Update BasicInt and BasicLong.
--- a/test/jdk/java/util/Optional/Basic.java Thu Mar 29 14:40:53 2018 -0700
+++ b/test/jdk/java/util/Optional/Basic.java Thu Mar 29 16:12:41 2018 -0700
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
/* @test
+ * @bug 8195649
* @summary Basic functional test of Optional
* @author Mike Duigou
* @build ObscureException
@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class Basic {
--- a/test/jdk/java/util/Optional/BasicDouble.java Thu Mar 29 14:40:53 2018 -0700
+++ b/test/jdk/java/util/Optional/BasicDouble.java Thu Mar 29 16:12:41 2018 -0700
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
/* @test
+ * @bug 8195649
* @summary Basic functional test of OptionalDouble
* @author Mike Duigou
* @build ObscureException
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class BasicDouble {
+ static final double DOUBLEVAL = Math.PI;
static final double UNEXPECTED = 6.62607004E-34;
@@ -111,17 +113,17 @@
@Test(groups = "unit")
- public void testOf() {
- checkPresent(OptionalDouble.of(Math.PI), Math.PI);
+ public void testPresent() {
+ checkPresent(OptionalDouble.of(DOUBLEVAL), DOUBLEVAL);
@Test(groups = "unit")
public void testStreamEmpty() {
- assertEquals(OptionalDouble.empty().stream().toArray().length, 0);
+ assertEquals(OptionalDouble.empty().stream().toArray(), new double[] { });
@Test(groups = "unit")
public void testStreamPresent() {
- assertEquals(OptionalDouble.of(Math.PI).stream().toArray(), new double[] { Math.PI });
+ assertEquals(OptionalDouble.of(DOUBLEVAL).stream().toArray(), new double[] { DOUBLEVAL });
--- a/test/jdk/java/util/Optional/BasicInt.java Thu Mar 29 14:40:53 2018 -0700
+++ b/test/jdk/java/util/Optional/BasicInt.java Thu Mar 29 16:12:41 2018 -0700
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
/* @test
+ * @bug 8195649
* @summary Basic functional test of OptionalInt
* @author Mike Duigou
* @build ObscureException
@@ -36,170 +37,95 @@
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class BasicInt {
- @Test(groups = "unit")
- public void testEmpty() {
- OptionalInt empty = OptionalInt.empty();
- OptionalInt present = OptionalInt.of(1);
+ static final int INTVAL = 33_550_336;
+ static final int UNEXPECTED = 0xCAFEBABE;
+ /**
+ * Checks a block of assertions over an empty OptionalInt.
+ */
+ void checkEmpty(OptionalInt empty) {
+ assertTrue(empty.equals(OptionalInt.empty()));
+ assertTrue(OptionalInt.empty().equals(empty));
+ assertFalse(empty.equals(OptionalInt.of(UNEXPECTED)));
+ assertFalse(OptionalInt.of(UNEXPECTED).equals(empty));
+ assertFalse(empty.equals("unexpected"));
- // empty
- assertTrue(empty.equals(empty));
- assertTrue(empty.equals(OptionalInt.empty()));
- assertTrue(!empty.equals(present));
- assertTrue(0 == empty.hashCode());
- assertTrue(!empty.toString().isEmpty());
- assertTrue(!empty.isPresent());
+ assertFalse(empty.isPresent());
+ assertEquals(empty.hashCode(), 0);
+ assertEquals(empty.orElse(UNEXPECTED), UNEXPECTED);
+ assertEquals(empty.orElseGet(() -> UNEXPECTED), UNEXPECTED);
+ assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () -> empty.getAsInt());
+ assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () -> empty.orElseThrow());
+ assertThrows(ObscureException.class, () -> empty.orElseThrow(ObscureException::new));
- empty.ifPresent(v -> { fail(); });
+ var b = new AtomicBoolean();
+ empty.ifPresent(s -> b.set(true));
+ assertFalse(b.get());
+ var b1 = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ var b2 = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ empty.ifPresentOrElse(s -> b1.set(true), () -> b2.set(true));
+ assertFalse(b1.get());
+ assertTrue(b2.get());
- AtomicBoolean emptyCheck = new AtomicBoolean();
- empty.ifPresentOrElse(v -> fail(), () -> emptyCheck.set(true));
- assertTrue(emptyCheck.get());
+ assertEquals(empty.toString(), "OptionalInt.empty");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks a block of assertions over an OptionalInt that is expected to
+ * have a particular value present.
