--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/awt/geom/CubicCurve2D.java Wed Jan 26 13:26:57 2011 -0800
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/awt/geom/CubicCurve2D.java Thu Jan 27 16:43:28 2011 -0500
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
import java.io.Serializable;
import sun.awt.geom.Curve;
+import static java.lang.Math.abs;
+import static java.lang.Math.max;
+import static java.lang.Math.ulp;
* The <code>CubicCurve2D</code> class defines a cubic parametric curve
* segment in {@code (x,y)} coordinate space.
@@ -1083,95 +1087,286 @@
* @since 1.3
public static int solveCubic(double eqn[], double res[]) {
- // From Numerical Recipes, 5.6, Quadratic and Cubic Equations
- double d = eqn[3];
- if (d == 0.0) {
- // The cubic has degenerated to quadratic (or line or ...).
+ // From Graphics Gems:
+ // http://tog.acm.org/resources/GraphicsGems/gems/Roots3And4.c
+ final double d = eqn[3];
+ if (d == 0) {
return QuadCurve2D.solveQuadratic(eqn, res);
- double a = eqn[2] / d;
- double b = eqn[1] / d;
- double c = eqn[0] / d;
- int roots = 0;
- double Q = (a * a - 3.0 * b) / 9.0;
- double R = (2.0 * a * a * a - 9.0 * a * b + 27.0 * c) / 54.0;
- double R2 = R * R;
- double Q3 = Q * Q * Q;
- a = a / 3.0;
- if (R2 < Q3) {
- double theta = Math.acos(R / Math.sqrt(Q3));
- Q = -2.0 * Math.sqrt(Q);
+ /* normal form: x^3 + Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0 */
+ final double A = eqn[2] / d;
+ final double B = eqn[1] / d;
+ final double C = eqn[0] / d;
+ // substitute x = y - A/3 to eliminate quadratic term:
+ // x^3 +Px + Q = 0
+ //
+ // Since we actually need P/3 and Q/2 for all of the
+ // calculations that follow, we will calculate
+ // p = P/3
+ // q = Q/2
+ // instead and use those values for simplicity of the code.
+ double sq_A = A * A;
+ double p = 1.0/3 * (-1.0/3 * sq_A + B);
+ double q = 1.0/2 * (2.0/27 * A * sq_A - 1.0/3 * A * B + C);
+ /* use Cardano's formula */
+ double cb_p = p * p * p;
+ double D = q * q + cb_p;
+ final double sub = 1.0/3 * A;
+ int num;
+ if (D < 0) { /* Casus irreducibilis: three real solutions */
+ // see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function#Trigonometric_.28and_hyperbolic.29_method
+ double phi = 1.0/3 * Math.acos(-q / Math.sqrt(-cb_p));
+ double t = 2 * Math.sqrt(-p);
if (res == eqn) {
- // Copy the eqn so that we don't clobber it with the
- // roots. This is needed so that fixRoots can do its
- // work with the original equation.
- eqn = new double[4];
- System.arraycopy(res, 0, eqn, 0, 4);
+ eqn = Arrays.copyOf(eqn, 4);
- res[roots++] = Q * Math.cos(theta / 3.0) - a;
- res[roots++] = Q * Math.cos((theta + Math.PI * 2.0)/ 3.0) - a;
- res[roots++] = Q * Math.cos((theta - Math.PI * 2.0)/ 3.0) - a;
- fixRoots(res, eqn);
+ res[ 0 ] = ( t * Math.cos(phi));
+ res[ 1 ] = (-t * Math.cos(phi + Math.PI / 3));
+ res[ 2 ] = (-t * Math.cos(phi - Math.PI / 3));
+ num = 3;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+ res[ i ] -= sub;
+ }
} else {
- boolean neg = (R < 0.0);
- double S = Math.sqrt(R2 - Q3);
- if (neg) {
- R = -R;
+ // Please see the comment in fixRoots marked 'XXX' before changing
+ // any of the code in this case.
