8012294: remove generic handling for default methods
Mon, 26 Aug 2013 11:35:25 -0400
changeset 19681 1b35da7b1d85
parent 19545 409c50cf1e5d
child 19682 2dd459817aae
8012294: remove generic handling for default methods Reviewed-by: kamg, coleenp
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/classFileParser.cpp	Mon Aug 26 09:33:01 2013 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/classFileParser.cpp	Mon Aug 26 11:35:25 2013 -0400
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.hpp"
 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.inline.hpp"
 #include "classfile/defaultMethods.hpp"
-#include "classfile/genericSignatures.hpp"
 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
 #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
@@ -3039,35 +3038,6 @@
   return annotations;
-#ifdef ASSERT
-static void parseAndPrintGenericSignatures(
-    instanceKlassHandle this_klass, TRAPS) {
-  assert(ParseAllGenericSignatures == true, "Shouldn't call otherwise");
-  ResourceMark rm;
-  if (this_klass->generic_signature() != NULL) {
-    using namespace generic;
-    ClassDescriptor* spec = ClassDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(this_klass(), CHECK);
-    tty->print_cr("Parsing %s", this_klass->generic_signature()->as_C_string());
-    spec->print_on(tty);
-    for (int i = 0; i < this_klass->methods()->length(); ++i) {
-      Method* m = this_klass->methods()->at(i);
-      MethodDescriptor* method_spec = MethodDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(m, spec);
-      Symbol* sig = m->generic_signature();
-      if (sig == NULL) {
-        sig = m->signature();
-      }
-      tty->print_cr("Parsing %s", sig->as_C_string());
-      method_spec->print_on(tty);
-    }
-  }
-#endif // def ASSERT
 instanceKlassHandle ClassFileParser::parse_super_class(int super_class_index,
                                                        TRAPS) {
   instanceKlassHandle super_klass;
@@ -4060,12 +4030,6 @@
     java_lang_Class::create_mirror(this_klass, protection_domain, CHECK_(nullHandle));
-#ifdef ASSERT
-    if (ParseAllGenericSignatures) {
-      parseAndPrintGenericSignatures(this_klass, CHECK_(nullHandle));
-    }
     // Generate any default methods - default methods are interface methods
     // that have a default implementation.  This is new with Lambda project.
     if (has_default_methods && !access_flags.is_interface() &&
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/defaultMethods.cpp	Mon Aug 26 09:33:01 2013 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/defaultMethods.cpp	Mon Aug 26 11:35:25 2013 -0400
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "precompiled.hpp"
 #include "classfile/bytecodeAssembler.hpp"
 #include "classfile/defaultMethods.hpp"
-#include "classfile/genericSignatures.hpp"
 #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
 #include "memory/metadataFactory.hpp"
@@ -75,14 +74,6 @@
-class ContextMark : public PseudoScopeMark {
- private:
-  generic::Context::Mark _mark;
- public:
-  ContextMark(const generic::Context::Mark& cm) : _mark(cm) {}
-  virtual void destroy() { _mark.destroy(); }
 #ifndef PRODUCT
 static void print_slot(outputStream* str, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) {
   ResourceMark rm;
@@ -503,38 +494,6 @@
   return SymbolTable::new_symbol(ss.base(), (int)ss.size(), CHECK_NULL);
-// A generic method family contains a set of all methods that implement a single
-// language-level method.  Because of erasure, these methods may have different
-// signatures.  As members of the set are collected while walking over the
-// hierarchy, they are tagged with a qualification state.  The qualification
-// state for an erased method is set to disqualified if there exists a path
-// from the root of hierarchy to the method that contains an interleaving
-// language-equivalent method defined in an interface.
-class GenericMethodFamily : public MethodFamily {
- private:
-  generic::MethodDescriptor* _descriptor; // language-level description
- public:
-  GenericMethodFamily(generic::MethodDescriptor* canonical_desc)
-      : _descriptor(canonical_desc) {}
-  generic::MethodDescriptor* descriptor() const { return _descriptor; }
-  bool descriptor_matches(generic::MethodDescriptor* md, generic::Context* ctx) {
-    return descriptor()->covariant_match(md, ctx);
-  }
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  Symbol* get_generic_sig() const {
-    generic::Context ctx(NULL); // empty, as _descriptor already canonicalized
-    TempNewSymbol sig = descriptor()->reify_signature(&ctx, Thread::current());
-    return sig;
-  }
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
 class StateRestorer;
@@ -571,26 +530,6 @@
   StateRestorer* record_method_and_dq_further(Method* mo);
-// StatefulGenericMethodFamily is a wrapper around GenericMethodFamily that maintains the
-// qualification state during hierarchy visitation, and applies that state
-// when adding members to the GenericMethodFamily.
-class StatefulGenericMethodFamily : public StatefulMethodFamily {
- public:
-  StatefulGenericMethodFamily(generic::MethodDescriptor* md, generic::Context* ctx)
-  : StatefulMethodFamily(new GenericMethodFamily(md->canonicalize(ctx))) {
-  }
-  GenericMethodFamily* get_method_family() {
-    return (GenericMethodFamily*)_method_family;
-  }
-  bool descriptor_matches(generic::MethodDescriptor* md, generic::Context* ctx) {
-    return get_method_family()->descriptor_matches(md, ctx);
-  }
 class StateRestorer : public PseudoScopeMark {
   StatefulMethodFamily* _method;
@@ -616,39 +555,6 @@
   return mark;
-class StatefulGenericMethodFamilies : public ResourceObj {
- private:
-  GrowableArray<StatefulGenericMethodFamily*> _methods;
- public:
-  StatefulGenericMethodFamily* find_matching(
-      generic::MethodDescriptor* md, generic::Context* ctx) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < _methods.length(); ++i) {
-      StatefulGenericMethodFamily* existing = _methods.at(i);
-      if (existing->descriptor_matches(md, ctx)) {
-        return existing;
-      }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  StatefulGenericMethodFamily* find_matching_or_create(
-      generic::MethodDescriptor* md, generic::Context* ctx) {
-    StatefulGenericMethodFamily* method = find_matching(md, ctx);
-    if (method == NULL) {
-      method = new StatefulGenericMethodFamily(md, ctx);
-      _methods.append(method);
-    }
-    return method;
-  }
-  void extract_families_into(GrowableArray<GenericMethodFamily*>* array) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < _methods.length(); ++i) {
-      array->append(_methods.at(i)->get_method_family());
-    }
-  }
 // Represents a location corresponding to a vtable slot for methods that
 // neither the class nor any of it's ancestors provide an implementaion.
 // Default methods may be present to fill this slot.
@@ -779,146 +685,11 @@
-// Iterates over the type hierarchy looking for all methods with a specific
-// method name.  The result of this is a set of method families each of
-// which is populated with a set of methods that implement the same
-// language-level signature.
-class FindMethodsByGenericSig : public HierarchyVisitor<FindMethodsByGenericSig> {
- private:
-  // Context data
-  Thread* THREAD;
-  generic::DescriptorCache* _cache;
-  Symbol* _method_name;
-  generic::Context* _ctx;
-  StatefulGenericMethodFamilies _families;
- public:
-  FindMethodsByGenericSig(generic::DescriptorCache* cache, Symbol* name,
-      generic::Context* ctx, Thread* thread) :
-    _cache(cache), _method_name(name), _ctx(ctx), THREAD(thread) {}
-  void get_discovered_families(GrowableArray<GenericMethodFamily*>* methods) {
-    _families.extract_families_into(methods);
-  }
-  void* new_node_data(InstanceKlass* cls) { return new PseudoScope(); }
-  void free_node_data(void* node_data) {
-    PseudoScope::cast(node_data)->destroy();
-  }
-  bool visit() {
-    PseudoScope* scope = PseudoScope::cast(current_data());
-    InstanceKlass* klass = current_class();
-    InstanceKlass* sub = current_depth() > 0 ? class_at_depth(1) : NULL;
-    ContextMark* cm = new ContextMark(_ctx->mark());
-    scope->add_mark(cm); // will restore context when scope is freed
-    _ctx->apply_type_arguments(sub, klass, THREAD);
-    int start, end = 0;
-    start = klass->find_method_by_name(_method_name, &end);
-    if (start != -1) {
-      for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
-        Method* m = klass->methods()->at(i);
-        // This gets the method's parameter list with its generic type
-        // parameters resolved
-        generic::MethodDescriptor* md = _cache->descriptor_for(m, THREAD);
-        // Find all methods on this hierarchy that match this method
-        // (name, signature).   This class collects other families of this
-        // method name.