+ */
+ void checkPresent(OptionalInt opt, int expected) {
+ assertFalse(opt.equals(OptionalInt.empty()));
+ assertFalse(OptionalInt.empty().equals(opt));
+ assertTrue(opt.equals(OptionalInt.of(expected)));
+ assertTrue(OptionalInt.of(expected).equals(opt));
+ assertFalse(opt.equals(OptionalInt.of(UNEXPECTED)));
+ assertFalse(OptionalInt.of(UNEXPECTED).equals(opt));
+ assertFalse(opt.equals("unexpected"));
- try {
- empty.ifPresentOrElse(v -> fail(), () -> { throw new ObscureException(); });
- fail();
- } catch (ObscureException expected) {
- } catch (AssertionError e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- fail();
- }
+ assertTrue(opt.isPresent());
+ assertEquals(opt.hashCode(), Integer.hashCode(expected));
+ assertEquals(opt.orElse(UNEXPECTED), expected);
+ assertEquals(opt.orElseGet(() -> UNEXPECTED), expected);
+ assertEquals(opt.getAsInt(), expected);
+ assertEquals(opt.orElseThrow(), expected);
+ assertEquals(opt.orElseThrow(ObscureException::new), expected);
- assertEquals(2, empty.orElse(2));
- assertEquals(2, empty.orElseGet(()-> 2));
+ var b = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ opt.ifPresent(s -> b.set(true));
+ assertTrue(b.get());
+ var b1 = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ var b2 = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ opt.ifPresentOrElse(s -> b1.set(true), () -> b2.set(true));
+ assertTrue(b1.get());
+ assertFalse(b2.get());
+ assertEquals(opt.toString(), "OptionalInt[" + expected + "]");
@Test(groups = "unit")
- public void testIfPresentAndOrElseAndNull() {
- OptionalInt empty = OptionalInt.empty();
- OptionalInt present = OptionalInt.of(1);
- // No NPE
- present.ifPresentOrElse(v -> {}, null);
- empty.ifPresent(null);
- empty.ifPresentOrElse(null, () -> {});
- // NPE
- try {
- present.ifPresent(null);
- fail();
- } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}
- try {
- present.ifPresentOrElse(null, () -> {});
- fail();
- } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}
- try {
- empty.ifPresentOrElse(v -> {}, null);
- fail();
- } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=NoSuchElementException.class)
- public void testEmptyGet() {
- OptionalInt empty = OptionalInt.empty();
- int got = empty.getAsInt();
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=NullPointerException.class)
- public void testEmptyOrElseGetNull() {
- OptionalInt empty = OptionalInt.empty();
- int got = empty.orElseGet(null);
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=NullPointerException.class)
- public void testEmptyOrElseThrowNull() throws Throwable {
- OptionalInt empty = OptionalInt.empty();
- int got = empty.orElseThrow(null);
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=ObscureException.class)
- public void testEmptyOrElseThrow() throws Exception {
- OptionalInt empty = OptionalInt.empty();
- int got = empty.orElseThrow(ObscureException::new);
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=NoSuchElementException.class)
- public void testEmptyOrElseThrowNoArg() throws Exception {
- OptionalInt empty = OptionalInt.empty();
- int got = empty.orElseThrow();
+ public void testEmpty() {
+ checkEmpty(OptionalInt.empty());
@Test(groups = "unit")
public void testPresent() {
- OptionalInt empty = OptionalInt.empty();
- OptionalInt present = OptionalInt.of(1);
- // present
- assertTrue(present.equals(present));
- assertFalse(present.equals(OptionalInt.of(0)));
- assertTrue(present.equals(OptionalInt.of(1)));
- assertFalse(present.equals(empty));
- assertTrue(Integer.hashCode(1) == present.hashCode());
- assertFalse(present.toString().isEmpty());
- assertTrue(-1 != present.toString().indexOf(Integer.toString(present.getAsInt()).toString()));
- assertTrue(-1 != present.toString().indexOf(Integer.toString(present.orElseThrow()).toString()));
- assertEquals(1, present.getAsInt());
- assertEquals(1, present.orElseThrow());
- AtomicBoolean presentCheck = new AtomicBoolean();
- present.ifPresent(v -> presentCheck.set(true));
