2015-05-27 8081204: ListAdapter throws NPE when adding/removing elements outside of JS context
attila [Wed, 27 May 2015 14:37:11 +0300] rev 30834
8081204: ListAdapter throws NPE when adding/removing elements outside of JS context Reviewed-by: lagergren, sundar
2015-05-27 8007456: Nashorn test framework @argument does not handle quoted strings
sundar [Wed, 27 May 2015 13:16:50 +0530] rev 30833
8007456: Nashorn test framework @argument does not handle quoted strings Reviewed-by: hannesw, lagergren
2015-05-26 8081062: ListAdapter should take advantage of JSObject
attila [Tue, 26 May 2015 16:12:23 +0200] rev 30832
8081062: ListAdapter should take advantage of JSObject Reviewed-by: lagergren, sundar
2015-05-26 8081015: Allow conversion of native arrays to Queue and Collection
attila [Tue, 26 May 2015 14:37:14 +0200] rev 30831
8081015: Allow conversion of native arrays to Queue and Collection Reviewed-by: hannesw, lagergren, sundar
2015-05-26 8036743: need ArrayBuffer constructor with specified data
sundar [Tue, 26 May 2015 13:49:45 +0530] rev 30830
8036743: need ArrayBuffer constructor with specified data Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw, lagergren
2015-05-28 Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset addfa81a8448
katleman [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:13:56 -0700] rev 30829
Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset addfa81a8448
2017-07-05 Merge
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 20:35:56 +0200] rev 30828
2015-05-28 Merge
lana [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:50:28 -0700] rev 30827
2015-05-26 8040147: minor cleanup for docs
avstepan [Tue, 26 May 2015 18:32:10 +0400] rev 30826
8040147: minor cleanup for docs Summary: minor cleanup for docs Reviewed-by: lancea
2015-05-28 Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset aaed6c21c444
katleman [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:13:49 -0700] rev 30825
Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset aaed6c21c444
2017-07-05 Merge
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 20:35:52 +0200] rev 30824
2015-05-28 Merge
lana [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:51:18 -0700] rev 30823
2015-05-28 8080991: Compilation error with recent clang in java.base/share/native/launcher/main.c: error: comparison of array 'const_jargs' not equal to a null pointer is always true
ksrini [Thu, 28 May 2015 14:54:58 -0700] rev 30822
8080991: Compilation error with recent clang in java.base/share/native/launcher/main.c: error: comparison of array 'const_jargs' not equal to a null pointer is always true Reviewed-by: ksrini, ddehaven Contributed-by: staffan.larsen@oracle.com
2015-05-28 8075678: java.time javadoc error in DateTimeFormatter::parsedLeapSecond
rriggs [Thu, 28 May 2015 17:37:33 -0400] rev 30821
8075678: java.time javadoc error in DateTimeFormatter::parsedLeapSecond 8075676: java.time package javadoc typos 8068276: java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology.eraOf() assertions may lead to misunderstanding Reviewed-by: lancea, scolebourne
2015-05-28 8081347: Add @modules to jdk_core tests
mchung [Thu, 28 May 2015 10:54:48 -0700] rev 30820
8081347: Add @modules to jdk_core tests Reviewed-by: alanb, joehw, lancea Contributed-by: alexander.kulyakhtin@oracle.com, alan.bateman@oracle.com, mandy.chung@oracle.com
2015-05-28 8081359: Update bug reporting URL
darcy [Thu, 28 May 2015 11:31:40 -0700] rev 30819
8081359: Update bug reporting URL Reviewed-by: lancea
2015-05-28 8038310: Re-examine integration of extended Charsets
sherman [Thu, 28 May 2015 10:00:51 -0700] rev 30818
8038310: Re-examine integration of extended Charsets Summary: to use ServiceLoader to load the extended charsets Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung
2015-05-28 8081245: MHIllegalAccess.java failing across platforms
darcy [Thu, 28 May 2015 09:55:32 -0700] rev 30817
8081245: MHIllegalAccess.java failing across platforms Reviewed-by: alanb, rriggs
2015-05-28 8081332: AIX: fix charset dependenicies after 8035302:Eliminate dependency on jdk.charsets from 2D font code.