-        StatefulGenericMethodFamily* family =
-            _families.find_matching_or_create(md, _ctx);
-        if (klass->is_interface()) {
-          // ???
-          StateRestorer* restorer = family->record_method_and_dq_further(m);
-          scope->add_mark(restorer);
-        } else {
-          // This is the rule that methods in classes "win" (bad word) over
-          // methods in interfaces.  This works because of single inheritance
-          family->set_target_if_empty(m);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-static void print_generic_families(
-    GrowableArray<GenericMethodFamily*>* methods, Symbol* match) {
-  streamIndentor si(tty, 4);
-  if (methods->length() == 0) {
-    tty->indent();
-    tty->print_cr("No Logical Method found");
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < methods->length(); ++i) {
-    tty->indent();
-    GenericMethodFamily* lm = methods->at(i);
-    if (lm->contains_signature(match)) {
-      tty->print_cr("<Matching>");
-    } else {
-      tty->print_cr("<Non-Matching>");
-    }
-    lm->print_sig_on(tty, lm->get_generic_sig(), 1);
-  }
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
 static void create_overpasses(
     GrowableArray<EmptyVtableSlot*>* slots, InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS);
-static void generate_generic_defaults(
-      InstanceKlass* klass, GrowableArray<EmptyVtableSlot*>* empty_slots,
-      EmptyVtableSlot* slot, int current_slot_index, TRAPS) {
-  if (slot->is_bound()) {
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-    if (TraceDefaultMethods) {
-      streamIndentor si(tty, 4);
-      tty->indent().print_cr("Already bound to logical method:");
-      GenericMethodFamily* lm = (GenericMethodFamily*)(slot->get_binding());
-      lm->print_sig_on(tty, lm->get_generic_sig(), 1);
-    }
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-    return; // covered by previous processing
-  }
-  generic::DescriptorCache cache;
-  generic::Context ctx(&cache);
-  FindMethodsByGenericSig visitor(&cache, slot->name(), &ctx, CHECK);
-  visitor.run(klass);
-  GrowableArray<GenericMethodFamily*> discovered_families;
-  visitor.get_discovered_families(&discovered_families);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  if (TraceDefaultMethods) {
-    print_generic_families(&discovered_families, slot->signature());
-  }
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-  // Find and populate any other slots that match the discovered families
-  for (int j = current_slot_index; j < empty_slots->length(); ++j) {
-    EmptyVtableSlot* open_slot = empty_slots->at(j);
-    if (slot->name() == open_slot->name()) {
-      for (int k = 0; k < discovered_families.length(); ++k) {
-        GenericMethodFamily* lm = discovered_families.at(k);
-        if (lm->contains_signature(open_slot->signature())) {
-          lm->determine_target(klass, CHECK);
-          open_slot->bind_family(lm);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
 static void generate_erased_defaults(
      InstanceKlass* klass, GrowableArray<EmptyVtableSlot*>* empty_slots,
      EmptyVtableSlot* slot, TRAPS) {
@@ -943,21 +714,14 @@
 // First if finds any name/signature slots that need any implementation (either
 // because they are miranda or a superclass's implementation is an overpass
-// itself).  For each slot, iterate over the hierarchy, using generic signature
-// information to partition any methods that match the name into method families
-// where each family contains methods whose signatures are equivalent at the
-// language level (i.e., their reified parameters match and return values are
-// covariant). Check those sets to see if they contain a signature that matches
-// the slot we're looking at (if we're lucky, there might be other empty slots
-// that we can fill using the same analysis).
+// itself).  For each slot, iterate over the hierarchy, to see if they contain a
+// signature that matches the slot we are looking at.
 // For each slot filled, we generate an overpass method that either calls the
 // unique default method candidate using invokespecial, or throws an exception
 // (in the case of no default method candidates, or more than one valid
-// candidate).  These methods are then added to the class's method list.  If
-// the method set we're using contains methods (qualified or not) with a
-// different runtime signature than the method we're creating, then we have to
-// create bridges with those signatures too.
+// candidate).  These methods are then added to the class's method list.
+// The JVM does not create bridges nor handle generic signatures here.
 void DefaultMethods::generate_default_methods(
     InstanceKlass* klass, GrowableArray<Method*>* mirandas, TRAPS) {
@@ -997,11 +761,7 @@
 #endif // ndef PRODUCT
-    if (ParseGenericDefaults) {
-      generate_generic_defaults(klass, empty_slots, slot, i, CHECK);
-    } else {
-      generate_erased_defaults(klass, empty_slots, slot, CHECK);
-    }
+    generate_erased_defaults(klass, empty_slots, slot, CHECK);
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   if (TraceDefaultMethods) {
@@ -1019,13 +779,13 @@
- * Generic analysis was used upon interface '_target' and found a unique
- * default method candidate with generic signature '_method_desc'.  This
+ * Interface inheritance rules were used to find a unique default method
+ * candidate for the resolved class. This
  * method is only viable if it would also be in the set of default method
  * candidates if we ran a full analysis on the current class.
  * The only reason that the method would not be in the set of candidates for
- * the current class is if that there's another covariantly matching method
+ * the current class is if that there's another matching method
  * which is "more specific" than the found method -- i.e., one could find a
  * path in the interface hierarchy in which the matching method appears
  * before we get to '_target'.
@@ -1110,48 +870,6 @@
     : ShadowChecker(thread, name, holder, target) {}
-class GenericShadowChecker : public ShadowChecker {
- private:
-  generic::DescriptorCache* _cache;
-  generic::MethodDescriptor* _method_desc;
-  bool path_has_shadow() {
-    generic::Context ctx(_cache);
-    for (int i = current_depth() - 1; i > 0; --i) {
-      InstanceKlass* ik = class_at_depth(i);
-      InstanceKlass* sub = class_at_depth(i + 1);
-      ctx.apply_type_arguments(sub, ik, THREAD);
-      if (ik->is_interface()) {
-        int end;
-        int start = ik->find_method_by_name(_method_name, &end);
-        if (start != -1) {
-          for (int j = start; j < end; ++j) {
-            Method* mo = ik->methods()->at(j);
-            generic::MethodDescriptor* md = _cache->descriptor_for(mo, THREAD);
-            if (_method_desc->covariant_match(md, &ctx)) {
-              return true;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
- public:
-  GenericShadowChecker(generic::DescriptorCache* cache, Thread* thread,
-      Symbol* name, InstanceKlass* holder, generic::MethodDescriptor* desc,
-      InstanceKlass* target)
-    : ShadowChecker(thread, name, holder, target) {
-      _cache = cache;
-      _method_desc = desc;
- }
 // Find the unique qualified candidate from the perspective of the super_class
 // which is the resolved_klass, which must be an immediate superinterface
@@ -1203,66 +921,6 @@
-// super_class is assumed to be the direct super of current_class
-Method* find_generic_super_default( InstanceKlass* current_class,
-                                    InstanceKlass* super_class,
-                                    Symbol* method_name, Symbol* sig, TRAPS) {
-  generic::DescriptorCache cache;
-  generic::Context ctx(&cache);
-  // Prime the initial generic context for current -> super_class
-  ctx.apply_type_arguments(current_class, super_class, CHECK_NULL);