- assertTrue(presentCheck.get());
- presentCheck.set(false);
- present.ifPresentOrElse(v -> presentCheck.set(true), () -> fail());
- assertTrue(presentCheck.get());
- try {
- present.ifPresent(v -> { throw new ObscureException(); });
- fail();
- } catch (ObscureException expected) {
- } catch (AssertionError e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- fail();
- }
- try {
- present.ifPresentOrElse(v -> { throw new ObscureException(); }, () -> fail());
- fail();
- } catch (ObscureException expected) {
- } catch (AssertionError e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- fail();
- }
- assertEquals(1, present.orElse(2));
- assertEquals(1, present.orElseGet(null));
- assertEquals(1, present.orElseGet(()-> 2));
- assertEquals(1, present.orElseGet(()-> 3));
- assertEquals(1, present.<RuntimeException>orElseThrow(null));
- assertEquals(1, present.<RuntimeException>orElseThrow(ObscureException::new));
+ checkPresent(OptionalInt.of(INTVAL), INTVAL);
@Test(groups = "unit")
- public void testStream() {
- {
- IntStream s = OptionalInt.empty().stream();
- assertFalse(s.isParallel());
- int[] es = s.toArray();
- assertEquals(es.length, 0);
- }
+ public void testStreamEmpty() {
+ assertEquals(OptionalInt.empty().stream().toArray(), new int[] { });
+ }
- {
- IntStream s = OptionalInt.of(42).stream();
- assertFalse(s.isParallel());
- int[] es = OptionalInt.of(42).stream().toArray();
- assertEquals(es.length, 1);
- assertEquals(es[0], 42);
- }
+ @Test(groups = "unit")
+ public void testStreamPresent() {
+ assertEquals(OptionalInt.of(INTVAL).stream().toArray(), new int[] { INTVAL });
--- a/test/jdk/java/util/Optional/BasicLong.java Thu Mar 29 14:40:53 2018 -0700
+++ b/test/jdk/java/util/Optional/BasicLong.java Thu Mar 29 16:12:41 2018 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
/* @test
+ * @bug 8195649
* @summary Basic functional test of OptionalLong
* @author Mike Duigou
* @build ObscureException
@@ -36,170 +37,94 @@
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class BasicLong {
+ static final long LONGVAL = 2_305_843_008_139_952_128L;
- @Test(groups = "unit")
- public void testEmpty() {
- OptionalLong empty = OptionalLong.empty();
- OptionalLong present = OptionalLong.of(1);
+ /**
+ * Checks a block of assertions over an empty OptionalLong.
+ */
+ void checkEmpty(OptionalLong empty) {
+ assertTrue(empty.equals(OptionalLong.empty()));
+ assertTrue(OptionalLong.empty().equals(empty));
+ assertFalse(empty.equals(OptionalLong.of(UNEXPECTED)));
+ assertFalse(OptionalLong.of(UNEXPECTED).equals(empty));
+ assertFalse(empty.equals("unexpected"));
- // empty
- assertTrue(empty.equals(empty));
- assertTrue(empty.equals(OptionalLong.empty()));
- assertTrue(!empty.equals(present));
- assertTrue(0 == empty.hashCode());
- assertTrue(!empty.toString().isEmpty());
- assertTrue(!empty.isPresent());
+ assertFalse(empty.isPresent());
+ assertEquals(empty.hashCode(), 0);
+ assertEquals(empty.orElse(UNEXPECTED), UNEXPECTED);
+ assertEquals(empty.orElseGet(() -> UNEXPECTED), UNEXPECTED);
+ assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () -> empty.getAsLong());
+ assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () -> empty.orElseThrow());
+ assertThrows(ObscureException.class, () -> empty.orElseThrow(ObscureException::new));
+ var b = new AtomicBoolean();
+ empty.ifPresent(s -> b.set(true));
+ assertFalse(b.get());
+ var b1 = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ var b2 = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ empty.ifPresentOrElse(s -> b1.set(true), () -> b2.set(true));
+ assertFalse(b1.get());
+ assertTrue(b2.get());
- empty.ifPresent(v -> { fail(); });
+ assertEquals(empty.toString(), "OptionalLong.empty");
+ }
- AtomicBoolean emptyCheck = new AtomicBoolean();
- empty.ifPresentOrElse(v -> fail(), () -> emptyCheck.set(true));
- assertTrue(emptyCheck.get());
+ /**
+ * Checks a block of assertions over an OptionalLong that is expected to
+ * have a particular value present.
