2015-09-18 iklam 8065155: Refactor Hotspot mapfiles
2015-09-04 jlaskey 8087181: Move native jimage code to its own library (maybe libjimage)
2015-06-25 jfdenise 8080511: Refresh of jimage support
2015-04-14 vlivanov 8057919: Class.getSimpleName() should work for non-JLS compliant class names
2015-01-12 jbachorik 8068976: Remove JSDT implementation
2015-01-28 dfuchs 8068730: Increase the precision of the implementation of java.time.Clock.systemUTC()
2014-12-14 coleenp 8042418: Remove JVM_FindClassFromClassLoader
2014-10-17 amurillo Merge
2014-10-14 coleenp 8015256: Better class accessibility
2014-10-09 fparain 8057777: Cleanup of old and unused VM interfaces
2014-10-02 coleenp 8047736: Remove JVM_GetClassLoader as no longer used
2014-08-28 coleenp 8049105: Move array component mirror to instance of java/lang/Class (hotspot part 2)
2014-04-28 sla 8041980: (hotspot) sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ failing on all platforms
2013-09-06 simonis 8023034: PPC64 (part 14): Implement AIX/PPC64 support in HotSpot makefiles
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