kbarrett [Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:36:22 -0500] rev 48966
8197454: Need Access decorator for storing oop into uninitialized location
Reviewed-by: eosterlund, coleenp
mdoerr [Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:38:03 +0100] rev 48965
8196786: [PPC64+s390] ConstantDynamic support
Reviewed-by: psandoz, dsamersoff
roland [Tue, 13 Feb 2018 16:57:01 +0100] rev 48964
8197563: assert(is_Loop()) crash in PhaseIdealLoop::try_move_store_before_loop()
Summary: Don't move store out of the loop if head is not a LoopNode.
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
tschatzl [Tue, 13 Feb 2018 16:13:20 +0100] rev 48963
7127700: G1: Replace G1PLAB with PLAB
Reviewed-by: sjohanss, kbarrett
mlarsson [Tue, 13 Feb 2018 14:10:56 +0100] rev 48962
8194994: Remove redundant string streams used for logging
Reviewed-by: rehn, iklam, coleenp
eosterlund [Wed, 10 Jan 2018 22:48:27 +0100] rev 48961
8195103: Refactor out card table from CardTableModRefBS to flatten the BarrierSet hierarchy
Reviewed-by: kbarrett, tschatzl
psomashe [Mon, 12 Feb 2018 16:08:33 -0800] rev 48960
8196308: Update tests AllLineLocations and ClassesByName to use TestScaffold instead of JDIScaffold.
Summary: This is a subtask of JDK-4916621: update tests still using JDIScaffold to us TestScaffold instead.
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, gthornbr
lfoltan [Mon, 12 Feb 2018 14:28:04 -0500] rev 48959
8186211: Negative tests for CONSTANT_Dynamic
Summary: Additional negative tests for poorly formed CONSTANT_Dynamic_info constant pool structures.
Reviewed-by: hseigel, psandoz