8135067: Preparatory refactorings for compiler control
Fri, 04 Sep 2015 12:47:57 +0200 (2015-09-04)
changeset 32582 56619bb8bcaa
parent 32581 632402f18fe6
child 32627 a48ad2501e47
child 32723 56534fb3d71a
8135067: Preparatory refactorings for compiler control Summary: Extract CompileTask and clean up Reviewed-by: roland
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_Compiler.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_Compiler.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 #include "c1/c1_Runtime1.hpp"
 #include "c1/c1_ValueType.hpp"
 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
-#include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
 #include "interpreter/linkResolver.hpp"
 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -4212,7 +4212,7 @@
   if (!PrintInlining && !compilation()->method()->has_option("PrintInlining")) {
-  CompileTask::print_inlining(callee, scope()->level(), bci(), msg);
+  CompileTask::print_inlining_tty(callee, scope()->level(), bci(), msg);
   if (success && CIPrintMethodCodes) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -1447,7 +1447,6 @@
     if (methodData() == NULL)
-    bool printit = _method->should_print_assembly();
     if (methodData()->has_escape_info()) {
       TRACE_BCEA(2, tty->print_cr("[EA] Reading previous results for %s.%s",
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 #include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
 #include "code/debugInfo.hpp"
 #include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
-#include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -848,10 +848,10 @@
   if (st != NULL) {
     ttyLocker ttyl;
     if (WizardMode) {
-      CompileTask::print_compilation(st, this, msg, /*short_form:*/ true);
+      CompileTask::print(st, this, msg, /*short_form:*/ true);
       st->print_cr(" (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", this);
     } else {
-      CompileTask::print_compilation(st, this, msg, /*short_form:*/ false);
+      CompileTask::print(st, this, msg, /*short_form:*/ false);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@
 CompileQueue* CompileBroker::_c2_compile_queue   = NULL;
 CompileQueue* CompileBroker::_c1_compile_queue   = NULL;
 class CompilationLog : public StringEventLog {
   CompilationLog() : StringEventLog("Compilation events") {
@@ -167,7 +166,7 @@
     StringLogMessage lm;
     stringStream sstr = lm.stream();
     // msg.time_stamp().update_to(tty->time_stamp().ticks());
-    task->print_compilation(&sstr, NULL, true, false);
+    task->print(&sstr, NULL, true, false);
     log(thread, "%s", (const char*)lm);
@@ -233,371 +232,6 @@
-CompileTask*  CompileTask::_task_free_list = NULL;
-#ifdef ASSERT
-int CompileTask::_num_allocated_tasks = 0;
- * Allocate a CompileTask, from the free list if possible.
- */
-CompileTask* CompileTask::allocate() {
-  MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
-  CompileTask* task = NULL;
-  if (_task_free_list != NULL) {
-    task = _task_free_list;
-    _task_free_list = task->next();
-    task->set_next(NULL);
-  } else {
-    task = new CompileTask();
-    DEBUG_ONLY(_num_allocated_tasks++;)
-    assert (WhiteBoxAPI || _num_allocated_tasks < 10000, "Leaking compilation tasks?");
-    task->set_next(NULL);
-    task->set_is_free(true);
-  }
-  assert(task->is_free(), "Task must be free.");
-  task->set_is_free(false);
-  return task;
- * Add a task to the free list.
- */
-void CompileTask::free(CompileTask* task) {
-  MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
-  if (!task->is_free()) {
-    task->set_code(NULL);
-    assert(!task->lock()->is_locked(), "Should not be locked when freed");
-    JNIHandles::destroy_global(task->_method_holder);
-    JNIHandles::destroy_global(task->_hot_method_holder);
-    task->set_is_free(true);
-    task->set_next(_task_free_list);
-    _task_free_list = task;
-  }
-void CompileTask::initialize(int compile_id,
-                             methodHandle method,
-                             int osr_bci,
-                             int comp_level,
-                             methodHandle hot_method,
-                             int hot_count,
-                             const char* comment,
-                             bool is_blocking) {
-  assert(!_lock->is_locked(), "bad locking");
-  _compile_id = compile_id;
-  _method = method();
-  _method_holder = JNIHandles::make_global(method->method_holder()->klass_holder());
-  _osr_bci = osr_bci;
-  _is_blocking = is_blocking;
-  _comp_level = comp_level;
-  _num_inlined_bytecodes = 0;
-  _is_complete = false;
-  _is_success = false;
-  _code_handle = NULL;
-  _hot_method = NULL;
-  _hot_method_holder = NULL;
-  _hot_count = hot_count;
-  _time_queued = 0;  // tidy
-  _comment = comment;
-  _failure_reason = NULL;
-  if (LogCompilation) {
-    _time_queued = os::elapsed_counter();
-    if (hot_method.not_null()) {
-      if (hot_method == method) {
-        _hot_method = _method;
-      } else {
-        _hot_method = hot_method();
-        // only add loader or mirror if different from _method_holder
-        _hot_method_holder = JNIHandles::make_global(hot_method->method_holder()->klass_holder());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  _next = NULL;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::code/set_code
-nmethod* CompileTask::code() const {
-  if (_code_handle == NULL)  return NULL;
-  return _code_handle->code();
-void CompileTask::set_code(nmethod* nm) {
-  if (_code_handle == NULL && nm == NULL)  return;
-  guarantee(_code_handle != NULL, "");
-  _code_handle->set_code(nm);
-  if (nm == NULL)  _code_handle = NULL;  // drop the handle also
-void CompileTask::mark_on_stack() {
-  // Mark these methods as something redefine classes cannot remove.
