;
+  } else {
+    //---<  initialize statistics array  >---
+    memset((void*)StatArray, 0, nElem*sizeof(StatElement));
+  }
+//---<  get a new free block array  >---
+void CodeHeapState::prepare_FreeArray(outputStream* out, unsigned int nElem, const char* heapName) {
+  if (FreeArray == NULL) {
+    FreeArray      = new FreeBlk[nElem];
+    //---<  reset some counts  >---
+    alloc_freeBlocks = nElem;
+  }
+  if (FreeArray == NULL) {
+    //---<  just do nothing if allocation failed  >---
+    out->print_cr("Free space analysis cannot be done for %s, probably out of memory.", heapName);
+    alloc_freeBlocks = 0;
+  } else {
+    //---<  initialize free block array  >---
+    memset((void*)FreeArray, 0, alloc_freeBlocks*sizeof(FreeBlk));
+  }
+//---<  get a new TopSizeArray  >---
+void CodeHeapState::prepare_TopSizeArray(outputStream* out, unsigned int nElem, const char* heapName) {
+  if (TopSizeArray == NULL) {
+    TopSizeArray   = new TopSizeBlk[nElem];
+    //---<  reset some counts  >---
+    alloc_topSizeBlocks = nElem;
+    used_topSizeBlocks  = 0;
+  }
+  if (TopSizeArray == NULL) {
+    //---<  just do nothing if allocation failed  >---
+    out->print_cr("Top-%d list of largest CodeHeap blocks can not be collected for %s, probably out of memory.", nElem, heapName);
+    alloc_topSizeBlocks = 0;
+  } else {
+    //---<  initialize TopSizeArray  >---
+    memset((void*)TopSizeArray, 0, nElem*sizeof(TopSizeBlk));
+    used_topSizeBlocks  = 0;
+  }
+//---<  get a new SizeDistributionArray  >---
+void CodeHeapState::prepare_SizeDistArray(outputStream* out, unsigned int nElem, const char* heapName) {
+  if (SizeDistributionArray == NULL) {
+    SizeDistributionArray = new SizeDistributionElement[nElem];
+  }
+  if (SizeDistributionArray == NULL) {
+    //---<  just do nothing if allocation failed  >---
+    out->print_cr("Size distribution can not be collected for %s, probably out of memory.", heapName);
+  } else {
+    //---<  initialize SizeDistArray  >---
+    memset((void*)SizeDistributionArray, 0, nElem*sizeof(SizeDistributionElement));
+    // Logarithmic range growth. First range starts at _segment_size.
+    SizeDistributionArray[log2_seg_size-1].rangeEnd = 1U;
+    for (unsigned int i = log2_seg_size; i < nElem; i++) {
+      SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart = 1U << (i     - log2_seg_size);
+      SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeEnd   = 1U << ((i+1) - log2_seg_size);
+    }
+  }
+//---<  get a new SizeDistributionArray  >---
+void CodeHeapState::update_SizeDistArray(outputStream* out, unsigned int len) {
+  if (SizeDistributionArray != NULL) {
+    for (unsigned int i = log2_seg_size-1; i < nSizeDistElements; i++) {
+      if ((SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart <= len) && (len < SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeEnd)) {
+        SizeDistributionArray[i].lenSum += len;
+        SizeDistributionArray[i].count++;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::discard_StatArray(outputStream* out) {
+  if (StatArray != NULL) {
+    delete StatArray;
+    StatArray        = NULL;
+    alloc_granules   = 0;
+    granule_size     = 0;
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::discard_FreeArray(outputStream* out) {
+  if (FreeArray != NULL) {
+    delete[] FreeArray;
+    FreeArray        = NULL;
+    alloc_freeBlocks = 0;
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::discard_TopSizeArray(outputStream* out) {
+  if (TopSizeArray != NULL) {
+    delete[] TopSizeArray;
+    TopSizeArray        = NULL;
+    alloc_topSizeBlocks = 0;
+    used_topSizeBlocks  = 0;
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::discard_SizeDistArray(outputStream* out) {
+  if (SizeDistributionArray != NULL) {
+    delete[] SizeDistributionArray;
+    SizeDistributionArray = NULL;
+  }
+// Discard all allocated internal data structures.
+// This should be done after an analysis session is completed.
+void CodeHeapState::discard(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap) {
+  if (!initialization_complete) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (nHeaps > 0) {
+    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < nHeaps; ix++) {
+      get_HeapStatGlobals(out, CodeHeapStatArray[ix].heapName);
+      discard_StatArray(out);
+      discard_FreeArray(out);
+      discard_TopSizeArray(out);
+      discard_SizeDistArray(out);
+      set_HeapStatGlobals(out, CodeHeapStatArray[ix].heapName);
+      CodeHeapStatArray[ix].heapName = NULL;
+    }
+    nHeaps = 0;
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::aggregate(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap, const char* granularity_request) {
+  unsigned int nBlocks_free    = 0;
+  unsigned int nBlocks_used    = 0;
+  unsigned int nBlocks_zomb    = 0;
+  unsigned int nBlocks_disconn = 0;
+  unsigned int nBlocks_notentr = 0;
+  //---<  max & min of TopSizeArray  >---
+  //  it is sufficient to have these sizes as 32bit unsigned ints.
+  //  The CodeHeap is limited in size to 4GB. Furthermore, the sizes
+  //  are stored in _segment_size units, scaling them down by a factor of 64 (at least).
+  unsigned int  currMax          = 0;
+  unsigned int  currMin          = 0;
+  unsigned int  currMin_ix       = 0;
+  unsigned long total_iterations = 0;
+  bool  done             = false;
+  const int min_granules = 256;
+  const int max_granules = 512*K; // limits analyzable CodeHeap (with segment_granules) to 32M..128M
+                                  // results in StatArray size of 20M (= max_granules * 40 Bytes per element)
+                                  // For a 1GB CodeHeap, the granule size must be at least 2kB to not violate the max_granles limit.
+  const char* heapName   = get_heapName(heap);
+  if (!initialization_complete) {
+    memset(CodeHeapStatArray, 0, sizeof(CodeHeapStatArray));
+    initialization_complete = true;
+    printBox(ast, '=', "C O D E   H E A P   A N A L Y S I S   (general remarks)", NULL);
+    ast->print_cr("   The code heap analysis function provides deep insights into\n"
+                  "   the inner workings and the internal state of the Java VM's\n"
+                  "   code cache - the place where all the JVM generated machine\n"
+                  "   code is stored.\n"
+                  "   \n"
+                  "   This function is designed and provided for support engineers\n"
+                  "   to help them understand and solve issues in customer systems.\n"
+                  "   It is not intended for use and interpretation by other persons.\n"
+                  "   \n");
+  }
+  get_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+  // Since we are (and must be) analyzing the CodeHeap contents under the CodeCache_lock,
+  // all heap information is "constant" and can be safely extracted/calculated before we
+  // enter the while() loop. Actually, the loop will only be iterated once.
+  char*  low_bound     = heap->low_boundary();
+  size_t size          = heap->capacity();
+  size_t res_size      = heap->max_capacity();
+  seg_size             = heap->segment_size();
+  log2_seg_size        = seg_size == 0 ? 0 : exact_log2(seg_size);  // This is a global static value.
+  if (seg_size == 0) {
+    printBox(ast, '-', "Heap not fully initialized yet, segment size is zero for segment ", heapName);
+    return;
+  }
+  // Calculate granularity of analysis (and output).
+  //   The CodeHeap is managed (allocated) in segments (units) of CodeCacheSegmentSize.
+  //   The CodeHeap can become fairly large, in particular in productive real-life systems.
+  //
+  //   It is often neither feasible nor desirable to aggregate the data with the highest possible
+  //   level of detail, i.e. inspecting and printing each segment on its own.
+  //
+  //   The granularity parameter allows to specify the level of detail available in the analysis.
+  //   It must be a positive multiple of the segment size and should be selected such that enough
+  //   detail is provided while, at the same time, the printed output does not explode.
+  //
+  //   By manipulating the granularity value, we enforce that at least min_granules units
+  //   of analysis are available. We also enforce an upper limit of max_granules units to
+  //   keep the amount of allocated storage in check.
+  //
+  //   Finally, we adjust the granularity such that each granule covers at most 64k-1 segments.
+  //   This is necessary to prevent an unsigned short overflow while accumulating space information.
+  //
+  size_t granularity = strtol(granularity_request, NULL, 0);
+  if (granularity > size) {
+    granularity = size;
+  }
+  if (size/granularity < min_granules) {
+    granularity = size/min_granules;                                   // at least min_granules granules
+  }
+  granularity = granularity & (~(seg_size - 1));                       // must be multiple of seg_size
+  if (granularity < seg_size) {
+    granularity = seg_size;                                            // must be at least seg_size
+  }
+  if (size/granularity > max_granules) {
+    granularity = size/max_granules;                                   // at most max_granules granules
+  }
+  granularity = granularity & (~(seg_size - 1));                       // must be multiple of seg_size
+  if (granularity>>log2_seg_size >= (1L<<sizeof(unsigned short)*8)) {
+    granularity = ((1L<<(sizeof(unsigned short)*8))-1)<<log2_seg_size; // Limit: (64k-1) * seg_size
+  }
+  segment_granules = granularity == seg_size;
+  size_t granules  = (size + (granularity-1))/granularity;
+  printBox(ast, '=', "C O D E   H E A P   A N A L Y S I S   (used blocks) for segment ", heapName);
+  ast->print_cr("   The aggregate step takes an aggregated snapshot of the CodeHeap.\n"
+                "   Subsequent print functions create their output based on this snapshot.\n"
+                "   The CodeHeap is a living thing, and every effort has been made for the\n"
+                "   collected data to be consistent. Only the method names and signatures\n"
+                "   are retrieved at print time. That may lead to rare cases where the\n"
+                "   name of a method is no longer available, e.g. because it was unloaded.\n");
+  ast->print_cr("   CodeHeap committed size " SIZE_FORMAT "K (" SIZE_FORMAT "M), reserved size " SIZE_FORMAT "K (" SIZE_FORMAT "M), %d%% occupied.",
+                size/(size_t)K, size/(size_t)M, res_size/(size_t)K, res_size/(size_t)M, (unsigned int)(100.0*size/res_size));
+  ast->print_cr("   CodeHeap allocation segment size is " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes. This is the smallest possible granularity.", seg_size);
+  ast->print_cr("   CodeHeap (committed part) is mapped to " SIZE_FORMAT " granules of size " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes.", granules, granularity);
+  ast->print_cr("   Each granule takes " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes of C heap, that is " SIZE_FORMAT "K in total for statistics data.", sizeof(StatElement), (sizeof(StatElement)*granules)/(size_t)K);
+  ast->print_cr("   The number of granules is limited to %dk, requiring a granules size of at least %d bytes for a 1GB heap.", (unsigned int)(max_granules/K), (unsigned int)(G/max_granules));
+  while (!done) {
+    //---<  reset counters with every aggregation  >---
+    nBlocks_t1       = 0;
+    nBlocks_t2       = 0;
+    nBlocks_alive    = 0;
+    nBlocks_dead     = 0;
+    nBlocks_unloaded = 0;
+    nBlocks_stub     = 0;
+    nBlocks_free     = 0;
+    nBlocks_used     = 0;
+    nBlocks_zomb     = 0;
+    nBlocks_disconn  = 0;
+    nBlocks_notentr  = 0;
+    //---<  discard old arrays if size does not match  >---
+    if (granules != alloc_granules) {
+      discard_StatArray(out);
+      discard_TopSizeArray(out);
+    }
+    //---<  allocate arrays if they don't yet exist, initialize  >---
+    prepare_StatArray(out, granules, granularity, heapName);
+    if (StatArray == NULL) {
+      set_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+      return;
+    }
+    prepare_TopSizeArray(out, maxTopSizeBlocks, heapName);
+    prepare_SizeDistArray(out, nSizeDistElements, heapName);
+    latest_compilation_id = CompileBroker::get_compilation_id();
+    unsigned int highest_compilation_id = 0;
+    size_t       usedSpace     = 0;
+    size_t       t1Space       = 0;
+    size_t       t2Space       = 0;
+    size_t       aliveSpace    = 0;
+    size_t       disconnSpace  = 0;
+    size_t       notentrSpace  = 0;
+    size_t       deadSpace     = 0;
+    size_t       unloadedSpace = 0;
+    size_t       stubSpace     = 0;
+    size_t       freeSpace     = 0;
+    size_t       maxFreeSize   = 0;
+    HeapBlock*   maxFreeBlock  = NULL;
+    bool         insane        = false;
+    int64_t hotnessAccumulator = 0;
+    unsigned int n_methods     = 0;
+    avgTemp       = 0;
+    minTemp       = (int)(res_size > M ? (res_size/M)*2 : 1);
+    maxTemp       = -minTemp;
+    for (HeapBlock *h = heap->first_block(); h != NULL && !insane; h = heap->next_block(h)) {
+      unsigned int hb_len     = (unsigned int)h->length();  // despite being size_t, length can never overflow an unsigned int.