-  FindMethodsByGenericSig visitor(&cache, method_name, &ctx, CHECK_NULL);
-  visitor.run(super_class);
-  GrowableArray<GenericMethodFamily*> families;
-  visitor.get_discovered_families(&families);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  if (TraceDefaultMethods) {
-    print_generic_families(&families, sig);
-  }
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-  GenericMethodFamily* selected_family = NULL;
-  for (int i = 0; i < families.length(); ++i) {
-    GenericMethodFamily* lm = families.at(i);
-    if (lm->contains_signature(sig)) {
-      lm->determine_target(current_class, CHECK_NULL);
-      selected_family = lm;
-    }
-  }
-  if (selected_family->has_target()) {
-    Method* target = selected_family->get_selected_target();
-    InstanceKlass* holder = InstanceKlass::cast(target->method_holder());
-    // Verify that the identified method is valid from the context of
-    // the current class
-    GenericShadowChecker checker(&cache, THREAD, target->name(),
-        holder, selected_family->descriptor(), super_class);
-    checker.run(current_class);
-    if (checker.found_shadow()) {
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-      if (TraceDefaultMethods) {
-        tty->print_cr("    Only candidate found was shadowed.");
-      }
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-      THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_AbstractMethodError(),
-                 "Accessible default method not found", NULL);
-    } else {
-      return target;
-    }
-  } else {
-    assert(selected_family->throws_exception(), "must have target or throw");
-    THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_AbstractMethodError(),
-               selected_family->get_exception_message()->as_C_string(), NULL);
-  }
 // This is called during linktime when we find an invokespecial call that
 // refers to a direct superinterface.  It indicates that we should find the
 // default method in the hierarchy of that superinterface, and if that method
@@ -1296,13 +954,8 @@
   assert(super_class->is_interface(), "only call for default methods");
   Method* target = NULL;
-  if (ParseGenericDefaults) {
-    target = find_generic_super_default(current_class, super_class,
-                                        method_name, sig, CHECK_NULL);
-  } else {
-    target = find_erased_super_default(current_class, super_class,
-                                       method_name, sig, CHECK_NULL);
-  }
+  target = find_erased_super_default(current_class, super_class,
+                                     method_name, sig, CHECK_NULL);
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   if (target != NULL) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/genericSignatures.cpp	Mon Aug 26 09:33:01 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1279 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- *
- */
-#include "precompiled.hpp"
-#include "classfile/genericSignatures.hpp"
-#include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
-#include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
-#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
-namespace generic {
-// Helper class for parsing the generic signature Symbol in klass and methods
-class DescriptorStream : public ResourceObj {
- private:
-  Symbol* _symbol;
-  int _offset;
-  int _mark;
-  const char* _parse_error;
-  void set_parse_error(const char* error) {
-    assert(error != NULL, "Can't set NULL error string");
-    _parse_error = error;
-  }
- public:
-  DescriptorStream(Symbol* sym)
-      : _symbol(sym), _offset(0), _mark(-1), _parse_error(NULL) {}
-  const char* parse_error() const {
-    return _parse_error;
-  }
-  bool at_end() { return _offset >= _symbol->utf8_length(); }
-  char peek() {
-    if (at_end()) {
-      set_parse_error("Peeking past end of signature");
-      return '\0';
-    } else {
-      return _symbol->byte_at(_offset);
-    }
-  }
-  char read() {
-    if (at_end()) {
-      set_parse_error("Reading past end of signature");
-      return '\0';
-    } else {
-      return _symbol->byte_at(_offset++);
-    }
-  }
-  void read(char expected) {
-    char c = read();
-    assert_char(c, expected, 0);
-  }
-  void assert_char(char c, char expected, int pos = -1) {
-    if (c != expected) {
-      const char* fmt = "Parse error at %d: expected %c but got %c";
-      size_t len = strlen(fmt) + 5;
-      char* buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, len);
-      jio_snprintf(buffer, len, fmt, _offset + pos, expected, c);
-      set_parse_error(buffer);
-    }
-  }
-  void push(char c) {
-    assert(c == _symbol->byte_at(_offset - 1), "Pushing back wrong value");
-    --_offset;
-  }
-  void expect_end() {
-    if (!at_end()) {
-      set_parse_error("Unexpected data trailing signature");
-    }
-  }
-  bool has_mark() { return _mark != -1; }
-  void set_mark() {
-    _mark = _offset;
-  }
-  Identifier* identifier_from_mark() {
-    assert(has_mark(), "Mark should be set");
-    if (!has_mark()) {
-      set_parse_error("Expected mark to be set");
-      return NULL;
-    } else {
-      Identifier* id = new Identifier(_symbol, _mark, _offset - 1);
-      _mark = -1;
-      return id;
-    }
-  }
-#define CHECK_FOR_PARSE_ERROR()         \
-  if (STREAM->parse_error() != NULL) {   \
-    if (VerifyGenericSignatures) {      \
-      fatal(STREAM->parse_error());      \
-    }                                   \
-    return NULL;                        \
-  } (void)0
-#define PUSH(c) STREAM->push(c)
-#define EXPECTED(c, ch) STREAM->assert_char(c, ch); CHECK_FOR_PARSE_ERROR()
-#define EXPECT_END() STREAM->expect_end(); CHECK_FOR_PARSE_ERROR()
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void Identifier::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  for (int i = _begin; i < _end; ++i) {
-    str->print("%c", (char)_sym->byte_at(i));
-  }
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-bool Identifier::equals(Identifier* other) {
-  if (_sym == other->_sym && _begin == other->_begin && _end == other->_end) {
-    return true;
-  } else if (_end - _begin != other->_end - other->_begin) {
-    return false;
-  } else {
-    size_t len = _end - _begin;
-    char* addr = ((char*)_sym->bytes()) + _begin;
-    char* oaddr = ((char*)other->_sym->bytes()) + other->_begin;
-    return strncmp(addr, oaddr, len) == 0;
-  }
-bool Identifier::equals(Symbol* sym) {
-  Identifier id(sym, 0, sym->utf8_length());
-  return equals(&id);
- * A formal type parameter may be found in the the enclosing class, but it could
- * also come from an enclosing method or outer class, in the case of inner-outer
- * classes or anonymous classes.  For example:
- *
- * class Outer<T,V> {
- *   class Inner<W> {
- *     void m(T t, V v, W w);
- *   }
- * }
- *
- * In this case, the type variables in m()'s signature are not all found in the
- * immediate enclosing class (Inner).  class Inner has only type parameter W,
- * but it's outer_class field will reference Outer's descriptor which contains
- * T & V (no outer_method in this case).
- *
- * If you have an anonymous class, it has both an enclosing method *and* an
- * enclosing class where type parameters can be declared:
- *
- * class MOuter<T> {
- *   <V> void bar(V v) {
- *     Runnable r = new Runnable() {
- *       public void run() {}
- *       public void foo(T t, V v) { ... }
- *     };
- *   }
- * }
- *
- * In this case, foo will be a member of some class, Runnable$1, which has no
- * formal parameters itself, but has an outer_method (bar()) which provides
- * type parameter V, and an outer class MOuter with type parameter T.
- *
- * It is also possible that the outer class is itself an inner class to some
- * other class (or an anonymous class with an enclosing method), so we need to
- * follow the outer_class/outer_method chain to it's end when looking for a
- * type parameter.
