2014-06-20 attila 8046921: Deoptimization type information peristence
2014-06-17 lagergren 8046898: Make sure that lazy compilation is the default, remove redundant "enable lazy compilation" flags, added warning message if compile logging is enabled and lazy is switched off. Verified existing test suite code coverage equivalence between lazy and eager.
2014-06-02 attila Merge
2014-05-28 attila Merge
2014-05-28 lagergren 8044102: Ensure bechmark exclude list for Octane benchmarks is in only one place,, and fix benchmark harness
2014-05-27 lagergren 8044012: Integrate the latest best known performance flags int ant octane jobs, and make sure that it's easy to compare 'ant octane-nashorn' and 'ant octane-v8' at the push of a button. (or rather; the entry of a command line)
2014-03-21 attila Merge
2014-02-26 attila 8035820: Optimistic recompilation
2014-05-22 mnunez 8028615: jdk.nashorn.x3::some.serious.failure needs more memory to run
2014-05-20 sundar 8043443: Test framework changes to run script tests without security manager
2014-03-12 hannesw 8021350: Share script classes between threads/globals within context
2014-02-06 sundar 8033763: Add tests to assert map identity of certain objects
2013-12-12 sundar 8027958: NASHORN TEST: Create tests to test markdown javascript engine work with Nashorn
2013-11-25 jlaskey Merge
2013-11-25 sundar 8029090: Developers should be able to pass nashorn properties and enable/disable JFR from command line
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