-  _method->set_on_stack(true);
-  if (_hot_method != NULL) {
-    _hot_method->set_on_stack(true);
-  }
-// RedefineClasses support
-void CompileTask::metadata_do(void f(Metadata*)) {
-  f(method());
-  if (hot_method() != NULL && hot_method() != method()) {
-    f(hot_method());
-  }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::print_line_on_error
-// This function is called by fatal error handler when the thread
-// causing troubles is a compiler thread.
-// Do not grab any lock, do not allocate memory.
-// Otherwise it's the same as CompileTask::print_line()
-void CompileTask::print_line_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) {
-  // print compiler name
-  st->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level()));
-  print_compilation(st);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::print_line
-void CompileTask::print_tty() {
-  ttyLocker ttyl;  // keep the following output all in one block
-  // print compiler name if requested
-  if (CIPrintCompilerName) tty->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level()));
-    print_compilation(tty);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::print_compilation_impl
-void CompileTask::print_compilation_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
-                                         bool is_osr_method, int osr_bci, bool is_blocking,
-                                         const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr) {
-  if (!short_form) {
-    st->print("%7d ", (int) st->time_stamp().milliseconds());  // print timestamp
-  }
-  st->print("%4d ", compile_id);    // print compilation number
-  // For unloaded methods the transition to zombie occurs after the
-  // method is cleared so it's impossible to report accurate
-  // information for that case.
-  bool is_synchronized = false;
-  bool has_exception_handler = false;
-  bool is_native = false;
-  if (method != NULL) {
-    is_synchronized       = method->is_synchronized();
-    has_exception_handler = method->has_exception_handler();
-    is_native             = method->is_native();
-  }
-  // method attributes
-  const char compile_type   = is_osr_method                   ? '%' : ' ';
-  const char sync_char      = is_synchronized                 ? 's' : ' ';
-  const char exception_char = has_exception_handler           ? '!' : ' ';
-  const char blocking_char  = is_blocking                     ? 'b' : ' ';
-  const char native_char    = is_native                       ? 'n' : ' ';
-  // print method attributes
-  st->print("%c%c%c%c%c ", compile_type, sync_char, exception_char, blocking_char, native_char);
-  if (TieredCompilation) {
-    if (comp_level != -1)  st->print("%d ", comp_level);
-    else                   st->print("- ");
-  }
-  st->print("     ");  // more indent
-  if (method == NULL) {
-    st->print("(method)");
-  } else {
-    method->print_short_name(st);
-    if (is_osr_method) {
-      st->print(" @ %d", osr_bci);
-    }
-    if (method->is_native())
-      st->print(" (native)");
-    else
-      st->print(" (%d bytes)", method->code_size());
-  }
-  if (msg != NULL) {
-    st->print("   %s", msg);
-  }
-  if (cr) {
-    st->cr();
-  }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::print_inlining
-void CompileTask::print_inlining(outputStream* st, ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg) {
-  //         1234567
-  st->print("        ");     // print timestamp
-  //         1234
-  st->print("     ");        // print compilation number
-  // method attributes
-  if (method->is_loaded()) {
-    const char sync_char      = method->is_synchronized()        ? 's' : ' ';
-    const char exception_char = method->has_exception_handlers() ? '!' : ' ';
-    const char monitors_char  = method->has_monitor_bytecodes()  ? 'm' : ' ';
-    // print method attributes
-    st->print(" %c%c%c  ", sync_char, exception_char, monitors_char);
-  } else {
-    //         %s!bn
-    st->print("      ");     // print method attributes
-  }
-  if (TieredCompilation) {
-    st->print("  ");
-  }
-  st->print("     ");        // more indent
-  st->print("    ");         // initial inlining indent