- */
-TypeParameter* Descriptor::find_type_parameter(Identifier* id, int* depth) {
-  int current_depth = 0;
-  MethodDescriptor* outer_method = as_method_signature();
-  ClassDescriptor* outer_class = as_class_signature();
-  if (outer_class == NULL) { // 'this' is a method signature; use the holder
-    outer_class = outer_method->outer_class();
-  }
-  while (outer_method != NULL || outer_class != NULL) {
-    if (outer_method != NULL) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < outer_method->type_parameters().length(); ++i) {
-        TypeParameter* p = outer_method->type_parameters().at(i);
-        if (p->identifier()->equals(id)) {
-          *depth = -1; // indicates this this is a method parameter
-          return p;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (outer_class != NULL) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < outer_class->type_parameters().length(); ++i) {
-        TypeParameter* p = outer_class->type_parameters().at(i);
-        if (p->identifier()->equals(id)) {
-          *depth = current_depth;
-          return p;
-        }
-      }
-      outer_method = outer_class->outer_method();
-      outer_class = outer_class->outer_class();
-      ++current_depth;
-    }
-  }
-  if (VerifyGenericSignatures) {
-    fatal("Could not resolve identifier");
-  }
-  return NULL;
-ClassDescriptor* ClassDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(Klass* klass, TRAPS) {
-  return parse_generic_signature(klass, NULL, CHECK_NULL);
-ClassDescriptor* ClassDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(
-      Klass* klass, Symbol* original_name, TRAPS) {
-  InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(klass);
-  Symbol* sym = ik->generic_signature();
-  ClassDescriptor* spec;
-  if (sym == NULL || (spec = ClassDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(sym)) == NULL) {
-    spec = ClassDescriptor::placeholder(ik);
-  }
-  u2 outer_index = get_outer_class_index(ik, CHECK_NULL);
-  if (outer_index != 0) {
-    if (original_name == NULL) {
-      original_name = ik->name();
-    }
-    Handle class_loader = Handle(THREAD, ik->class_loader());
-    Handle protection_domain = Handle(THREAD, ik->protection_domain());
-    Symbol* outer_name = ik->constants()->klass_name_at(outer_index);
-    Klass* outer = SystemDictionary::find(
-        outer_name, class_loader, protection_domain, CHECK_NULL);
-    if (outer == NULL && !THREAD->is_Compiler_thread()) {
-      if (outer_name == ik->super()->name()) {
-        outer = SystemDictionary::resolve_super_or_fail(original_name, outer_name,
-                                                        class_loader, protection_domain,
-                                                        false, CHECK_NULL);
-      }
-      else {
-        outer = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(outer_name, class_loader,
-                                                  protection_domain, false, CHECK_NULL);
-      }
-    }
-    InstanceKlass* outer_ik;
-    ClassDescriptor* outer_spec = NULL;
-    if (outer == NULL) {
-      outer_spec = ClassDescriptor::placeholder(ik);
-      assert(false, "Outer class not loaded and not loadable from here");
-    } else {
-      outer_ik = InstanceKlass::cast(outer);
-      outer_spec = parse_generic_signature(outer, original_name, CHECK_NULL);
-    }
-    spec->set_outer_class(outer_spec);
-    u2 encl_method_idx = ik->enclosing_method_method_index();
-    if (encl_method_idx != 0 && outer_ik != NULL) {
-      ConstantPool* cp = ik->constants();
-      u2 name_index = cp->name_ref_index_at(encl_method_idx);
-      u2 sig_index = cp->signature_ref_index_at(encl_method_idx);
-      Symbol* name = cp->symbol_at(name_index);
-      Symbol* sig = cp->symbol_at(sig_index);
-      Method* m = outer_ik->find_method(name, sig);
-      if (m != NULL) {
-        Symbol* gsig = m->generic_signature();
-        if (gsig != NULL) {
-          MethodDescriptor* gms = MethodDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(gsig, outer_spec);
-          spec->set_outer_method(gms);
-        }
-      } else if (VerifyGenericSignatures) {
-        ResourceMark rm;
-        stringStream ss;
-        ss.print("Could not find method %s %s in class %s",
-          name->as_C_string(), sig->as_C_string(), outer_name->as_C_string());
-        fatal(ss.as_string());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  spec->bind_variables_to_parameters();
-  return spec;
-ClassDescriptor* ClassDescriptor::placeholder(InstanceKlass* klass) {
-  GrowableArray<TypeParameter*> formals;
-  GrowableArray<ClassType*> interfaces;
-  ClassType* super_type = NULL;
-  Klass* super_klass = klass->super();
-  if (super_klass != NULL) {
-    InstanceKlass* super = InstanceKlass::cast(super_klass);
-    super_type = ClassType::from_symbol(super->name());
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < klass->local_interfaces()->length(); ++i) {
-    InstanceKlass* iface = InstanceKlass::cast(klass->local_interfaces()->at(i));
-    interfaces.append(ClassType::from_symbol(iface->name()));
-  }
-  return new ClassDescriptor(formals, super_type, interfaces);
-ClassDescriptor* ClassDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(Symbol* sym) {
-  DescriptorStream ds(sym);
-  DescriptorStream* STREAM = &ds;
-  GrowableArray<TypeParameter*> parameters(8);
-  char c = READ();
-  if (c == '<') {
-    c = READ();
-    while (c != '>') {
-      PUSH(c);
-      TypeParameter* ftp = TypeParameter::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-      parameters.append(ftp);
-      c = READ();
-    }
-  } else {
-    PUSH(c);
-  }
-  EXPECT('L');
-  ClassType* super = ClassType::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-  GrowableArray<ClassType*> signatures(2);
-  while (!STREAM->at_end()) {
-    EXPECT('L');
-    ClassType* iface = ClassType::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-    signatures.append(iface);
-  }
-  return new ClassDescriptor(parameters, super, signatures);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void ClassDescriptor::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("ClassDescriptor {");
-  {
-    streamIndentor si(str);
-    if (_type_parameters.length() > 0) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Formals {");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        for (int i = 0; i < _type_parameters.length(); ++i) {
-          _type_parameters.at(i)->print_on(str);
-        }
-      }
-      str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    }
-    if (_super != NULL) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Superclass: ");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        _super->print_on(str);
-      }
-    }
-    if (_interfaces.length() > 0) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("SuperInterfaces: {");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        for (int i = 0; i < _interfaces.length(); ++i) {
-          _interfaces.at(i)->print_on(str);
-        }
-      }
-      str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    }
-    if (_outer_method != NULL) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Outer Method: {");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        _outer_method->print_on(str);
-      }
-      str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    }
-    if (_outer_class != NULL) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Outer Class: {");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        _outer_class->print_on(str);
-      }
-      str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    }
-  }
-  str->indent().print_cr("}");
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-ClassType* ClassDescriptor::interface_desc(Symbol* sym) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < _interfaces.length(); ++i) {
-    if (_interfaces.at(i)->identifier()->equals(sym)) {
-      return _interfaces.at(i);
-    }
-  }
-  if (VerifyGenericSignatures) {
-    fatal("Did not find expected interface");
-  }
-  return NULL;
-void ClassDescriptor::bind_variables_to_parameters() {
-  if (_outer_class != NULL) {
-    _outer_class->bind_variables_to_parameters();
-  }
-  if (_outer_method != NULL) {
-    _outer_method->bind_variables_to_parameters();
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < _type_parameters.length(); ++i) {
-    _type_parameters.at(i)->bind_variables_to_parameters(this, i);
-  }
-  if (_super != NULL) {
-    _super->bind_variables_to_parameters(this);
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < _interfaces.length(); ++i) {
-    _interfaces.at(i)->bind_variables_to_parameters(this);
-  }
-ClassDescriptor* ClassDescriptor::canonicalize(Context* ctx) {
-  GrowableArray<TypeParameter*> type_params(_type_parameters.length());
-  for (int i = 0; i < _type_parameters.length(); ++i) {
-    type_params.append(_type_parameters.at(i)->canonicalize(ctx, 0));
-  }
-  ClassDescriptor* outer = _outer_class == NULL ? NULL :
-      _outer_class->canonicalize(ctx);
-  ClassType* super = _super == NULL ? NULL : _super->canonicalize(ctx, 0);
-  GrowableArray<ClassType*> interfaces(_interfaces.length());
-  for (int i = 0; i < _interfaces.length(); ++i) {
-    interfaces.append(_interfaces.at(i)->canonicalize(ctx, 0));
-  }
-  MethodDescriptor* md = _outer_method == NULL ? NULL :
-      _outer_method->canonicalize(ctx);
-  return new ClassDescriptor(type_params, super, interfaces, outer, md);
-u2 ClassDescriptor::get_outer_class_index(InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS) {
-  int inner_index = InstanceKlass::inner_class_inner_class_info_offset;
-  int outer_index = InstanceKlass::inner_class_outer_class_info_offset;
-  int name_offset = InstanceKlass::inner_class_inner_name_offset;
-  int next_offset = InstanceKlass::inner_class_next_offset;
-  if (klass->inner_classes() == NULL || klass->inner_classes()->length() == 0) {
-    // No inner class info => no declaring class
-    return 0;
-  }
-  Array<u2>* i_icls = klass->inner_classes();
-  ConstantPool* i_cp = klass->constants();
-  int i_length = i_icls->length();
-  // Find inner_klass attribute
-  for (int i = 0; i + next_offset < i_length; i += next_offset) {
-    u2 ioff = i_icls->at(i + inner_index);
-    u2 ooff = i_icls->at(i + outer_index);
-    u2 noff = i_icls->at(i + name_offset);
-    if (ioff != 0) {
-      // Check to see if the name matches the class we're looking for
-      // before attempting to find the class.
-      if (i_cp->klass_name_at_matches(klass, ioff) && ooff != 0) {
-        return ooff;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // It may be anonymous; try for that.