simonis [Thu, 28 May 2015 11:22:33 +0200] rev 30816
8081332: AIX: fix charset dependenicies after 8035302:Eliminate dependency on jdk.charsets from 2D font code. Reviewed-by: prr
2015-05-28 8081292: sun/tools/jmap/BasicJMapTest.java timed out
sla [Thu, 28 May 2015 10:37:49 +0200] rev 30815
8081292: sun/tools/jmap/BasicJMapTest.java timed out Reviewed-by: mgronlun, sspitsyn
2015-05-28 8081278: Typo in Exception Message
weijun [Thu, 28 May 2015 09:11:14 +0800] rev 30814
8081278: Typo in Exception Message Reviewed-by: mullan
2015-05-27 8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module
mchung [Wed, 27 May 2015 13:25:32 -0700] rev 30813
8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module Reviewed-by: jjg, alanb, erikj
2015-05-27 8081022: java/time/test/java/time/format/TestZoneTextPrinterParser.java fails by timeout on slow device
rriggs [Wed, 27 May 2015 15:57:10 -0400] rev 30812
8081022: java/time/test/java/time/format/TestZoneTextPrinterParser.java fails by timeout on slow device Summary: Reduce number of iterations to 8 instead of 50 Reviewed-by: naoto
2015-05-27 8028480: (zipfs) NoSuchFileException on creating a file in ZipFileSystem with CREATE and WRITE
sherman [Wed, 27 May 2015 12:23:35 -0700] rev 30811
8028480: (zipfs) NoSuchFileException on creating a file in ZipFileSystem with CREATE and WRITE 8034773: (zipfs) newOutputstream uses CREATE_NEW when no options specified Summary: to open the new steram with appropricate open options Reviewed-by: alanb
2015-05-27 8077377: java/net/MulticastSocket/SetOutgoingIf.java fails intermittently with NullPointerException
msheppar [Wed, 27 May 2015 13:23:40 +0100] rev 30810
8077377: java/net/MulticastSocket/SetOutgoingIf.java fails intermittently with NullPointerException Summary: ignore "stray" packets received from non test interface Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar
2015-05-27 8041677: java/net/MulticastSocket/TestInterfaces failed on Oracle VM Virtual Ethernet Adapter
msheppar [Wed, 27 May 2015 13:04:32 +0100] rev 30809
8041677: java/net/MulticastSocket/TestInterfaces failed on Oracle VM Virtual Ethernet Adapter Summary: ignore Teredo interface in test Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar
2015-05-26 8060161: re-examine sun/nio/cs/Test4200310.sh, test is invalid for modular image
sherman [Tue, 26 May 2015 12:34:51 -0700] rev 30808
8060161: re-examine sun/nio/cs/Test4200310.sh, test is invalid for modular image Summary: to remove the invalid test case Reviewed-by: alanb
2015-05-26 Merge
amurillo [Tue, 26 May 2015 09:22:39 -0700] rev 30807
2015-05-22 Merge
amurillo [Thu, 21 May 2015 17:11:55 -0700] rev 30806
2015-05-19 Merge
jbachorik [Tue, 19 May 2015 22:40:50 +0200] rev 30805
2015-05-14 8078143: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java fails intermittently
jbachorik [Thu, 14 May 2015 11:41:11 +0200] rev 30804
8078143: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java fails intermittently Reviewed-by: dholmes, martin
2015-04-03 8075926: Add a sun.management.JMXConnectorServer perf counter to track its state
jbachorik [Fri, 03 Apr 2015 15:39:38 +0200] rev 30803
8075926: Add a sun.management.JMXConnectorServer perf counter to track its state Reviewed-by: duke
2015-05-19 8077866: [TESTBUG] Some of java.lang tests cannot be run on compact profiles 1, 2
iignatyev [Tue, 19 May 2015 14:03:20 +0300] rev 30802
8077866: [TESTBUG] Some of java.lang tests cannot be run on compact profiles 1, 2 Reviewed-by: dholmes, alanb Contributed-by: denis.kononenko@oracle.com
2015-05-16 Merge
dcubed [Sat, 16 May 2015 13:22:40 -0700] rev 30801