-  for (int i = 0; i < inline_level; i++)  st->print("  ");
-  st->print("@ %d  ", bci);  // print bci
-  method->print_short_name(st);
-  if (method->is_loaded())
-    st->print(" (%d bytes)", method->code_size());
-  else
-    st->print(" (not loaded)");
-  if (msg != NULL) {
-    st->print("   %s", msg);
-  }
-  st->cr();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::print_inline_indent
-void CompileTask::print_inline_indent(int inline_level, outputStream* st) {
-  //         1234567
-  st->print("        ");     // print timestamp
-  //         1234
-  st->print("     ");        // print compilation number
-  //         %s!bn
-  st->print("      ");       // print method attributes
-  if (TieredCompilation) {
-    st->print("  ");
-  }
-  st->print("     ");        // more indent
-  st->print("    ");         // initial inlining indent
-  for (int i = 0; i < inline_level; i++)  st->print("  ");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::print_compilation
-void CompileTask::print_compilation(outputStream* st, const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr) {
-  bool is_osr_method = osr_bci() != InvocationEntryBci;
-  print_compilation_impl(st, method(), compile_id(), comp_level(), is_osr_method, osr_bci(), is_blocking(), msg, short_form, cr);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::log_task
-void CompileTask::log_task(xmlStream* log) {
-  Thread* thread = Thread::current();
-  methodHandle method(thread, this->method());
-  ResourceMark rm(thread);
-  // <task compiler='Cx' id='9' method='M' osr_bci='X' level='1' blocking='1' stamp='1.234'>
-  log->print(" compiler='%s' compile_id='%d'", _comp_level <= CompLevel_full_profile ? "C1" : "C2", _compile_id);
-  if (_osr_bci != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci) {
-    log->print(" compile_kind='osr'");  // same as nmethod::compile_kind
-  } // else compile_kind='c2c'
-  if (!method.is_null())  log->method(method);
-  if (_osr_bci != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci) {
-    log->print(" osr_bci='%d'", _osr_bci);
-  }
-  if (_comp_level != CompLevel_highest_tier) {
-    log->print(" level='%d'", _comp_level);
-  }
-  if (_is_blocking) {
-    log->print(" blocking='1'");
-  }
-  log->stamp();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::log_task_queued
-void CompileTask::log_task_queued() {
-  Thread* thread = Thread::current();
-  ttyLocker ttyl;
-  ResourceMark rm(thread);
-  xtty->begin_elem("task_queued");
-  log_task(xtty);
-  if (_comment != NULL) {
-    xtty->print(" comment='%s'", _comment);
-  }
-  if (_hot_method != NULL) {
-    methodHandle hot(thread, _hot_method);
-    methodHandle method(thread, _method);
-    if (hot() != method()) {
-      xtty->method(hot);
-    }
-  }
-  if (_hot_count != 0) {
-    xtty->print(" hot_count='%d'", _hot_count);
-  }
-  xtty->end_elem();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::log_task_start
-void CompileTask::log_task_start(CompileLog* log)   {
-  log->begin_head("task");
-  log_task(log);
-  log->end_head();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileTask::log_task_done
-void CompileTask::log_task_done(CompileLog* log) {
-  Thread* thread = Thread::current();
-  methodHandle method(thread, this->method());
-  ResourceMark rm(thread);
-  if (!_is_success) {
-    const char* reason = _failure_reason != NULL ? _failure_reason : "unknown";
-    log->elem("failure reason='%s'", reason);
-  }
-  // <task_done ... stamp='1.234'>  </task>
-  nmethod* nm = code();
-  log->begin_elem("task_done success='%d' nmsize='%d' count='%d'",
-                  _is_success, nm == NULL ? 0 : nm->content_size(),
-                  method->invocation_count());
-  int bec = method->backedge_count();
-  if (bec != 0)  log->print(" backedge_count='%d'", bec);
-  // Note:  "_is_complete" is about to be set, but is not.
-  if (_num_inlined_bytecodes != 0) {
-    log->print(" inlined_bytes='%d'", _num_inlined_bytecodes);
-  }
-  log->stamp();
-  log->end_elem();
-  log->tail("task");
-  log->clear_identities();   // next task will have different CI
-  if (log->unflushed_count() > 2000) {
-    log->flush();
-  }
-  log->mark_file_end();
  * Add a CompileTask to a CompileQueue.