+      size_t       hb_bytelen = ((size_t)hb_len)<<log2_seg_size;
+      unsigned int ix_beg     = (unsigned int)(((char*)h-low_bound)/granule_size);
+      unsigned int ix_end     = (unsigned int)(((char*)h-low_bound+(hb_bytelen-1))/granule_size);
+      unsigned int compile_id = 0;
+      CompLevel    comp_lvl   = CompLevel_none;
+      compType     cType      = noComp;
+      blobType     cbType     = noType;
+      //---<  some sanity checks  >---
+      // Do not assert here, just check, print error message and return.
+      // This is a diagnostic function. It is not supposed to tear down the VM.
+      if ((char*)h <  low_bound ) {
+        insane = true; ast->print_cr("Sanity check: HeapBlock @%p below low bound (%p)", (char*)h, low_bound);
+      }
+      if (ix_end   >= granules  ) {
+        insane = true; ast->print_cr("Sanity check: end index (%d) out of bounds (" SIZE_FORMAT ")", ix_end, granules);
+      }
+      if (size     != heap->capacity()) {
+        insane = true; ast->print_cr("Sanity check: code heap capacity has changed (" SIZE_FORMAT "K to " SIZE_FORMAT "K)", size/(size_t)K, heap->capacity()/(size_t)K);
+      }
+      if (ix_beg   >  ix_end    ) {
+        insane = true; ast->print_cr("Sanity check: end index (%d) lower than begin index (%d)", ix_end, ix_beg);
+      }
+      if (insane) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (h->free()) {
+        nBlocks_free++;
+        freeSpace    += hb_bytelen;
+        if (hb_bytelen > maxFreeSize) {
+          maxFreeSize   = hb_bytelen;
+          maxFreeBlock  = h;
+        }
+      } else {
+        update_SizeDistArray(out, hb_len);
+        nBlocks_used++;
+        usedSpace    += hb_bytelen;
+        CodeBlob* cb  = (CodeBlob*)heap->find_start(h);
+        if (cb != NULL) {
+          cbType = get_cbType(cb);
+          if (cb->is_nmethod()) {
+            compile_id = ((nmethod*)cb)->compile_id();
+            comp_lvl   = (CompLevel)((nmethod*)cb)->comp_level();
+            if (((nmethod*)cb)->is_compiled_by_c1()) {
+              cType = c1;
+            }
+            if (((nmethod*)cb)->is_compiled_by_c2()) {
+              cType = c2;
+            }
+            if (((nmethod*)cb)->is_compiled_by_jvmci()) {
+              cType = jvmci;
+            }
+            switch (cbType) {
+              case nMethod_inuse: { // only for executable methods!!!
+                // space for these cbs is accounted for later.
+                int temperature = ((nmethod*)cb)->hotness_counter();
+                hotnessAccumulator += temperature;
+                n_methods++;
+                maxTemp = (temperature > maxTemp) ? temperature : maxTemp;
+                minTemp = (temperature < minTemp) ? temperature : minTemp;
+                break;
+              }
+              case nMethod_notused:
+                nBlocks_alive++;
+                nBlocks_disconn++;
+                aliveSpace     += hb_bytelen;
+                disconnSpace   += hb_bytelen;
+                break;
+              case nMethod_notentrant:  // equivalent to nMethod_alive
+                nBlocks_alive++;
+                nBlocks_notentr++;
+                aliveSpace     += hb_bytelen;
+                notentrSpace   += hb_bytelen;
+                break;
+              case nMethod_unloaded:
+                nBlocks_unloaded++;
+                unloadedSpace  += hb_bytelen;
+                break;
+              case nMethod_dead:
+                nBlocks_dead++;
+                deadSpace      += hb_bytelen;
+                break;
+              default:
+                break;
+            }
+          }
+          //------------------------------------------
+          //---<  register block in TopSizeArray  >---
+          //------------------------------------------
+          if (alloc_topSizeBlocks > 0) {
+            if (used_topSizeBlocks == 0) {
+              TopSizeArray[0].start    = h;
+              TopSizeArray[0].len      = hb_len;
+              TopSizeArray[0].index    = tsbStopper;
+              TopSizeArray[0].compiler = cType;
+              TopSizeArray[0].level    = comp_lvl;
+              TopSizeArray[0].type     = cbType;
+              currMax    = hb_len;
+              currMin    = hb_len;
+              currMin_ix = 0;
+              used_topSizeBlocks++;
+            // This check roughly cuts 5000 iterations (JVM98, mixed, dbg, termination stats):
+            } else if ((used_topSizeBlocks < alloc_topSizeBlocks) && (hb_len < currMin)) {
+              //---<  all blocks in list are larger, but there is room left in array  >---
+              TopSizeArray[currMin_ix].index = used_topSizeBlocks;
+              TopSizeArray[used_topSizeBlocks].start    = h;
+              TopSizeArray[used_topSizeBlocks].len      = hb_len;
+              TopSizeArray[used_topSizeBlocks].index    = tsbStopper;
+              TopSizeArray[used_topSizeBlocks].compiler = cType;
+              TopSizeArray[used_topSizeBlocks].level    = comp_lvl;
+              TopSizeArray[used_topSizeBlocks].type     = cbType;
+              currMin    = hb_len;
+              currMin_ix = used_topSizeBlocks;
+              used_topSizeBlocks++;
+            } else {
+              // This check cuts total_iterations by a factor of 6 (JVM98, mixed, dbg, termination stats):
+              //   We don't need to search the list if we know beforehand that the current block size is
+              //   smaller than the currently recorded minimum and there is no free entry left in the list.
+              if (!((used_topSizeBlocks == alloc_topSizeBlocks) && (hb_len <= currMin))) {
+                if (currMax < hb_len) {
+                  currMax = hb_len;
+                }
+                unsigned int i;
+                unsigned int prev_i  = tsbStopper;
+                unsigned int limit_i =  0;
+                for (i = 0; i != tsbStopper; i = TopSizeArray[i].index) {
+                  if (limit_i++ >= alloc_topSizeBlocks) {
+                    insane = true; break; // emergency exit
+                  }
+                  if (i >= used_topSizeBlocks)  {
+                    insane = true; break; // emergency exit
+                  }
+                  total_iterations++;
+                  if (TopSizeArray[i].len < hb_len) {
+                    //---<  We want to insert here, element <i> is smaller than the current one  >---
+                    if (used_topSizeBlocks < alloc_topSizeBlocks) { // still room for a new entry to insert
+                      // old entry gets moved to the next free element of the array.
+                      // That's necessary to keep the entry for the largest block at index 0.
+                      // This move might cause the current minimum to be moved to another place
+                      if (i == currMin_ix) {
+                        assert(TopSizeArray[i].len == currMin, "sort error");
+                        currMin_ix = used_topSizeBlocks;
+                      }
+                      memcpy((void*)&TopSizeArray[used_topSizeBlocks], (void*)&TopSizeArray[i], sizeof(TopSizeBlk));
+                      TopSizeArray[i].start    = h;
+                      TopSizeArray[i].len      = hb_len;
+                      TopSizeArray[i].index    = used_topSizeBlocks;
+                      TopSizeArray[i].compiler = cType;
+                      TopSizeArray[i].level    = comp_lvl;
+                      TopSizeArray[i].type     = cbType;
+                      used_topSizeBlocks++;
+                    } else { // no room for new entries, current block replaces entry for smallest block
+                      //---<  Find last entry (entry for smallest remembered block)  >---
+                      unsigned int      j  = i;
+                      unsigned int prev_j  = tsbStopper;
+                      unsigned int limit_j = 0;
+                      while (TopSizeArray[j].index != tsbStopper) {
+                        if (limit_j++ >= alloc_topSizeBlocks) {
+                          insane = true; break; // emergency exit
+                        }
+                        if (j >= used_topSizeBlocks)  {
+                          insane = true; break; // emergency exit
+                        }
+                        total_iterations++;
+                        prev_j = j;
+                        j      = TopSizeArray[j].index;
+                      }
+                      if (!insane) {
+                        if (prev_j == tsbStopper) {
+                          //---<  Above while loop did not iterate, we already are the min entry  >---
+                          //---<  We have to just replace the smallest entry                      >---
+                          currMin    = hb_len;
+                          currMin_ix = j;
+                          TopSizeArray[j].start    = h;
+                          TopSizeArray[j].len      = hb_len;
+                          TopSizeArray[j].index    = tsbStopper; // already set!!
+                          TopSizeArray[j].compiler = cType;
+                          TopSizeArray[j].level    = comp_lvl;
+                          TopSizeArray[j].type     = cbType;
+                        } else {
+                          //---<  second-smallest entry is now smallest  >---
+                          TopSizeArray[prev_j].index = tsbStopper;
+                          currMin    = TopSizeArray[prev_j].len;
+                          currMin_ix = prev_j;
+                          //---<  smallest entry gets overwritten  >---
+                          memcpy((void*)&TopSizeArray[j], (void*)&TopSizeArray[i], sizeof(TopSizeBlk));
+                          TopSizeArray[i].start    = h;
+                          TopSizeArray[i].len      = hb_len;
+                          TopSizeArray[i].index    = j;
+                          TopSizeArray[i].compiler = cType;
+                          TopSizeArray[i].level    = comp_lvl;
+                          TopSizeArray[i].type     = cbType;
+                        }
+                      } // insane
+                    }
+                    break;
+                  }
+                  prev_i = i;
+                }
+                if (insane) {
+                  // Note: regular analysis could probably continue by resetting "insane" flag.