2015-05-13 8029098: Exclude javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ListenerScaleTest.java from running on fastdebug builds
jbachorik [Wed, 13 May 2015 10:17:49 +0200] rev 30800
8029098: Exclude javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ListenerScaleTest.java from running on fastdebug builds Reviewed-by: sla, sjiang
2015-05-13 8046869: Several java/lang/instrument/PremainClass/* tests fail due to timeout
jbachorik [Wed, 13 May 2015 10:17:38 +0200] rev 30799
8046869: Several java/lang/instrument/PremainClass/* tests fail due to timeout Reviewed-by: sla
2015-05-26 8078823: javax/net/ssl/ciphersuites/DisabledAlgorithms.java fails intermittently
asmotrak [Tue, 26 May 2015 18:42:08 +0300] rev 30798
8078823: javax/net/ssl/ciphersuites/DisabledAlgorithms.java fails intermittently Reviewed-by: xuelei
2015-05-26 8040147: minor cleanup for docs
avstepan [Tue, 26 May 2015 18:31:21 +0400] rev 30797
8040147: minor cleanup for docs Summary: minor cleanup for docs Reviewed-by: lancea
2015-05-26 8080911: sun/security/krb5/auto/UseCacheAndStoreKey.java timed out intermittently
weijun [Tue, 26 May 2015 22:10:37 +0800] rev 30796
8080911: sun/security/krb5/auto/UseCacheAndStoreKey.java timed out intermittently Reviewed-by: xuelei
2015-05-26 8080983: libdt_socket: Build failed with VS2013 SP4
erikj [Tue, 26 May 2015 10:43:53 +0200] rev 30795
8080983: libdt_socket: Build failed with VS2013 SP4 Reviewed-by: sla, ihse, tbell
2015-05-25 8042125: Japanese character converters incompatible between Java 7 and Java 8
sherman [Mon, 25 May 2015 13:52:28 -0700] rev 30794
8042125: Japanese character converters incompatible between Java 7 and Java 8 Summary: to add the missing .nr and c2b mapping tables Reviewed-by: okutsu
2015-05-25 8068978: All versions of javax.script.ScriptEngine.eval(...) method may clarify ScriptException throwing
sundar [Mon, 25 May 2015 19:09:44 +0530] rev 30793
8068978: All versions of javax.script.ScriptEngine.eval(...) method may clarify ScriptException throwing Reviewed-by: attila, jlaskey
2015-05-25 8080833: JDK-8076524 has failed to remove binary files
ykantser [Mon, 25 May 2015 14:08:21 +0200] rev 30792
8080833: JDK-8076524 has failed to remove binary files Reviewed-by: sla
2015-05-25 8050374: More Signature tests
asmotrak [Mon, 25 May 2015 11:47:41 +0300] rev 30791
8050374: More Signature tests Reviewed-by: valeriep
2015-05-24 8065233: Remove Policy provider code that synchronizes on identityPolicyEntries List
mullan [Sun, 24 May 2015 08:54:38 -0400] rev 30790
8065233: Remove Policy provider code that synchronizes on identityPolicyEntries List Reviewed-by: weijun
2015-05-22 8074431: Remove native2ascii tool
mchung [Fri, 22 May 2015 16:43:39 -0700] rev 30789
8074431: Remove native2ascii tool Reviewed-by: erikj, alanb, okutsu, mfang, naoto
2015-05-22 8080901: Replace package.html files with package-info.java in the java.base module
darcy [Fri, 22 May 2015 10:45:59 -0700] rev 30788
8080901: Replace package.html files with package-info.java in the java.base module Reviewed-by: lancea, alanb, vinnie
2015-05-22 8080803: sun/nio/cs/FindEncoderBugs.java failing intermittently
sherman [Fri, 22 May 2015 10:33:27 -0700] rev 30787
8080803: sun/nio/cs/FindEncoderBugs.java failing intermittently Summary: to eliminate an extra byte buffer and copy in iso2022 encoding Reviewed-by: alanb, darcy
2015-05-22 8064736: Part of java.util.jar.JarFile spec looks confusing with references to Zip
sherman [Fri, 22 May 2015 08:56:33 -0700] rev 30786
8064736: Part of java.util.jar.JarFile spec looks confusing with references to Zip Summary: update the api doc for entries()/stream() accordingly Reviewed-by: alanb
2015-05-22 8078855: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/bug8032878.java fails in WindowsClassicLookAndFeel