+ double sqrt_D = Math.sqrt(D);
+ double u = Math.cbrt(sqrt_D - q);
+ double v = - Math.cbrt(sqrt_D + q);
+ double uv = u+v;
+ num = 1;
+ double err = 1200000000*ulp(abs(uv) + abs(sub));
+ if (iszero(D, err) || within(u, v, err)) {
+ if (res == eqn) {
+ eqn = Arrays.copyOf(eqn, 4);
+ }
+ res[1] = -(uv / 2) - sub;
+ num = 2;
- double A = Math.pow(R + S, 1.0 / 3.0);
- if (!neg) {
- A = -A;
- }
- double B = (A == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (Q / A);
- res[roots++] = (A + B) - a;
+ // this must be done after the potential Arrays.copyOf
+ res[ 0 ] = uv - sub;
+ }
+ if (num > 1) { // num == 3 || num == 2
+ num = fixRoots(eqn, res, num);
- return roots;
+ if (num > 2 && (res[2] == res[1] || res[2] == res[0])) {
+ num--;
+ }
+ if (num > 1 && res[1] == res[0]) {
+ res[1] = res[--num]; // Copies res[2] to res[1] if needed
+ }
+ return num;
- /*
- * This pruning step is necessary since solveCubic uses the
- * cosine function to calculate the roots when there are 3
- * of them. Since the cosine method can have an error of
- * +/- 1E-14 we need to make sure that we don't make any
- * bad decisions due to an error.
- *
- * If the root is not near one of the endpoints, then we will
- * only have a slight inaccuracy in calculating the x intercept
- * which will only cause a slightly wrong answer for some
- * points very close to the curve. While the results in that
- * case are not as accurate as they could be, they are not
- * disastrously inaccurate either.
- *
- * On the other hand, if the error happens near one end of
- * the curve, then our processing to reject values outside
- * of the t=[0,1] range will fail and the results of that
- * failure will be disastrous since for an entire horizontal
- * range of test points, we will either overcount or undercount
- * the crossings and get a wrong answer for all of them, even
- * when they are clearly and obviously inside or outside the
- * curve.
- *
- * To work around this problem, we try a couple of Newton-Raphson
- * iterations to see if the true root is closer to the endpoint
- * or further away. If it is further away, then we can stop
- * since we know we are on the right side of the endpoint. If
- * we change direction, then either we are now being dragged away
- * from the endpoint in which case the first condition will cause
- * us to stop, or we have passed the endpoint and are headed back.
- * In the second case, we simply evaluate the slope at the
- * endpoint itself and place ourselves on the appropriate side
- * of it or on it depending on that result.
- */
- private static void fixRoots(double res[], double eqn[]) {
- final double EPSILON = 1E-5;
+ // preconditions: eqn != res && eqn[3] != 0 && num > 1
+ // This method tries to improve the accuracy of the roots of eqn (which
+ // should be in res). It also might eliminate roots in res if it decideds
+ // that they're not real roots. It will not check for roots that the
+ // computation of res might have missed, so this method should only be
+ // used when the roots in res have been computed using an algorithm
+ // that never underestimates the number of roots (such as solveCubic above)
+ private static int fixRoots(double[] eqn, double[] res, int num) {
+ double[] intervals = {eqn[1], 2*eqn[2], 3*eqn[3]};
+ int critCount = QuadCurve2D.solveQuadratic(intervals, intervals);
+ if (critCount == 2 && intervals[0] == intervals[1]) {
+ critCount--;
+ }
+ if (critCount == 2 && intervals[0] > intervals[1]) {
+ double tmp = intervals[0];
+ intervals[0] = intervals[1];
+ intervals[1] = tmp;
+ }
+ // below we use critCount to possibly filter out roots that shouldn't
+ // have been computed. We require that eqn[3] != 0, so eqn is a proper
+ // cubic, which means that its limits at -/+inf are -/+inf or +/-inf.
+ // Therefore, if critCount==2, the curve is shaped like a sideways S,
+ // and it could have 1-3 roots. If critCount==0 it is monotonic, and
+ // if critCount==1 it is monotonic with a single point where it is
+ // flat. In the last 2 cases there can only be 1 root. So in cases
+ // where num > 1 but critCount < 2, we eliminate all roots in res
+ // except one.
+ if (num == 3) {
+ double xe = getRootUpperBound(eqn);
+ double x0 = -xe;
+ Arrays.sort(res, 0, num);
+ if (critCount == 2) {
+ // this just tries to improve the accuracy of the computed
+ // roots using Newton's method.