+                  out->print_cr("Possible loop in TopSizeBlocks list detected. Analysis aborted.");
+                  discard_TopSizeArray(out);
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          //----------------------------------------------
+          //---<  END register block in TopSizeArray  >---
+          //----------------------------------------------
+        } else {
+          nBlocks_zomb++;
+        }
+        if (ix_beg == ix_end) {
+          StatArray[ix_beg].type = cbType;
+          switch (cbType) {
+            case nMethod_inuse:
+              highest_compilation_id = (highest_compilation_id >= compile_id) ? highest_compilation_id : compile_id;
+              if (comp_lvl < CompLevel_full_optimization) {
+                nBlocks_t1++;
+                t1Space   += hb_bytelen;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t1_count++;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t1_space += (unsigned short)hb_len;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t1_age    = StatArray[ix_beg].t1_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_beg].t1_age;
+              } else {
+                nBlocks_t2++;
+                t2Space   += hb_bytelen;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t2_count++;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t2_space += (unsigned short)hb_len;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t2_age    = StatArray[ix_beg].t2_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_beg].t2_age;
+              }
+              StatArray[ix_beg].level     = comp_lvl;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].compiler  = cType;
+              break;
+            case nMethod_alive:
+              StatArray[ix_beg].tx_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].tx_space += (unsigned short)hb_len;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].tx_age    = StatArray[ix_beg].tx_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_beg].tx_age;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].level     = comp_lvl;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].compiler  = cType;
+              break;
+            case nMethod_dead:
+            case nMethod_unloaded:
+              StatArray[ix_beg].dead_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].dead_space += (unsigned short)hb_len;
+              break;
+            default:
+              // must be a stub, if it's not a dead or alive nMethod
+              nBlocks_stub++;
+              stubSpace   += hb_bytelen;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].stub_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].stub_space += (unsigned short)hb_len;
+              break;
+          }
+        } else {
+          unsigned int beg_space = (unsigned int)(granule_size - ((char*)h - low_bound - ix_beg*granule_size));
+          unsigned int end_space = (unsigned int)(hb_bytelen - beg_space - (ix_end-ix_beg-1)*granule_size);
+          beg_space = beg_space>>log2_seg_size;  // store in units of _segment_size
+          end_space = end_space>>log2_seg_size;  // store in units of _segment_size
+          StatArray[ix_beg].type = cbType;
+          StatArray[ix_end].type = cbType;
+          switch (cbType) {
+            case nMethod_inuse:
+              highest_compilation_id = (highest_compilation_id >= compile_id) ? highest_compilation_id : compile_id;
+              if (comp_lvl < CompLevel_full_optimization) {
+                nBlocks_t1++;
+                t1Space   += hb_bytelen;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t1_count++;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t1_space += (unsigned short)beg_space;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t1_age    = StatArray[ix_beg].t1_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_beg].t1_age;
+                StatArray[ix_end].t1_count++;
+                StatArray[ix_end].t1_space += (unsigned short)end_space;
+                StatArray[ix_end].t1_age    = StatArray[ix_end].t1_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_end].t1_age;
+              } else {
+                nBlocks_t2++;
+                t2Space   += hb_bytelen;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t2_count++;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t2_space += (unsigned short)beg_space;
+                StatArray[ix_beg].t2_age    = StatArray[ix_beg].t2_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_beg].t2_age;
+                StatArray[ix_end].t2_count++;
+                StatArray[ix_end].t2_space += (unsigned short)end_space;
+                StatArray[ix_end].t2_age    = StatArray[ix_end].t2_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_end].t2_age;
+              }
+              StatArray[ix_beg].level     = comp_lvl;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].compiler  = cType;
+              StatArray[ix_end].level     = comp_lvl;
+              StatArray[ix_end].compiler  = cType;
+              break;
+            case nMethod_alive:
+              StatArray[ix_beg].tx_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].tx_space += (unsigned short)beg_space;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].tx_age    = StatArray[ix_beg].tx_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_beg].tx_age;
+              StatArray[ix_end].tx_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_end].tx_space += (unsigned short)end_space;
+              StatArray[ix_end].tx_age    = StatArray[ix_end].tx_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix_end].tx_age;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].level     = comp_lvl;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].compiler  = cType;
+              StatArray[ix_end].level     = comp_lvl;
+              StatArray[ix_end].compiler  = cType;
+              break;
+            case nMethod_dead:
+            case nMethod_unloaded:
+              StatArray[ix_beg].dead_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].dead_space += (unsigned short)beg_space;
+              StatArray[ix_end].dead_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_end].dead_space += (unsigned short)end_space;
+              break;
+            default:
+              // must be a stub, if it's not a dead or alive nMethod
+              nBlocks_stub++;
+              stubSpace   += hb_bytelen;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].stub_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_beg].stub_space += (unsigned short)beg_space;
+              StatArray[ix_end].stub_count++;
+              StatArray[ix_end].stub_space += (unsigned short)end_space;
+              break;
+          }
+          for (unsigned int ix = ix_beg+1; ix < ix_end; ix++) {
+            StatArray[ix].type = cbType;
+            switch (cbType) {
+              case nMethod_inuse:
+                if (comp_lvl < CompLevel_full_optimization) {
+                  StatArray[ix].t1_count++;
+                  StatArray[ix].t1_space += (unsigned short)(granule_size>>log2_seg_size);
+                  StatArray[ix].t1_age    = StatArray[ix].t1_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix].t1_age;
+                } else {
+                  StatArray[ix].t2_count++;
+                  StatArray[ix].t2_space += (unsigned short)(granule_size>>log2_seg_size);
+                  StatArray[ix].t2_age    = StatArray[ix].t2_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix].t2_age;
+                }
+                StatArray[ix].level     = comp_lvl;
+                StatArray[ix].compiler  = cType;
+                break;
+              case nMethod_alive:
+                StatArray[ix].tx_count++;
+                StatArray[ix].tx_space += (unsigned short)(granule_size>>log2_seg_size);
+                StatArray[ix].tx_age    = StatArray[ix].tx_age < compile_id ? compile_id : StatArray[ix].tx_age;
+                StatArray[ix].level     = comp_lvl;
+                StatArray[ix].compiler  = cType;
+                break;
+              case nMethod_dead:
+              case nMethod_unloaded:
+                StatArray[ix].dead_count++;
+                StatArray[ix].dead_space += (unsigned short)(granule_size>>log2_seg_size);
+                break;
+              default:
+                // must be a stub, if it's not a dead or alive nMethod
+                StatArray[ix].stub_count++;
+                StatArray[ix].stub_space += (unsigned short)(granule_size>>log2_seg_size);
+                break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (n_methods > 0) {
+      avgTemp = hotnessAccumulator/n_methods;
+    } else {
+      avgTemp = 0;
+    }
+    done = true;
+    if (!insane) {
+      // There is a risk for this block (because it contains many print statements) to get
+      // interspersed with print data from other threads. We take this risk intentionally.
+      // Getting stalled waiting for tty_lock while holding the CodeCache_lock is not desirable.
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Global CodeHeap statistics for segment ", heapName);
+      ast->print_cr("freeSpace        = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_free     = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", freeSpace/(size_t)K,     nBlocks_free,     (100.0*freeSpace)/size,     (100.0*freeSpace)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("usedSpace        = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_used     = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", usedSpace/(size_t)K,     nBlocks_used,     (100.0*usedSpace)/size,     (100.0*usedSpace)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("  Tier1 Space    = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_t1       = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", t1Space/(size_t)K,       nBlocks_t1,       (100.0*t1Space)/size,       (100.0*t1Space)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("  Tier2 Space    = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_t2       = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", t2Space/(size_t)K,       nBlocks_t2,       (100.0*t2Space)/size,       (100.0*t2Space)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("  Alive Space    = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_alive    = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", aliveSpace/(size_t)K,    nBlocks_alive,    (100.0*aliveSpace)/size,    (100.0*aliveSpace)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("    disconnected = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_disconn  = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", disconnSpace/(size_t)K,  nBlocks_disconn,  (100.0*disconnSpace)/size,  (100.0*disconnSpace)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("    not entrant  = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_notentr  = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", notentrSpace/(size_t)K,  nBlocks_notentr,  (100.0*notentrSpace)/size,  (100.0*notentrSpace)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("  unloadedSpace  = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_unloaded = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", unloadedSpace/(size_t)K, nBlocks_unloaded, (100.0*unloadedSpace)/size, (100.0*unloadedSpace)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("  deadSpace      = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_dead     = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", deadSpace/(size_t)K,     nBlocks_dead,     (100.0*deadSpace)/size,     (100.0*deadSpace)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("  stubSpace      = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) "k, nBlocks_stub     = %6d, %10.3f%% of capacity, %10.3f%% of max_capacity", stubSpace/(size_t)K,     nBlocks_stub,     (100.0*stubSpace)/size,     (100.0*stubSpace)/res_size);
+      ast->print_cr("ZombieBlocks     = %8d. These are HeapBlocks which could not be identified as CodeBlobs.", nBlocks_zomb);
+      ast->print_cr("latest allocated compilation id = %d", latest_compilation_id);
+      ast->print_cr("highest observed compilation id = %d", highest_compilation_id);
+      ast->print_cr("Building TopSizeList iterations = %ld", total_iterations);
+      ast->cr();
+      int             reset_val = NMethodSweeper::hotness_counter_reset_val();
+      double reverse_free_ratio = (res_size > size) ? (double)res_size/(double)(res_size-size) : (double)res_size;
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Method hotness information at time of this analysis", NULL);
+      ast->print_cr("Highest possible method temperature:          %12d", reset_val);
+      ast->print_cr("Threshold for method to be considered 'cold': %12.3f", -reset_val + reverse_free_ratio * NmethodSweepActivity);
+      ast->print_cr("min. hotness = %6d", minTemp);
+      ast->print_cr("avg. hotness = %6d", avgTemp);
+      ast->print_cr("max. hotness = %6d", maxTemp);
+      // This loop is intentionally printing directly to "out".
+      out->print("Verifying collected data...");
+      size_t granule_segs = granule_size>>log2_seg_size;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < granules; ix++) {
+        if (StatArray[ix].t1_count   > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("t1_count[%d]   = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].t1_count);
+        }
+        if (StatArray[ix].t2_count   > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("t2_count[%d]   = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].t2_count);
+        }
+        if (StatArray[ix].stub_count > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("stub_count[%d] = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].stub_count);
+        }
+        if (StatArray[ix].dead_count > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("dead_count[%d] = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].dead_count);
+        }
+        if (StatArray[ix].t1_space   > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("t1_space[%d]   = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].t1_space);
+        }
+        if (StatArray[ix].t2_space   > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("t2_space[%d]   = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].t2_space);
+        }
+        if (StatArray[ix].stub_space > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("stub_space[%d] = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].stub_space);
+        }
+        if (StatArray[ix].dead_space > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("dead_space[%d] = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].dead_space);
+        }
+        //   this cast is awful! I need it because NT/Intel reports a signed/unsigned mismatch.
+        if ((size_t)(StatArray[ix].t1_count+StatArray[ix].t2_count+StatArray[ix].stub_count+StatArray[ix].dead_count) > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("t1_count[%d] = %d, t2_count[%d] = %d, stub_count[%d] = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].t1_count, ix, StatArray[ix].t2_count, ix, StatArray[ix].stub_count);
+        }
+        if ((size_t)(StatArray[ix].t1_space+StatArray[ix].t2_space+StatArray[ix].stub_space+StatArray[ix].dead_space) > granule_segs) {
+          out->print_cr("t1_space[%d] = %d, t2_space[%d] = %d, stub_space[%d] = %d", ix, StatArray[ix].t1_space, ix, StatArray[ix].t2_space, ix, StatArray[ix].stub_space);
+        }
+      }
+      // This loop is intentionally printing directly to "out".
+      if (used_topSizeBlocks > 0) {
+        unsigned int j = 0;
+        if (TopSizeArray[0].len != currMax) {
+          out->print_cr("currMax(%d) differs from TopSizeArray[0].len(%d)", currMax, TopSizeArray[0].len);
+        }
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; (TopSizeArray[i].index != tsbStopper) && (j++ < alloc_topSizeBlocks); i = TopSizeArray[i].index) {
+          if (TopSizeArray[i].len < TopSizeArray[TopSizeArray[i].index].len) {
+            out->print_cr("sort error at index %d: %d !>= %d", i, TopSizeArray[i].len, TopSizeArray[TopSizeArray[i].index].len);
+          }
+        }
+        if (j >= alloc_topSizeBlocks) {
+          out->print_cr("Possible loop in TopSizeArray chaining!\n  allocBlocks = %d, usedBlocks = %d", alloc_topSizeBlocks, used_topSizeBlocks);
+          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < alloc_topSizeBlocks; i++) {
+            out->print_cr("  TopSizeArray[%d].index = %d, len = %d", i, TopSizeArray[i].index, TopSizeArray[i].len);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      out->print_cr("...done\n\n");
+    } else {
+      // insane heap state detected. Analysis data incomplete. Just throw it away.