pchopra [Fri, 22 May 2015 17:30:21 +0300] rev 30785
8078855: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/bug8032878.java fails in WindowsClassicLookAndFeel Reviewed-by: alexsch, aivanov
2015-05-22 8074818: Resolve disabled warnings for libjava
rriggs [Fri, 22 May 2015 10:12:18 -0400] rev 30784
8074818: Resolve disabled warnings for libjava 8080007: Stop ignoring warnings for libjava Reviewed-by: alanb, erikj
2015-05-22 8079440: [TESTBUG] @run is missing in java/awt/TrayIcon/8072769/bug8072769.java
sgupta [Fri, 22 May 2015 16:13:00 +0300] rev 30783
8079440: [TESTBUG] @run is missing in java/awt/TrayIcon/8072769/bug8072769.java Reviewed-by: alexsch, azvegint
2015-05-28 Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset 1286226d1236
katleman [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:13:52 -0700] rev 30782
Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset 1286226d1236
2017-07-05 Merge
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 20:35:41 +0200] rev 30781
2015-05-28 Merge
lana [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:52:47 -0700] rev 30780
2015-05-26 Merge
amurillo [Tue, 26 May 2015 09:22:38 -0700] rev 30779
2015-05-25 8080930: SA changes broke bootcycle-images builds
pliden [Mon, 25 May 2015 09:13:41 +0200] rev 30778
8080930: SA changes broke bootcycle-images builds Reviewed-by: sla, brutisso
2015-05-22 Merge
amurillo [Thu, 21 May 2015 17:11:54 -0700] rev 30777
2015-05-21 Merge
rbackman [Fri, 22 May 2015 00:35:31 +0200] rev 30776
2015-05-21 Merge
rbackman [Thu, 21 May 2015 21:17:03 +0200] rev 30775
2015-05-21 8080692: lots of jstack tests failing in pit
rbackman [Thu, 21 May 2015 18:10:18 +0200] rev 30774
8080692: lots of jstack tests failing in pit Reviewed-by: kvn, vlivanov
2015-05-21 Merge
jwilhelm [Thu, 21 May 2015 21:17:56 +0200] rev 30773
2015-05-20 8047330: Remove unrolled card loops in G1 SparsePRTEntry
brutisso [Wed, 20 May 2015 10:45:40 +0200] rev 30772
8047330: Remove unrolled card loops in G1 SparsePRTEntry Reviewed-by: ehelin, mgerdin, tschatzl Contributed-by: andreas.sjoberg@oracle.com
2015-05-19 8080584: isGCActiveMark.hpp should not include parallelScavengeHeap.hpp
pliden [Tue, 19 May 2015 17:25:49 +0200] rev 30771
8080584: isGCActiveMark.hpp should not include parallelScavengeHeap.hpp Reviewed-by: kbarrett, tschatzl
2015-05-19 8080585: concurrentGCThread.hpp should not include suspendibleThreadSet.hpp
pliden [Tue, 19 May 2015 14:09:22 +0200] rev 30770
8080585: concurrentGCThread.hpp should not include suspendibleThreadSet.hpp Reviewed-by: kbarrett, tschatzl
2015-05-19 8080581: Align SA with new GC directory structure
pliden [Tue, 19 May 2015 09:41:52 +0200] rev 30769
8080581: Align SA with new GC directory structure Reviewed-by: dsamersoff, sla
2015-05-18 Merge
jwilhelm [Mon, 18 May 2015 17:09:47 +0200] rev 30768
2015-05-15 8079216: Remove undefined method oopDesc::is_null(Klass *)
jwha [Fri, 15 May 2015 15:40:58 -0700] rev 30767
8079216: Remove undefined method oopDesc::is_null(Klass *) Reviewed-by: kbarrett, coleenp, stefank
2015-05-14 8058265: No callers of ReferenceProcessor::clear_discovered_references
kbarrett [Thu, 14 May 2015 15:17:36 -0400] rev 30766
8058265: No callers of ReferenceProcessor::clear_discovered_references Summary: Removed unused or unneeded code. Reviewed-by: brutisso, jmasa
2014-02-24 8035496: G1 ARM: missing remset entry noticed by VerifyAfterGC for vm/gc/concurrent/lp50yp10rp70mr30st0
bdelsart [Mon, 24 Feb 2014 12:49:21 +0100] rev 30765
8035496: G1 ARM: missing remset entry noticed by VerifyAfterGC for vm/gc/concurrent/lp50yp10rp70mr30st0 Summary: release_store used when registering a PerRegionTable. Also reviewed-by: vitalyd@gmail.com Reviewed-by: jmasa, tschatzl, brutisso