-  u2 encl_method_class_idx = klass->enclosing_method_class_index();
-  if (encl_method_class_idx != 0) {
-    return encl_method_class_idx;
-  }
-  return 0;
-MethodDescriptor* MethodDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(Method* m, ClassDescriptor* outer) {
-  Symbol* generic_sig = m->generic_signature();
-  MethodDescriptor* md = NULL;
-  if (generic_sig == NULL || (md = parse_generic_signature(generic_sig, outer)) == NULL) {
-    md = parse_generic_signature(m->signature(), outer);
-  }
-  assert(md != NULL, "Could not parse method signature");
-  md->bind_variables_to_parameters();
-  return md;
-MethodDescriptor* MethodDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(Symbol* sym, ClassDescriptor* outer) {
-  DescriptorStream ds(sym);
-  DescriptorStream* STREAM = &ds;
-  GrowableArray<TypeParameter*> params(8);
-  char c = READ();
-  if (c == '<') {
-    c = READ();
-    while (c != '>') {
-      PUSH(c);
-      TypeParameter* ftp = TypeParameter::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-      params.append(ftp);
-      c = READ();
-    }
-  } else {
-    PUSH(c);
-  }
-  EXPECT('(');
-  GrowableArray<Type*> parameters(8);
-  c = READ();
-  while (c != ')') {
-    PUSH(c);
-    Type* arg = Type::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-    parameters.append(arg);
-    c = READ();
-  }
-  Type* rt = Type::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-  GrowableArray<Type*> throws;
-  while (!STREAM->at_end()) {
-    EXPECT('^');
-    Type* spec = Type::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-    throws.append(spec);
-  }
-  return new MethodDescriptor(params, outer, parameters, rt, throws);
-void MethodDescriptor::bind_variables_to_parameters() {
-  for (int i = 0; i < _type_parameters.length(); ++i) {
-    _type_parameters.at(i)->bind_variables_to_parameters(this, i);
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.length(); ++i) {
-    _parameters.at(i)->bind_variables_to_parameters(this);
-  }
-  _return_type->bind_variables_to_parameters(this);
-  for (int i = 0; i < _throws.length(); ++i) {
-    _throws.at(i)->bind_variables_to_parameters(this);
-  }
-bool MethodDescriptor::covariant_match(MethodDescriptor* other, Context* ctx) {
-  if (_parameters.length() == other->_parameters.length()) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.length(); ++i) {
-      if (!_parameters.at(i)->covariant_match(other->_parameters.at(i), ctx)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    if (_return_type->as_primitive() != NULL) {
-      return _return_type->covariant_match(other->_return_type, ctx);
-    } else {
-      // return type is a reference
-      return other->_return_type->as_class() != NULL ||
-             other->_return_type->as_variable() != NULL ||
-             other->_return_type->as_array() != NULL;
-    }
-  } else {
-    return false;
-  }
-MethodDescriptor* MethodDescriptor::canonicalize(Context* ctx) {
-  GrowableArray<TypeParameter*> type_params(_type_parameters.length());
-  for (int i = 0; i < _type_parameters.length(); ++i) {
-    type_params.append(_type_parameters.at(i)->canonicalize(ctx, 0));
-  }
-  ClassDescriptor* outer = _outer_class == NULL ? NULL :
-      _outer_class->canonicalize(ctx);
-  GrowableArray<Type*> params(_parameters.length());
-  for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.length(); ++i) {
-    params.append(_parameters.at(i)->canonicalize(ctx, 0));
-  }
-  Type* rt = _return_type->canonicalize(ctx, 0);
-  GrowableArray<Type*> throws(_throws.length());
-  for (int i = 0; i < _throws.length(); ++i) {
-    throws.append(_throws.at(i)->canonicalize(ctx, 0));
-  }
-  return new MethodDescriptor(type_params, outer, params, rt, throws);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-TempNewSymbol MethodDescriptor::reify_signature(Context* ctx, TRAPS) {
-  stringStream ss(256);
-  ss.print("(");
-  for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.length(); ++i) {
-    _parameters.at(i)->reify_signature(&ss, ctx);
-  }
-  ss.print(")");
-  _return_type->reify_signature(&ss, ctx);
-  return SymbolTable::new_symbol(ss.base(), (int)ss.size(), THREAD);
-void MethodDescriptor::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("MethodDescriptor {");
-  {
-    streamIndentor si(str);
-    if (_type_parameters.length() > 0) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Formals: {");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        for (int i = 0; i < _type_parameters.length(); ++i) {
-          _type_parameters.at(i)->print_on(str);
-        }
-      }
-      str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    }
-    str->indent().print_cr("Parameters: {");
-    {
-      streamIndentor si(str);
-      for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.length(); ++i) {
-        _parameters.at(i)->print_on(str);
-      }
-    }
-    str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    str->indent().print_cr("Return Type: ");
-    {
-      streamIndentor si(str);
-      _return_type->print_on(str);
-    }
-    if (_throws.length() > 0) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Throws: {");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        for (int i = 0; i < _throws.length(); ++i) {
-          _throws.at(i)->print_on(str);
-        }
-      }
-      str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    }
-  }
-  str->indent().print_cr("}");
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-TypeParameter* TypeParameter::parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* STREAM) {
-  STREAM->set_mark();
-  char c = READ();
-  while (c != ':') {
-    c = READ();
-  }
-  Identifier* id = STREAM->identifier_from_mark();
-  ClassType* class_bound = NULL;
-  GrowableArray<ClassType*> interface_bounds(8);
-  c = READ();
-  if (c != '>') {
-    if (c != ':') {
-      EXPECTED(c, 'L');
-      class_bound = ClassType::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-      c = READ();
-    }
-    while (c == ':') {
-      EXPECT('L');
-      ClassType* fts = ClassType::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-      interface_bounds.append(fts);
-      c = READ();
-    }
-  }
-  PUSH(c);
-  return new TypeParameter(id, class_bound, interface_bounds);
-void TypeParameter::bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig, int position) {
-  if (_class_bound != NULL) {
-    _class_bound->bind_variables_to_parameters(sig);
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < _interface_bounds.length(); ++i) {
-    _interface_bounds.at(i)->bind_variables_to_parameters(sig);
-  }
-  _position = position;
-Type* TypeParameter::resolve(
-    Context* ctx, int inner_depth, int ctx_depth) {
-  if (inner_depth == -1) {
-    // This indicates that the parameter is a method type parameter, which
-    // isn't resolveable using the class hierarchy context
-    return bound();
-  }
-  ClassType* provider = ctx->at_depth(ctx_depth);
-  if (provider != NULL) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < inner_depth && provider != NULL; ++i) {
-      provider = provider->outer_class();
-    }
-    if (provider != NULL) {
-      TypeArgument* arg = provider->type_argument_at(_position);
-      if (arg != NULL) {
-        Type* value = arg->lower_bound();
-        return value->canonicalize(ctx, ctx_depth + 1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return bound();
-TypeParameter* TypeParameter::canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth) {
-  ClassType* bound = _class_bound == NULL ? NULL :
-     _class_bound->canonicalize(ctx, ctx_depth);
-  GrowableArray<ClassType*> ifaces(_interface_bounds.length());
-  for (int i = 0; i < _interface_bounds.length(); ++i) {
-    ifaces.append(_interface_bounds.at(i)->canonicalize(ctx, ctx_depth));
-  }
-  TypeParameter* ret = new TypeParameter(_identifier, bound, ifaces);
-  ret->_position = _position;
-  return ret;
-ClassType* TypeParameter::bound() {
-  if (_class_bound != NULL) {
-    return _class_bound;
-  }
-  if (_interface_bounds.length() == 1) {
-    return _interface_bounds.at(0);
-  }
-  return ClassType::java_lang_Object(); // TODO: investigate this case
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void TypeParameter::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("Formal: {");
-  {
-    streamIndentor si(str);
-    str->indent().print("Identifier: ");
-    _identifier->print_on(str);
-    str->print_cr("");
-    if (_class_bound != NULL) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Class Bound: ");
-      streamIndentor si(str);
-      _class_bound->print_on(str);
-    }
-    if (_interface_bounds.length() > 0) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Interface Bounds: {");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        for (int i = 0; i < _interface_bounds.length(); ++i) {