+ res[0] = refineRootWithHint(eqn, x0, intervals[0], res[0]);
+ res[1] = refineRootWithHint(eqn, intervals[0], intervals[1], res[1]);
+ res[2] = refineRootWithHint(eqn, intervals[1], xe, res[2]);
+ return 3;
+ } else if (critCount == 1) {
+ // we only need fx0 and fxe for the sign of the polynomial
+ // at -inf and +inf respectively, so we don't need to do
+ // fx0 = solveEqn(eqn, 3, x0); fxe = solveEqn(eqn, 3, xe)
+ double fxe = eqn[3];
+ double fx0 = -fxe;
+ double x1 = intervals[0];
+ double fx1 = solveEqn(eqn, 3, x1);
+ // if critCount == 1 or critCount == 0, but num == 3 then
+ // something has gone wrong. This branch and the one below
+ // would ideally never execute, but if they do we can't know
+ // which of the computed roots is closest to the real root;
+ // therefore, we can't use refineRootWithHint. But even if
+ // we did know, being here most likely means that the
+ // curve is very flat close to two of the computed roots
+ // (or maybe even all three). This might make Newton's method
+ // fail altogether, which would be a pain to detect and fix.
+ // This is why we use a very stable bisection method.
+ if (oppositeSigns(fx0, fx1)) {
+ res[0] = bisectRootWithHint(eqn, x0, x1, res[0]);
+ } else if (oppositeSigns(fx1, fxe)) {
+ res[0] = bisectRootWithHint(eqn, x1, xe, res[2]);
+ } else /* fx1 must be 0 */ {
+ res[0] = x1;
+ }
+ // return 1
+ } else if (critCount == 0) {
+ res[0] = bisectRootWithHint(eqn, x0, xe, res[1]);
+ // return 1
+ }
+ } else if (num == 2 && critCount == 2) {
+ // XXX: here we assume that res[0] has better accuracy than res[1].
+ // This is true because this method is only used from solveCubic
+ // which puts in res[0] the root that it would compute anyway even
+ // if num==1. If this method is ever used from any other method, or
+ // if the solveCubic implementation changes, this assumption should
+ // be reevaluated, and the choice of goodRoot might have to become
+ // goodRoot = (abs(eqn'(res[0])) > abs(eqn'(res[1]))) ? res[0] : res[1]
+ // where eqn' is the derivative of eqn.
+ double goodRoot = res[0];
+ double badRoot = res[1];
+ double x1 = intervals[0];
+ double x2 = intervals[1];
+ // If a cubic curve really has 2 roots, one of those roots must be
+ // at a critical point. That can't be goodRoot, so we compute x to
+ // be the farthest critical point from goodRoot. If there are two
+ // roots, x must be the second one, so we evaluate eqn at x, and if
+ // it is zero (or close enough) we put x in res[1] (or badRoot, if
+ // |solveEqn(eqn, 3, badRoot)| < |solveEqn(eqn, 3, x)| but this
+ // shouldn't happen often).
+ double x = abs(x1 - goodRoot) > abs(x2 - goodRoot) ? x1 : x2;
+ double fx = solveEqn(eqn, 3, x);
+ if (iszero(fx, 10000000*ulp(x))) {
+ double badRootVal = solveEqn(eqn, 3, badRoot);
+ res[1] = abs(badRootVal) < abs(fx) ? badRoot : x;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ } // else there can only be one root - goodRoot, and it is already in res[0]
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // use newton's method.