+      discard_StatArray(out);
+      discard_TopSizeArray(out);
+    }
+  }
+  done        = false;
+  while (!done && (nBlocks_free > 0)) {
+    printBox(ast, '=', "C O D E   H E A P   A N A L Y S I S   (free blocks) for segment ", heapName);
+    ast->print_cr("   The aggregate step collects information about all free blocks in CodeHeap.\n"
+                  "   Subsequent print functions create their output based on this snapshot.\n");
+    ast->print_cr("   Free space in %s is distributed over %d free blocks.", heapName, nBlocks_free);
+    ast->print_cr("   Each free block takes " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes of C heap for statistics data, that is " SIZE_FORMAT "K in total.", sizeof(FreeBlk), (sizeof(FreeBlk)*nBlocks_free)/K);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    //--  Prepare the FreeArray of FreeBlks --
+    //----------------------------------------
+    //---< discard old array if size does not match  >---
+    if (nBlocks_free != alloc_freeBlocks) {
+      discard_FreeArray(out);
+    }
+    prepare_FreeArray(out, nBlocks_free, heapName);
+    if (FreeArray == NULL) {
+      done = true;
+      continue;
+    }
+    //----------------------------------------
+    //--  Collect all FreeBlks in FreeArray --
+    //----------------------------------------
+    unsigned int ix = 0;
+    FreeBlock* cur  = heap->freelist();
+    while (cur != NULL) {
+      if (ix < alloc_freeBlocks) { // don't index out of bounds if _freelist has more blocks than anticipated
+        FreeArray[ix].start = cur;
+        FreeArray[ix].len   = (unsigned int)(cur->length()<<log2_seg_size);
+        FreeArray[ix].index = ix;
+      }
+      cur  = cur->link();
+      ix++;
+    }
+    if (ix != alloc_freeBlocks) {
+      ast->print_cr("Free block count mismatch. Expected %d free blocks, but found %d.", alloc_freeBlocks, ix);
+      ast->print_cr("I will update the counter and retry data collection");
+      nBlocks_free = ix;
+      continue;
+    }
+    done = true;
+  }
+  if (!done || (nBlocks_free == 0)) {
+    if (nBlocks_free == 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "no free blocks found in", heapName);
+    } else if (!done) {
+      ast->print_cr("Free block count mismatch could not be resolved.");
+      ast->print_cr("Try to run \"aggregate\" function to update counters");
+    }
+    //---< discard old array and update global values  >---
+    discard_FreeArray(out);
+    set_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+    return;
+  }
+  //---<  calculate and fill remaining fields  >---
+  if (FreeArray != NULL) {
+    // This loop is intentionally printing directly to "out".
+    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_freeBlocks-1; ix++) {
+      size_t lenSum = 0;
+      FreeArray[ix].gap = (unsigned int)((address)FreeArray[ix+1].start - ((address)FreeArray[ix].start + FreeArray[ix].len));
+      for (HeapBlock *h = heap->next_block(FreeArray[ix].start); (h != NULL) && (h != FreeArray[ix+1].start); h = heap->next_block(h)) {
+        CodeBlob *cb  = (CodeBlob*)(heap->find_start(h));
+        if ((cb != NULL) && !cb->is_nmethod()) {
+          FreeArray[ix].stubs_in_gap = true;
+        }
+        FreeArray[ix].n_gapBlocks++;
+        lenSum += h->length()<<log2_seg_size;
+        if (((address)h < ((address)FreeArray[ix].start+FreeArray[ix].len)) || (h >= FreeArray[ix+1].start)) {
+          out->print_cr("unsorted occupied CodeHeap block found @ %p, gap interval [%p, %p)", h, (address)FreeArray[ix].start+FreeArray[ix].len, FreeArray[ix+1].start);
+        }
+      }
+      if (lenSum != FreeArray[ix].gap) {
+        out->print_cr("Length mismatch for gap between FreeBlk[%d] and FreeBlk[%d]. Calculated: %d, accumulated: %d.", ix, ix+1, FreeArray[ix].gap, (unsigned int)lenSum);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  set_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+  printBox(ast, '=', "C O D E   H E A P   A N A L Y S I S   C O M P L E T E   for segment ", heapName);
+void CodeHeapState::print_usedSpace(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap) {
+  if (!initialization_complete) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const char* heapName   = get_heapName(heap);
+  get_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+  if ((StatArray == NULL) || (TopSizeArray == NULL) || (used_topSizeBlocks == 0)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '=', "U S E D   S P A C E   S T A T I S T I C S   for ", heapName);
+    ast->print_cr("Note: The Top%d list of the largest used blocks associates method names\n"
+                  "      and other identifying information with the block size data.\n"
+                  "\n"
+                  "      Method names are dynamically retrieved from the code cache at print time.\n"
+                  "      Due to the living nature of the code cache and because the CodeCache_lock\n"
+                  "      is not continuously held, the displayed name might be wrong or no name\n"
+                  "      might be found at all. The likelihood for that to happen increases\n"
+                  "      over time passed between analysis and print step.\n", used_topSizeBlocks);
+  }
+  //----------------------------
+  //--  Print Top Used Blocks --
+  //----------------------------
+  {
+    char*     low_bound = heap->low_boundary();
+    printBox(ast, '-', "Largest Used Blocks in ", heapName);
+    print_blobType_legend(ast);
+    ast->fill_to(51);
+    ast->print("%4s", "blob");
+    ast->fill_to(56);
+    ast->print("%9s", "compiler");
+    ast->fill_to(66);
+    ast->print_cr("%6s", "method");
+    ast->print_cr("%18s %13s %17s %4s %9s  %5s %s",      "Addr(module)      ", "offset", "size", "type", " type lvl", " temp", "Name");
+    //---<  print Top Ten Used Blocks  >---
+    if (used_topSizeBlocks > 0) {
+      unsigned int printed_topSizeBlocks = 0;
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i != tsbStopper; i = TopSizeArray[i].index) {
+        printed_topSizeBlocks++;
+        CodeBlob*   this_blob = (CodeBlob*)(heap->find_start(TopSizeArray[i].start));
+        nmethod*           nm = NULL;
+        const char* blob_name = "unnamed blob";
+        if (this_blob != NULL) {
+          blob_name = this_blob->name();
+          nm        = this_blob->as_nmethod_or_null();
+          //---<  blob address  >---
+          ast->print("%p", this_blob);
+          ast->fill_to(19);
+          //---<  blob offset from CodeHeap begin  >---
+          ast->print("(+" PTR32_FORMAT ")", (unsigned int)((char*)this_blob-low_bound));
+          ast->fill_to(33);
+        } else {
+          //---<  block address  >---
+          ast->print("%p", TopSizeArray[i].start);
+          ast->fill_to(19);
+          //---<  block offset from CodeHeap begin  >---
+          ast->print("(+" PTR32_FORMAT ")", (unsigned int)((char*)TopSizeArray[i].start-low_bound));
+          ast->fill_to(33);
+        }
+        //---<  print size, name, and signature (for nMethods)  >---
+        if ((nm != NULL) && (nm->method() != NULL)) {
+          ResourceMark rm;
+          //---<  nMethod size in hex  >---
+          unsigned int total_size = nm->total_size();
+          ast->print(PTR32_FORMAT, total_size);
+          ast->print("(%4ldK)", total_size/K);
+          ast->fill_to(51);
+          ast->print("  %c", blobTypeChar[TopSizeArray[i].type]);
+          //---<  compiler information  >---
+          ast->fill_to(56);
+          ast->print("%5s %3d", compTypeName[TopSizeArray[i].compiler], TopSizeArray[i].level);
+          //---<  method temperature  >---
+          ast->fill_to(67);
+          ast->print("%5d", nm->hotness_counter());
+          //---<  name and signature  >---
+          ast->fill_to(67+6);
+          if (nm->is_in_use())      {blob_name = nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string(); }
+          if (nm->is_not_entrant()) {blob_name = nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string(); }
+          if (nm->is_zombie())      {ast->print("%14s", " zombie method"); }
+          ast->print("%s", blob_name);
+        } else {
+          //---<  block size in hex  >---
+          ast->print(PTR32_FORMAT, (unsigned int)(TopSizeArray[i].len<<log2_seg_size));
+          ast->print("(%4ldK)", (TopSizeArray[i].len<<log2_seg_size)/K);
+          //---<  no compiler information  >---
+          ast->fill_to(56);
+          //---<  name and signature  >---
+          ast->fill_to(67+6);
+          ast->print("%s", blob_name);
+        }
+      }
+      if (used_topSizeBlocks != printed_topSizeBlocks) {
+        ast->print_cr("used blocks: %d, printed blocks: %d", used_topSizeBlocks, printed_topSizeBlocks);
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < alloc_topSizeBlocks; i++) {
+          ast->print_cr("  TopSizeArray[%d].index = %d, len = %d", i, TopSizeArray[i].index, TopSizeArray[i].len);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //-----------------------------
+  //--  Print Usage Histogram  --
+  //-----------------------------
+  if (SizeDistributionArray != NULL) {
+    unsigned long total_count = 0;
+    unsigned long total_size  = 0;
+    const unsigned long pctFactor = 200;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nSizeDistElements; i++) {
+      total_count += SizeDistributionArray[i].count;
+      total_size  += SizeDistributionArray[i].lenSum;
+    }
+    if ((total_count > 0) && (total_size > 0)) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Block count histogram for ", heapName);
+      ast->print_cr("Note: The histogram indicates how many blocks (as a percentage\n"
+                    "      of all blocks) have a size in the given range.\n"
+                    "      %ld characters are printed per percentage point.\n", pctFactor/100);
+      ast->print_cr("total size   of all blocks: %7ldM", (total_size<<log2_seg_size)/M);
+      ast->print_cr("total number of all blocks: %7ld\n", total_count);
+      ast->print_cr("[Size Range)------avg.-size-+----count-+");
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nSizeDistElements; i++) {
+        if (SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size < K) {
+          ast->print("[%5d ..%5d ): "
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size)
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeEnd<<log2_seg_size)
+                    );
+        } else if (SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size < M) {
+          ast->print("[%5ldK..%5ldK): "
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size)/K
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeEnd<<log2_seg_size)/K
+                    );
+        } else {
+          ast->print("[%5ldM..%5ldM): "
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size)/M
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeEnd<<log2_seg_size)/M
+                    );
+        }
+        ast->print(" %8d | %8d |",
+                   SizeDistributionArray[i].count > 0 ? (SizeDistributionArray[i].lenSum<<log2_seg_size)/SizeDistributionArray[i].count : 0,
+                   SizeDistributionArray[i].count);
+        unsigned int percent = pctFactor*SizeDistributionArray[i].count/total_count;
+        for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= percent; j++) {
+          ast->print("%c", (j%((pctFactor/100)*10) == 0) ? ('0'+j/(((unsigned int)pctFactor/100)*10)) : '*');
+        }
+        ast->cr();
+      }
+      ast->print_cr("----------------------------+----------+\n\n");
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Contribution per size range to total size for ", heapName);
+      ast->print_cr("Note: The histogram indicates how much space (as a percentage of all\n"
+                    "      occupied space) is used by the blocks in the given size range.\n"
+                    "      %ld characters are printed per percentage point.\n", pctFactor/100);
+      ast->print_cr("total size   of all blocks: %7ldM", (total_size<<log2_seg_size)/M);
+      ast->print_cr("total number of all blocks: %7ld\n", total_count);
+      ast->print_cr("[Size Range)------avg.-size-+----count-+");
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nSizeDistElements; i++) {
+        if (SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size < K) {
+          ast->print("[%5d ..%5d ): "
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size)
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeEnd<<log2_seg_size)
+                    );
+        } else if (SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size < M) {
+          ast->print("[%5ldK..%5ldK): "
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size)/K
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeEnd<<log2_seg_size)/K
+                    );
+        } else {
+          ast->print("[%5ldM..%5ldM): "
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeStart<<log2_seg_size)/M
+                    ,(SizeDistributionArray[i].rangeEnd<<log2_seg_size)/M
+                    );
+        }
+        ast->print(" %8d | %8d |",
+                   SizeDistributionArray[i].count > 0 ? (SizeDistributionArray[i].lenSum<<log2_seg_size)/SizeDistributionArray[i].count : 0,
+                   SizeDistributionArray[i].count);
+        unsigned int percent = pctFactor*(unsigned long)SizeDistributionArray[i].lenSum/total_size;
+        for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= percent; j++) {
+          ast->print("%c", (j%((pctFactor/100)*10) == 0) ? ('0'+j/(((unsigned int)pctFactor/100)*10)) : '*');
+        }
+        ast->cr();
+      }
+      ast->print_cr("----------------------------+----------+");
+    }
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::print_freeSpace(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap) {
+  if (!initialization_complete) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const char* heapName   = get_heapName(heap);
+  get_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+  if ((StatArray == NULL) || (FreeArray == NULL) || (alloc_granules == 0)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '=', "F R E E   S P A C E   S T A T I S T I C S   for ", heapName);
+    ast->print_cr("Note: in this context, a gap is the occupied space between two free blocks.\n"