2015-05-13 8079792: GC directory structure cleanup
pliden [Wed, 13 May 2015 15:16:06 +0200] rev 30764
8079792: GC directory structure cleanup Reviewed-by: brutisso, stefank, david
2015-05-21 Merge
thartmann [Thu, 21 May 2015 18:57:21 +0200] rev 30763
2015-05-20 Merge
roland [Wed, 20 May 2015 17:06:44 +0200] rev 30762
2015-05-20 8080600: AARCH64: testlibrary does not support AArch64
aph [Wed, 20 May 2015 10:21:02 +0100] rev 30761
8080600: AARCH64: testlibrary does not support AArch64 Summary: Add Platform.isAArch64(). Use it in mathexact intrinsic tests. Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
2015-05-20 8078834: [TESTBUG] Tests fails on ARM64 due to unknown hardware
skovalev [Wed, 20 May 2015 09:07:36 -0400] rev 30760
8078834: [TESTBUG] Tests fails on ARM64 due to unknown hardware Reviewed-by: dholmes, adinn
2015-05-19 8080308: TypeProfileLevel on SPARC platform should enable JSR292-only profiling level
roland [Tue, 19 May 2015 16:05:12 +0200] rev 30759
8080308: TypeProfileLevel on SPARC platform should enable JSR292-only profiling level Summary: Set TypeProfileLevel to 111 by default on sparc Reviewed-by: kvn, roland Contributed-by: shrinivas.joshi@oracle.com
2015-05-19 8080190: PPC64: Fix wrong rotate instructions in the .ad file
simonis [Tue, 19 May 2015 11:06:34 +0200] rev 30758
8080190: PPC64: Fix wrong rotate instructions in the .ad file Reviewed-by: kvn
2015-05-18 8080281: 8068945 changes break building the zero JVM variant
zmajo [Mon, 18 May 2015 19:54:49 +0200] rev 30757
8080281: 8068945 changes break building the zero JVM variant Summary: Define the PreserveFramePointer flag also in globals_zero.hpp Reviewed-by: simonis, kvn, sgehwolf
2015-05-16 8080483: Incorrect test execution string at SumRed_Long.java
kvn [Fri, 15 May 2015 18:12:21 -0700] rev 30756
8080483: Incorrect test execution string at SumRed_Long.java Reviewed-by: iveresov
2015-05-19 8077620: [TESTBUG] Some of the hotspot tests require at least compact profile 3
iignatyev [Tue, 19 May 2015 14:13:15 +0300] rev 30755
8077620: [TESTBUG] Some of the hotspot tests require at least compact profile 3 Reviewed-by: kvn, dholmes Contributed-by: denis.kononenko@oracle.com
2015-05-19 Merge
dholmes [Tue, 19 May 2015 03:07:42 -0400] rev 30754
2015-05-19 8075288: malloc without free in VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace::doit()
dholmes [Tue, 19 May 2015 01:34:53 -0400] rev 30753
8075288: malloc without free in VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace::doit() Reviewed-by: dholmes, stuefe Contributed-by: Jungwoo Ha <jwha@google.com>
2015-05-18 8079644: memory stomping error with ResourceManagement and TestAgentStress.java
sspitsyn [Mon, 18 May 2015 16:42:46 -0700] rev 30752
8079644: memory stomping error with ResourceManagement and TestAgentStress.java Summary: the cached class file structure must be deallocated instead of the cached class file bytes Reviewed-by: coleenp, sla
2015-05-16 Merge
dcubed [Sat, 16 May 2015 13:19:11 -0700] rev 30751
2015-05-14 Merge
coleenp [Thu, 14 May 2015 21:54:34 +0200] rev 30750
2015-05-14 6811960: x86 biasedlocking epoch expired rare bug
mockner [Thu, 14 May 2015 14:03:58 -0400] rev 30749
6811960: x86 biasedlocking epoch expired rare bug Summary: It is now guaranteed that biased_locking_enter will be passed a valid tmp_reg. Reviewed-by: coleenp, dcubed, kvn
2015-05-14 8025979: [TESTBUG] Write test to exercise uninitialized strings from JNI code
stsmirno [Thu, 14 May 2015 10:12:51 -0700] rev 30748
8025979: [TESTBUG] Write test to exercise uninitialized strings from JNI code Reviewed-by: ctornqvi, dsimms
