8179453: Add a proper SetupProcessMarkdown
Wed, 03 May 2017 08:46:37 +0200
changeset 44983 4e216c0475ee
parent 44831 4577394d5b98
child 44984 e3386d7e9440
8179453: Add a proper SetupProcessMarkdown Reviewed-by: erikj
--- a/common/doc/testing.md	Fri Apr 28 15:40:49 2017 +0200
+++ b/common/doc/testing.md	Wed May 03 08:46:37 2017 +0200
@@ -199,9 +199,8 @@
 Use `GTEST="OPTIONS=--help"` to see all available Gtest options.
-# Override some definitions in http://openjdk.java.net/page.css that are
-# unsuitable for this document.
+# Override some definitions in the global css file that are not optimal for
+# this document.
  - '<style type="text/css">pre, code, tt { color: #1d6ae5; }</style>'
- - '<style type="text/css">pre { font-size: 10pt; }</style>'
--- a/make/Javadoc.gmk	Fri Apr 28 15:40:49 2017 +0200
+++ b/make/Javadoc.gmk	Wed May 03 08:46:37 2017 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 include $(SPEC)
 include MakeBase.gmk
 include Modules.gmk
+include ProcessMarkdown.gmk
 include ZipArchive.gmk
 include $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/Tools.gmk
 include $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/ModuleTools.gmk
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@
 # unmodified
 ALL_MODULES := $(call FindAllModules)
-COPY_SPEC_FILTER := %.html %.gif %.jpg %.mib
+COPY_SPEC_FILTER := %.html %.gif %.jpg %.mib %.css
 $(foreach m, $(ALL_MODULES), \
   $(eval SPECS_$m := $(call FindModuleSpecsDirs, $m)) \
@@ -370,36 +371,35 @@
   ) \
+# Copy the global resources
+GLOBAL_SPECS_RESOURCES_DIR := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/data/docs-resources/specs
+$(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_GLOBAL_RESOURCES, \
+    FILES := $(call CacheFind, $(GLOBAL_SPECS_RESOURCES_DIR)), \
+    DEST := $(JAVADOC_OUTPUTDIR)/specs/, \
 ifeq ($(ENABLE_FULL_DOCS), true)
   # For all markdown files in $module/share/specs directories, convert them to
   # html.
-  # Macro for SetupCopyFiles that converts from markdown to html using pandoc.
-  define markdown-to-html
-	$(call MakeDir, $(@D))
-	$(RM) $@
-	$(PANDOC) -t html -s -o $@ $<
-  endef
-  rename-md-to-html = \
-      $(patsubst %.md,%.html,$1)
+  GLOBAL_SPECS_DEFAULT_CSS_FILE := $(JAVADOC_OUTPUTDIR)/specs/resources/jdk-default.css
   $(foreach m, $(ALL_MODULES), \
     $(eval SPECS_$m := $(call FindModuleSpecsDirs, $m)) \
-    $(if $(SPECS_$m), \
-      $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, CONVERT_MARKDOWN_$m, \
-          SRC := $(SPECS_$m), \
-          FILES := $(filter $(MARKDOWN_SPEC_FILTER), $(call CacheFind, $(SPECS_$m))), \
-          DEST := $(JAVADOC_OUTPUTDIR)/specs/, \
-          MACRO := markdown-to-html, \
-          NAME_MACRO := rename-md-to-html, \
-          LOG_ACTION := Converting from markdown, \
-      )) \
-      $(eval JDK_SPECS_TARGETS += $(CONVERT_MARKDOWN_$m)) \
+    $(foreach d, $(SPECS_$m), \
+      $(if $(filter %.md, $(call CacheFind, $d)), \
+        $(eval $(call SetupProcessMarkdown, CONVERT_MARKDOWN_$m_$d, \
+            SRC := $d, \
+            FILES := $(filter %.md, $(call CacheFind, $d)), \
+            DEST := $(JAVADOC_OUTPUTDIR)/specs/, \
+        )) \
+      ) \
+      $(eval JDK_SPECS_TARGETS += $(CONVERT_MARKDOWN_$m_$d)) \
     ) \
 # Special treatment for generated documentation
--- a/make/UpdateBuildDocs.gmk	Fri Apr 28 15:40:49 2017 +0200
+++ b/make/UpdateBuildDocs.gmk	Wed May 03 08:46:37 2017 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 include $(SPEC)
 include MakeBase.gmk
+include ProcessMarkdown.gmk
 # This makefile updates the generated build html documentation.
@@ -38,62 +39,26 @@
   $(error Cannot continue)
-# Setup make rules for converting a markdown file to html.
-# Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,
-# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name.