+                  "      Those gaps are of interest if there is a chance that they become\n"
+                  "      unoccupied, e.g. by class unloading. Then, the two adjacent free\n"
+                  "      blocks, together with the now unoccupied space, form a new, large\n"
+                  "      free block.");
+  }
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '-', "List of all Free Blocks in ", heapName);
+    unsigned int ix = 0;
+    for (ix = 0; ix < alloc_freeBlocks-1; ix++) {
+      ast->print("%p: Len[%4d] = " HEX32_FORMAT ",", FreeArray[ix].start, ix, FreeArray[ix].len);
+      ast->fill_to(38);
+      ast->print("Gap[%4d..%4d]: " HEX32_FORMAT " bytes,", ix, ix+1, FreeArray[ix].gap);
+      ast->fill_to(71);
+      ast->print("block count: %6d", FreeArray[ix].n_gapBlocks);
+      if (FreeArray[ix].stubs_in_gap) {
+        ast->print(" !! permanent gap, contains stubs and/or blobs !!");
+      }
+    }
+    ast->print_cr("%p: Len[%4d] = " HEX32_FORMAT, FreeArray[ix].start, ix, FreeArray[ix].len);
+  }
+  //-----------------------------------------
+  //--  Find and Print Top Ten Free Blocks --
+  //-----------------------------------------
+  //---<  find Top Ten Free Blocks  >---
+  const unsigned int nTop = 10;
+  unsigned int  currMax10 = 0;
+  struct FreeBlk* FreeTopTen[nTop];
+  memset(FreeTopTen, 0, sizeof(FreeTopTen));
+  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_freeBlocks; ix++) {
+    if (FreeArray[ix].len > currMax10) {  // larger than the ten largest found so far
+      unsigned int currSize = FreeArray[ix].len;
+      unsigned int iy;
+      for (iy = 0; iy < nTop && FreeTopTen[iy] != NULL; iy++) {
+        if (FreeTopTen[iy]->len < currSize) {
+          for (unsigned int iz = nTop-1; iz > iy; iz--) { // make room to insert new free block
+            FreeTopTen[iz] = FreeTopTen[iz-1];
+          }
+          FreeTopTen[iy] = &FreeArray[ix];        // insert new free block
+          if (FreeTopTen[nTop-1] != NULL) {
+            currMax10 = FreeTopTen[nTop-1]->len;
+          }
+          break; // done with this, check next free block
+        }
+      }
+      if (iy >= nTop) {
+        ast->print_cr("Internal logic error. New Max10 = %d detected, but could not be merged. Old Max10 = %d",
+                      currSize, currMax10);
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (FreeTopTen[iy] == NULL) {
+        FreeTopTen[iy] = &FreeArray[ix];
+        if (iy == (nTop-1)) {
+          currMax10 = currSize;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '-', "Top Ten Free Blocks in ", heapName);
+    //---<  print Top Ten Free Blocks  >---
+    for (unsigned int iy = 0; (iy < nTop) && (FreeTopTen[iy] != NULL); iy++) {
+      ast->print("Pos %3d: Block %4d - size " HEX32_FORMAT ",", iy+1, FreeTopTen[iy]->index, FreeTopTen[iy]->len);
+      ast->fill_to(39);
+      if (FreeTopTen[iy]->index == (alloc_freeBlocks-1)) {
+        ast->print("last free block in list.");
+      } else {
+        ast->print("Gap (to next) " HEX32_FORMAT ",", FreeTopTen[iy]->gap);
+        ast->fill_to(63);
+        ast->print("#blocks (in gap) %d", FreeTopTen[iy]->n_gapBlocks);
+      }
+      ast->cr();
+    }
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------
+  //--  Find and Print Top Ten Free-Occupied-Free Triples --
+  //--------------------------------------------------------
+  //---<  find and print Top Ten Triples (Free-Occupied-Free)  >---
+  currMax10 = 0;
+  struct FreeBlk  *FreeTopTenTriple[nTop];
+  memset(FreeTopTenTriple, 0, sizeof(FreeTopTenTriple));
+  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_freeBlocks-1; ix++) {
+    // If there are stubs in the gap, this gap will never become completely free.
+    // The triple will thus never merge to one free block.
+    unsigned int lenTriple  = FreeArray[ix].len + (FreeArray[ix].stubs_in_gap ? 0 : FreeArray[ix].gap + FreeArray[ix+1].len);
+    FreeArray[ix].len = lenTriple;
+    if (lenTriple > currMax10) {  // larger than the ten largest found so far
+      unsigned int iy;
+      for (iy = 0; (iy < nTop) && (FreeTopTenTriple[iy] != NULL); iy++) {
+        if (FreeTopTenTriple[iy]->len < lenTriple) {
+          for (unsigned int iz = nTop-1; iz > iy; iz--) {
+            FreeTopTenTriple[iz] = FreeTopTenTriple[iz-1];
+          }
+          FreeTopTenTriple[iy] = &FreeArray[ix];
+          if (FreeTopTenTriple[nTop-1] != NULL) {
+            currMax10 = FreeTopTenTriple[nTop-1]->len;
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (iy == nTop) {
+        ast->print_cr("Internal logic error. New Max10 = %d detected, but could not be merged. Old Max10 = %d",
+                      lenTriple, currMax10);
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (FreeTopTenTriple[iy] == NULL) {
+        FreeTopTenTriple[iy] = &FreeArray[ix];
+        if (iy == (nTop-1)) {
+          currMax10 = lenTriple;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '-', "Top Ten Free-Occupied-Free Triples in ", heapName);
+    ast->print_cr("  Use this information to judge how likely it is that a large(r) free block\n"
+                  "  might get created by code cache sweeping.\n"
+                  "  If all the occupied blocks can be swept, the three free blocks will be\n"
+                  "  merged into one (much larger) free block. That would reduce free space\n"
+                  "  fragmentation.\n");
+    //---<  print Top Ten Free-Occupied-Free Triples  >---
+    for (unsigned int iy = 0; (iy < nTop) && (FreeTopTenTriple[iy] != NULL); iy++) {
+      ast->print("Pos %3d: Block %4d - size " HEX32_FORMAT ",", iy+1, FreeTopTenTriple[iy]->index, FreeTopTenTriple[iy]->len);
+      ast->fill_to(39);
+      ast->print("Gap (to next) " HEX32_FORMAT ",", FreeTopTenTriple[iy]->gap);
+      ast->fill_to(63);
+      ast->print("#blocks (in gap) %d", FreeTopTenTriple[iy]->n_gapBlocks);
+      ast->cr();
+    }
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::print_count(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap) {
+  if (!initialization_complete) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const char* heapName   = get_heapName(heap);
+  get_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+  if ((StatArray == NULL) || (alloc_granules == 0)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int granules_per_line = 32;
+  char*        low_bound         = heap->low_boundary();
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '=', "B L O C K   C O U N T S   for ", heapName);
+    ast->print_cr("  Each granule contains an individual number of heap blocks. Large blocks\n"
+                  "  may span multiple granules and are counted for each granule they touch.\n");
+    if (segment_granules) {
+      ast->print_cr("  You have selected granule size to be as small as segment size.\n"
+                    "  As a result, each granule contains exactly one block (or a part of one block)\n"
+                    "  or is displayed as empty (' ') if it's BlobType does not match the selection.\n"
+                    "  Occupied granules show their BlobType character, see legend.\n");
+      print_blobType_legend(ast);
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (segment_granules) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Total (all types) count for granule size == segment size", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+      }
+    } else {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Total (all tiers) count, 0x1..0xf. '*' indicates >= 16 blocks, ' ' indicates empty", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        unsigned int count = StatArray[ix].t1_count   + StatArray[ix].t2_count   + StatArray[ix].tx_count
+                           + StatArray[ix].stub_count + StatArray[ix].dead_count;
+        print_count_single(ast, count);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_t1 > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Tier1 nMethod count only, 0x1..0xf. '*' indicates >= 16 blocks, ' ' indicates empty", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].t1_count > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_count_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t1_count);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Tier1 nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_t2 > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Tier2 nMethod count only, 0x1..0xf. '*' indicates >= 16 blocks, ' ' indicates empty", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].t2_count > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_count_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t2_count);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Tier2 nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_alive > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "not_used/not_entrant nMethod count only, 0x1..0xf. '*' indicates >= 16 blocks, ' ' indicates empty", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].tx_count > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_count_single(ast, StatArray[ix].tx_count);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No not_used/not_entrant nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_stub > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Stub & Blob count only, 0x1..0xf. '*' indicates >= 16 blocks, ' ' indicates empty", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].stub_count > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_count_single(ast, StatArray[ix].stub_count);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Stubs and Blobs found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_dead > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Dead nMethod count only, 0x1..0xf. '*' indicates >= 16 blocks, ' ' indicates empty", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].dead_count > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_count_single(ast, StatArray[ix].dead_count);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No dead nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (!segment_granules) { // Prevent totally redundant printouts
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Count by tier (combined, no dead blocks): <#t1>:<#t2>:<#s>, 0x0..0xf. '*' indicates >= 16 blocks", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 24;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        print_count_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t1_count);
+        ast->print(":");
+        print_count_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t2_count);
+        ast->print(":");
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].stub_count > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_count_single(ast, StatArray[ix].stub_count);
+        }
+        ast->print(" ");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::print_space(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap) {
+  if (!initialization_complete) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const char* heapName   = get_heapName(heap);
+  get_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+  if ((StatArray == NULL) || (alloc_granules == 0)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int granules_per_line = 32;
+  char*        low_bound         = heap->low_boundary();
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '=', "S P A C E   U S A G E  &  F R A G M E N T A T I O N   for ", heapName);
+    ast->print_cr("  The heap space covered by one granule is occupied to a various extend.\n"
+                  "  The granule occupancy is displayed by one decimal digit per granule.\n");
+    if (segment_granules) {
+      ast->print_cr("  You have selected granule size to be as small as segment size.\n"
+                    "  As a result, each granule contains exactly one block (or a part of one block)\n"
+                    "  or is displayed as empty (' ') if it's BlobType does not match the selection.\n"
+                    "  Occupied granules show their BlobType character, see legend.\n");
+      print_blobType_legend(ast);
+    } else {
+      ast->print_cr("  These digits represent a fill percentage range (see legend).\n");
+      print_space_legend(ast);
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (segment_granules) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Total (all types) space consumption for granule size == segment size", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+      }
+    } else {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Total (all types) space consumption. ' ' indicates empty, '*' indicates full.", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        unsigned int space    = StatArray[ix].t1_space   + StatArray[ix].t2_space  + StatArray[ix].tx_space
+                              + StatArray[ix].stub_space + StatArray[ix].dead_space;
+        print_space_single(ast, space);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_t1 > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Tier1 space consumption. ' ' indicates empty, '*' indicates full", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].t1_space > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_space_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t1_space);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Tier1 nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_t2 > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Tier2 space consumption. ' ' indicates empty, '*' indicates full", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].t2_space > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_space_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t2_space);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Tier2 nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_alive > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "not_used/not_entrant space consumption. ' ' indicates empty, '*' indicates full", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].tx_space > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_space_single(ast, StatArray[ix].tx_space);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Tier2 nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_stub > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Stub and Blob space consumption. ' ' indicates empty, '*' indicates full", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].stub_space > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_space_single(ast, StatArray[ix].stub_space);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Stubs and Blobs found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_dead > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Dead space consumption. ' ' indicates empty, '*' indicates full", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        print_space_single(ast, StatArray[ix].dead_space);