-          _interface_bounds.at(i)->print_on(str);
-        }
-      }
-      str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    }
-    str->indent().print_cr("Ordinal Position: %d", _position);
-  }
-  str->indent().print_cr("}");
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-Type* Type::parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* STREAM) {
-  char c = READ();
-  switch (c) {
-    case 'L':
-      return ClassType::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-    case 'T':
-      return TypeVariable::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-    case '[':
-      return ArrayType::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-    default:
-      return new PrimitiveType(c);
-  }
-Identifier* ClassType::parse_generic_signature_simple(GrowableArray<TypeArgument*>* args,
-    bool* has_inner, DescriptorStream* STREAM) {
-  STREAM->set_mark();
-  char c = READ();
-  while (c != ';' && c != '.' && c != '<') { c = READ(); }
-  Identifier* id = STREAM->identifier_from_mark();
-  if (c == '<') {
-    c = READ();
-    while (c != '>') {
-      PUSH(c);
-      TypeArgument* arg = TypeArgument::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-      args->append(arg);
-      c = READ();
-    }
-    c = READ();
-  }
-  *has_inner = (c == '.');
-  if (!(*has_inner)) {
-    EXPECTED(c, ';');
-  }
-  return id;
-ClassType* ClassType::parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* STREAM) {
-  return parse_generic_signature(NULL, CHECK_STREAM);
-ClassType* ClassType::parse_generic_signature(ClassType* outer, DescriptorStream* STREAM) {
-  GrowableArray<TypeArgument*> args;
-  ClassType* gct = NULL;
-  bool has_inner = false;
-  Identifier* id = parse_generic_signature_simple(&args, &has_inner, STREAM);
-  if (id != NULL) {
-    gct = new ClassType(id, args, outer);
-    if (has_inner) {
-      gct = parse_generic_signature(gct, CHECK_STREAM);
-    }
-  }
-  return gct;
-ClassType* ClassType::from_symbol(Symbol* sym) {
-  assert(sym != NULL, "Must not be null");
-  GrowableArray<TypeArgument*> args;
-  Identifier* id = new Identifier(sym, 0, sym->utf8_length());
-  return new ClassType(id, args, NULL);
-ClassType* ClassType::java_lang_Object() {
-  return from_symbol(vmSymbols::java_lang_Object());
-void ClassType::bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < _type_arguments.length(); ++i) {
-    _type_arguments.at(i)->bind_variables_to_parameters(sig);
-  }
-  if (_outer_class != NULL) {
-    _outer_class->bind_variables_to_parameters(sig);
-  }
-TypeArgument* ClassType::type_argument_at(int i) {
-  if (i >= 0 && i < _type_arguments.length()) {
-    return _type_arguments.at(i);
-  } else {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void ClassType::reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx) {
-  ss->print("L");
-  _identifier->print_on(ss);
-  ss->print(";");
-void ClassType::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("Class {");
-  {
-    streamIndentor si(str);
-    str->indent().print("Name: ");
-    _identifier->print_on(str);
-    str->print_cr("");
-    if (_type_arguments.length() != 0) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Type Arguments: {");
-      {
-        streamIndentor si(str);
-        for (int j = 0; j < _type_arguments.length(); ++j) {
-          _type_arguments.at(j)->print_on(str);
-        }
-      }
-      str->indent().print_cr("}");
-    }
-    if (_outer_class != NULL) {
-      str->indent().print_cr("Outer Class: ");
-      streamIndentor sir(str);
-      _outer_class->print_on(str);
-    }
-  }
-  str->indent().print_cr("}");
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-bool ClassType::covariant_match(Type* other, Context* ctx) {
-  if (other == this) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  TypeVariable* variable = other->as_variable();
-  if (variable != NULL) {
-    other = variable->resolve(ctx, 0);
-  }
-  ClassType* outer = outer_class();
-  ClassType* other_class = other->as_class();
-  if (other_class == NULL ||
-      (outer == NULL) != (other_class->outer_class() == NULL)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (!_identifier->equals(other_class->_identifier)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (outer != NULL && !outer->covariant_match(other_class->outer_class(), ctx)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-ClassType* ClassType::canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth) {
-  GrowableArray<TypeArgument*> args(_type_arguments.length());
-  for (int i = 0; i < _type_arguments.length(); ++i) {
-    args.append(_type_arguments.at(i)->canonicalize(ctx, ctx_depth));
-  }
-  ClassType* outer = _outer_class == NULL ? NULL :
-      _outer_class->canonicalize(ctx, ctx_depth);
-  return new ClassType(_identifier, args, outer);
-TypeVariable* TypeVariable::parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* STREAM) {
-  STREAM->set_mark();
-  char c = READ();
-  while (c != ';') {
-    c = READ();
-  }
-  Identifier* id = STREAM->identifier_from_mark();
-  return new TypeVariable(id);
-void TypeVariable::bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig) {
-  _parameter = sig->find_type_parameter(_id, &_inner_depth);
-  if (VerifyGenericSignatures && _parameter == NULL) {
-    fatal("Could not find formal parameter");
-  }
-Type* TypeVariable::resolve(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth) {
-  if (parameter() != NULL) {
-    return parameter()->resolve(ctx, inner_depth(), ctx_depth);
-  } else {
-    if (VerifyGenericSignatures) {
-      fatal("Type variable matches no parameter");
-    }
-    return NULL;
-  }
-bool TypeVariable::covariant_match(Type* other, Context* ctx) {
-  if (other == this) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  Context my_context(NULL); // empty, results in erasure
-  Type* my_type = resolve(&my_context, 0);
-  if (my_type == NULL) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return my_type->covariant_match(other, ctx);
-Type* TypeVariable::canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth) {
-  return resolve(ctx, ctx_depth);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void TypeVariable::reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx) {
-  Type* type = resolve(ctx, 0);
-  if (type != NULL) {
-    type->reify_signature(ss, ctx);
-  }
-void TypeVariable::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("Type Variable {");
-  {
-    streamIndentor si(str);
-    str->indent().print("Name: ");
-    _id->print_on(str);
-    str->print_cr("");
-    str->indent().print_cr("Inner depth: %d", _inner_depth);
-  }
-  str->indent().print_cr("}");
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-ArrayType* ArrayType::parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* STREAM) {
-  Type* base = Type::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-  return new ArrayType(base);
-void ArrayType::bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig) {
-  assert(_base != NULL, "Invalid base");
-  _base->bind_variables_to_parameters(sig);
-bool ArrayType::covariant_match(Type* other, Context* ctx) {
-  assert(_base != NULL, "Invalid base");
-  if (other == this) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  ArrayType* other_array = other->as_array();
-  return (other_array != NULL && _base->covariant_match(other_array->_base, ctx));
-ArrayType* ArrayType::canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth) {
-  assert(_base != NULL, "Invalid base");
-  return new ArrayType(_base->canonicalize(ctx, ctx_depth));
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void ArrayType::reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx) {
-  assert(_base != NULL, "Invalid base");
-  ss->print("[");
-  _base->reify_signature(ss, ctx);
-void ArrayType::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("Array {");
-  {
-    streamIndentor si(str);
-    _base->print_on(str);
-  }
-  str->indent().print_cr("}");
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-bool PrimitiveType::covariant_match(Type* other, Context* ctx) {
-  PrimitiveType* other_prim = other->as_primitive();
-  return (other_prim != NULL && _type == other_prim->_type);
-PrimitiveType* PrimitiveType::canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctxd) {
-  return this;
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void PrimitiveType::reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx) {
-  ss->print("%c", _type);
-void PrimitiveType::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("Primitive: '%c'", _type);
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-void PrimitiveType::bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig) {
-TypeArgument* TypeArgument::parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* STREAM) {
-  char c = READ();
-  Type* type = NULL;
-  switch (c) {
-    case '*':
