2015-12-17 sundar 8145669: apply2call optimized callsite fails after becoming megamorphic
2015-12-14 mhaupt 8144221: fix Nashorn shebang argument handling on Mac/Linux
2015-12-02 lana Merge
2015-11-19 iris Merge
2015-10-26 iris Merge
2015-08-25 iris Merge
2015-08-03 iris Merge
2015-07-13 iris Merge
2015-06-10 ihse Merge
2015-06-10 ihse 8085822: JEP 223: New Version-String Scheme (initial integration)
2015-11-26 sundar 8144051: failing test262parallel run leads to successful build
2015-11-24 attila 8141338: Move jdk.internal.dynalink package to jdk.dynalink
2015-11-11 hannesw 8010803: Number to String conversion functionality overhaul
2015-09-30 sundar 8138643: nashorn ant build.xml javadoc, javadocapi targets are broken and netbeans makefile does not include shell sources
2015-08-13 sundar 8133347: Add makefiles support and basic session, persistence history navigation with jline
2015-07-22 mhaupt 8131142: late-bind check for testng.jar presence in Nashorn test execution
2015-07-02 mhaupt 8130307: improve Nashorn Javadoc target
2015-06-02 mhaupt 8081696: reduce dependency of Nashorn tests on external components
2015-06-02 mhaupt 8080275: transparently download testng.jar for Nashorn testing
2015-06-02 mhaupt 8081668: fix Nashorn ant externals command
2015-05-20 sundar 8080598: Javadoc warnings in after lazy initialization
2015-05-13 mhaupt 8080286: use path separator setting consistently in Nashorn project properties
2015-04-06 sundar 8076972: Several nashorn tests failing
2015-04-03 sundar 8076646: nashorn tests should avoid using package names used by nashorn sources
2015-03-09 sundar 8074671: Nashorn Parser API
2015-02-10 slugovoy 8069182: Nightly test results are empty for targets test262/markdown/testjfx
2014-12-16 sundar 8067636: ant javadoc target is broken
2014-12-05 sundar 8066749: jdk9-dev/nashorn ant build fails with jdk9 modular image build as JAVA_HOME
2014-12-04 sundar 8066683: nashorn test failures after modular image changes
2014-12-03 chegar 8049367: Modular Run-Time Images
2014-11-11 attila 8064467: type info persistence failed to calculate directory name
2014-10-20 sundar 8061257: nashorn ant build script should have a sanity target
2014-10-14 attila 8060238: Reports for optimistic test run overwrite those for pessimistic run
2014-10-09 lagergren 8059811: Turn off optimistic typing by default and add both ant test-pessimistic and ant test-optimistic sub-test suites.
2014-09-04 hannesw 8051889: Implement block scoping in symbol assignment and scope computation
2014-08-25 yan 8055878: Nashorn: all tests failed with AccessControlException
2014-08-21 sundar 8055762: Nashorn misses linker for netscape.javascript.JSObject instances
2014-08-19 sundar 8055395: Nashorn should use source, target to be 1.8 and use ASM5 version for generated code
2014-08-13 sundar 8054993: type info cache may be disabled for test262 and tests explicitly changing that property should use @fork
2014-08-07 sundar 8051346: Test262 tests for ECMAScript 5 now in branch "es5-tests"
2014-07-18 sundar 8051019: Separate src and test execution sandbox directories
2014-07-17 sundar 8050964: should use java.util.Date instead of java.sql.Date
2014-07-01 sundar 8047359: large string size RangeError should be thrown rather than reporting negative length
2014-06-12 sundar 8044517: Run & debug single Nashorn test
2014-06-04 attila 8044502: Get rid of global optimistic flag
2014-06-02 attila Merge
2014-05-28 attila Merge
2014-05-28 lagergren 8044102: Ensure bechmark exclude list for Octane benchmarks is in only one place,, and fix benchmark harness
2014-05-27 lagergren 8044012: Integrate the latest best known performance flags int ant octane jobs, and make sure that it's easy to compare 'ant octane-nashorn' and 'ant octane-v8' at the push of a button. (or rather; the entry of a command line)
2014-05-14 mnunez 8044154: Nashorn : all tests failed with
2014-03-21 attila Merge
2014-02-26 attila 8035820: Optimistic recompilation
2014-05-30 sundar 8044415: ant makefile should have a target to generate javadoc only for jdk.nashorn.api and sub-packages
2014-05-20 sundar 8043443: Test framework changes to run script tests without security manager
2014-05-14 sundar 8043132: Nashorn : all tests failed with
2014-03-28 sundar 8038615: test262 repo is now a git repo in github
2014-03-17 sundar 8037400: Remove getInitialMap getters and GlobalObject interface
2014-03-12 hannesw 8021350: Share script classes between threads/globals within context
2014-02-06 sundar 8033763: Add tests to assert map identity of certain objects
2013-12-12 sundar 8027958: NASHORN TEST: Create tests to test markdown javascript engine work with Nashorn
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