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No dead nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (!segment_granules) { // Prevent totally redundant printouts
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Space consumption by tier (combined): <t1%>:<t2%>:<s%>. ' ' indicates empty, '*' indicates full", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 24;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].t1_space > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_space_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t1_space);
+        }
+        ast->print(":");
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].t2_space > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_space_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t2_space);
+        }
+        ast->print(":");
+        if (segment_granules && StatArray[ix].stub_space > 0) {
+          print_blobType_single(ast, StatArray[ix].type);
+        } else {
+          print_space_single(ast, StatArray[ix].stub_space);
+        }
+        ast->print(" ");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::print_age(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap) {
+  if (!initialization_complete) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const char* heapName   = get_heapName(heap);
+  get_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+  if ((StatArray == NULL) || (alloc_granules == 0)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int granules_per_line = 32;
+  char*        low_bound         = heap->low_boundary();
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '=', "M E T H O D   A G E   by CompileID for ", heapName);
+    ast->print_cr("  The age of a compiled method in the CodeHeap is not available as a\n"
+                  "  time stamp. Instead, a relative age is deducted from the method's compilation ID.\n"
+                  "  Age information is available for tier1 and tier2 methods only. There is no\n"
+                  "  age information for stubs and blobs, because they have no compilation ID assigned.\n"
+                  "  Information for the youngest method (highest ID) in the granule is printed.\n"
+                  "  Refer to the legend to learn how method age is mapped to the displayed digit.");
+    print_age_legend(ast);
+  }
+  {
+    printBox(ast, '-', "Age distribution. '0' indicates youngest 1/256, '8': oldest half, ' ': no age information", NULL);
+    granules_per_line = 128;
+    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+      print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+      unsigned int age1      = StatArray[ix].t1_age;
+      unsigned int age2      = StatArray[ix].t2_age;
+      unsigned int agex      = StatArray[ix].tx_age;
+      unsigned int age       = age1 > age2 ? age1 : age2;
+      age       = age > agex ? age : agex;
+      print_age_single(ast, age);
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_t1 > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Tier1 age distribution. '0' indicates youngest 1/256, '8': oldest half, ' ': no age information", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        print_age_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t1_age);
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Tier1 nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_t2 > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "Tier2 age distribution. '0' indicates youngest 1/256, '8': oldest half, ' ': no age information", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        print_age_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t2_age);
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Tier2 nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (nBlocks_alive > 0) {
+      printBox(ast, '-', "not_used/not_entrant age distribution. '0' indicates youngest 1/256, '8': oldest half, ' ': no age information", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 128;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        print_age_single(ast, StatArray[ix].tx_age);
+      }
+    } else {
+      ast->print("No Tier2 nMethods found in CodeHeap.");
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (!segment_granules) { // Prevent totally redundant printouts
+      printBox(ast, '-', "age distribution by tier <a1>:<a2>. '0' indicates youngest 1/256, '8': oldest half, ' ': no age information", NULL);
+      granules_per_line = 32;
+      for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+        print_line_delim(out, ast, low_bound, ix, granules_per_line);
+        print_age_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t1_age);
+        ast->print(":");
+        print_age_single(ast, StatArray[ix].t2_age);
+        ast->print(" ");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::print_names(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap) {
+  if (!initialization_complete) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const char* heapName   = get_heapName(heap);
+  get_HeapStatGlobals(out, heapName);
+  if ((StatArray == NULL) || (alloc_granules == 0)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int granules_per_line  = 128;
+  char*        low_bound          = heap->low_boundary();
+  CodeBlob*    last_blob          = NULL;
+  bool         name_in_addr_range = true;
+  //---<  print at least 128K per block  >---
+  if (granules_per_line*granule_size < 128*K) {
+    granules_per_line = (unsigned int)((128*K)/granule_size);
+  }
+  printBox(ast, '=', "M E T H O D   N A M E S   for ", heapName);
+  ast->print_cr("  Method names are dynamically retrieved from the code cache at print time.\n"
+                "  Due to the living nature of the code heap and because the CodeCache_lock\n"
+                "  is not continuously held, the displayed name might be wrong or no name\n"
+                "  might be found at all. The likelihood for that to happen increases\n"
+                "  over time passed between analysis and print step.\n");
+  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < alloc_granules; ix++) {
+    //---<  print a new blob on a new line  >---
+    if (ix%granules_per_line == 0) {
+      if (!name_in_addr_range) {
+        ast->print_cr("No methods, blobs, or stubs found in this address range");
+      }
+      name_in_addr_range = false;
+      ast->cr();
+      ast->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------");
+      ast->print_cr("Address range [%p,%p), " SIZE_FORMAT "k", low_bound+ix*granule_size, low_bound+(ix+granules_per_line)*granule_size, granules_per_line*granule_size/(size_t)K);
+      ast->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------");
+    }
+    for (unsigned int is = 0; is < granule_size; is+=(unsigned int)seg_size) {
+      CodeBlob* this_blob = (CodeBlob *)(heap->find_start(low_bound+ix*granule_size+is));
+      if ((this_blob != NULL) && (this_blob != last_blob)) {
+        if (!name_in_addr_range) {
+          name_in_addr_range = true;
+          ast->fill_to(51);
+          ast->print("%9s", "compiler");
+          ast->fill_to(61);
+          ast->print_cr("%6s", "method");
+          ast->print_cr("%18s %13s %17s %9s  %5s %18s  %s", "Addr(module)      ", "offset", "size", " type lvl", " temp", "blobType          ", "Name");
+        }
+        //---<  Print blobTypeName as recorded during analysis  >---
+        ast->print("%p", this_blob);
+        ast->fill_to(19);
+        ast->print("(+" PTR32_FORMAT ")", (unsigned int)((char*)this_blob-low_bound));
+        ast->fill_to(33);
+        //---<  print size, name, and signature (for nMethods)  >---
+        const char *blob_name = this_blob->name();
+        nmethod*           nm = this_blob->as_nmethod_or_null();
+        blobType       cbType = noType;
+        if (segment_granules) {
+          cbType = (blobType)StatArray[ix].type;
+        } else {
+          cbType = get_cbType(this_blob);
+        }
+        if ((nm != NULL) && (nm->method() != NULL)) {
+          ResourceMark rm;
+          //---<  nMethod size in hex  >---
+          unsigned int total_size = nm->total_size();
+          ast->print(PTR32_FORMAT, total_size);
+          ast->print("(%4ldK)", total_size/K);
+          //---<  compiler information  >---
+          ast->fill_to(51);
+          ast->print("%5s %3d", compTypeName[StatArray[ix].compiler], StatArray[ix].level);
+          //---<  method temperature  >---
+          ast->fill_to(62);
+          ast->print("%5d", nm->hotness_counter());
+          //---<  name and signature  >---
+          ast->fill_to(62+6);
+          ast->print("%s", blobTypeName[cbType]);
+          ast->fill_to(82+6);
+          if (nm->is_in_use()) {
+            blob_name = nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string();
+          }
+          if (nm->is_not_entrant()) {
+            blob_name = nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string();
+          }
+          if (nm->is_zombie()) {
+            ast->print("%14s", " zombie method");
+          }
+          ast->print("%s", blob_name);
+        } else {
+          ast->fill_to(62+6);
+          ast->print("%s", blobTypeName[cbType]);
+          ast->fill_to(82+6);
+          ast->print("%s", blob_name);
+        }
+        last_blob          = this_blob;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::printBox(outputStream* ast, const char border, const char* text1, const char* text2) {
+  unsigned int lineLen = 1 + 2 + 2 + 1;
+  char edge, frame;
+  if (text1 != NULL) {
+    lineLen += (unsigned int)strlen(text1); // text1 is much shorter than MAX_INT chars.
+  }
+  if (text2 != NULL) {
+    lineLen += (unsigned int)strlen(text2); // text2 is much shorter than MAX_INT chars.
+  }
+  if (border == '-') {
+    edge  = '+';
+    frame = '|';
+  } else {
+    edge  = border;
+    frame = border;
+  }
+  ast->print("%c", edge);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lineLen-2; i++) {
+    ast->print("%c", border);
+  }
+  ast->print_cr("%c", edge);
+  ast->print("%c  ", frame);
+  if (text1 != NULL) {
+    ast->print("%s", text1);
+  }
+  if (text2 != NULL) {
+    ast->print("%s", text2);
+  }
+  ast->print_cr("  %c", frame);
+  ast->print("%c", edge);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lineLen-2; i++) {
+    ast->print("%c", border);
+  }
+  ast->print_cr("%c", edge);
+void CodeHeapState::print_blobType_legend(outputStream* out) {
+  out->cr();
+  printBox(out, '-', "Block types used in the following CodeHeap dump", NULL);
+  for (int type = noType; type < lastType; type += 1) {
+    out->print_cr("  %c - %s", blobTypeChar[type], blobTypeName[type]);
+  }
+  out->print_cr("  -----------------------------------------------------");
+  out->cr();
+void CodeHeapState::print_space_legend(outputStream* out) {
+  unsigned int indicator = 0;
+  unsigned int age_range = 256;
+  unsigned int range_beg = latest_compilation_id;
+  out->cr();
+  printBox(out, '-', "Space ranges, based on granule occupancy", NULL);
+  out->print_cr("    -   0%% == occupancy");
+  for (int i=0; i<=9; i++) {
+    out->print_cr("  %d - %3d%% < occupancy < %3d%%", i, 10*i, 10*(i+1));
+  }
+  out->print_cr("  * - 100%% == occupancy");
+  out->print_cr("  ----------------------------------------------");
+  out->cr();
+void CodeHeapState::print_age_legend(outputStream* out) {
+  unsigned int indicator = 0;
+  unsigned int age_range = 256;
+  unsigned int range_beg = latest_compilation_id;
+  out->cr();
+  printBox(out, '-', "Age ranges, based on compilation id", NULL);
+  while (age_range > 0) {
+    out->print_cr("  %d - %6d to %6d", indicator, range_beg, latest_compilation_id - latest_compilation_id/age_range);
+    range_beg = latest_compilation_id - latest_compilation_id/age_range;
+    age_range /= 2;
+    indicator += 1;
+  }
+  out->print_cr("  -----------------------------------------");
+  out->cr();
+void CodeHeapState::print_blobType_single(outputStream* out, u2 /* blobType */ type) {
+  out->print("%c", blobTypeChar[type]);
+void CodeHeapState::print_count_single(outputStream* out, unsigned short count) {
+  if (count >= 16)    out->print("*");
+  else if (count > 0) out->print("%1.1x", count);
+  else                out->print(" ");
+void CodeHeapState::print_space_single(outputStream* out, unsigned short space) {
+  size_t  space_in_bytes = ((unsigned int)space)<<log2_seg_size;
+  char    fraction       = (space == 0) ? ' ' : (space_in_bytes >= granule_size-1) ? '*' : char('0'+10*space_in_bytes/granule_size);
+  out->print("%c", fraction);
+void CodeHeapState::print_age_single(outputStream* out, unsigned int age) {
+  unsigned int indicator = 0;
+  unsigned int age_range = 256;
+  if (age > 0) {
+    while ((age_range > 0) && (latest_compilation_id-age > latest_compilation_id/age_range)) {
+      age_range /= 2;
+      indicator += 1;
+    }
+    out->print("%c", char('0'+indicator));
+  } else {
+    out->print(" ");
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::print_line_delim(outputStream* out, outputStream* ast, char* low_bound, unsigned int ix, unsigned int gpl) {
+  if (ix % gpl == 0) {
+    if (ix > 0) {
+      ast->print("|");
+    }
+    ast->cr();
+    assert(out == ast, "must use the same stream!");
+    ast->print("%p", low_bound + ix*granule_size);
+    ast->fill_to(19);
+    ast->print("(+" PTR32_FORMAT "): |", (unsigned int)(ix*granule_size));
+  }
+void CodeHeapState::print_line_delim(outputStream* out, bufferedStream* ast, char* low_bound, unsigned int ix, unsigned int gpl) {
+  assert(out != ast, "must not use the same stream!");
+  if (ix % gpl == 0) {
+    if (ix > 0) {
+      ast->print("|");
+    }
+    ast->cr();
+    { // can't use STRINGSTREAM_FLUSH_LOCKED("") here.