+ private static double refineRootWithHint(double[] eqn, double min, double max, double t) {
+ if (!inInterval(t, min, max)) {
+ return t;
+ }
+ double[] deriv = {eqn[1], 2*eqn[2], 3*eqn[3]};
+ double origt = t;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- double t = res[i];
- if (Math.abs(t) < EPSILON) {
- res[i] = findZero(t, 0, eqn);
- } else if (Math.abs(t - 1) < EPSILON) {
- res[i] = findZero(t, 1, eqn);
+ double slope = solveEqn(deriv, 2, t);
+ double y = solveEqn(eqn, 3, t);
+ double delta = - (y / slope);
+ double newt = t + delta;
+ if (slope == 0 || y == 0 || t == newt) {
+ break;
+ }
+ t = newt;
+ }
+ if (within(t, origt, 1000*ulp(origt)) && inInterval(t, min, max)) {
+ return t;
+ }
+ return origt;
+ }
+ private static double bisectRootWithHint(double[] eqn, double x0, double xe, double hint) {
+ double delta1 = Math.min(abs(hint - x0) / 64, 0.0625);
+ double delta2 = Math.min(abs(hint - xe) / 64, 0.0625);
+ double x02 = hint - delta1;
+ double xe2 = hint + delta2;
+ double fx02 = solveEqn(eqn, 3, x02);
+ double fxe2 = solveEqn(eqn, 3, xe2);
+ while (oppositeSigns(fx02, fxe2)) {
+ if (x02 >= xe2) {
+ return x02;
+ x0 = x02;
+ xe = xe2;
+ delta1 /= 64;
+ delta2 /= 64;
+ x02 = hint - delta1;
+ xe2 = hint + delta2;
+ fx02 = solveEqn(eqn, 3, x02);
+ fxe2 = solveEqn(eqn, 3, xe2);
+ if (fx02 == 0) {
+ return x02;
+ }
+ if (fxe2 == 0) {
+ return xe2;
+ }
+ return bisectRoot(eqn, x0, xe);
+ }
+ private static double bisectRoot(double[] eqn, double x0, double xe) {
+ double fx0 = solveEqn(eqn, 3, x0);
+ double m = x0 + (xe - x0) / 2;
+ while (m != x0 && m != xe) {
+ double fm = solveEqn(eqn, 3, m);
+ if (fm == 0) {
+ return m;
+ }
+ if (oppositeSigns(fx0, fm)) {
+ xe = m;
+ } else {
+ fx0 = fm;
+ x0 = m;
+ }
+ m = x0 + (xe-x0)/2;
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ private static boolean inInterval(double t, double min, double max) {
+ return min <= t && t <= max;
+ }
+ private static boolean within(double x, double y, double err) {
+ double d = y - x;
+ return (d <= err && d >= -err);
+ }
+ private static boolean iszero(double x, double err) {
+ return within(x, 0, err);
+ }
+ private static boolean oppositeSigns(double x1, double x2) {
+ return (x1 < 0 && x2 > 0) || (x1 > 0 && x2 < 0);
private static double solveEqn(double eqn[], int order, double t) {
@@ -1182,60 +1377,26 @@
return v;
- private static double findZero(double t, double target, double eqn[]) {
- double slopeqn[] = {eqn[1], 2*eqn[2], 3*eqn[3]};
- double slope;
- double origdelta = 0;
- double origt = t;
- while (true) {
- slope = solveEqn(slopeqn, 2, t);
- if (slope == 0) {
- // At a local minima - must return
- return t;
- }
- double y = solveEqn(eqn, 3, t);
- if (y == 0) {
- // Found it! - return it
- return t;
- }
- // assert(slope != 0 && y != 0);
- double delta = - (y / slope);
- // assert(delta != 0);
- if (origdelta == 0) {
- origdelta = delta;
- }
- if (t < target) {
- if (delta < 0) return t;
- } else if (t > target) {
- if (delta > 0) return t;
- } else { /* t == target */
- return (delta > 0
- ? (target + java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE)
- : (target - java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE));
- }
- double newt = t + delta;
- if (t == newt) {
- // The deltas are so small that we aren't moving...
- return t;
- }
- if (delta * origdelta < 0) {
- // We have reversed our path.
- int tag = (origt < t
- ? getTag(target, origt, t)
- : getTag(target, t, origt));
- if (tag != INSIDE) {
- // Local minima found away from target - return the middle
- return (origt + t) / 2;
- }
- // Local minima somewhere near target - move to target
- // and let the slope determine the resulting t.
- t = target;
- } else {
- t = newt;
- }
- }
+ /*
+ * Computes M+1 where M is an upper bound for all the roots in of eqn.
+ * See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturm%27s_theorem#Applications.
+ * The above link doesn't contain a proof, but I [dlila] proved it myself
+ * so the result is reliable. The proof isn't difficult, but it's a bit
+ * long to include here.