@@ -807,7 +441,7 @@
   } else {
     while (task != NULL) {
-      task->print_compilation(st, NULL, true, true);
+      task->print(st, NULL, true, true);
       task = task->next();
@@ -1349,7 +983,7 @@
 #ifndef TIERED
     // seems like an assert of dubious value
     assert(comp_level == CompLevel_highest_tier,
-           "all OSR compiles are assumed to be at a single compilation lavel");
+           "all OSR compiles are assumed to be at a single compilation level");
 #endif // TIERED
     // We accept a higher level osr method
     nmethod* nm = method->lookup_osr_nmethod_for(osr_bci, comp_level, false);
@@ -2037,7 +1671,7 @@
         FormatBufferResource msg = retry_message != NULL ?
             err_msg_res("COMPILE SKIPPED: %s (%s)", ci_env.failure_reason(), retry_message) :
             err_msg_res("COMPILE SKIPPED: %s",      ci_env.failure_reason());
-        task->print_compilation(tty, msg);
+        task->print(tty, msg);
     } else {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.hpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.hpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -27,127 +27,12 @@
 #include "ci/compilerInterface.hpp"
 #include "compiler/abstractCompiler.hpp"
+#include "compiler/compileTask.hpp"
 #include "runtime/perfData.hpp"
 class nmethod;
 class nmethodLocker;
-// CompileTask
-// An entry in the compile queue.  It represents a pending or current
-// compilation.
-class CompileTask : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
-  friend class VMStructs;
- private:
-  static CompileTask* _task_free_list;
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  static int          _num_allocated_tasks;
-  Monitor*     _lock;
-  uint         _compile_id;
-  Method*      _method;
-  jobject      _method_holder;
-  int          _osr_bci;
-  bool         _is_complete;
-  bool         _is_success;
-  bool         _is_blocking;
-  int          _comp_level;
-  int          _num_inlined_bytecodes;
-  nmethodLocker* _code_handle;  // holder of eventual result
-  CompileTask* _next, *_prev;
-  bool         _is_free;
-  // Fields used for logging why the compilation was initiated:
-  jlong        _time_queued;  // in units of os::elapsed_counter()
-  Method*      _hot_method;   // which method actually triggered this task
-  jobject      _hot_method_holder;
-  int          _hot_count;    // information about its invocation counter
-  const char*  _comment;      // more info about the task
-  const char*  _failure_reason;
- public:
-  CompileTask() {
-    _lock = new Monitor(Mutex::nonleaf+2, "CompileTaskLock");
-  }
-  void initialize(int compile_id, methodHandle method, int osr_bci, int comp_level,
-                  methodHandle hot_method, int hot_count, const char* comment,
-                  bool is_blocking);
-  static CompileTask* allocate();
-  static void         free(CompileTask* task);
-  int          compile_id() const                { return _compile_id; }
-  Method*      method() const                    { return _method; }
-  Method*      hot_method() const                { return _hot_method; }
-  int          osr_bci() const                   { return _osr_bci; }
-  bool         is_complete() const               { return _is_complete; }
-  bool         is_blocking() const               { return _is_blocking; }
-  bool         is_success() const                { return _is_success; }
-  nmethodLocker* code_handle() const             { return _code_handle; }
-  void         set_code_handle(nmethodLocker* l) { _code_handle = l; }
-  nmethod*     code() const;                     // _code_handle->code()
-  void         set_code(nmethod* nm);            // _code_handle->set_code(nm)
-  Monitor*     lock() const                      { return _lock; }
-  void         mark_complete()                   { _is_complete = true; }
-  void         mark_success()                    { _is_success = true; }
-  int          comp_level()                      { return _comp_level;}
-  void         set_comp_level(int comp_level)    { _comp_level = comp_level;}
-  int          num_inlined_bytecodes() const     { return _num_inlined_bytecodes; }
-  void         set_num_inlined_bytecodes(int n)  { _num_inlined_bytecodes = n; }
-  CompileTask* next() const                      { return _next; }
-  void         set_next(CompileTask* next)       { _next = next; }
-  CompileTask* prev() const                      { return _prev; }
-  void         set_prev(CompileTask* prev)       { _prev = prev; }
-  bool         is_free() const                   { return _is_free; }
-  void         set_is_free(bool val)             { _is_free = val; }
-  // RedefineClasses support
-  void         metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
-  static void  print_compilation_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
-                                      bool is_osr_method = false, int osr_bci = -1, bool is_blocking = false,
-                                      const char* msg = NULL, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true);
-  void         print_compilation(outputStream* st = tty, const char* msg = NULL, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true);
-  static void  print_compilation(outputStream* st, const nmethod* nm, const char* msg = NULL, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true) {
-    print_compilation_impl(st, nm->method(), nm->compile_id(), nm->comp_level(),
-                           nm->is_osr_method(), nm->is_osr_method() ? nm->osr_entry_bci() : -1, /*is_blocking*/ false,
-                           msg, short_form, cr);
-  }
-  static void  print_inlining(outputStream* st, ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg = NULL);
-  static void  print_inlining(ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg = NULL) {
-    print_inlining(tty, method, inline_level, bci, msg);
-  }
-  // Redefine Classes support
-  void mark_on_stack();
-  static void  print_inline_indent(int inline_level, outputStream* st = tty);
-  void         print_tty();
-  void         print_line_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen);
-  void         log_task(xmlStream* log);
-  void         log_task_queued();
-  void         log_task_start(CompileLog* log);
-  void         log_task_done(CompileLog* log);
-  void         set_failure_reason(const char* reason) {
-    _failure_reason = reason;
-  }
 // CompilerCounters
 // Per Compiler Performance Counters.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileTask.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+#include "precompiled.hpp"
+#include "compiler/compileTask.hpp"
+#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
+#include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
+CompileTask*  CompileTask::_task_free_list = NULL;
+#ifdef ASSERT
+int CompileTask::_num_allocated_tasks = 0;
+ * Allocate a CompileTask, from the free list if possible.