-# Remaining parameters are named arguments. These include:
-#   SOURCE_FILE  The markdown source file
-#   TARGET_DIR   The directory where to store the generated html file
-#   OPTIONS      Additional options to pandoc
-SetupMarkdownToHtml = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
-define SetupMarkdownToHtmlBody
-  ifeq ($$($1_SOURCE_FILE), )
-    $$(error SOURCE_FILE is missing in SetupMarkdownToHtml $1)
-  endif
-  ifeq ($$($1_TARGET_DIR), )
-    $$(error TARGET_DIR is missing in SetupMarkdownToHtml $1)
-  endif
-  $1_BASENAME := $$(notdir $$(basename $$($1_SOURCE_FILE)))
-  $1_OUTPUT_FILE := $$($1_TARGET_DIR)/$$($1_BASENAME).html
-	$$(call LogInfo, Converting $$(notdir $1) to html)
-	$$(call MakeDir, $$($1_TARGET_DIR) $$(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/markdown)
-	$$(call ExecuteWithLog, $$(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/markdown/$1, \
-	    $$(PANDOC) $$($1_OPTIONS) -f markdown -t html --standalone \
-	    --css 'http://openjdk.java.net/page.css' '$$<' -o '$$@')
-	TOO_LONG_LINES=`$$(GREP) -E -e '^.{80}.+$$$$' $$<` || true ; \
-	if [ "x$$$$TOO_LONG_LINES" != x ]; then \
-	  $$(ECHO) "Warning: Unsuitable markdown in $$<:" ; \
-	  $$(ECHO) "The following lines are longer than 80 characters:" ; \
-	  $$(GREP) -E -n -e '^.{80}.+$$$$' $$< || true ; \
-	fi
-  $1 := $$($1_OUTPUT_FILE)
-  TARGETS += $$($1)
+GLOBAL_SPECS_DEFAULT_CSS_FILE := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/data/docs-resources/specs/resources/jdk-default.css
 DOCS_DIR := $(TOPDIR)/common/doc
-$(eval $(call SetupMarkdownToHtml, building, \
-  SOURCE_FILE := $(DOCS_DIR)/building.md, \
+$(eval $(call SetupProcessMarkdown, building, \
+  FILES := $(DOCS_DIR)/building.md, \
+  DEST := $(DOCS_DIR), \
+TARGETS += $(building)
-$(eval $(call SetupMarkdownToHtml, testing, \
-  SOURCE_FILE := $(DOCS_DIR)/testing.md, \
+$(eval $(call SetupProcessMarkdown, testing, \
+  FILES := $(DOCS_DIR)/testing.md, \
+  DEST := $(DOCS_DIR), \
   OPTIONS := --toc, \
+TARGETS += $(testing)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/make/common/ProcessMarkdown.gmk	Wed May 03 08:46:37 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+ifeq (,$(_MAKEBASE_GMK))
+  $(error You must include MakeBase.gmk prior to including ProcessMarkdown.gmk)
+# Helper function for SetupProcessMarkdown
+# $1: The $1 from SetupProcessMarkdown
+# $2: The name of the current source file, relative to $1_SRC
+define ProcessMarkdown
+  $1_$2_OUTPUT_FILE := $$($1_DEST)/$$(basename $2).html
+  $1_$2_TARGET_DIR := $$(dir $$($1_$2_OUTPUT_FILE))
+  ifneq ($$($1_CSS), )
+    ifneq ($$(findstring http:/, $$($1_CSS)), )
+      $1_$2_CSS_OPTION := --css '$$($1_CSS)'
+    else
+      $1_$2_CSS := $$(call RelativePath, $$($1_CSS), $$($1_$2_TARGET_DIR))
+      $1_$2_CSS_OPTION := --css '$$($1_$2_CSS)'
+    endif
+  endif
+  $1_$2_OPTIONS = $$(shell $$(GREP) _pandoc-options_: $$($1_SRC)/$2 | $$(CUT) -d : -f 2-)
+  $1_$2_MARKER := $$(subst /,_,$1_$2)
+  $1_$2_VARDEPS := $$($1_OPTIONS) $$($1_CSS)
+  $1_$2_VARDEPS_FILE := $$(call DependOnVariable, $1_$2_VARDEPS, \
+      $$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/markdown/$$($1_$2_MARKER).vardeps)
+$$($1_$2_OUTPUT_FILE): $$($1_SRC)/$2 $$($1_$2_VARDEPS_FILE)
+	$$(call LogInfo, Converting $2 to html)
+	$$(call MakeDir, $$($1_$2_TARGET_DIR) $$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/markdown)
+	$$(call ExecuteWithLog, $$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/markdown/$$($1_$2_MARKER), \
+	    $$(PANDOC) $$($1_OPTIONS) -f markdown -t html --standalone \
+	    $$($1_$2_CSS_OPTION) $$($1_$2_OPTIONS) '$$<' -o '$$@')
+        ifneq ($$(findstring $$(LOG_LEVEL), debug trace),)
+	TOO_LONG_LINES=`$$(GREP) -E -e '^.{80}.+$$$$' $$<` || true ; \
+	if [ "x$$$$TOO_LONG_LINES" != x ]; then \
+	  $$(ECHO) "Warning: Unsuitable markdown in $$<:" ; \
+	  $$(ECHO) "The following lines are longer than 80 characters:" ; \
+	  $$(GREP) -E -n -e '^.{80}.+$$$$' $$< || true ; \
+	fi
+        endif
+  $1 += $$($1_$2_OUTPUT_FILE)
+# Setup make rules for converting a markdown file to html.
+# Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,
+# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name.
+# Remaining parameters are named arguments. These include:
+#   SRC     : Source root dir (defaults to dir of first file)
+#   DEST    : Dest root dir
+#   FILES   : List of files to copy with absolute paths, or path relative to SRC.
+#             Must be in SRC.
+#   OPTIONS : Additional options to pandoc
+SetupProcessMarkdown = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
+define SetupProcessMarkdownBody
+  ifeq ($$($1_FILES), )
+    $$(error FILES is missing in SetupProcessMarkdown $1)
+  endif
+  ifeq ($$($1_DEST), )
+    $$(error DEST is missing in SetupProcessMarkdown $1)
+  endif
+  # Default SRC to the dir of the first file.
+  ifeq ($$($1_SRC), )
+    $1_SRC := $$(dir $$(firstword $$($1_FILES)))
+  endif
+  # Remove any trailing slash from SRC and DEST
+  $1_SRC := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$($1_SRC))
+  $1_DEST := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$($1_DEST))
+  $$(foreach f, $$(patsubst $$($1_SRC)/%,%,$$($1_FILES)), \
+    $$(eval $$(call ProcessMarkdown,$1,$$f)) \
+  )