+      ttyLocker ttyl;
+      out->print("%s", ast->as_string());
+      ast->reset();
+    }
+    ast->print("%p", low_bound + ix*granule_size);
+    ast->fill_to(19);
+    ast->print("(+" PTR32_FORMAT "): |", (unsigned int)(ix*granule_size));
+  }
+CodeHeapState::blobType CodeHeapState::get_cbType(CodeBlob* cb) {
+  if (cb != NULL ) {
+    if (cb->is_runtime_stub())                return runtimeStub;
+    if (cb->is_deoptimization_stub())         return deoptimizationStub;
+    if (cb->is_uncommon_trap_stub())          return uncommonTrapStub;
+    if (cb->is_exception_stub())              return exceptionStub;
+    if (cb->is_safepoint_stub())              return safepointStub;
+    if (cb->is_adapter_blob())                return adapterBlob;
+    if (cb->is_method_handles_adapter_blob()) return mh_adapterBlob;
+    if (cb->is_buffer_blob())                 return bufferBlob;
+    if (cb->is_nmethod() ) {
+      if (((nmethod*)cb)->is_in_use())        return nMethod_inuse;
+      if (((nmethod*)cb)->is_alive() && !(((nmethod*)cb)->is_not_entrant()))   return nMethod_notused;
+      if (((nmethod*)cb)->is_alive())         return nMethod_alive;
+      if (((nmethod*)cb)->is_unloaded())      return nMethod_unloaded;
+      if (((nmethod*)cb)->is_zombie())        return nMethod_dead;
+      tty->print_cr("unhandled nmethod state");
+      return nMethod_dead;
+    }
+  }
+  return noType;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/code/codeHeapState.hpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 SAP SE. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+#include "memory/heap.hpp"
+#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
+#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
+#include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
+class CodeHeapState : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
+ public:
+  enum compType {
+    noComp = 0,     // must be! due to initialization by memset to zero
+    c1,
+    c2,
+    jvmci,
+    lastComp
+  };
+  enum blobType {
+     noType = 0,         // must be! due to initialization by memset to zero
+     // The nMethod_* values correspond 1:1 to the CompiledMethod enum values.
+     nMethod_inuse,       // executable. This is the "normal" state for a nmethod.
+     nMethod_notused,     // assumed inactive, marked not entrant. Could be revived if necessary.
+     nMethod_notentrant,  // no new activations allowed, marked for deoptimization. Old activations may still exist.
+                         // Will transition to "zombie" after all activations are gone.
+     nMethod_zombie,      // No more activations exist, ready for purge (remove from code cache).
+     nMethod_unloaded,    // No activations exist, should not be called. Transient state on the way to "zombie".
+     nMethod_alive = nMethod_notentrant, // Combined state: nmethod may have activations, thus can't be purged.
+     nMethod_dead  = nMethod_zombie,     // Combined state: nmethod does not have any activations.
+     runtimeStub   = nMethod_unloaded + 1,
+     ricochetStub,
+     deoptimizationStub,
+     uncommonTrapStub,
+     exceptionStub,
+     safepointStub,
+     adapterBlob,
+     mh_adapterBlob,
+     bufferBlob,
+     lastType
+  };
+ private:
+  static void prepare_StatArray(outputStream* out, size_t nElem, size_t granularity, const char* heapName);
+  static void prepare_FreeArray(outputStream* out, unsigned int nElem, const char* heapName);
+  static void prepare_TopSizeArray(outputStream* out, unsigned int nElem, const char* heapName);
+  static void prepare_SizeDistArray(outputStream* out, unsigned int nElem, const char* heapName);
+  static void discard_StatArray(outputStream* out);
+  static void discard_FreeArray(outputStream* out);
+  static void discard_TopSizeArray(outputStream* out);
+  static void discard_SizeDistArray(outputStream* out);
+  static void update_SizeDistArray(outputStream* out, unsigned int len);
+  static const char* get_heapName(CodeHeap* heap);
+  static unsigned int findHeapIndex(outputStream* out, const char* heapName);
+  static void get_HeapStatGlobals(outputStream* out, const char* heapName);
+  static void set_HeapStatGlobals(outputStream* out, const char* heapName);
+  static void printBox(outputStream* out, const char border, const char* text1, const char* text2);
+  static void print_blobType_legend(outputStream* out);
+  static void print_space_legend(outputStream* out);
+  static void print_age_legend(outputStream* out);
+  static void print_blobType_single(outputStream *ast, u2 /* blobType */ type);
+  static void print_count_single(outputStream *ast, unsigned short count);
+  static void print_space_single(outputStream *ast, unsigned short space);
+  static void print_age_single(outputStream *ast, unsigned int age);
+  static void print_line_delim(outputStream* out, bufferedStream *sst, char* low_bound, unsigned int ix, unsigned int gpl);
+  static void print_line_delim(outputStream* out, outputStream *sst, char* low_bound, unsigned int ix, unsigned int gpl);
+  static blobType get_cbType(CodeBlob* cb);
+ public:
+  static void discard(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap);
+  static void aggregate(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap, const char* granularity);
+  static void print_usedSpace(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap);
+  static void print_freeSpace(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap);
+  static void print_count(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap);
+  static void print_space(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap);
+  static void print_age(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap);
+  static void print_names(outputStream* out, CodeHeap* heap);
+//  StatElement
+//  Each analysis granule is represented by an instance of
+//  this StatElement struct. It collects and aggregates all
+//  information describing the allocated contents of the granule.
+//  Free (unallocated) contents is not considered (see FreeBlk for that).
+//  All StatElements of a heap segment are stored in the related StatArray.
+//  Current size: 40 bytes + 8 bytes class header.
+class StatElement : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
+  public:
+    // A note on ages: The compilation_id easily overflows unsigned short in large systems
+    unsigned int       t1_age;      // oldest compilation_id of tier1 nMethods.
+    unsigned int       t2_age;      // oldest compilation_id of tier2 nMethods.
+    unsigned int       tx_age;      // oldest compilation_id of inactive/not entrant nMethods.
+    unsigned short     t1_space;    // in units of _segment_size to "prevent" overflow
+    unsigned short     t2_space;    // in units of _segment_size to "prevent" overflow
+    unsigned short     tx_space;    // in units of _segment_size to "prevent" overflow
+    unsigned short     dead_space;  // in units of _segment_size to "prevent" overflow
+    unsigned short     stub_space;  // in units of _segment_size to "prevent" overflow
+    unsigned short     t1_count;
+    unsigned short     t2_count;
+    unsigned short     tx_count;
+    unsigned short     dead_count;
+    unsigned short     stub_count;
+    CompLevel          level;       // optimization level (see globalDefinitions.hpp)
+    //---<  replaced the correct enum typing with u2 to save space.
+    u2                 compiler;    // compiler which generated this blob. Type is CodeHeapState::compType
+    u2                 type;        // used only if granularity == segment_size. Type is CodeHeapState::blobType
+//  FreeBlk
+//  Each free block in the code heap is represented by an instance
+//  of this FreeBlk struct. It collects all information we need to
+//  know about each free block.
+//  All FreeBlks of a heap segment are stored in the related FreeArray.
+struct FreeBlk : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
+  HeapBlock*     start;       // address of free block
+  unsigned int   len;          // length of free block
+  unsigned int   gap;          // gap to next free block
+  unsigned int   index;        // sequential number of free block
+  unsigned short n_gapBlocks;  // # used blocks in gap
+  bool           stubs_in_gap; // The occupied space between this and the next free block contains (unmovable) stubs or blobs.
+//  TopSizeBlk
+//  The n largest blocks in the code heap are represented in an instance
+//  of this TopSizeBlk struct. It collects all information we need to
+//  know about those largest blocks.
+//  All TopSizeBlks of a heap segment are stored in the related TopSizeArray.
+struct TopSizeBlk : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
+  HeapBlock*     start;       // address of block
+  unsigned int   len;          // length of block, in _segment_size units. Will never overflow int.
+  unsigned int   index;        // ordering index, 0 is largest block
+                               // contains array index of next smaller block
+                               // -1 indicates end of list
+  CompLevel      level;        // optimization level (see globalDefinitions.hpp)
+  u2             compiler;     // compiler which generated this blob
+  u2             type;         // blob type
+//  SizeDistributionElement
+//  During CodeHeap analysis, each allocated code block is associated with a
+//  SizeDistributionElement according to its size. Later on, the array of
+//  SizeDistributionElements is used to print a size distribution bar graph.
+//  All SizeDistributionElements of a heap segment are stored in the related SizeDistributionArray.
+struct SizeDistributionElement : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
+                               // Range is [rangeStart..rangeEnd).
+  unsigned int   rangeStart;   // start of length range, in _segment_size units.
+  unsigned int   rangeEnd;     // end   of length range, in _segment_size units.
+  unsigned int   lenSum;       // length of block, in _segment_size units. Will never overflow int.
+  unsigned int   count;        // number of blocks assigned to this range.
+//  CodeHeapStat
+//  Because we have to deal with multiple CodeHeaps, we need to
+//  collect "global" information in a segment-specific way as well.
+//  Thats what the CodeHeapStat and CodeHeapStatArray are used for.
+//  Before a heap segment is processed, the contents of the CodeHeapStat
+//  element is copied to the global variables (get_HeapStatGlobals).
+//  When processing is done, the possibly modified global variables are
+//  copied back (set_HeapStatGlobals) to the CodeHeapStat element.
+struct CodeHeapStat {
+    StatElement*                     StatArray;
+    struct FreeBlk*                  FreeArray;
+    struct TopSizeBlk*               TopSizeArray;
+    struct SizeDistributionElement*  SizeDistributionArray;
+    const char*                      heapName;
+    size_t                           segment_size;
+    // StatElement data
+    size_t        alloc_granules;
+    size_t        granule_size;
+    bool          segment_granules;
+    unsigned int  nBlocks_t1;
+    unsigned int  nBlocks_t2;
+    unsigned int  nBlocks_alive;
+    unsigned int  nBlocks_dead;
+    unsigned int  nBlocks_unloaded;
+    unsigned int  nBlocks_stub;
+    // FreeBlk data
+    unsigned int  alloc_freeBlocks;
+    // UsedBlk data
+    unsigned int  alloc_topSizeBlocks;
+    unsigned int  used_topSizeBlocks;
+    // method hotness data. Temperature range is [-reset_val..+reset_val]
+    int           avgTemp;
+    int           maxTemp;
+    int           minTemp;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
 #include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
+#include "code/codeHeapState.hpp"
 #include "code/dependencyContext.hpp"
 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
 #include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
@@ -2424,3 +2425,111 @@
+// Print general/accumulated JIT information.
+void CompileBroker::print_info(outputStream *out) {
+  if (out == NULL) out = tty;
+  out->cr();
+  out->print_cr("======================");
+  out->print_cr("   General JIT info   ");
+  out->print_cr("======================");
+  out->cr();
+  out->print_cr("            JIT is : %7s",     should_compile_new_jobs() ? "on" : "off");
+  out->print_cr("  Compiler threads : %7d",     (int)CICompilerCount);
+  out->cr();
+  out->print_cr("CodeCache overview");
+  out->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------");
+  out->cr();
+  out->print_cr("         Reserved size : " SIZE_FORMAT_W(7) " KB", CodeCache::max_capacity() / K);
+  out->print_cr("        Committed size : " SIZE_FORMAT_W(7) " KB", CodeCache::capacity() / K);
+  out->print_cr("  Unallocated capacity : " SIZE_FORMAT_W(7) " KB", CodeCache::unallocated_capacity() / K);
+  out->cr();
+  out->cr();
+  out->print_cr("CodeCache cleaning overview");
+  out->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------");
+  out->cr();
+  NMethodSweeper::print(out);
+  out->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------");
+  out->cr();
+// Note: tty_lock must not be held upon entry to this function.