+ */
+CompileTask* CompileTask::allocate() {
+  MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
+  CompileTask* task = NULL;
+  if (_task_free_list != NULL) {
+    task = _task_free_list;
+    _task_free_list = task->next();
+    task->set_next(NULL);
+  } else {
+    task = new CompileTask();
+    DEBUG_ONLY(_num_allocated_tasks++;)
+    assert (WhiteBoxAPI || _num_allocated_tasks < 10000, "Leaking compilation tasks?");
+    task->set_next(NULL);
+    task->set_is_free(true);
+  }
+  assert(task->is_free(), "Task must be free.");
+  task->set_is_free(false);
+  return task;
+* Add a task to the free list.
+void CompileTask::free(CompileTask* task) {
+ MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
+ if (!task->is_free()) {
+   task->set_code(NULL);
+   assert(!task->lock()->is_locked(), "Should not be locked when freed");
+   JNIHandles::destroy_global(task->_method_holder);
+   JNIHandles::destroy_global(task->_hot_method_holder);
+   task->set_is_free(true);
+   task->set_next(_task_free_list);
+   _task_free_list = task;
+ }
+void CompileTask::initialize(int compile_id,
+                             methodHandle method,
+                             int osr_bci,
+                             int comp_level,
+                             methodHandle hot_method,
+                             int hot_count,
+                             const char* comment,
+                             bool is_blocking) {
+  assert(!_lock->is_locked(), "bad locking");
+  _compile_id = compile_id;
+  _method = method();
+  _method_holder = JNIHandles::make_global(method->method_holder()->klass_holder());
+  _osr_bci = osr_bci;
+  _is_blocking = is_blocking;
+  _comp_level = comp_level;
+  _num_inlined_bytecodes = 0;
+  _is_complete = false;
+  _is_success = false;
+  _code_handle = NULL;
+  _hot_method = NULL;
+  _hot_method_holder = NULL;
+  _hot_count = hot_count;
+  _time_queued = 0;  // tidy
+  _comment = comment;
+  _failure_reason = NULL;
+  if (LogCompilation) {
+    _time_queued = os::elapsed_counter();
+    if (hot_method.not_null()) {
+      if (hot_method == method) {
+        _hot_method = _method;
+      } else {
+        _hot_method = hot_method();
+        // only add loader or mirror if different from _method_holder
+        _hot_method_holder = JNIHandles::make_global(hot_method->method_holder()->klass_holder());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  _next = NULL;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::code/set_code
+nmethod* CompileTask::code() const {
+  if (_code_handle == NULL)  return NULL;
+  return _code_handle->code();
+void CompileTask::set_code(nmethod* nm) {
+  if (_code_handle == NULL && nm == NULL)  return;
+  guarantee(_code_handle != NULL, "");
+  _code_handle->set_code(nm);
+  if (nm == NULL)  _code_handle = NULL;  // drop the handle also
+void CompileTask::mark_on_stack() {
+  // Mark these methods as something redefine classes cannot remove.
+  _method->set_on_stack(true);
+  if (_hot_method != NULL) {
+    _hot_method->set_on_stack(true);
+  }
+// RedefineClasses support
+void CompileTask::metadata_do(void f(Metadata*)) {
+  f(method());
+  if (hot_method() != NULL && hot_method() != method()) {
+    f(hot_method());
+  }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::print_line_on_error
+// This function is called by fatal error handler when the thread
+// causing troubles is a compiler thread.