+ */
+ void checkPresent(OptionalLong opt, long expected) {
+ assertFalse(opt.equals(OptionalLong.empty()));
+ assertFalse(OptionalLong.empty().equals(opt));
+ assertTrue(opt.equals(OptionalLong.of(expected)));
+ assertTrue(OptionalLong.of(expected).equals(opt));
+ assertFalse(opt.equals(OptionalLong.of(UNEXPECTED)));
+ assertFalse(OptionalLong.of(UNEXPECTED).equals(opt));
+ assertFalse(opt.equals("unexpected"));
- try {
- empty.ifPresentOrElse(v -> fail(), () -> { throw new ObscureException(); });
- fail();
- } catch (ObscureException expected) {
- } catch (AssertionError e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- fail();
- }
+ assertTrue(opt.isPresent());
+ assertEquals(opt.hashCode(), Long.hashCode(expected));
+ assertEquals(opt.orElse(UNEXPECTED), expected);
+ assertEquals(opt.orElseGet(() -> UNEXPECTED), expected);
+ assertEquals(opt.getAsLong(), expected);
+ assertEquals(opt.orElseThrow(), expected);
+ assertEquals(opt.orElseThrow(ObscureException::new), expected);
- assertEquals(2, empty.orElse(2));
- assertEquals(2, empty.orElseGet(()-> 2));
+ var b = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ opt.ifPresent(s -> b.set(true));
+ assertTrue(b.get());
+ var b1 = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ var b2 = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ opt.ifPresentOrElse(s -> b1.set(true), () -> b2.set(true));
+ assertTrue(b1.get());
+ assertFalse(b2.get());
+ assertEquals(opt.toString(), "OptionalLong[" + expected + "]");
@Test(groups = "unit")
- public void testIfPresentAndOrElseAndNull() {
- OptionalLong empty = OptionalLong.empty();
- OptionalLong present = OptionalLong.of(1);
- // No NPE
- present.ifPresentOrElse(v -> {}, null);
- empty.ifPresent(null);
- empty.ifPresentOrElse(null, () -> {});
- // NPE
- try {
- present.ifPresent(null);
- fail();
- } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}
- try {
- present.ifPresentOrElse(null, () -> {});
- fail();
- } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}
- try {
- empty.ifPresentOrElse(v -> {}, null);
- fail();
- } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=NoSuchElementException.class)
- public void testEmptyGet() {
- OptionalLong empty = OptionalLong.empty();
- long got = empty.getAsLong();
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=NullPointerException.class)
- public void testEmptyOrElseGetNull() {
- OptionalLong empty = OptionalLong.empty();
- long got = empty.orElseGet(null);
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=NullPointerException.class)
- public void testEmptyOrElseThrowNull() throws Throwable {
- OptionalLong empty = OptionalLong.empty();
- long got = empty.orElseThrow(null);
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=ObscureException.class)
- public void testEmptyOrElseThrow() throws Exception {
- OptionalLong empty = OptionalLong.empty();
- long got = empty.orElseThrow(ObscureException::new);
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions=NoSuchElementException.class)
- public void testEmptyOrElseThrowNoArg() throws Exception {
- OptionalLong empty = OptionalLong.empty();
- long got = empty.orElseThrow();
+ public void testEmpty() {
+ checkEmpty(OptionalLong.empty());
@Test(groups = "unit")
public void testPresent() {
- OptionalLong empty = OptionalLong.empty();
- OptionalLong present = OptionalLong.of(1L);
- // present
- assertTrue(present.equals(present));
- assertFalse(present.equals(OptionalLong.of(0L)));
- assertTrue(present.equals(OptionalLong.of(1L)));
- assertFalse(present.equals(empty));
- assertTrue(Long.hashCode(1) == present.hashCode());
- assertFalse(present.toString().isEmpty());
- assertTrue(-1 != present.toString().indexOf(Long.toString(present.getAsLong()).toString()));
- assertTrue(-1 != present.toString().indexOf(Long.toString(present.orElseThrow()).toString()));
- assertEquals(1L, present.getAsLong());
- assertEquals(1L, present.orElseThrow());
- AtomicBoolean presentCheck = new AtomicBoolean();
- present.ifPresent(v -> presentCheck.set(true));
- assertTrue(presentCheck.get());
- presentCheck.set(false);
- present.ifPresentOrElse(v -> presentCheck.set(true), () -> fail());
- assertTrue(presentCheck.get());
- try {
- present.ifPresent(v -> { throw new ObscureException(); });
- fail();
- } catch (ObscureException expected) {
- } catch (AssertionError e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- fail();
- }
- try {
- present.ifPresentOrElse(v -> {
- throw new ObscureException();
- }, () -> fail());
- fail();
- } catch (ObscureException expected) {
- } catch (AssertionError e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- fail();
- }
- assertEquals(1, present.orElse(2));
- assertEquals(1, present.orElseGet(null));
- assertEquals(1, present.orElseGet(()-> 2));
- assertEquals(1, present.orElseGet(()-> 3));
- assertEquals(1, present.<RuntimeException>orElseThrow(null));
- assertEquals(1, present.<RuntimeException>orElseThrow(ObscureException::new));
+ checkPresent(OptionalLong.of(LONGVAL), LONGVAL);
@Test(groups = "unit")
- public void testStream() {
- {
- LongStream s = OptionalLong.empty().stream();
- long[] es = s.toArray();
- assertEquals(es.length, 0);
- }
+ public void testStreamEmpty() {
+ assertEquals(OptionalLong.empty().stream().toArray(), new long[] { });
+ }
- {
- LongStream s = OptionalLong.of(42L).stream();
- long[] es = s.toArray();
- assertEquals(es.length, 1);
- assertEquals(es[0], 42L);
- }
+ @Test(groups = "unit")
+ public void testStreamPresent() {
+ assertEquals(OptionalLong.of(LONGVAL).stream().toArray(), new long[] { LONGVAL });