-      return new TypeArgument(ClassType::java_lang_Object(), NULL);
-      break;
-    default:
-      PUSH(c);
-      // fall-through
-    case '+':
-    case '-':
-      type = Type::parse_generic_signature(CHECK_STREAM);
-      if (c == '+') {
-        return new TypeArgument(type, NULL);
-      } else if (c == '-') {
-        return new TypeArgument(ClassType::java_lang_Object(), type);
-      } else {
-        return new TypeArgument(type, type);
-      }
-  }
-void TypeArgument::bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig) {
-  assert(_lower_bound != NULL, "Invalid lower bound");
-  _lower_bound->bind_variables_to_parameters(sig);
-  if (_upper_bound != NULL && _upper_bound != _lower_bound) {
-    _upper_bound->bind_variables_to_parameters(sig);
-  }
-bool TypeArgument::covariant_match(TypeArgument* other, Context* ctx) {
-  assert(_lower_bound != NULL, "Invalid lower bound");
-  if (other == this) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (!_lower_bound->covariant_match(other->lower_bound(), ctx)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-TypeArgument* TypeArgument::canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth) {
-  assert(_lower_bound != NULL, "Invalid lower bound");
-  Type* lower = _lower_bound->canonicalize(ctx, ctx_depth);
-  Type* upper = NULL;
-  if (_upper_bound == _lower_bound) {
-    upper = lower;
-  } else if (_upper_bound != NULL) {
-    upper = _upper_bound->canonicalize(ctx, ctx_depth);
-  }
-  return new TypeArgument(lower, upper);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void TypeArgument::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("TypeArgument {");
-  {
-    streamIndentor si(str);
-    if (_lower_bound != NULL) {
-      str->indent().print("Lower bound: ");
-      _lower_bound->print_on(str);
-    }
-    if (_upper_bound != NULL) {
-      str->indent().print("Upper bound: ");
-      _upper_bound->print_on(str);
-    }
-  }
-  str->indent().print_cr("}");
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-void Context::Mark::destroy() {
-  if (is_active()) {
-    _context->reset_to_mark(_marked_size);
-  }
-  deactivate();
-void Context::apply_type_arguments(
-    InstanceKlass* current, InstanceKlass* super, TRAPS) {
-  assert(_cache != NULL, "Cannot use an empty context");
-  ClassType* spec = NULL;
-  if (current != NULL) {
-    ClassDescriptor* descriptor = _cache->descriptor_for(current, CHECK);
-    if (super == current->super()) {
-      spec = descriptor->super();
-    } else {
-      spec = descriptor->interface_desc(super->name());
-    }
-    if (spec != NULL) {
-      _type_arguments.push(spec);
-    }
-  }
-void Context::reset_to_mark(int size) {
-  _type_arguments.trunc_to(size);
-ClassType* Context::at_depth(int i) const {
-  if (i < _type_arguments.length()) {
-    return _type_arguments.at(_type_arguments.length() - 1 - i);
-  }
-  return NULL;
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-void Context::print_on(outputStream* str) const {
-  str->indent().print_cr("Context {");
-  for (int i = 0; i < _type_arguments.length(); ++i) {
-    streamIndentor si(str);
-    str->indent().print("leval %d: ", i);
-    ClassType* ct = at_depth(i);
-    if (ct == NULL) {
-      str->print_cr("<empty>");
-      continue;
-    } else {
-      str->print_cr("{");
-    }
-    for (int j = 0; j < ct->type_arguments_length(); ++j) {
-      streamIndentor si(str);
-      TypeArgument* ta = ct->type_argument_at(j);
-      Type* bound = ta->lower_bound();
-      bound->print_on(str);
-    }
-    str->indent().print_cr("}");
-  }
-  str->indent().print_cr("}");
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-ClassDescriptor* DescriptorCache::descriptor_for(InstanceKlass* ik, TRAPS) {
-  ClassDescriptor** existing = _class_descriptors.get(ik);
-  if (existing == NULL) {
-    ClassDescriptor* cd = ClassDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(ik, CHECK_NULL);
-    _class_descriptors.put(ik, cd);
-    return cd;
-  } else {
-    return *existing;
-  }
-MethodDescriptor* DescriptorCache::descriptor_for(
-    Method* mh, ClassDescriptor* cd, TRAPS) {
-  assert(mh != NULL && cd != NULL, "Should not be NULL");
-  MethodDescriptor** existing = _method_descriptors.get(mh);
-  if (existing == NULL) {
-    MethodDescriptor* md = MethodDescriptor::parse_generic_signature(mh, cd);
-    _method_descriptors.put(mh, md);
-    return md;
-  } else {
-    return *existing;
-  }
-MethodDescriptor* DescriptorCache::descriptor_for(Method* mh, TRAPS) {
-  ClassDescriptor* cd = descriptor_for(
-      InstanceKlass::cast(mh->method_holder()), CHECK_NULL);
-  return descriptor_for(mh, cd, THREAD);
-} // namespace generic
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/genericSignatures.hpp	Mon Aug 26 09:33:01 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- *
- */
-#include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
-#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
-#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
-#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
-#include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp"
-class stringStream;
-namespace generic {
-class Identifier;
-class ClassDescriptor;
-class MethodDescriptor;
-class TypeParameter; // a formal type parameter declared in generic signatures
-class TypeArgument;  // The "type value" passed to fill parameters in supertypes
-class TypeVariable;  // A usage of a type parameter as a value
- * Example:
- *
- * <T, V> class Foo extends Bar<String> { int m(V v) {} }
- * ^^^^^^                       ^^^^^^          ^^
- * type parameters            type argument    type variable
- *
- * Note that a type variable could be passed as an argument too:
- * <T, V> class Foo extends Bar<T> { int m(V v) {} }
- *                             ^^^
- *                             type argument's value is a type variable
- */
-class Type;
-class ClassType;
-class ArrayType;
-class PrimitiveType;
-class Context;
-class DescriptorCache;
-class DescriptorStream;
-class Identifier : public ResourceObj {
- private:
-  Symbol* _sym;
-  int _begin;
-  int _end;
- public:
-  Identifier(Symbol* sym, int begin, int end) :
-    _sym(sym), _begin(begin), _end(end) {}
-  bool equals(Identifier* other);
-  bool equals(Symbol* sym);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-#endif // ndef PRODUCT
-class Descriptor : public ResourceObj {
- protected:
-  GrowableArray<TypeParameter*> _type_parameters;
-  ClassDescriptor* _outer_class;
-  Descriptor(GrowableArray<TypeParameter*>& params,
-    ClassDescriptor* outer)
-    : _type_parameters(params), _outer_class(outer) {}
- public:
-  ClassDescriptor* outer_class() { return _outer_class; }
-  void set_outer_class(ClassDescriptor* sig) { _outer_class = sig; }
-  virtual ClassDescriptor* as_class_signature() { return NULL; }
-  virtual MethodDescriptor* as_method_signature() { return NULL; }
-  bool is_class_signature() { return as_class_signature() != NULL; }
-  bool is_method_signature() { return as_method_signature() != NULL; }
-  GrowableArray<TypeParameter*>& type_parameters() {
-    return _type_parameters;
-  }
-  TypeParameter* find_type_parameter(Identifier* id, int* param_depth);
-  virtual void bind_variables_to_parameters() = 0;
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  virtual void print_on(outputStream* str) const = 0;
-class ClassDescriptor : public Descriptor {
- private:
-  ClassType* _super;
-  GrowableArray<ClassType*> _interfaces;
-  MethodDescriptor* _outer_method;
-  ClassDescriptor(GrowableArray<TypeParameter*>& ftp, ClassType* scs,
-      GrowableArray<ClassType*>& sis, ClassDescriptor* outer_class = NULL,
-      MethodDescriptor* outer_method = NULL)
-        : Descriptor(ftp, outer_class), _super(scs), _interfaces(sis),
-          _outer_method(outer_method) {}
-  static u2 get_outer_class_index(InstanceKlass* k, TRAPS);
-  static ClassDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Klass* k, Symbol* original_name, TRAPS);
- public:
-  virtual ClassDescriptor* as_class_signature() { return this; }
-  MethodDescriptor* outer_method() { return _outer_method; }
-  void set_outer_method(MethodDescriptor* m) { _outer_method = m; }
-  ClassType* super() { return _super; }
-  ClassType* interface_desc(Symbol* sym);
-  static ClassDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Klass* k, TRAPS);
-  static ClassDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Symbol* sym);
-  // For use in superclass chains in positions where this is no generic info
-  static ClassDescriptor* placeholder(InstanceKlass* klass);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-  ClassDescriptor* canonicalize(Context* ctx);
-  // Linking sets the position index in any contained TypeVariable type
-  // to correspond to the location of that identifier in the formal type
-  // parameters.