+// Do not grab any lock, do not allocate memory.
+// Otherwise it's the same as CompileTask::print_line()
+void CompileTask::print_line_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) {
+  // print compiler name
+  st->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level()));
+  print(st);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::print_tty
+void CompileTask::print_tty() {
+  ttyLocker ttyl;  // keep the following output all in one block
+  // print compiler name if requested
+  if (CIPrintCompilerName) tty->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level()));
+    print(tty);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::print_impl
+void CompileTask::print_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
+                                         bool is_osr_method, int osr_bci, bool is_blocking,
+                                         const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr) {
+  if (!short_form) {
+    st->print("%7d ", (int) st->time_stamp().milliseconds());  // print timestamp
+  }
+  st->print("%4d ", compile_id);    // print compilation number
+  // For unloaded methods the transition to zombie occurs after the
+  // method is cleared so it's impossible to report accurate
+  // information for that case.
+  bool is_synchronized = false;
+  bool has_exception_handler = false;
+  bool is_native = false;
+  if (method != NULL) {
+    is_synchronized       = method->is_synchronized();
+    has_exception_handler = method->has_exception_handler();
+    is_native             = method->is_native();
+  }
+  // method attributes
+  const char compile_type   = is_osr_method                   ? '%' : ' ';
+  const char sync_char      = is_synchronized                 ? 's' : ' ';
+  const char exception_char = has_exception_handler           ? '!' : ' ';
+  const char blocking_char  = is_blocking                     ? 'b' : ' ';
+  const char native_char    = is_native                       ? 'n' : ' ';
+  // print method attributes
+  st->print("%c%c%c%c%c ", compile_type, sync_char, exception_char, blocking_char, native_char);
+  if (TieredCompilation) {
+    if (comp_level != -1)  st->print("%d ", comp_level);
+    else                   st->print("- ");
+  }
+  st->print("     ");  // more indent
+  if (method == NULL) {
+    st->print("(method)");
+  } else {
+    method->print_short_name(st);
+    if (is_osr_method) {
+      st->print(" @ %d", osr_bci);
+    }
+    if (method->is_native())
+      st->print(" (native)");
+    else
+      st->print(" (%d bytes)", method->code_size());
+  }
+  if (msg != NULL) {
+    st->print("   %s", msg);
+  }
+  if (cr) {
+    st->cr();
+  }
+void CompileTask::print_inline_indent(int inline_level, outputStream* st) {
+  //         1234567
+  st->print("        ");     // print timestamp
+  //         1234
+  st->print("     ");        // print compilation number
+  //         %s!bn
+  st->print("      ");       // print method attributes
+  if (TieredCompilation) {
+    st->print("  ");
+  }
+  st->print("     ");        // more indent
+  st->print("    ");         // initial inlining indent
+  for (int i = 0; i < inline_level; i++)  st->print("  ");
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::print_compilation
+void CompileTask::print(outputStream* st, const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr) {
+  bool is_osr_method = osr_bci() != InvocationEntryBci;
+  print_impl(st, method(), compile_id(), comp_level(), is_osr_method, osr_bci(), is_blocking(), msg, short_form, cr);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::log_task
+void CompileTask::log_task(xmlStream* log) {
+  Thread* thread = Thread::current();
+  methodHandle method(thread, this->method());
+  ResourceMark rm(thread);
+  // <task id='9' method='M' osr_bci='X' level='1' blocking='1' stamp='1.234'>
+  log->print(" compile_id='%d'", _compile_id);
+  if (_osr_bci != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci) {
+    log->print(" compile_kind='osr'");  // same as nmethod::compile_kind
+  } // else compile_kind='c2c'
+  if (!method.is_null())  log->method(method);
+  if (_osr_bci != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci) {
+    log->print(" osr_bci='%d'", _osr_bci);
+  }
+  if (_comp_level != CompLevel_highest_tier) {
+    log->print(" level='%d'", _comp_level);
+  }
+  if (_is_blocking) {
+    log->print(" blocking='1'");
+  }
+  log->stamp();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::log_task_queued
+void CompileTask::log_task_queued() {
+  Thread* thread = Thread::current();
+  ttyLocker ttyl;
+  ResourceMark rm(thread);
+  xtty->begin_elem("task_queued");
+  log_task(xtty);
+  if (_comment != NULL) {
+    xtty->print(" comment='%s'", _comment);
+  }
+  if (_hot_method != NULL) {
+    methodHandle hot(thread, _hot_method);
+    methodHandle method(thread, _method);
+    if (hot() != method()) {
+      xtty->method(hot);
+    }
+  }
+  if (_hot_count != 0) {
+    xtty->print(" hot_count='%d'", _hot_count);
+  }
+  xtty->end_elem();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::log_task_start
+void CompileTask::log_task_start(CompileLog* log)   {
+  log->begin_head("task");
+  log_task(log);
+  log->end_head();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::log_task_done
+void CompileTask::log_task_done(CompileLog* log) {
+  Thread* thread = Thread::current();
+  methodHandle method(thread, this->method());
+  ResourceMark rm(thread);
+  if (!_is_success) {
+    const char* reason = _failure_reason != NULL ? _failure_reason : "unknown";
+    log->elem("failure reason='%s'", reason);
+  }
+  // <task_done ... stamp='1.234'>  </task>
+  nmethod* nm = code();
+  log->begin_elem("task_done success='%d' nmsize='%d' count='%d'",
+                  _is_success, nm == NULL ? 0 : nm->content_size(),
+                  method->invocation_count());
+  int bec = method->backedge_count();
+  if (bec != 0)  log->print(" backedge_count='%d'", bec);
+  // Note:  "_is_complete" is about to be set, but is not.