2015-05-14 8033445: [TESTBUG] Add test case for calling default methods from JNI
stsmirno [Thu, 14 May 2015 10:09:35 -0700] rev 30747
8033445: [TESTBUG] Add test case for calling default methods from JNI Reviewed-by: ctornqvi, dsimms
2015-05-07 8051045: HotSpot fails to wrap Exceptions from invokedynamic in a BootstrapMethodError
aeriksso [Thu, 07 May 2015 15:05:46 +0200] rev 30746
8051045: HotSpot fails to wrap Exceptions from invokedynamic in a BootstrapMethodError Reviewed-by: coleenp, dsimms
2015-05-13 8078470: [Linux] Replace syscall use in os::fork_and_exec with glibc fork() and execve()
dholmes [Tue, 12 May 2015 20:55:40 -0400] rev 30745
8078470: [Linux] Replace syscall use in os::fork_and_exec with glibc fork() and execve() Reviewed-by: stuefe, dsamersoff, dcubed
2015-05-28 Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset 725914ee5f0c
katleman [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:13:49 -0700] rev 30744
Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset 725914ee5f0c
2015-05-28 Merge
lana [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:50:03 -0700] rev 30743
2015-05-27 8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module
mchung [Wed, 27 May 2015 13:25:04 -0700] rev 30742
8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module Reviewed-by: jjg, alanb, erikj
2015-05-27 8081334: com.sun.tools.javap and com.sun.tools.javah are not exported API
mchung [Wed, 27 May 2015 12:45:29 -0700] rev 30741
8081334: com.sun.tools.javap and com.sun.tools.javah are not exported API Reviewed-by: jjg
2015-05-26 8080983: libdt_socket: Build failed with VS2013 SP4
erikj [Tue, 26 May 2015 10:43:56 +0200] rev 30740
8080983: libdt_socket: Build failed with VS2013 SP4 Reviewed-by: sla, ihse, tbell
2015-05-22 8074431: Remove native2ascii tool
mchung [Fri, 22 May 2015 16:44:09 -0700] rev 30739
8074431: Remove native2ascii tool Reviewed-by: erikj, alanb, okutsu, mfang, naoto
2015-05-28 Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset a3ea54d69bd0
katleman [Thu, 28 May 2015 16:13:48 -0700] rev 30738
Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset a3ea54d69bd0
2017-07-05 Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset ff3fc75f3214
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 20:35:22 +0200] rev 30737
Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset ff3fc75f3214
2017-07-05 Merge jdk9-b66
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 20:35:22 +0200] rev 30736
2017-07-05 Merge
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 20:35:19 +0200] rev 30735
2015-05-21 Merge
lana [Thu, 21 May 2015 16:19:29 -0700] rev 30734
2015-05-21 Merge
jjg [Thu, 21 May 2015 13:48:23 -0700] rev 30733
2015-05-21 8080897: tests broken in bad merge
jjg [Thu, 21 May 2015 13:47:05 -0700] rev 30732
8080897: tests broken in bad merge Reviewed-by: darcy
2015-05-21 8080870: Open up Dependencies for use from other packages
alundblad [Thu, 21 May 2015 21:15:28 +0200] rev 30731
8080870: Open up Dependencies for use from other packages Summary: Opened up Dependencies for use outside of the package. Reviewed-by: mcimadamore
2015-05-21 8076543: Add @modules as needed to the langtools tests
akulyakh [Thu, 21 May 2015 11:41:04 -0700] rev 30730
8076543: Add @modules as needed to the langtools tests Reviewed-by: jjg, shurailine
2015-05-18 8080572: langtools/test/tools/javac/generics/T5011073.java failing
jlahoda [Mon, 18 May 2015 14:48:41 +0200] rev 30729
8080572: langtools/test/tools/javac/generics/T5011073.java failing Summary: test/tools/javac/generics/InterfaceCast1.java defines a top-level Set, moving it to a separate directory to avoid clashes. Reviewed-by: mcimadamore