-  void bind_variables_to_parameters();
-class MethodDescriptor : public Descriptor {
- private:
-  GrowableArray<Type*> _parameters;
-  Type* _return_type;
-  GrowableArray<Type*> _throws;
-  MethodDescriptor(GrowableArray<TypeParameter*>& ftp, ClassDescriptor* outer,
-      GrowableArray<Type*>& sigs, Type* rt, GrowableArray<Type*>& throws)
-      : Descriptor(ftp, outer), _parameters(sigs), _return_type(rt),
-        _throws(throws) {}
- public:
-  static MethodDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Method* m, ClassDescriptor* outer);
-  static MethodDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Symbol* sym, ClassDescriptor* outer);
-  MethodDescriptor* as_method_signature() { return this; }
-  // Performs generic analysis on the method parameters to determine
-  // if both methods refer to the same argument types.
-  bool covariant_match(MethodDescriptor* other, Context* ctx);
-  // Returns a new method descriptor with all generic variables
-  // removed and replaced with whatever is indicated using the Context.
-  MethodDescriptor* canonicalize(Context* ctx);
-  void bind_variables_to_parameters();
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  TempNewSymbol reify_signature(Context* ctx, TRAPS);
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-class TypeParameter : public ResourceObj {
- private:
-  Identifier* _identifier;
-  ClassType* _class_bound;
-  GrowableArray<ClassType*> _interface_bounds;
-  // The position is the ordinal location of the parameter within the
-  // formal parameter list (excluding outer classes).  It is only set for
-  // formal type parameters that are associated with a class -- method
-  // type parameters are left as -1.  When resolving a generic variable to
-  // find the actual type, this index is used to access the generic type
-  // argument in the provided context object.
-  int _position; // Assigned during variable linking
-  TypeParameter(Identifier* id, ClassType* class_bound,
-    GrowableArray<ClassType*>& interface_bounds) :
-      _identifier(id), _class_bound(class_bound),
-      _interface_bounds(interface_bounds), _position(-1) {}
- public:
-  static TypeParameter* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
-  ClassType* bound();
-  int position() { return _position; }
-  void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig, int position);
-  Identifier* identifier() { return _identifier; }
-  Type* resolve(Context* ctx, int inner_depth, int ctx_depth);
-  TypeParameter* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-class Type : public ResourceObj {
- public:
-  static Type* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
-  virtual ClassType* as_class() { return NULL; }
-  virtual TypeVariable* as_variable() { return NULL; }
-  virtual ArrayType* as_array() { return NULL; }
-  virtual PrimitiveType* as_primitive() { return NULL; }
-  virtual bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx) = 0;
-  virtual Type* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth) = 0;
-  virtual void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig) = 0;
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  virtual void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx) = 0;
-  virtual void print_on(outputStream* str) const = 0;
-class ClassType : public Type {
-  friend class ClassDescriptor;
- protected:
-  Identifier* _identifier;
-  GrowableArray<TypeArgument*> _type_arguments;
-  ClassType* _outer_class;
-  ClassType(Identifier* identifier,
-      GrowableArray<TypeArgument*>& args,
-      ClassType* outer)
-      : _identifier(identifier), _type_arguments(args), _outer_class(outer) {}
-  // Returns true if there are inner classes to read
-  static Identifier* parse_generic_signature_simple(
-      GrowableArray<TypeArgument*>* args,
-      bool* has_inner, DescriptorStream* str);
-  static ClassType* parse_generic_signature(ClassType* outer,
-      DescriptorStream* str);
-  static ClassType* from_symbol(Symbol* sym);
- public:
-  ClassType* as_class() { return this; }
-  static ClassType* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
-  static ClassType* java_lang_Object();
-  Identifier* identifier() { return _identifier; }
-  int type_arguments_length() { return _type_arguments.length(); }
-  TypeArgument* type_argument_at(int i);
-  virtual ClassType* outer_class() { return _outer_class; }
-  bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx);
-  ClassType* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int context_depth);
-  void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx);
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-class TypeVariable : public Type {
- private:
-  Identifier* _id;
-  TypeParameter* _parameter; // assigned during linking
-  // how many steps "out" from inner classes, -1 if method
-  int _inner_depth;
-  TypeVariable(Identifier* id)
-      : _id(id), _parameter(NULL), _inner_depth(0) {}
- public:
-  TypeVariable* as_variable() { return this; }
-  static TypeVariable* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
-  Identifier* identifier() { return _id; }
-  TypeParameter* parameter() { return _parameter; }
-  int inner_depth() { return _inner_depth; }
-  void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
-  Type* resolve(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
-  bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx);
-  Type* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx);
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-class ArrayType : public Type {
- private:
-  Type* _base;
-  ArrayType(Type* base) : _base(base) {}
- public:
-  ArrayType* as_array() { return this; }
-  static ArrayType* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
-  bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx);
-  ArrayType* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
-  void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx);
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-class PrimitiveType : public Type {
-  friend class Type;
- private:
-  char _type; // includes V for void
-  PrimitiveType(char& type) : _type(type) {}
- public:
-  PrimitiveType* as_primitive() { return this; }
-  bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx);
-  PrimitiveType* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
-  void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx);
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-class TypeArgument : public ResourceObj {
- private:
-  Type* _lower_bound;
-  Type* _upper_bound; // may be null or == _lower_bound
-  TypeArgument(Type* lower_bound, Type* upper_bound)
-      : _lower_bound(lower_bound), _upper_bound(upper_bound) {}
- public:
-  static TypeArgument* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
-  Type* lower_bound() { return _lower_bound; }
-  Type* upper_bound() { return _upper_bound; }
-  void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
-  TypeArgument* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
-  bool covariant_match(TypeArgument* a, Context* ctx);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
-class Context : public ResourceObj {
- private:
-  DescriptorCache* _cache;
-  GrowableArray<ClassType*> _type_arguments;
-  void reset_to_mark(int size);
- public:
-  // When this object goes out of scope or 'destroy' is
-  // called, then the application of the type to the
-  // context is wound-back (unless it's been deactivated).
-  class Mark : public StackObj {
-   private:
-    mutable Context* _context;
-    int _marked_size;
-    bool is_active() const { return _context != NULL; }
-    void deactivate() const { _context = NULL; }
-   public:
-    Mark() : _context(NULL), _marked_size(0) {}
-    Mark(Context* ctx, int sz) : _context(ctx), _marked_size(sz) {}
-    Mark(const Mark& m) : _context(m._context), _marked_size(m._marked_size) {
-      m.deactivate(); // Ownership is transferred
-    }
-    Mark& operator=(const Mark& cm) {
-      destroy();
-      _context = cm._context;
-      _marked_size = cm._marked_size;
-      cm.deactivate();
-      return *this;
-    }
-    void destroy();
-    ~Mark() { destroy(); }
-  };
-  Context(DescriptorCache* cache) : _cache(cache) {}
-  Mark mark() { return Mark(this, _type_arguments.length()); }
-  void apply_type_arguments(InstanceKlass* current, InstanceKlass* super,TRAPS);
-  ClassType* at_depth(int i) const;
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
- * Contains a cache of descriptors for classes and methods so they can be
- * looked-up instead of reparsing each time they are needed.
- */
-class DescriptorCache : public ResourceObj {
- private:
-  ResourceHashtable<InstanceKlass*, ClassDescriptor*> _class_descriptors;
-  ResourceHashtable<Method*, MethodDescriptor*> _method_descriptors;
- public:
-  ClassDescriptor* descriptor_for(InstanceKlass* ikh, TRAPS);
-  MethodDescriptor* descriptor_for(Method* mh, ClassDescriptor* cd, TRAPS);
-  // Class descriptor derived from method holder
-  MethodDescriptor* descriptor_for(Method* mh, TRAPS);
-} // namespace generic
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Mon Aug 26 09:33:01 2013 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Mon Aug 26 11:35:25 2013 -0400
@@ -3682,15 +3682,9 @@
   develop(bool, TraceDefaultMethods, false,                                 \
           "Trace the default method processing steps")                      \
-  develop(bool, ParseAllGenericSignatures, false,                           \
-          "Parse all generic signatures while classloading")                \
-                                                                            \
   develop(bool, VerifyGenericSignatures, false,                             \
           "Abort VM on erroneous or inconsistent generic signatures")       \
-  product(bool, ParseGenericDefaults, false,                                \
-          "Parse generic signatures for default method handling")           \
-                                                                            \
   product(bool, UseVMInterruptibleIO, false,                                \
           "(Unstable, Solaris-specific) Thread interrupt before or with "   \
           "EINTR for I/O operations results in OS_INTRPT. The default value"\