+  if (_num_inlined_bytecodes != 0) {
+    log->print(" inlined_bytes='%d'", _num_inlined_bytecodes);
+  }
+  log->stamp();
+  log->end_elem();
+  log->clear_identities();   // next task will have different CI
+  log->tail("task");
+  if (log->unflushed_count() > 2000) {
+    log->flush();
+  }
+  log->mark_file_end();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompileTask::print_inlining
+void CompileTask::print_inlining_inner(outputStream* st, ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg) {
+  //         1234567
+  st->print("        ");     // print timestamp
+  //         1234
+  st->print("     ");        // print compilation number
+  // method attributes
+  if (method->is_loaded()) {
+    const char sync_char      = method->is_synchronized()        ? 's' : ' ';
+    const char exception_char = method->has_exception_handlers() ? '!' : ' ';
+    const char monitors_char  = method->has_monitor_bytecodes()  ? 'm' : ' ';
+    // print method attributes
+    st->print(" %c%c%c  ", sync_char, exception_char, monitors_char);
+  } else {
+    //         %s!bn
+    st->print("      ");     // print method attributes
+  }
+  if (TieredCompilation) {
+    st->print("  ");
+  }
+  st->print("     ");        // more indent
+  st->print("    ");         // initial inlining indent
+  for (int i = 0; i < inline_level; i++)  st->print("  ");
+  st->print("@ %d  ", bci);  // print bci
+  method->print_short_name(st);
+  if (method->is_loaded())
+    st->print(" (%d bytes)", method->code_size());
+  else
+    st->print(" (not loaded)");
+  if (msg != NULL) {
+    st->print("   %s", msg);
+  }
+  st->cr();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileTask.hpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1998, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+#include "code/nmethod.hpp"
+#include "ci/ciMethod.hpp"
+#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
+#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
+#include "utilities/xmlstream.hpp"
+// CompileTask
+// An entry in the compile queue.  It represents a pending or current
+// compilation.
+class CompileTask : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
+  friend class VMStructs;
+ private:
+  static CompileTask* _task_free_list;
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  static int          _num_allocated_tasks;
+  Monitor*     _lock;
+  uint         _compile_id;
+  Method*      _method;
+  jobject      _method_holder;
+  int          _osr_bci;
+  bool         _is_complete;
+  bool         _is_success;
+  bool         _is_blocking;
+  int          _comp_level;
+  int          _num_inlined_bytecodes;
+  nmethodLocker* _code_handle;  // holder of eventual result
+  CompileTask* _next, *_prev;
+  bool         _is_free;
+  // Fields used for logging why the compilation was initiated:
+  jlong        _time_queued;  // in units of os::elapsed_counter()
+  Method*      _hot_method;   // which method actually triggered this task
+  jobject      _hot_method_holder;
+  int          _hot_count;    // information about its invocation counter
+  const char*  _comment;      // more info about the task
+  const char*  _failure_reason;
+ public:
+  CompileTask() {
+    _lock = new Monitor(Mutex::nonleaf+2, "CompileTaskLock");
+  }
+  void initialize(int compile_id, methodHandle method, int osr_bci, int comp_level,
+                  methodHandle hot_method, int hot_count, const char* comment,
+                  bool is_blocking);
+  static CompileTask* allocate();
+  static void         free(CompileTask* task);
+  int          compile_id() const                { return _compile_id; }
+  Method*      method() const                    { return _method; }
+  Method*      hot_method() const                { return _hot_method; }
+  int          osr_bci() const                   { return _osr_bci; }
+  bool         is_complete() const               { return _is_complete; }
+  bool         is_blocking() const               { return _is_blocking; }
+  bool         is_success() const                { return _is_success; }
+  nmethodLocker* code_handle() const             { return _code_handle; }
+  void         set_code_handle(nmethodLocker* l) { _code_handle = l; }
+  nmethod*     code() const;                     // _code_handle->code()
+  void         set_code(nmethod* nm);            // _code_handle->set_code(nm)
+  Monitor*     lock() const                      { return _lock; }
+  void         mark_complete()                   { _is_complete = true; }
+  void         mark_success()                    { _is_success = true; }
+  int          comp_level()                      { return _comp_level;}
+  void         set_comp_level(int comp_level)    { _comp_level = comp_level;}
+  int          num_inlined_bytecodes() const     { return _num_inlined_bytecodes; }
+  void         set_num_inlined_bytecodes(int n)  { _num_inlined_bytecodes = n; }
+  CompileTask* next() const                      { return _next; }