+ * Precondition: eqn must represent a cubic polynomial
+ */
+ private static double getRootUpperBound(double[] eqn) {
+ double d = eqn[3];
+ double a = eqn[2];
+ double b = eqn[1];
+ double c = eqn[0];
+ double M = 1 + max(max(abs(a), abs(b)), abs(c)) / abs(d);
+ M += ulp(M) + 1;
+ return M;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @since 1.2
@@ -1273,110 +1434,6 @@
return contains(p.getX(), p.getY());
- /*
- * Fill an array with the coefficients of the parametric equation
- * in t, ready for solving against val with solveCubic.
- * We currently have:
- * <pre>
- * val = P(t) = C1(1-t)^3 + 3CP1 t(1-t)^2 + 3CP2 t^2(1-t) + C2 t^3
- * = C1 - 3C1t + 3C1t^2 - C1t^3 +
- * 3CP1t - 6CP1t^2 + 3CP1t^3 +
- * 3CP2t^2 - 3CP2t^3 +
- * C2t^3
- * 0 = (C1 - val) +
- * (3CP1 - 3C1) t +
- * (3C1 - 6CP1 + 3CP2) t^2 +
- * (C2 - 3CP2 + 3CP1 - C1) t^3
- * 0 = C + Bt + At^2 + Dt^3
- * C = C1 - val
- * B = 3*CP1 - 3*C1
- * A = 3*CP2 - 6*CP1 + 3*C1
- * D = C2 - 3*CP2 + 3*CP1 - C1
- * </pre>
- */
- private static void fillEqn(double eqn[], double val,
- double c1, double cp1, double cp2, double c2) {
- eqn[0] = c1 - val;
- eqn[1] = (cp1 - c1) * 3.0;
- eqn[2] = (cp2 - cp1 - cp1 + c1) * 3.0;
- eqn[3] = c2 + (cp1 - cp2) * 3.0 - c1;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Evaluate the t values in the first num slots of the vals[] array
- * and place the evaluated values back into the same array. Only
- * evaluate t values that are within the range <0, 1>, including
- * the 0 and 1 ends of the range iff the include0 or include1
- * booleans are true. If an "inflection" equation is handed in,
- * then any points which represent a point of inflection for that
- * cubic equation are also ignored.
- */
- private static int evalCubic(double vals[], int num,
- boolean include0,
- boolean include1,
- double inflect[],
- double c1, double cp1,
- double cp2, double c2) {
- int j = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- double t = vals[i];
- if ((include0 ? t >= 0 : t > 0) &&
- (include1 ? t <= 1 : t < 1) &&
- (inflect == null ||
- inflect[1] + (2*inflect[2] + 3*inflect[3]*t)*t != 0))
- {
- double u = 1 - t;
- vals[j++] = c1*u*u*u + 3*cp1*t*u*u + 3*cp2*t*t*u + c2*t*t*t;
- }
- }
- return j;
- }
- private static final int BELOW = -2;
- private static final int LOWEDGE = -1;
- private static final int INSIDE = 0;
- private static final int HIGHEDGE = 1;
- private static final int ABOVE = 2;
- /*
- * Determine where coord lies with respect to the range from
- * low to high. It is assumed that low <= high. The return
- * value is one of the 5 values BELOW, LOWEDGE, INSIDE, HIGHEDGE,
- * or ABOVE.
- */
- private static int getTag(double coord, double low, double high) {
- if (coord <= low) {
- return (coord < low ? BELOW : LOWEDGE);
- }
- if (coord >= high) {
- return (coord > high ? ABOVE : HIGHEDGE);
- }
- return INSIDE;
- }
- /*
- * Determine if the pttag represents a coordinate that is already
- * in its test range, or is on the border with either of the two
- * opttags representing another coordinate that is "towards the
- * inside" of that test range. In other words, are either of the
- * two "opt" points "drawing the pt inward"?
- */
- private static boolean inwards(int pttag, int opt1tag, int opt2tag) {
- switch (pttag) {
- case BELOW:
- case ABOVE:
- default:
- return false;
- case LOWEDGE:
- return (opt1tag >= INSIDE || opt2tag >= INSIDE);
- case INSIDE:
- return true;
- case HIGHEDGE:
- return (opt1tag <= INSIDE || opt2tag <= INSIDE);
- }
- }
* {@inheritDoc}
* @since 1.2