2015-05-11 8079613: Deeply chained expressions + several overloads + unnecessary inference result in excessive compile times.
sadayapalam [Mon, 11 May 2015 13:28:14 +0530] rev 30728
8079613: Deeply chained expressions + several overloads + unnecessary inference result in excessive compile times. Summary: Eliminate compile time performance bottlneck due to mischaracterization of standalone expressions as being poly expressions. Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jlahoda
2015-05-18 8080338: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle
jlahoda [Mon, 18 May 2015 09:27:09 +0200] rev 30727
8080338: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle 8080339: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle 8080340: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle Summary: Fixing incorrect file headers; also reviewed by kevin.l.brown@oracle.com Reviewed-by: vromero
2015-05-16 8075166: Group 14d: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 18:03:51 -0700] rev 30726
8075166: Group 14d: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir Reviewed-by: jjg
2015-05-16 8080539: Remove few test files that did not get removed with the patch
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 17:47:03 -0700] rev 30725
8080539: Remove few test files that did not get removed with the patch Reviewed-by: jjg
2015-05-16 8074514: Group 13d: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 17:43:21 -0700] rev 30724
8074514: Group 13d: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir Reviewed-by: jjg
2015-05-16 8075165: Group 14c: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 17:12:58 -0700] rev 30723
8075165: Group 14c: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero
2015-05-15 8075164: Group 14b: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 16:59:34 -0700] rev 30722
8075164: Group 14b: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero
2015-05-15 8074425: Group 13b: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 16:53:42 -0700] rev 30721
8074425: Group 13b: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir Reviewed-by: jjg, darcy, mcimadamore
2015-05-15 8075163: Group 14a: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 16:18:16 -0700] rev 30720
8075163: Group 14a: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero
2015-05-15 8074417: Group 13a: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 09:53:08 -0700] rev 30719
8074417: Group 13a: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir Reviewed-by: jjg, mcimadamore
2015-05-15 8074502: Group 13c: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 09:30:55 -0700] rev 30718
8074502: Group 13c: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir Reviewed-by: jjg, mcimadamore
2015-05-15 8076104: Key collisions in ZipFileIndexFileObject content cache lead to wrong content
jlahoda [Fri, 15 May 2015 11:41:04 +0200] rev 30717
8076104: Key collisions in ZipFileIndexFileObject content cache lead to wrong content Summary: equals&hashCode of ZipFileObject and ZipFileIndexFileObject need to be based on full entry path, not only the file name. Reviewed-by: jjg
2015-05-15 8074408: Group 12: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 01:56:14 -0700] rev 30716
8074408: Group 12: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir Reviewed-by: jjg
2015-05-15 8074387: Group 11: golden files for coin tests in tools/javac dir
sogoel [Fri, 15 May 2015 01:36:32 -0700] rev 30715
8074387: Group 11: golden files for coin tests in tools/javac dir Reviewed-by: jjg
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