+//       Print functions called from herein do "micro-locking" on tty_lock.
+//       That's a tradeoff which keeps together important blocks of output.
+//       At the same time, continuous tty_lock hold time is kept in check,
+//       preventing concurrently printing threads from stalling a long time.
+void CompileBroker::print_heapinfo(outputStream* out, const char* function, const char* granularity) {
+  TimeStamp ts_total;
+  TimeStamp ts;
+  bool allFun = !strcmp(function, "all");
+  bool aggregate = !strcmp(function, "aggregate") || !strcmp(function, "analyze") || allFun;
+  bool usedSpace = !strcmp(function, "UsedSpace") || allFun;
+  bool freeSpace = !strcmp(function, "FreeSpace") || allFun;
+  bool methodCount = !strcmp(function, "MethodCount") || allFun;
+  bool methodSpace = !strcmp(function, "MethodSpace") || allFun;
+  bool methodAge = !strcmp(function, "MethodAge") || allFun;
+  bool methodNames = !strcmp(function, "MethodNames") || allFun;
+  bool discard = !strcmp(function, "discard") || allFun;
+  if (out == NULL) {
+    out = tty;
+  }
+  if (!(aggregate || usedSpace || freeSpace || methodCount || methodSpace || methodAge || methodNames || discard)) {
+    out->print_cr("\n__ CodeHeapStateAnalytics: Function %s is not supported", function);
+    out->cr();
+    return;
+  }
+  ts_total.update(); // record starting point
+  if (aggregate) {
+    print_info(out);
+  }
+  // We hold the CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock all the time, from here until we leave this function.
+  // That helps us getting a consistent view on the CodeHeap, at least for the "all" function.
+  // When we request individual parts of the analysis via the jcmd interface, it is possible
+  // that in between another thread (another jcmd user or the vm running into CodeCache OOM)
+  // updated the aggregated data. That's a tolerable tradeoff because we can't hold a lock
+  // across user interaction.
+  ts.update(); // record starting point
+  MutexLockerEx mu1(CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
+  out->cr();
+  out->print_cr("__ CodeHeapStateAnalytics lock wait took %10.3f seconds _________", ts.seconds());
+  out->cr();
+  if (aggregate) {
+    // It is sufficient to hold the CodeCache_lock only for the aggregate step.
+    // All other functions operate on aggregated data - except MethodNames, but that should be safe.
+    // The separate CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock protects the printing functions against
+    // concurrent aggregate steps. Acquire this lock before acquiring the CodeCache_lock.
+    // CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock could be held by a concurrent thread for a long time,
+    // leading to an unnecessarily long hold time of the CodeCache_lock.
+    ts.update(); // record starting point
+    MutexLockerEx mu2(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
+    out->cr();
+    out->print_cr("__ CodeCache lock wait took %10.3f seconds _________", ts.seconds());
+    out->cr();
+    ts.update(); // record starting point
+    CodeCache::aggregate(out, granularity);
+    out->cr();
+    out->print_cr("__ CodeCache lock hold took %10.3f seconds _________", ts.seconds());
+    out->cr();
+  }
+  if (usedSpace) CodeCache::print_usedSpace(out);
+  if (freeSpace) CodeCache::print_freeSpace(out);
+  if (methodCount) CodeCache::print_count(out);
+  if (methodSpace) CodeCache::print_space(out);
+  if (methodAge) CodeCache::print_age(out);
+  if (methodNames) CodeCache::print_names(out);
+  if (discard) CodeCache::discard(out);
+  out->cr();
+  out->print_cr("__ CodeHeapStateAnalytics total duration %10.3f seconds _________", ts_total.seconds());
+  out->cr();
--- a/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.hpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.hpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1999, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -381,6 +381,10 @@
   // Log that compilation profiling is skipped because metaspace is full.
   static void log_metaspace_failure();
+  // CodeHeap State Analytics.
+  static void print_info(outputStream *out);
+  static void print_heapinfo(outputStream *out, const char* function, const char* granularity );
--- a/src/hotspot/share/memory/heap.hpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/memory/heap.hpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -129,8 +129,6 @@
   // Iteration helpers
   void*      next_used(HeapBlock* b) const;
-  HeapBlock* first_block() const;
-  HeapBlock* next_block(HeapBlock* b) const;
   HeapBlock* block_start(void* p) const;
   // to perform additional actions on creation of executable code
@@ -179,6 +177,12 @@
   size_t alignment_offset()     const;           // offset of first byte of any block, within the enclosing alignment unit
   static size_t header_size();                   // returns the header size for each heap block
+  size_t segment_size()         const { return _segment_size; }  // for CodeHeapState
+  HeapBlock* first_block() const;                                // for CodeHeapState
+  HeapBlock* next_block(HeapBlock* b) const;                     // for CodeHeapState
+  FreeBlock* freelist()         const { return _freelist; }      // for CodeHeapState
   size_t allocated_in_freelist() const           { return _freelist_segments * CodeCacheSegmentSize; }
   int    freelist_length()       const           { return _freelist_length; } // number of elements in the freelist
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/java.cpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/java.cpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -316,8 +316,13 @@
-  if (PrintMethodFlushingStatistics) {
-    NMethodSweeper::print();
+  // CodeHeap State Analytics.
+  // Does also call NMethodSweeper::print(tty)
+  LogTarget(Trace, codecache) lt;
+  if (lt.is_enabled()) {
+    CompileBroker::print_heapinfo(NULL, "all", "4096"); // details
+  } else if (PrintMethodFlushingStatistics) {
+    NMethodSweeper::print(tty);
   if (PrintCodeCache2) {
@@ -379,8 +384,13 @@
-  if (PrintMethodFlushingStatistics) {
-    NMethodSweeper::print();
+  // CodeHeap State Analytics.
+  // Does also call NMethodSweeper::print(tty)
+  LogTarget(Trace, codecache) lt;
+  if (lt.is_enabled()) {
+    CompileBroker::print_heapinfo(NULL, "all", "4096"); // details
+  } else if (PrintMethodFlushingStatistics) {
+    NMethodSweeper::print(tty);
 #ifdef COMPILER2
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.cpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.cpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
 Mutex*   UnsafeJlong_lock             = NULL;
+Monitor* CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock  = NULL;
 Mutex*   MetaspaceExpand_lock         = NULL;
@@ -301,6 +302,8 @@
   def(UnsafeJlong_lock             , PaddedMutex  , special,     false, Monitor::_safepoint_check_never);
+  def(CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock  , PaddedMutex  , leaf,        true,  Monitor::_safepoint_check_never);
 GCMutexLocker::GCMutexLocker(Monitor * mutex) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.hpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.hpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@
 extern Mutex*   MetaspaceExpand_lock;            // protects Metaspace virtualspace and chunk expansions
+extern Monitor* CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock;     // lock print functions against concurrent analyze functions.
+                                                 // Only used locally in PrintCodeCacheLayout processing.
 // A MutexLocker provides mutual exclusion with respect to a given mutex
 // for the scope which contains the locker.  The lock is an OS lock, not
 // an object lock, and the two do not interoperate.  Do not use Mutex-based
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/sweeper.cpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/sweeper.cpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -824,12 +824,13 @@
-void NMethodSweeper::print() {
+void NMethodSweeper::print(outputStream* out) {
   ttyLocker ttyl;
-  tty->print_cr("Code cache sweeper statistics:");
-  tty->print_cr("  Total sweep time:                %1.0lfms", (double)_total_time_sweeping.value()/1000000);
-  tty->print_cr("  Total number of full sweeps:     %ld", _total_nof_code_cache_sweeps);
-  tty->print_cr("  Total number of flushed methods: %ld(%ld C2 methods)", _total_nof_methods_reclaimed,
+  out = (out == NULL) ? tty : out;
+  out->print_cr("Code cache sweeper statistics:");
+  out->print_cr("  Total sweep time:                %1.0lf ms", (double)_total_time_sweeping.value()/1000000);
+  out->print_cr("  Total number of full sweeps:     %ld", _total_nof_code_cache_sweeps);
+  out->print_cr("  Total number of flushed methods: %ld (thereof %ld C2 methods)", _total_nof_methods_reclaimed,
-  tty->print_cr("  Total size of flushed methods:   " SIZE_FORMAT "kB", _total_flushed_size/K);
+  out->print_cr("  Total size of flushed methods:   " SIZE_FORMAT " kB", _total_flushed_size/K);
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/sweeper.hpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/sweeper.hpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@
   static void report_state_change(nmethod* nm);
   static void possibly_enable_sweeper();
   static void possibly_flush(nmethod* nm);
-  static void print();   // Printing/debugging
+  static void print(outputStream* out);   // Printing/debugging
+  static void print() { print(tty); }
--- a/src/hotspot/share/services/diagnosticCommand.cpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/services/diagnosticCommand.cpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
   DCmdFactory::register_DCmdFactory(new DCmdFactoryImpl<CodeListDCmd>(full_export, true, false));
   DCmdFactory::register_DCmdFactory(new DCmdFactoryImpl<CodeCacheDCmd>(full_export, true, false));
   DCmdFactory::register_DCmdFactory(new DCmdFactoryImpl<TouchedMethodsDCmd>(full_export, true, false));
+  DCmdFactory::register_DCmdFactory(new DCmdFactoryImpl<CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd>(full_export, true, false));
   DCmdFactory::register_DCmdFactory(new DCmdFactoryImpl<CompilerDirectivesPrintDCmd>(full_export, true, false));
   DCmdFactory::register_DCmdFactory(new DCmdFactoryImpl<CompilerDirectivesAddDCmd>(full_export, true, false));
@@ -920,6 +921,31 @@
+//---<  BEGIN  >--- CodeHeap State Analytics.
+CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd::CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) :
+                                             DCmdWithParser(output, heap),
+  _function("function", "Function to be performed (aggregate, UsedSpace, FreeSpace, MethodCount, MethodSpace, MethodAge, MethodNames, discard", "STRING", false, "all"),
+  _granularity("granularity", "Detail level - smaller value -> more detail", "STRING", false, "4096") {
+  _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_argument(&_function);
+  _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_argument(&_granularity);
+void CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd::execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS) {
+  CompileBroker::print_heapinfo(output(), _function.value(), _granularity.value());
+int CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd::num_arguments() {
+  ResourceMark rm;
+  CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd* dcmd = new CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd(NULL, false);
+  if (dcmd != NULL) {
+    DCmdMark mark(dcmd);
+    return dcmd->_dcmdparser.num_arguments();
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+//---<  END  >--- CodeHeap State Analytics.
 void CompilerDirectivesPrintDCmd::execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/services/diagnosticCommand.hpp	Mon Mar 26 08:17:56 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/services/diagnosticCommand.hpp	Mon Mar 26 12:59:45 2018 -0700
@@ -641,6 +641,33 @@
   virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
+//---<  BEGIN  >--- CodeHeap State Analytics.
+class CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd : public DCmdWithParser {
+  DCmdArgument<char*> _function;
+  DCmdArgument<char*> _granularity;
+  CodeHeapAnalyticsDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap);
+  static const char* name() {
+    return "Compiler.CodeHeap_Analytics";
+  }
+  static const char* description() {
+    return "Print CodeHeap analytics";
+  }
+  static const char* impact() {
+    return "Low: Depends on code heap size and content. "
+           "Holds CodeCache_lock during analysis step, usually sub-second duration.";
+  }
+  static const JavaPermission permission() {
+    JavaPermission p = {"java.lang.management.ManagementPermission",
+                        "monitor", NULL};
+    return p;
+  }
+  static int num_arguments();
+  virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
+//---<  END  >--- CodeHeap State Analytics.
 class CompilerDirectivesPrintDCmd : public DCmd {
   CompilerDirectivesPrintDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmd(output, heap) {}