+  void         set_next(CompileTask* next)       { _next = next; }
+  CompileTask* prev() const                      { return _prev; }
+  void         set_prev(CompileTask* prev)       { _prev = prev; }
+  bool         is_free() const                   { return _is_free; }
+  void         set_is_free(bool val)             { _is_free = val; }
+  // RedefineClasses support
+  void         metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
+  void         mark_on_stack();
+  static void  print_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
+                                      bool is_osr_method = false, int osr_bci = -1, bool is_blocking = false,
+                                      const char* msg = NULL, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true);
+  void         print(outputStream* st = tty, const char* msg = NULL, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true);
+  static void  print(outputStream* st, const nmethod* nm, const char* msg = NULL, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true) {
+    print_impl(st, nm->method(), nm->compile_id(), nm->comp_level(),
+                           nm->is_osr_method(), nm->is_osr_method() ? nm->osr_entry_bci() : -1, /*is_blocking*/ false,
+                           msg, short_form, cr);
+  }
+  static void  print_inline_indent(int inline_level, outputStream* st = tty);
+  void         print_tty();
+  void         print_line_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen);
+  void         log_task(xmlStream* log);
+  void         log_task_queued();
+  void         log_task_start(CompileLog* log);
+  void         log_task_done(CompileLog* log);
+  void         set_failure_reason(const char* reason) {
+    _failure_reason = reason;
+  }
+  bool         check_break_at_flags();
+  static void print_inlining_inner(outputStream* st, ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg = NULL);
+  static void print_inlining_tty(ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg = NULL) {
+    print_inlining_inner(tty, method, inline_level, bci, msg);
+  }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/compile.hpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/compile.hpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
   void print_inlining(ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg = NULL) {
     stringStream ss;
-    CompileTask::print_inlining(&ss, method, inline_level, bci, msg);
+    CompileTask::print_inlining_inner(&ss, method, inline_level, bci, msg);
     print_inlining_stream()->print("%s", ss.as_string());
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/doCall.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/doCall.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
-      CompileTask::print_inlining(prof_method, depth, bci);
+      CompileTask::print_inlining_tty(prof_method, depth, bci);
     } else {
       out = C->print_inlining_stream();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/runtime.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/runtime.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
 #include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
 #include "code/vtableStubs.hpp"
 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
-#include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
 #include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
 #include "gc/g1/g1SATBCardTableModRefBS.hpp"
 #include "gc/g1/heapRegion.hpp"
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include "classfile/stringTable.hpp"
 #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
 #include "code/codeCacheExtensions.hpp"
-#include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
 #include "gc/shared/cardTableRS.hpp"
 #include "gc/shared/genCollectedHeap.hpp"
 #include "gc/shared/referenceProcessor.hpp"
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/compilationPolicy.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/compilationPolicy.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
 #include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
-#include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
 #include "oops/methodData.hpp"
 #include "oops/method.hpp"
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp	Thu Sep 03 15:03:12 2015 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp	Fri Sep 04 12:47:57 2015 +0200
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 #include "code/vtableStubs.hpp"
 #include "compiler/abstractCompiler.hpp"
 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
-#include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
 #include "compiler/disassembler.hpp"
 #include "gc/shared/gcLocker.inline.hpp"
 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
@@ -2622,7 +2621,7 @@
   if (nm != NULL) {
     if (PrintCompilation) {
       ttyLocker ttyl;
-      CompileTask::print_compilation(tty, nm, method->is_static() ? "(static)" : "");
+      CompileTask::print(tty, nm, method->is_static() ? "(static)" : "");